You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1031 lines
39 KiB

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using Arction.Wpf.Charting;
using Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes;
using Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY;
using Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.Models;
using Prism.Commands;
using Prism.Events;
using Prism.Mvvm;
using SharpDX.Direct2D1;
using SharpDX.DirectWrite;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Prism.Regions;
using static System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32;
using ZhaoXi.Advanced.MyRedis.Service;
using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.Redis;
using Arction.Licensing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
public class ChartPlotRealDataViewModel : BindableBase, INavigationAware
Mseed2asciiApi.LoopCallbackHandler loopCallback;
public ChartPlotRealDataViewModel()
_dispatcher = Application.Current.Dispatcher;
_wavesModel = new WavesModel();
(Application.Current.MainWindow as System.Windows.Window).Closing += ApplicationClosingDispose;
loopCallback = new Mseed2asciiApi.LoopCallbackHandler(Mseed2AsciiEvent);
#region 字段
Dispatcher _dispatcher;
public int CurPoints;
int _channelCount = 0;
int _samplingFrequency = 500; // 采样频率 (Hz).
WavesModel _wavesModel;
private int _lChartCount = 1;
public ConcurrentQueue<StationModel> smList=new ConcurrentQueue<StationModel>();
public List<AxisY> _chartAxisY=new List<AxisY>();
private DispatcherTimer dispatcherTimer=new DispatcherTimer();
#region 属性
private string _title = "数据中心";
public string Title
get { return _title; }
SetProperty(ref _title, value);
private bool _isRealtimeData =false;
public bool IsRealtimeData
get { return _isRealtimeData; }
SetProperty(ref _isRealtimeData, value);
private bool _isMultFiles;
public bool IsMultFiles
get { return _isMultFiles; }
SetProperty(ref _isMultFiles, value);
private int _xaisInterval;
public int XaisInterval
get { return _xaisInterval; }
SetProperty(ref _xaisInterval, value);
/// <summary>
/// 波形控件数量
/// </summary>
public int LChartCount
get { return _lChartCount; }
set { _lChartCount = value; }
private LightningChart _lChartAll;
/// <summary>
/// 所有波形
/// </summary>
public LightningChart LChartALL
get { return _lChartAll; }
set { _lChartAll = value; }
private FrameworkElement childContent;
public FrameworkElement ChildContent
get { return childContent; }
set { childContent = value; }
private Grid gridChart;
public Grid GridChart
get { return gridChart; }
set { gridChart = value; }
private StationEventJson _currentEventTime;
public StationEventJson CurrentEventTime
get { return _currentEventTime; }
set { _currentEventTime = value; }
private List<StationAxis> _stationsName;
public List<StationAxis> StationsName
get { return _stationsName; }
set {
SetProperty(ref _stationsName, value);
private string _currentTime;
public string CurrentTime
get { return _currentTime; }
set {
SetProperty(ref _currentTime, value);
private YAxisAutoPlacement _yaxisPlacement;
public YAxisAutoPlacement YaxisPlacement
get { return _yaxisPlacement; }
LChartALL.ViewXY.AxisLayout.YAxisAutoPlacement = value;
int distancetoX =_wavesModel.SetYasixPlacement(LChartALL);
foreach (var item in LChartALL.ViewXY.YAxes)
item.Title.DistanceToAxis = distancetoX;
SetProperty(ref _yaxisPlacement, value);
private int _IntervalTime=10;
public int IntervalTime
get { return _IntervalTime; }
if (value >=10)
dispatcherTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(value);
SetProperty(ref _IntervalTime, value);
private bool _SingleChannel=false;
public bool SingleChannel
get { return _SingleChannel; }
YasixZENVisible("SHZ", false);
YasixZENVisible("SHN", false);
YasixZENVisible("SHE", false);
YasixZENVisible("SHZ", true);
YasixZENVisible("SHN", true);
YasixZENVisible("SHE", true);
YasixZENVisible(SelectChannel, false);
