
mzhifa 1 year ago
parent 65f946fb3b
commit f303948b48

@ -94,42 +94,6 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Models
public string clusted_otime { get; set; }
// public string delaytime { get; set; }
public List<StationControlModel> CreateStationFromCSV(string fn)
if (!File.Exists(fn)) return null;
List<StationControlModel> stations = new List<StationControlModel>();
Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions lo = new TxtLoadOptions();
lo.Encoding = Encoding.Default;//设置编码方式
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(fn, lo);
workbook.FileFormat = FileFormatType.Csv;//可在此配置Excel文件类型
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];//默认第一个Sheet页
Cells cells = worksheet.Cells;
DataTable dt = cells.ExportDataTableAsString(0, 0, cells.MaxDataRow + 1, cells.MaxColumn + 1, true);
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
DataRow row = dt.Rows[i];
StationControlModel model = new StationControlModel();
model.NetWork = row[0].ToString();
model.Num = row[1].ToString();
model.Coordinate = new Coordinate3D(double.Parse(row[2].ToString()), double.Parse(row[3].ToString()), double.Parse(row[4].ToString()));
model.Sens = double.Parse(row[5].ToString());
model.BeginUseTime = DateTime.Parse(row[6].ToString());
model.StopUseTime = DateTime.Parse(row[7].ToString());
// model.Location = this.StationConfig.Location;
workbook = null;
worksheet = null;
return stations;
public class TTime : BindableBase
@ -139,26 +103,22 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Models
public string station { get; set; }
public string ttime { get; set; }
// [JsonProperty("ttime")]
// public string ttime { get; set; }
public string ttime2d { get => ttime2d1;
set => SetProperty(ref ttime2d1, value);
public class StationChannelsModel : BindableBase
public class StationChannelsModel
private string station1;
public string network { get; set; }
public string location { get; set; }
public string channels { get; set; }
public string station { get => station1;
set => SetProperty(ref station1, value);
public string station { get ; set; }

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Models
public static string systemConfigPath = "SystemConfig.json";
public static string serverVision = "20230517";
public const string workareaPath = "serverprogram\\workarea";
public SystemConfigModel ReadSystemJsonFile(string jsonFile)

@ -43,9 +43,5 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Models
/// 系统日志路径
/// </summary>
public string SystemLogPath { get => systemLogPath; set => SetProperty(ref systemLogPath, value); }
/// <summary>
/// 数据存储路径
/// </summary>
public string DataSavePath { get => dataSavePath; set => SetProperty(ref dataSavePath, value); }

@ -7,18 +7,17 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Aspose.Cells;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Prism.Mvvm;
namespace StartServerWPF.Models
public class WorkareaModel
public StationConfigModel StationConfig { get; set; }
public List<StationControlModel> Stations { get; set; }
public class WorkareaModelArray
public int selectIndex { get; set; }
public List<WorkareaModel> workarea { get;set;}
public List<StationControlModel> CreateStationFromCSV(string fn)
public List<StationControlModel> CreateStationFromCSV(string fn,string location)
if (!File.Exists(fn)) return null;
List<StationControlModel> stations = new List<StationControlModel>();
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Models
model.Sens = double.Parse(row[5].ToString());
model.BeginUseTime = DateTime.Parse(row[6].ToString());
model.StopUseTime = DateTime.Parse(row[7].ToString());
model.Location = location;
@ -54,24 +53,72 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Models
return stations;
public class WorkareaModel : BindableBase
private string workareaname1;
private bool apmpush2wx1;
private bool toolpush2wx1;
private string savepath1;
private string chartsavepath1;
private string apmsavepath1;
private string toolsavepath1;
private int delayTime1;
private ApmsModel apmModel1;
public string workareaname { get => workareaname1; set => SetProperty(ref workareaname1, value); }
public string savepath { get => savepath1; set => SetProperty(ref savepath1, value); }
public string chartsavepath { get => chartsavepath1; set => SetProperty(ref chartsavepath1, value); }
public string apmsavepath { get => apmsavepath1; set => SetProperty(ref apmsavepath1, value); }
public string toolsavepath { get => toolsavepath1; set => SetProperty(ref toolsavepath1, value); }
public bool apmpush2wx { get => apmpush2wx1; set => SetProperty(ref apmpush2wx1, value); }
public bool toolpush2wx { get => toolpush2wx1; set => SetProperty(ref toolpush2wx1, value); }
public int delayTime { get => delayTime1; set => SetProperty(ref delayTime1, value); }
public class StationConfigModel
public ApmsModel apmModel { get => apmModel1; set => SetProperty(ref apmModel1, value); }
public StationConfigModel StationConfig { get; set; }
public class StationConfigModel: BindableBase
private List<StationState> stations1;
public string Network { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public string[] Channels { get; set; }
public string Channels { get; set; }
public string StationCoordCsvPath { get; set; }
public List<StationState> Stations { get => stations1; set => SetProperty(ref stations1, value); }
public class StationState: BindableBase
private string name;
private bool isEnable;
public string Name { get => name; set => SetProperty(ref name, value); }
public bool IsEnable { get => isEnable; set => SetProperty(ref isEnable, value); }
public class Coordinate3D
@ -93,9 +140,4 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Models
Z= z;
public enum WellType