SetProperty(ref _SingleChannel, value);
private string _SelectChannel;
public string SelectChannel
get { return _SelectChannel; }
if (SingleChannel)
YasixZENVisible(_SelectChannel, true);
YasixZENVisible(value, false);
SetProperty(ref _SelectChannel, value);
#region 事件
public DelegateCommand LoadedCommand => new DelegateCommand(Loaded);
public DelegateCommand UnloadedCommand => new DelegateCommand(UnLoaded);
public DelegateCommand<object> AxesYVisibleCommand => new DelegateCommand<object>(AxesYVisible);
public DelegateCommand<object> FileSelectorCommand => new DelegateCommand<object>(FileSelector);
public DelegateCommand<object> OtimeSortCommand => new DelegateCommand<object>(OtimeSort);
public DelegateCommand IntervalSureCommand => new DelegateCommand(IntervalSure);
public DelegateCommand<object> RealTimeDataCommand => new DelegateCommand<object>(RealTimeData);
Dictionary<string,int> subNameList;
private void Loaded()
string station = "N02,N05,N06,N08,N09,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16,N19,N20,N22,N23,N24,N25,N26";//,N07,N08,N09,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16,N17,N18,N19,N20,N21,N22,N23,N24,N25,N26,N27";
var stations = station.Split(',');
smList = _wavesModel.ReadWavesFromJson(stations);
private void UnLoaded()
private void AxesYVisible(object isCheck)
if (_lChartAll != null)
bool yAxesVisible = ((bool)isCheck == true);
foreach (AxisY yAxis in _lChartAll.ViewXY.YAxes)
yAxis.Visible = yAxesVisible;
private void FileSelector(object obj)
IsMultFiles = Convert.ToBoolean(obj);
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog
RestoreDirectory = true,
Filter = ".mseed|*.mseed|.json|*.json|.txt|*.txt",
if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
string asciiSavePath = openFileDialog.FileName.Replace("Mseed", "Txt");
asciiSavePath = Path.ChangeExtension(asciiSavePath, ".txt");
string JsonPath = Path.ChangeExtension(openFileDialog.FileName, "Json");
Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
CurrentEventTime = _wavesModel.ReadChartJsonFile(JsonPath);
smList = _wavesModel.ReadMseedFile(openFileDialog.FileName, asciiSavePath, IsMultFiles);
_channelCount = smList.Count * 3;
CurrentTime = smList.First().BeginTime.ToShortDateString();
StationsName = smList.Select(a => new StationAxis{Name= a.Name,IsChecked=true,SelectCommand =new DelegateCommand<object>(StationsNameVisible)}).ToList();
Debug.WriteLine("统计时间StartChart************{0}", st.Elapsed);
if (CurrentEventTime != null)
_wavesModel.CreateAxisYEventTime(CurrentEventTime, LChartALL.ViewXY, smList.ToList());
private void OtimeSort(object isCheck)
if (_lChartAll != null&& (_chartAxisY.Count!=0))
bool yAxesVisible = ((bool)isCheck == true);
ViewXY v = _lChartAll.ViewXY;
IOrderedEnumerable<LineCollection> lines;
if (yAxesVisible)
lines = v.LineCollections.Where(a => a.Tag != null && a.Tag.ToString().Contains("SHZ")).OrderBy(a => a.Lines[0].AX);
lines = v.LineCollections.Where(a => a.Tag != null && a.Tag.ToString().Contains("SHZ")).OrderByDescending(b => b.Lines[0].AX); ;
int number = v.YAxes.Count / (_chartAxisY.Count / 3);
foreach (var item in lines.Reverse())
int index = item.AssignYAxisIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
if (index == -1) continue; //隐藏轴不需要处理
AxisY axisY = v.YAxes[index + i];
v.YAxes.RemoveAt(index + i);
v.YAxes.Insert(i, axisY);
/// <summary>
/// Y轴的显示和隐藏
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">SHZ,SHN,SHE</param>
/// <param name="yAxesVisible">true 隐藏轴false显示轴</param>
private void YasixZENVisible(string content, bool yAxesVisible)
if (_lChartAll != null)
ViewXY v = _lChartAll.ViewXY;
string conStr = (content == "SHZ") ? ".Z" : (content == "SHN") ? ".N" : ".E";
for (int i = 0; i <_chartAxisY.Count; i++)
AxisY axisY = _chartAxisY[i];
if (axisY.Title.Text.Contains(conStr))
if (yAxesVisible)