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main

@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Prism.Commands;
using Prism.Ioc;
using Prism.Mvvm;
using Prism.Services.Dialogs;
using StartServerWPF.Models;
using StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.ViewModels
public class DataProcessViewModel : BindableBase
public DataProcessViewModel(MainViewModel mainViewModel, SystemConfigModel configModel, WorkareaModelArray modelArray)
this._mainViewModel = mainViewModel;
this._systemConfig = configModel;
this.modelArray = modelArray;
private string _title = "应用列表";
public string Title => _title;
private readonly MainViewModel _mainViewModel;
private SystemConfigModel _systemConfig;
private readonly WorkareaModelArray modelArray;
private WorkareaModel _workareaModel;
private string _dataPath;
public string DataPath
get => _dataPath;
set { SetProperty(ref _dataPath, value); }
private string _savePath;
public string SavePath
get => _savePath;
set { SetProperty(ref _savePath, value); }
private DateTime _startSelectedDate;
public DateTime StartSelectedDate
get => _startSelectedDate;
set { SetProperty(ref _startSelectedDate, value); }
private DateTime _endSelectedDate;
public DateTime EndSelectedDate
get => _endSelectedDate;
set { SetProperty(ref _endSelectedDate, value); }
private int _wareaSelectedIndex;
public int WareaSelectedIndex
get => _wareaSelectedIndex;
if (value >= 0)
_workareaModel = modelArray.workarea[value];
SetProperty(ref _wareaSelectedIndex, value);
private ObservableCollection<string> _workareaNameSource;
public ObservableCollection<string> WorkareaNameSource
get => _workareaNameSource;
set { SetProperty(ref _workareaNameSource, value); }
private ObservableCollection<MsEventModel> _apmsEventSource = new ObservableCollection<MsEventModel>();
public ObservableCollection<MsEventModel> ApmsEventSource
get => _apmsEventSource;
set => SetProperty(ref _apmsEventSource, value);
public DelegateCommand LoadedCommand => new(() =>
StartSelectedDate = DateTime.Now;
EndSelectedDate = DateTime.Now;
this._workareaModel = modelArray.workarea[modelArray.selectIndex];
WorkareaNameSource = new ObservableCollection<string>();
modelArray.workarea.Select(n => n.workareaname).ToList().ForEach(a => WorkareaNameSource.Add(a));
WareaSelectedIndex = modelArray.selectIndex;
public DelegateCommand<object> SelectFileCommand => new((obj) =>
string para = obj.ToString();
System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
// fbd.SelectedPath = MainModel.DataSavePath;
fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = true;
if (fbd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
string path = fbd.SelectedPath.Replace("\\", "/");
if (para == "SavePath")
SavePath = path;
else if (para == "DataPath")
DataPath = path;
public ICommand StartCommand
get => new DelegateCommand(() =>
// 数据校验关键字段不能为空、年龄做数字区间的校验、做UserName的唯一检查自定义特性检查
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataPath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(SavePath))
MessageBox.Show("内容不能为空", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OK);
if (MessageBox.Show("确认修改?", "参数设置", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel,
MessageBoxImage.Exclamation) == MessageBoxResult.OK)
var time = (EndSelectedDate - StartSelectedDate);
if (time.TotalMinutes < 1)
MessageBox.Show("结束时间必需大于开始时间", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OK);
DateTime dateTime = StartSelectedDate;
string temPath = Path.GetPathRoot( _workareaModel.savepath) + "temPath";
if (!Directory.Exists(temPath))
while ((EndSelectedDate - dateTime).TotalMinutes >= 1)
string path = Path.GetFullPath($"{DataPath}\\{dateTime.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}\\{dateTime.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}\\{dateTime.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}\\{dateTime.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}");
dateTime= dateTime.AddMinutes(1);
if( !Directory.Exists(path))
var mseedFiles = new DirectoryInfo(path).EnumerateFiles("*.mseed");
// var mseedFiles = files.Where(i => i.Extension == ".mseed");
Parallel.ForEach(mseedFiles, (item) =>
File.Copy(item.FullName, Path.Combine( temPath, item.Name), true);
ProcessInfo process = _systemConfig.dataProTools;
int index = process.ProParams.IndexOf("-wave");
string str = process.ProParams.Substring(0, index) + "-wave";
process.ProParams = $"{str} {temPath}";
ApmsModel tools = _workareaModel.apmModel;
// tools.savepath = SavePath; // _workareaModel.savepath + "/" +SavePath;;
tools.station = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, _workareaModel.apmModel.station)).Replace("\\", "/");
tools.ttime[0].ttime2d = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, _workareaModel.apmModel.ttime[0].ttime2d)).Replace("\\", "/");
tools.push2wx = _workareaModel.toolpush2wx ? "YES" : "NO";
tools.channels = new List<StationChannelsModel>
new StationChannelsModel()
location = _workareaModel.StationConfig.Location,
network = _workareaModel.StationConfig.Network,
channels = _workareaModel.StationConfig.Channels,
station = string.Join(",", _workareaModel.StationConfig.Stations.Where(p => p.IsEnable).Select(n => n.Name))
JsonParser.WriteSystemConfigFile(Path.Combine(_systemConfig.dataProTools.ProPath, "apms.json"), tools);
private bool CMDStartProcess(ProcessInfo proInfo)
//* Create your Process
Process process = new Process();
process.Exited += Process_Exited;
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process.StartInfo.FileName = Path.GetFullPath(proInfo.ProPath + proInfo.ProName + ".exe");
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(proInfo.ProPath);
process.StartInfo.Arguments = proInfo.ProParams;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
//* Set your output and error (asynchronous) handlers
//* Start process and handlers
bool res = process.Start();
// process.WaitForExit();
return res;
private void Process_Exited(object? sender, EventArgs e)
var fileName = Directory.GetFiles(SavePath, "*.index");
if (!File.Exists( fileName.FirstOrDefault()))
string[] text = File.ReadAllLines(fileName.FirstOrDefault());
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
foreach (var item in text)
ApmsEventSource.Add(new MsEventModel(item));
/// <summary>
/// 启动进程
/// </summary>
/// <param name="proInfo"></param>
/// <returns>进程启动返回值</returns>
public int StartProcess(ProcessInfo proInfo)
bool res = CMDStartProcess(proInfo);
int seInd = res ? 0 : 37;
return seInd;
/// <summary>
/// 结束进程
/// </summary>
/// <param name="processInfo"></param>
/// <returns>0=成功;1=未找到进程;-1=失败</returns>
public int KillProcess(ProcessInfo processInfo)
int ri = 0;
if (processInfo != null)
if (processInfo.ProName != null)
Process[] localByName = Process.GetProcessesByName(processInfo.ProName);
if (localByName.Length == 0)
ri = 1;
return ri;
foreach (var item in localByName)
return ri;
catch (Exception)
return -1;
return 0;
return 0;

@ -34,15 +34,8 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.ViewModels
Message = "View A" ;
Console.WriteLine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + JsonParser.systemConfigPath);
_systemConfig = systemConfig;
// int moniTimeInd = sc.proMonitor.ProParams.IndexOf("-btime");
// string moniTimeStr = sc.proMonitor.ProParams.Substring(moniTimeInd + 7);
// int moniTimeIndEnd = moniTimeStr.IndexOf(">");
//moniTimeStr = moniTimeStr.Substring(0, moniTimeIndEnd - 1);
// MoniStartTime = DateTime.Parse(moniTimeStr);
JsonParser.UpdateApmsJson(_systemConfig.proApms.ProPath + "apms.json", _systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath);
JsonParser.UpdateRecvJson(_systemConfig.proRecv.ProPath + "gw.recvftp.json", _systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath);
// sc.proMonitor.ProParams = JsonParser.CreateMonitorStartParam(sc.vpnInfo.DataSavePath, MoniStartTime);
StartTime = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine(_systemConfig.remoteDb.ServerAddress + "\t" + _systemConfig.remoteDb.ServerPort

@ -58,15 +58,9 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.ViewModels
updateJson = false;
System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
fbd.SelectedPath = MainModel.DataSavePath;
fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = true;
if (fbd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
MainModel.DataSavePath = fbd.SelectedPath;
if (MainModel.DataSavePath != _systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath)
updateJson = true;
public DelegateCommand LogPathSaveCommand=> new(() =>
@ -101,11 +95,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.ViewModels
JsonParser.WriteSystemConfigFile(JsonParser.systemConfigPath, _systemConfig);
if (updateJson)
JsonParser.UpdateRecvJson(_systemConfig.proRecv.ProPath + _systemConfig.proRecv.JsonPath, _systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath);
JsonParser.UpdateApmsJson(_systemConfig.proApms.ProPath + _systemConfig.proApms.JsonPath, _systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath);
RequestClose?.Invoke(new DialogResult(ButtonResult.OK));