var axis= v.YAxes.Where(y => y.Title.Text==axisY.Title.Text).FirstOrDefault();
if (axis != null)
string str = axisY.Title.Text.Replace(conStr, "");
int yIndex = 0;
if (content == "SHZ")
yIndex = v.YAxes.FindIndex(y => y.Title.Text.Contains(str));
else if (content == "SHE")
yIndex = v.YAxes.FindLastIndex(y => y.Title.Text.Contains(str));
if (yIndex != -1) yIndex += 1;
yIndex = v.YAxes.FindIndex(y => y.Title.Text.Contains(str));
if (yIndex != -1)
if (v.YAxes[yIndex].Title.Text.Contains(".Z"))
yIndex = yIndex + 1;
if (yIndex == -1 || (yIndex == v.YAxes.Count))
yIndex = v.YAxes.Count;
v.YAxes.Insert(yIndex, axisY);
int sampleIndex = v.SampleDataSeries.FindIndex(y => y.Title.Text == _chartAxisY[i].Title.Text);
v.SampleDataSeries[sampleIndex].AssignYAxisIndex = yIndex;
int lineIndex = v.LineCollections.FindIndex(a => a.Title.Text.Contains(_chartAxisY[i].Title.Text));
if (lineIndex != -1)
v.LineCollections[lineIndex].AssignYAxisIndex = yIndex;
private void IntervalSure()
if (_lChartAll != null)
if (XaisInterval >= 2)
_lChartAll.ViewXY.XAxes[0].MajorDivCount = XaisInterval;
private void StationsNameVisible(object obj)
var station = obj as StationAxis;
if (_lChartAll != null)
bool yAxesVisible = (station.IsChecked == false);
ViewXY v = _lChartAll.ViewXY;
var yAxisList= _chartAxisY.Where(y => y.Title.Text.Contains(station.Name));
foreach (var item in yAxisList)
if (yAxesVisible)
//SampleDataSeries查找数据对应的Y轴索引, 重新分配到对应的轴
int sampleIndex = v.SampleDataSeries.FindIndex(s => s.Title.Text == item.Title.Text);
v.SampleDataSeries[sampleIndex].AssignYAxisIndex = v.YAxes.Count()-1;
//LineCollections查找数据对应的Y轴索引, 重新分配到对应的轴
int lineIndex = v.LineCollections.FindIndex(s => s.Title.Text.Contains(item.Title.Text));
if (lineIndex != -1)
v.LineCollections[lineIndex].AssignYAxisIndex = v.YAxes.Count() - 1;
private void RealTimeData(object isCheck)
_channelCount = smList.Count * 3;
CurrentTime = smList.First().BeginTime.ToShortDateString();
StationsName = smList.Select(a => new StationAxis { Name = a.Name, IsChecked = true, SelectCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(StationsNameVisible) }).ToList();
if (_lChartAll != null)
bool isStartRealData = (Convert.ToBoolean(isCheck) == true);
if (smList.Count == 0)
if (isStartRealData)
_data = CreateInputData(_channelCount, _samplingFrequency);
//Set real-time monitoring automatic old data destruction
LChartALL.ViewXY.DropOldSeriesData = true;
_pointsAppended = LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].Minimum;
dispatcherTimer.Tick -= CompositionTarget_Rendering;
dispatcherTimer.Tick += CompositionTarget_Rendering;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].ScrollMode = XAxisScrollMode.Scrolling;
using (RedisListService service = new RedisListService())
foreach (var subName in subNameList)
foreach (var subName in subNameList)
Task.Run(() =>
using (RedisListService service = new RedisListService())
service.Subscribe(subName.Key, (c, message, iRedisSubscription) =>
Mseed2asciiApi.bufferMseedData(message.Length, message);
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].ScrollMode = XAxisScrollMode.None;
dispatcherTimer.Tick -= CompositionTarget_Rendering;
using (RedisListService service = new RedisListService())
foreach (var subName in subNameList)
private void Mseed2AsciiEvent(AsciiDataStruct asciiData)
byte[] bytes = new byte[asciiData.numsamples * asciiData.samplesize];
// IntPtr bufferHandler = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)asciiData.datasize);
Marshal.Copy(asciiData.datasamples, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
List<double> lines = new List<double>();
string[] sid = asciiData.sid.Split('_');
string name = $"HA.{sid[1]}.{sid[2]}.{sid[3]}{sid[4]}{sid[5]}";
if (asciiData.sampletype == 'i')
for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length; index += 4)
var a = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, index);