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
@ -19,103 +21,56 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.ViewModels
public class SetParamViewModel : BindableBase
public SetParamViewModel(MainViewModel mainViewModel,SystemConfigModel configModel)
public SetParamViewModel(SystemConfigModel configModel, WorkareaModelArray workareaModelArray)
_systemConfig = configModel;
this._workareaModelArray = workareaModelArray;
MainModel = _systemConfig.vpnInfo;
MoniTime = mainViewModel.MoniStartTime;
string sapm = File.ReadAllText(configModel.proApms.ProPath+ "apms.json");
AModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ApmsModel>(sapm);
ApmsJsonName = _systemConfig.proApms.JsonPath;
var apmsStation = ToolsModel.CreateStationFromCSV(configModel.proApms.ProPath + AModel.station);
ApmsStationSource = new ObservableCollection<StationControlModel>();
foreach (var item in apmsStation)
if (item.Enable)
IsApmswxNotity = AModel.push2wx == "NO" ? false : true;
string tool = File.ReadAllText(configModel.proTools.ProPath + "apms.json");
ToolsModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ApmsModel>(tool);
ToolsJsonName = _systemConfig.proTools.JsonPath;
var st= ToolsModel.CreateStationFromCSV(configModel.proTools.ProPath + AModel.station);
ToolsStationSource = new ObservableCollection<StationControlModel>();
foreach (var item in st)
if (item.Enable)
IsToolswxNotity = ToolsModel.push2wx == "NO" ? false : true;
int index= _systemConfig.proTools.ProParams.IndexOf("-delay");
int.TryParse (_systemConfig.proTools.ProParams.Substring(index+ "-delay".Length), out int Time);
DelayTime = Time/60;
WorkareaNameSource = new ObservableCollection<string>();
_workareaModelArray.workarea.Select(n=>n.workareaname).ToList().ForEach(a=> WorkareaNameSource.Add(a));
WareaSelectedIndex = _workareaModelArray.selectIndex;
WareaModel = _workareaModelArray.workarea[WareaSelectedIndex];
private string _title = "应用列表";
public string Title => _title;
string apmStationFile = string.Empty;
string apmttime2dFile = string.Empty;
private SystemConfigModel _systemConfig;
private string _apmsJsonName;
public string ApmsJsonName
private readonly WorkareaModelArray _workareaModelArray;
private ObservableCollection<string> _workareaNameSource;
public ObservableCollection<string> WorkareaNameSource
get => _apmsJsonName;
set { SetProperty(ref _apmsJsonName, value); }
get => _workareaNameSource;
set { SetProperty(ref _workareaNameSource, value); }
private bool _isApmswxNotity;
public bool IsApmswxNotity
private int _wareaSelectedIndex;
public int WareaSelectedIndex
get => _isApmswxNotity;
set { SetProperty(ref _isApmswxNotity, value); }
private ApmsModel _apmsModel = new ApmsModel();
public ApmsModel AModel
get => _wareaSelectedIndex;
set {
if (value >= 0)
get => _apmsModel;
set { SetProperty(ref _apmsModel, value); }
WareaModel = _workareaModelArray.workarea[value];
private string _toolsJsonName;
public string ToolsJsonName
get => _toolsJsonName;
set { SetProperty(ref _toolsJsonName, value); }
SetProperty(ref _wareaSelectedIndex, value);
private ApmsModel _toolsModel = new ApmsModel();
public ApmsModel ToolsModel
get => _toolsModel;
set { SetProperty(ref _toolsModel, value); }
private bool _isToolswxNotity;
public bool IsToolswxNotity
private WorkareaModel _wareaModel = new WorkareaModel();
public WorkareaModel WareaModel
get => _isToolswxNotity;
set { SetProperty(ref _isToolswxNotity, value); }
get => _wareaModel;
set { SetProperty(ref _wareaModel, value); }
private int _delayTime;
public int DelayTime
private string _addWorkareaName;
public string AddWorkareaName
get => _delayTime;
set { SetProperty(ref _delayTime, value); }
get => _addWorkareaName;
set { SetProperty(ref _addWorkareaName, value); }
private ObservableCollection<StationControlModel> _toolsStationSource;
public ObservableCollection<StationControlModel> ToolsStationSource
{ get => _toolsStationSource; set => SetProperty(ref _toolsStationSource, value); }
private ObservableCollection<StationControlModel> _ApmsStationSource;
public ObservableCollection<StationControlModel> ApmsStationSource
{ get => _ApmsStationSource; set => SetProperty(ref _ApmsStationSource, value); }
private VpnInfo _mainModel = new VpnInfo();
public VpnInfo MainModel
@ -123,74 +78,70 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.ViewModels
set { SetProperty(ref _mainModel, value); }
private DateTime _moniTime ;
public DateTime MoniTime
public DelegateCommand LoadedCommand => new(() =>
apmStationFile = string.Empty;
apmttime2dFile = string.Empty;
public DelegateCommand AddItemCommand => new(() =>
get => _moniTime;
set { SetProperty(ref _moniTime, value); }
string strJson= JsonConvert.SerializeObject(WareaModel, Formatting.Indented);
WorkareaModel workarea = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WorkareaModel>(strJson);
workarea.workareaname = AddWorkareaName;
var mod = _workareaModelArray.workarea.Where(w => w.workareaname == _addWorkareaName).FirstOrDefault();
if (mod != null)
workarea.chartsavepath = "EVT2014";
workarea.apmsavepath = "NET2014";
workarea.toolsavepath = "post";
workarea.StationConfig.Stations.ForEach(w => { w.IsEnable= true; });
public DelegateCommand<object> SelectFileCommand => new((obj) =>
string para = obj.ToString();
System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog fbd = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
fbd.Multiselect = false;
if (para.Contains("apms"))
fbd.InitialDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(_systemConfig.proApms.ProPath);
fbd.InitialDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(_systemConfig.proTools.ProPath);
// fbd.InitialDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(_wareaModel.savepath);
if (fbd.ShowDialog()== System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
switch (para)
case "apmsStation":
AModel.station = fbd.SafeFileName;
WareaModel.apmModel.savepath = fbd.SafeFileName;
apmStationFile = fbd.FileName;
case "apmsttime2d":
AModel.ttime[0].ttime2d = fbd.SafeFileName;
WareaModel.apmModel.ttime[0].ttime2d = fbd.SafeFileName;
apmttime2dFile = fbd.FileName;
case "toolsStation":
ToolsModel.station = fbd.SafeFileName;
case "toolsttime2d":
ToolsModel.ttime[0].ttime2d = fbd.SafeFileName;
public DelegateCommand<object> FilePathSaveCommand=> new((obj)=>
string para= obj.ToString();
System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
fbd.SelectedPath = MainModel.DataSavePath;
// fbd.SelectedPath = MainModel.DataSavePath;
fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = true;
if (fbd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
string path= fbd.SelectedPath.Replace("\\", "/");
if (para == "systemSavepath")
MainModel.DataSavePath = path;
else if(para == "apmssavepath")
AModel.savepath = path;
else if(para == "toolssavepath")
if (para == "savepath")
ToolsModel.savepath = path;
WareaModel.savepath = path;
@ -202,7 +153,6 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.ViewModels
fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = true;
if (fbd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
MainModel.SystemLogPath = fbd.SelectedPath;
@ -220,37 +170,60 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.ViewModels
if (MessageBox.Show("确认修改?", "参数设置", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel,
MessageBoxImage.Exclamation) == MessageBoxResult.OK)
AModel.channels[0].station = string.Join(",", ApmsStationSource.Where(p => p.Enable).Select(a => a.Num));
if (_systemConfig.proApms.JsonPath != ApmsJsonName)
//1 Workarea配置更新
string wmJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_workareaModelArray, Formatting.Indented);
_wareaModel.apmModel.channels = new List<StationChannelsModel>
new StationChannelsModel()
location = _wareaModel.StationConfig.Location,
network = _wareaModel.StationConfig.Network,
channels = _wareaModel.StationConfig.Channels,
station = string.Join(",", _wareaModel.StationConfig.Stations.Where(p => p.IsEnable).Select(n => n.Name))
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, "Workarea.json"), wmJson);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apmStationFile))
string destFileName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, WareaModel.apmModel.savepath));
File.Copy(apmStationFile, destFileName, true);
apmStationFile = null;
_systemConfig.proApms.ProParams = _systemConfig.proApms.ProParams.Replace(_systemConfig.proApms.JsonPath, ApmsJsonName);
_systemConfig.proApms.JsonPath = ApmsJsonName;
string destFileName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, WareaModel.apmModel.ttime[0].ttime2d));
File.Copy(apmttime2dFile, destFileName, true);
apmttime2dFile = null;
JsonParser.WriteSystemConfigFile(_systemConfig.proApms.ProPath + ApmsJsonName, AModel);
ToolsModel.channels[0].station = string.Join(",", ToolsStationSource.Where(p => p.Enable).Select(a => a.Num));
if (_systemConfig.proTools.JsonPath != ToolsJsonName)
//2 gw.apms.exe配置更新
_systemConfig.proTools.ProParams = _systemConfig.proTools.ProParams.Replace(_systemConfig.proTools.JsonPath, ToolsJsonName);
_systemConfig.proTools.JsonPath = ToolsJsonName;
ApmsModel apms = _wareaModel.apmModel;
apms.station = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, WareaModel.apmModel.station)).Replace("\\","/");
apms.ttime[0].ttime2d= Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, WareaModel.apmModel.ttime[0].ttime2d)).Replace("\\", "/"); ;
apms.savepath = _wareaModel.savepath + "/" + _wareaModel.apmsavepath;
apms.push2wx = _wareaModel.apmpush2wx ? "YES" : "NO";
JsonParser.WriteSystemConfigFile(Path.Combine(_systemConfig.proApms.ProPath, "apms.json"), apms);
//if (_systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath != ToolsModel.savepath)
// _systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath = ToolsModel.savepath;
JsonParser.WriteSystemConfigFile(_systemConfig.proTools.ProPath + ToolsJsonName, ToolsModel);
//3 gw.tools.exe配置更新
ApmsModel tools = _wareaModel.apmModel;
tools.station = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, WareaModel.apmModel.station)).Replace("\\", "/");
tools.ttime[0].ttime2d = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, WareaModel.apmModel.ttime[0].ttime2d)).Replace("\\", "/"); ;
tools.savepath = _wareaModel.savepath+"/"+ _wareaModel.toolsavepath;
tools.push2wx = _wareaModel.toolpush2wx ? "YES" : "NO"; ;
JsonParser.WriteSystemConfigFile(Path.Combine(_systemConfig.proTools.ProPath, "apms.json"), tools);
//4 SystemConfig.json配置更新
int index = _systemConfig.proTools.ProParams.IndexOf("-savepath");
// int index = _systemConfig.proTools.ProParams.IndexOf("-delay");
string str = _systemConfig.proTools.ProParams.Substring(0, index) + "-savepath";
_systemConfig.proTools.ProParams = $"{str} {ToolsModel.savepath} -delay {DelayTime * 60}";
_systemConfig.proTools.ProParams = $"{str} {tools.savepath} -delay {_wareaModel.delayTime * 60}";
JsonParser.WriteSystemConfigFile(JsonParser.systemConfigPath, _systemConfig);
JsonParser.UpdateRecvJson(_systemConfig.proRecv.ProPath + _systemConfig.proRecv.JsonPath, _systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath);
//JsonParser.UpdateApmsJson(_systemConfig.proApms.ProPath + _systemConfig.proApms.JsonPath, _systemConfig.vpnInfo.DataSavePath);
// RequestClose?.Invoke(new DialogResult(ButtonResult.OK));
//5 gw.recvftp.exe配置更新
JsonParser.UpdateRecvJson(Path.Combine(_systemConfig.proRecv.ProPath, _systemConfig.proRecv.JsonPath), _wareaModel.savepath + "/" + _wareaModel.chartsavepath);

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
<UserControl x:Class="StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.Views.DataProcessView"
mc:Ignorable="d" Background="#FFEEF1F3"
d:DesignHeight="600" d:DesignWidth="900">
<Grid >
<RowDefinition Height="60"/>
<RowDefinition Height="4*"/>
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding Path=LoadedCommand}"/>
<!--<i:EventTrigger EventName="Unloaded">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding Path=UnloadedCommand}"/>
<Border Background="White">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="10,0,10,0"/>
<Border Background="White" Grid.Row="1" CornerRadius="5" Margin="10">
<Grid Margin="10">
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<RowDefinition Height="200" />
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<TextBlock Text="实时处理配置" Background="Black" Foreground="White" VerticalAlignment="Center" Height="30" FontSize="18"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="工程文件:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<ComboBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" ItemsSource="{Binding WorkareaNameSource}" SelectedIndex="{Binding WareaSelectedIndex}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="数据目录:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding SelectFileCommand}" CommandParameter="DataPath" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding DataPath}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="结果目录:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding SelectFileCommand}" CommandParameter="SavePath" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding SavePath}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="开始时间:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<hc:DateTimePicker DockPanel.Dock="Left" SelectedDateTime="{Binding StartSelectedDate}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="结束时间:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<hc:DateTimePicker DockPanel.Dock="Left" SelectedDateTime="{Binding EndSelectedDate}"/>
<Button Grid.Row="1" Content="开始" Command="{Binding StartCommand}"/>
<Grid Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="0">
<RowDefinition Height="30"/>
<RowDefinition Height="61*"/>
<TextBlock Text="事件列表" FontSize="15" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<DataGrid Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding ApmsEventSource}" Background="White" IsReadOnly="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="消息时间" Width="*" Binding="{Binding CurrentTime, StringFormat={}{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="发震时刻" Width="*" Binding="{Binding OriginTime, StringFormat={}{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="东坐标(m)" Width="*" Binding="{Binding EastCoordinate}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="北坐标(m)" Width="*" Binding="{Binding NorthCoordinate}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="深度(m)" Width="*" Binding="{Binding Depth}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="震级(ML)" Width="*" Binding="{Binding ML}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="能量(m)" Width="*" Binding="{Binding Energy}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="震源性质(m)" Width="*" Binding="{Binding NorthCoordinate}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="发送状态(m)" Width="*" Binding="{Binding IsSend}"/>

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.Views
/// <summary>
/// ModifyDeviceView.xaml 的交互逻辑
/// </summary>
public partial class DataProcessView : UserControl
public DataProcessView()

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
<Setter Property="Height" Value="500"/>
<Setter Property="WindowStyle" Value="ToolWindow"/>
<Setter Property="ResizeMode" Value="NoResize"/>
<Setter Property="prism:Dialog.WindowStartupLocation" Value="CenterScreen"/>
<Grid >