string lineStr= String.Join(",", lines);
//else if (asciiData.sampletype == 'f')
// for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length; index += 4)
// {
// var b = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, index);
// lines.Add(b);
// }
//else if (asciiData.sampletype == 'd')
// for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length; index += 8)
// {
// var b = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, index);
// lines.Add(b);
// }
using (RedisListService service = new RedisListService())
// string data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
service.RPush(name, lineStr);
private void CreateChart()
if (LChartALL != null)
LChartALL = null;
LChartALL = new LightningChart();
LChartALL.Title.Align = ChartTitleAlignment.TopCenter;
LChartALL.ChartRenderOptions.DeviceType = RendererDeviceType.AutoPreferD11;
LChartALL.ChartRenderOptions.LineAAType2D = LineAntiAliasingType.QLAA;
LChartALL.Title.Text = "事件波形";
LChartALL.Title.Font = new WpfFont("等线", 20);
LChartALL.ViewXY.AxisLayout.YAxesLayout = YAxesLayout.Stacked;
LChartALL.ViewXY.AxisLayout.SegmentsGap = 0;
LChartALL.ViewXY.ZoomPanOptions.PanDirection = PanDirection.Horizontal;
LChartALL.ViewXY.ZoomPanOptions.WheelZooming = WheelZooming.Horizontal;
LChartALL.ViewXY.AxisLayout.YAxisAutoPlacement = YAxisAutoPlacement.AllRight;
LChartALL.ViewXY.AxisLayout.YAxisTitleAutoPlacement = false;
LChartALL.ViewXY.AxisLayout.AutoAdjustMargins = false;
LChartALL.ViewXY.ZoomPanOptions.DevicePrimaryButtonAction = UserInteractiveDeviceButtonAction.Pan;
LChartALL.ViewXY.ZoomPanOptions.DeviceSecondaryButtonAction = UserInteractiveDeviceButtonAction.None;
LChartALL.ViewXY.ZoomPanOptions.WheelZooming = WheelZooming.Horizontal;
// 反锯齿系数。值0和1都不会应用反锯齿
LChartALL.ChartRenderOptions.AntiAliasLevel = 0;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].AllowScrolling = true;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].PanningEnabled = true;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].MajorGrid.Pattern = LinePattern.Solid;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].ValueType = AxisValueType.DateTime;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].KeepDivCountOnRangeChange = true;
//LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].MajorDiv =6;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].LabelsColor = Colors.Black;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].AutoDivSpacing = false;
LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].MajorDivCount = 5;
XaisInterval = 5;
LChartALL.ViewXY.GraphBackground.Color = Colors.White;
LChartALL.ViewXY.GraphBackground.GradientColor = Colors.White;
LChartALL.ChartBackground.GradientFill = GradientFill.Solid;
LChartALL.ChartBackground.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
GridChart = new Grid();
GridChart.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
GridChart.Name = "chartGrid";
this.ChildContent = GridChart;
private void StartChart()
subNameList = new Dictionary<string, int>();
ViewXY v = LChartALL.ViewXY;
LChartALL.SizeChanged -= LChartALL_SizeChanged;
LChartALL.SizeChanged += LChartALL_SizeChanged;
LChartALL.ViewXY.Zoomed -= ViewXY_Zoomed;
LChartALL.ViewXY.Zoomed += ViewXY_Zoomed;
LChartALL.ViewXY.Panned -= ViewXY_Panned;
LChartALL.ViewXY.Panned += ViewXY_Panned;
v.Margins=new Thickness(60, 30, 60, 60);
v.YAxes.AddRange(_wavesModel.CreateYAxisChart(smList.ToList(), LChartALL));
v.LegendBoxes[0].Position = LegendBoxPositionXY.RightCenter;
v.LegendBoxes[0].Offset.SetValues(-10, 180);
v.LegendBoxes[0].Layout = LegendBoxLayout.Vertical;
v.LegendBoxes[0].Visible = false;
v.LegendBoxes[0].Shadow.Color = Colors.Transparent;
v.LegendBoxes[0].BorderColor = Colors.Transparent;
v.AutoSpaceLegendBoxes = true;
v.AxisLayout.SegmentsGap = 3;
v.LegendBoxes[0].Shadow.Visible = false;
StationModel stationModel = smList.First();