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@ -20,6 +21,14 @@
<RowDefinition Height="60"/>
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<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding Path=LoadedCommand}"/>
<!--<i:EventTrigger EventName="Unloaded">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding Path=UnloadedCommand}"/>
<Border Background="White">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="10,0,10,0"/>
@ -28,52 +37,72 @@
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<TextBlock Text="实时处理配置" Background="Black" Foreground="White" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="30" FontSize="18"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="JsonName:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding ApmsJsonName}"/>
<TextBlock Text="工区名称:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="+" DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding AddItemCommand}" CommandParameter="1" ></Button>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AddWorkareaName}" DockPanel.Dock="Right" Width="60" Height="30"></TextBox>
<ComboBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" ItemsSource="{Binding WorkareaNameSource}" SelectedIndex="{Binding WareaSelectedIndex}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="station:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding SelectFileCommand}" CommandParameter="apmsStation" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding AModel.station}"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.station}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="ttime2d:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding SelectFileCommand}" CommandParameter="apmsttime2d" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding AModel.ttime[0].ttime2d}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.ttime[0].ttime2d}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="savepath:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding FilePathSaveCommand}" CommandParameter="apmssavepath" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding AModel.savepath}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBlock Text="存储路径:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding FilePathSaveCommand}" CommandParameter="savepath" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding WareaModel.savepath}"/>
<StackPanel VerticalAlignment="Center" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="波形路径:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Width="100" Text="{Binding WareaModel.chartsavepath}"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="实处理路径:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Width="100" Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmsavepath}"/>
<TextBlock Text="实时微信通知:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding WareaModel.apmpush2wx}"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="后处理路径:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Width="100" Text="{Binding WareaModel.toolsavepath}"/>
<TextBlock Text="实时微信通知:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding WareaModel.toolpush2wx}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="微信通知:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsApmswxNotity}"/>
<TextBlock Text="延时时间(min):" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<hc:NumericUpDown Value="{Binding WareaModel.delayTime}" Width="70" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="network:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.channels[0].network}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.StationConfig.Network}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBlock Text="location:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.channels[0].location}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.StationConfig.Location}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBlock Text="channels:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.channels[0].channels}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.StationConfig.Channels}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<GroupBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Header="台站配置" Style="{StaticResource BaseStyle}">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ApmsStationSource}">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding WareaModel.StationConfig.Stations}">
@ -85,7 +114,7 @@
<Border CornerRadius="5"
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Enable}" Content="{Binding Num}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsEnable}" Content="{Binding Name}"/>
@ -96,136 +125,40 @@
<UniformGrid Columns="2">
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="xmin: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.xmin}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.xmin}"/>
<DockPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="xmax: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.xmax}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.xmax}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="ymin: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.ymin}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.ymin}"/>
<DockPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="ymax: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.ymax}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.ymax}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="zmin: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.zmin}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.zmin}"/>
<DockPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="zmax: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.zmax}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.zmax}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text=" zref: " VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.zref}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.zref}"/>
<DockPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text=" step: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding AModel.minstep}"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding WareaModel.apmModel.minstep}"/>
<Border Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Margin="10,0,10,0">
<UniformGrid Columns="1">
<TextBlock Text="后处理配置" Background="Black" Foreground="White" VerticalAlignment="Center" Height="30" FontSize="18"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="JsonName:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding ToolsJsonName}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="station:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding SelectFileCommand}" CommandParameter="toolsStation" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding ToolsModel.station}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="ttime2d:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding SelectFileCommand}" CommandParameter="toolsttime2d" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding ToolsModel.ttime[0].ttime2d}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="savepath:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." DockPanel.Dock="Right" Command="{Binding FilePathSaveCommand}" CommandParameter="toolssavepath" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="{Binding ToolsModel.savepath}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center" >
<TextBlock Text="微信通知:" Width="65" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsToolswxNotity}"/>
<TextBlock Text="延迟时间(min):" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="20,0,0,0"/>
<hc:NumericUpDown Value="{Binding DelayTime}" Maximum="60" Minimum="0"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="network:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.channels[0].network}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBlock Text="location:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.channels[0].location}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBlock Text="channels:" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.channels[0].channels}" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<GroupBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Header="台站配置" Style="{StaticResource BaseStyle}" Margin="10,0,10,0">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ToolsStationSource}">
<Border CornerRadius="5"
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Enable}" Content="{Binding Num}"/>
<GroupBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Header="工区配置" Style="{StaticResource BaseStyle}" Margin="10,0,10,0">
<UniformGrid Columns="2">
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="xmin: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.xmin}"/>
<DockPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="xmax: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.xmax}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="ymin: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.ymin}"/>
<DockPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="ymax: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.ymax}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="zmin: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.zmin}"/>
<DockPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text="zmax: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.zmax}"/>
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text=" zref: " VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.zref}"/>
<DockPanel Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBlock Text=" step: " VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding ToolsModel.minstep}"/>
<Border Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" Margin="0,0,10,0">
<Border Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" Margin="20,0,10,0">
<Grid >
<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
@ -234,14 +167,13 @@
<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="70"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="30"/>
<TextBlock Text="系统配置" Background="Black" Foreground="White" VerticalAlignment="Center" Height="30" FontSize="18" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" />
<TextBlock Text="系统配置" Background="Black" Foreground="White" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="30" FontSize="18" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" />
<TextBlock Text="IP地址" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="0,14,0,0" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding MainModel.VpnIP}" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="0,7,0,0" />
<TextBlock Text="VPN名称" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
@ -251,25 +183,22 @@
<TextBlock Text="密码:" Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="0" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding MainModel.VpnPsw}" Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<TextBlock Text="存储路径:" Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="0" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding MainModel.DataSavePath}" IsReadOnly="True" Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Content="..." Command="{Binding FilePathSaveCommand}" CommandParameter="systemSavepath" Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="2" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBlock Text="日志路径:" Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="0" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding MainModel.SystemLogPath}" IsReadOnly="True" Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<Button Content="..." Command="{Binding LogPathSaveCommand}" Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="2" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<TextBlock Text="日志路径:" Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="0" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding MainModel.SystemLogPath}" IsReadOnly="True" Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<Button Content="..." Command="{Binding LogPathSaveCommand}" Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="2" Background="#FF0ABEFF"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="2" Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Center" Visibility="Collapsed">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Run Text="监控日期:"/>
<Run Text="{Binding MoniTime,StringFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}"/>
<Image Name="tb_calendar_img" Source="/Images/calendar.png" Grid.Column="1" Width="18" Height="18" Margin="0,0,0,0" PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp="tb_calendar_img_MouseLeftButtonUp"/>
<Popup x:Name="Pop" PopupAnimation="None" Width="200" Height="210" PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=tb_calendar}" Placement="Bottom" AllowsTransparency="True" StaysOpen="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="-200,0,0,0">
<!--<Popup x:Name="Pop" PopupAnimation="None" Width="200" Height="210" PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=tb_calendar}" Placement="Bottom" AllowsTransparency="True" StaysOpen="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="-200,0,0,0">
<Calendar Name="calendar" SelectedDate="{Binding MoniTime}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,44,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="2" Margin="0,0,0,30">
<Button Content="应用" Width="100" Height="30"
@ -282,7 +211,5 @@

@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.Views
private void calendar_DisplayModeChanged(object sender, CalendarModeChangedEventArgs e)
if (calendar.DisplayMode == CalendarMode.Month || calendar.DisplayMode == CalendarMode.Decade)
calendar.DisplayMode = CalendarMode.Year;
//if (calendar.DisplayMode == CalendarMode.Month || calendar.DisplayMode == CalendarMode.Decade)
// calendar.DisplayMode = CalendarMode.Year;
/// <summary>
/// 点击日历图标显示Calendar控件
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.Main.Views
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void tb_calendar_img_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (Pop.IsOpen)
Pop.IsOpen = false;
Pop.IsOpen = true;
//if (Pop.IsOpen)
// Pop.IsOpen = false;
// Pop.IsOpen = true;

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart

@ -402,12 +402,16 @@
<Compile Include="Service\RedisStringService.cs" />
<Compile Include="ViewModels\ChartPlotRealDataViewModel.cs" />
<Compile Include="ViewModels\ChartPlotViewModel.cs" />
<Compile Include="ViewModels\ChartStationDialogViewModel.cs" />
<Compile Include="Views\ChartPlotRealDataView.xaml.cs">
<Compile Include="Views\ChartPlotView.xaml.cs">
<Compile Include="Views\ChartStationDialog.xaml.cs">
<EmbeddedResource Include="Properties\Resources.resx">
@ -428,6 +432,10 @@
<Page Include="Views\ChartStationDialog.xaml">
<ProjectReference Include="..\StartServerWPF.Assets\StartServerWPF.Assets.csproj">

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using Microsoft.Win32;
using Prism.Commands;
using Prism.Mvvm;
using Prism.Regions;
using Prism.Services.Dialogs;
using ServiceStack;
using StartServerWPF.Assets;
using StartServerWPF.Models;
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
Mseed2asciiApi.LoopCallbackHandler loopCallback;
WorkareaModel workarea;
public ChartPlotRealDataViewModel(SystemConfigModel configModel,WorkareaModel workareaModel)
public ChartPlotRealDataViewModel(SystemConfigModel configModel,WorkareaModelArray workareaModel, IDialogService dialogService)
(Application.Current.MainWindow as System.Windows.Window).Closing += ApplicationClosingDispose;
_dispatcher = Application.Current.Dispatcher;
@ -42,17 +43,16 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
loopCallback = new Mseed2asciiApi.LoopCallbackHandler(Mseed2AsciiEvent);
workarea= workareaModel;
workarea= workareaModel.workarea[workareaModel.selectIndex];
_wavesModel = new WavesModel();
if (workarea.Stations != null)
if (workarea.StationConfig.Stations != null)
List<string> devicesNums = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in workarea.Stations)
foreach (var item in workarea.StationConfig.Stations)
if (item.Enable)
if (item.IsEnable)
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
this._dialogService = dialogService;
#region 字段
@ -272,6 +273,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
public DelegateCommand LoadedCommand => new DelegateCommand(Loaded);
public DelegateCommand UnloadedCommand => new DelegateCommand(UnLoaded);
public DelegateCommand SureCommand => new DelegateCommand(Sure);
public DelegateCommand StationSelectCommand => new DelegateCommand(StationSelect);
public DelegateCommand<object> FileSelectorCommand => new DelegateCommand<object>(FileSelector);
public DelegateCommand<object> OtimeSortCommand => new DelegateCommand<object>(OtimeSort);
public DelegateCommand IntervalSureCommand => new DelegateCommand(IntervalSure);
@ -305,6 +307,38 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
private void StationSelect()
DialogParameters param = new DialogParameters();
param.Add("station", workarea.StationConfig.Stations);// 编辑
, param, ((result)=>
var station= result.Parameters.GetValue<List<StationState>>("station");
if (station != null)
List<string> devicesNums = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in station)
if (item.IsEnable)
smList = _wavesModel.ReadWavesFromJson(devicesNums.ToArray());
subNameList = new Dictionary<string, ASCiiData>();
_dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
// CreateChart();
private void FileSelector(object obj)
IsMultFiles = Convert.ToBoolean(obj);
@ -767,19 +801,19 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
if (seriesIndex % 3 == 0)
subName = $"{workarea.StationConfig.Network}.{name}.{workarea.StationConfig.Location}." +
series.LineStyle.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.DeepSkyBlue;
else if (seriesIndex % 3 == 1)
subName = $"{workarea.StationConfig.Network}.{name}.{workarea.StationConfig.Location}." +
series.LineStyle.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.OrangeRed;
else if (seriesIndex % 3 == 2)
subName = $"{workarea.StationConfig.Network}.{name}.{workarea.StationConfig.Location}." +
series.LineStyle.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.ForestGreen;
if (isAdd)
@ -993,6 +1027,7 @@ namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
private const double XInterval = 1;
private readonly IDialogService _dialogService;
private DateTime GetTime()