var beginTime= stationModel.BeginTime;
if (AxisValueType.DateTime == v.XAxes[0].ValueType)
v.XAxes[0].AutoFormatLabels = false;
v.XAxes[0].LabelsTimeFormat = "HH:mm:ss.ff";
v.XAxes[0].DateOriginYear = beginTime.Year;
v.XAxes[0].DateOriginDay = beginTime.Day;
v.XAxes[0].DateOriginMonth = beginTime.Month;
DateTime MaxDateTime = beginTime.AddSeconds(_samplingFrequency == 500 ? 30 : 60);
v.XAxes[0].SetRange(v.XAxes[0].DateTimeToAxisValue(beginTime), v.XAxes[0].DateTimeToAxisValue(MaxDateTime));
double firstSampleTimeStamp = v.XAxes[0].DateTimeToAxisValue(beginTime);
int count = stationModel.Dzne.Count;
int number= smList.Count*3;
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
int seriesIndex = i;
AxisY axisY = v.YAxes[seriesIndex];
axisY.LabelsColor = Colors.Black;
axisY.Title.Shadow.DropColor = Colors.Transparent;
// axisY.Title.Shadow.ContrastColor = Colors.Transparent;
axisY.Title.AllowDragging = true;
axisY.AllowAutoYFit = true;
axisY.Units.Visible = false;
axisY.LabelsFont.Size = 10;
axisY.Title.Angle = 0;
axisY.MinorGrid.Visible = false;
axisY.AutoDivSpacing = false;
axisY.MajorDivCount = 2;
// axisY.MajorDiv = 1;
axisY.MinorDivTickStyle.Visible = false;
axisY.MajorGrid.Visible = true;
axisY.MajorGrid.Pattern = LinePattern.Solid;
axisY.MajorDivTickStyle.Alignment = seriesIndex % 2 == 0 ? Alignment.Near : Alignment.Far;
// axisY.MajorDivTickStyle.LineLength = 6;
axisY.MajorDivTickStyle.Color = Colors.Black;
axisY.Title.Color = Colors.Black;
axisY.Title.Font = new WpfFont("Segoe UI", 10, false, false);
axisY.PanningEnabled = false;
axisY.AllowScrolling = true;
axisY.AllowScaling = true;
SampleDataSeries series = new SampleDataSeries(v, v.XAxes[0], axisY);
series.ShowInLegendBox = false;
series.FirstSampleTimeStamp = firstSampleTimeStamp;
series.SamplingFrequency = _samplingFrequency;
series.Title.Text = axisY.Title.Text;
series.SampleFormat = SampleFormat.DoubleFloat;
string subName = string.Empty;
string name = axisY.Title.Text.Substring(2,3);
if (seriesIndex % 3 == 0)
subName = $"HA.{name}.06.SHZ";
series.LineStyle.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.DeepSkyBlue;
else if (seriesIndex % 3 == 1)
subName = $"HA.{name}.06.SHN";
series.LineStyle.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.OrangeRed;
else if (seriesIndex % 3 == 2)
subName = $"HA.{name}.06.SHE";
series.LineStyle.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.ForestGreen;
series.LineStyle.Width = 0.2;
series.ScrollModePointsKeepLevel = 1;
//series.ScrollingStabilizing = true;
private void ViewXY_Panned(object sender, PannedXYEventArgs e)
foreach (var item in LChartALL.ViewXY.LineCollections)
double b = LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].ValueToCoordD(item.Lines[0].AX) - 80;
item.Title.Offset.SetValues((int)b, 3);
private void ViewXY_Zoomed(object sender, ZoomedXYEventArgs e)
foreach (var item in LChartALL.ViewXY.LineCollections)
double b = LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].ValueToCoordD(item.Lines[0].AX) - 80;
item.Title.Offset.SetValues((int)b, 3);
private void LChartALL_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
int distancetoX = _wavesModel.SetYasixPlacement(LChartALL);
foreach (var item in LChartALL.ViewXY.YAxes)
item.Title.DistanceToAxis = distancetoX;
foreach (var item in LChartALL.ViewXY.LineCollections)
double b = LChartALL.ViewXY.XAxes[0].ValueToCoordD(item.Lines[0].AX)-80;
item.Title.Offset.SetValues((int)b, 3);
private void FeedDatasToChart()
_data = new double[smList.Count * 3][];
for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < smList.Count; channelIndex++)
_data[channelIndex * 3] = smList.ElementAt(channelIndex).dz.ToArray();
_data[channelIndex * 3 + 1] = smList.ElementAt(channelIndex).dn.ToArray();
_data[channelIndex * 3 + 2] = smList.ElementAt(channelIndex).de.ToArray();
// Invoke FeedNewDataToChart.
_dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < _channelCount; channelIndex++)
LChartALL.ViewXY.SampleDataSeries[channelIndex].AddSamples(_data[channelIndex], true);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private void ApplicationClosingDispose(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (LChartALL != null)
LChartALL = null;
private void DisposeAllAndClear<T>(List<T> list) where T : IDisposable
if (list == null)
while (list.Count > 0)
int lastInd = list.Count - 1;
T item = list[lastInd]; // take item ref from list.
list.RemoveAt(lastInd); // remove item first
if (item != null)
(item as IDisposable).Dispose(); // then dispose it.
public void Dispose()
if (LChartALL != null)
LChartALL = null;
#region 实时数据
private void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void RenderNextFrame()
if (_lChartAll == null)
_dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
int _iRound = 0;
double _pointsAppended = 0;
double[][] _data;
int PreGenerateDataForRoundCount = 6;
//Y axis minimum
private const double YMin = 0;
//Y axis maximum
private const double YMax = 10;
private double[][] CreateInputData(int seriesCount, int appendCountPerRound)
//Create input data for all series.
double[][] data = new double[seriesCount][];
// System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, seriesCount, (seriesIndex) =>
for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < seriesCount; seriesIndex++)
int dataPointCount = PreGenerateDataForRoundCount * appendCountPerRound;
double[] seriesData = new double[dataPointCount];
double seriesIndexPlus1 = seriesIndex + 1;
Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks / (seriesIndex + 1));
double y = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < dataPointCount; i++)
y = y - 0.05 + rand.NextDouble() / 10.0;
if (y > YMax)
y = YMax;
if (y < YMin)
y = YMin;
seriesData[i] = (float)y;
data[seriesIndex] = seriesData;
return data;
private void FeedData()
if (_lChartAll != null)
//Append data to series
using (RedisListService service = new RedisListService())
foreach (var item in subNameList)
string data= service.BlockingDequeueItemFromList(item.Key, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));
if(data == null)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("***********注册:{0},没有收到数据,time:{1}", item.Key, DateTime.Now);
// byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
// List<double> thisSeriesData = new List<double>();
var thisSeriesData = data.Split(',').Select(a=>Convert.ToDouble(a)).ToArray();
// if (asciiData.sampletype == 'i')
//for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length; index += 4)
// int a = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, index);
// thisSeriesData.Add(a);
_lChartAll.ViewXY.SampleDataSeries[subNameList[item.Key]].AddSamples(thisSeriesData, false);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("***********index:{0}, pointCount:{1},time:{2}", subNameList[item.Key],
_lChartAll.ViewXY.SampleDataSeries[subNameList[item.Key]].PointCount, DateTime.Now);
//System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, _channelCount, (seriesIndex) =>
// double[] thisSeriesData = _data[seriesIndex];
// double[] dataToAppendNow = new double[_samplingFrequency];
// Array.Copy(thisSeriesData, 0, dataToAppendNow, 0, _samplingFrequency);
// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("***********index:{0}, pointCount:{1},time:{2}", seriesIndex,
// _lChartAll.ViewXY.SampleDataSeries[seriesIndex].PointCount, DateTime.Now);
_pointsAppended += 1;
//Set X axis real-time scrolling position
double lastX = _pointsAppended;
_lChartAll.ViewXY.XAxes[0].ScrollPosition = lastX;
//Update sweep bands
if (_lChartAll.ViewXY.XAxes[0].ScrollMode == XAxisScrollMode.Sweeping)
//Dark band of old page fading away
double pageLen = _lChartAll.ViewXY.XAxes[0].Maximum - _lChartAll.ViewXY.XAxes[0].Minimum;
double sweepGapWidth = pageLen / 20.0;
_lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[0].SetValues(lastX - pageLen, lastX - pageLen + sweepGapWidth);
if (_lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[0].Visible == false)
_lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[0].Visible = true;
//Bright new page band
_lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[1].SetValues(lastX - sweepGapWidth / 6, lastX);
if (_lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[1].Visible == false)
_lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[1].Visible = true;
//Hide sweeping bands if not in sweeping mode
//if (_lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[0].Visible == true)
// _lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[0].Visible = false;
//if (_lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[1].Visible == true)
// _lChartAll.ViewXY.Bands[1].Visible = false;
public void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext)
var str= navigationContext.Parameters.GetValue<string>("model");
if(str == "实时波形")
IsRealtimeData = true;
IsRealtimeData = false;
public bool IsNavigationTarget(NavigationContext navigationContext)
return true;
public void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationContext navigationContext)