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
using Prism.Commands;
using Prism.Mvvm;
using Prism.Services.Dialogs;
using StartServerWPF.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Encodings.Web;
using System.Text.Unicode;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.ViewModels
public class ChartStationDialogViewModel : BindableBase, IDialogAware
public ChartStationDialogViewModel(WorkareaModelArray workareaModel)
this._workareaModel = workareaModel;
private string _title = "台站选择";
public string Title => _title;
private ObservableCollection<StationState> _stationsSource;
public ObservableCollection<StationState> StationsSource
get => _stationsSource;
set { SetProperty(ref _stationsSource, value); }
public event Action<IDialogResult> RequestClose;
public bool CanCloseDialog()
return true;
public void OnDialogClosed()
public void OnDialogOpened(IDialogParameters parameters)
// _title = "编辑" + _title;
var stations = parameters.GetValue<List<StationState>>("station");
StationsSource = new ObservableCollection<StationState>();
stations.ForEach(s => { StationsSource.Add(s); });
private VpnInfo _mainModel = new VpnInfo();
public VpnInfo MainModel
get => _mainModel;
set { SetProperty(ref _mainModel, value); }
private DateTime _moniTime ;
private readonly WorkareaModelArray _workareaModel;
public DateTime MoniTime
get => _moniTime;
set { SetProperty(ref _moniTime, value); }
public DelegateCommand SureCommand => new DelegateCommand(() =>
CloseDialog(new DialogResult(ButtonResult.OK));
public void CloseDialog(DialogResult dialogResult)
List<StationState> stations = new List<StationState>();
foreach (var item in StationsSource)
public ICommand CancelCommand
get => new DelegateCommand(() =>
RequestClose?.Invoke(new DialogResult(ButtonResult.Cancel));
private string isLoadingVisibile = "Hidden";
public string IsLoadingVisibile
get { return isLoadingVisibile; }
set { SetProperty(ref isLoadingVisibile, value); }
private string _loadingMessage;
public string LoadingMessage
get { return _loadingMessage; }
set { SetProperty(ref _loadingMessage, value); }

@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
<ComboBoxItem Content="All"/>
<Button Content="确认选择" x:Name="cBoxAllChannel" Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="40" Width="90" Command="{Binding SureCommand}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<Button Content="台站选择" Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="40" Width="90" Command="{Binding StationSelectCommand}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<!--<TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="20,0,0,0">时间间隔:</TextBlock>
<TextBox Text="{Binding XaisInterval}" Width="60" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Button Command="{Binding IntervalSureCommand}" Background="#FF66B1FF" HorizontalAlignment="Right">确认</Button>-->

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
<UserControl x:Class="StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.Views.ChartStationDialog"
d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800">
<Style TargetType="Window">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="800"/>
<Setter Property="Height" Value="500"/>
<Setter Property="WindowStyle" Value="ToolWindow"/>
<Setter Property="ResizeMode" Value="NoResize"/>
<Setter Property="prism:Dialog.WindowStartupLocation" Value="CenterOwner"/>
<Grid >
<RowDefinition Height="20"/>
<RowDefinition Height="50"/>
<!--<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}"/>-->
<GroupBox Grid.Row="1">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding StationsSource}">
<Border CornerRadius="5" BorderThickness="1">
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsEnable}" Content="{Binding Name}"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="2" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<Button Content="确定" Command="{Binding SureCommand}" Margin="0,0,20,0"/>
<Button Content="取消" Command="{Binding CancelCommand}"/>

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart.Views
/// <summary>
/// Login.xaml 的交互逻辑
/// </summary>
public partial class ChartStationDialog : UserControl
public ChartStationDialog()

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ using StartServerWPF.Modules.MseedChart;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using StartServerWPF.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace StartServerWPF
@ -40,10 +42,21 @@ namespace StartServerWPF
SystemConfigModel sc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SystemConfigModel>(str);
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<SystemConfigModel>(() => sc);
string st = File.ReadAllText("Workarea.json");
WorkareaModel wm = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WorkareaModel>(st);
wm.Stations = wm.CreateStationFromCSV(sc.proTools.ProPath + wm.StationConfig.StationCoordCsvPath);
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<WorkareaModel>(() => wm);
string st = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, "Workarea.json"));
var wm = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WorkareaModelArray>(st);
foreach (var item in wm.workarea)
if (item.StationConfig.Stations == null)
item.StationConfig.Stations = wm.CreateStationFromCSV(Path.Combine(JsonParser.workareaPath, item.apmModel.station), item.StationConfig.Location)
?.Select(a => new StationState { IsEnable = a.Enable, Name = a.Num }).ToList();
// string wmJson= JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wm, Formatting.Indented);
// File.WriteAllText("serverprogram\\workarea\\Workarea.json", wmJson);
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<WorkareaModelArray>(() => wm);
protected override void ConfigureModuleCatalog(IModuleCatalog moduleCatalog)

@ -34,10 +34,13 @@
<None Update="SystemConfig.json">
<None Update="serverprogram\workarea\N3102_staion_20230403.csv">
<None Update="Workarea.json">
<None Update="serverprogram\workarea\Workarea.json">
<None Update="SystemConfig.json">

@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
"VpnIP": "",
"VpnUserName": "lzvpn",
"VpnPsw": "Lz123456789",
"SystemLogPath": "Systemlog\\",
"DataSavePath": "I:\\DATA\\"
"SystemLogPath": "Systemlog\\"
"proServer": {
"ProName": "server",
@ -61,8 +60,8 @@
"dataProTools": {
"ProName": "gw.tools",
"ProTitle": "数据处理",
"ProPath": "serverprogram\\tools\\",
"ProParams": "-cfg apms.json -savepath I:\\yuwuN3102mseed -delay 600",
"ProPath": "serverprogram\\dataProTools\\",
"ProParams": "-cfg apms.json -wave I:\\yuwuN3102mseed",
"JsonPath": "apms.json",
"Pid": 0,
"OperationStr": "open",

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"StationConfig": {
"Network": "HA",
"Location": "06",
"Channels": [ "SHZ", "SHN", "SHE" ],
"StationCoordCsvPath": "N3102_staion_20230403.csv"

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
1 net sta x2000 y2000 z2000 sens begin stop
2 HA N02 38397345.33 4030593.53 1074 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000
3 HA N03 38397862.83 4030967.95 1057.7 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000
4 HA N04 38396851.28 4030947.41 1054 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000
5 HA N05 38397197.82 4031016.84 1071 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000
6 HA N06 38397507.28 4030786.06 1094.7 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000
7 HA N07 38397699.97 4030514.93 1091.6 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000
8 HA N08 38398079.1 4030542.79 1019 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000
9 HA N09 38396697.57 4030703.24 1053 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000
10 HA N10 38397284.87 4029883.38 1028 3.20E+09 2023-03-12T00:00:00.000 2023-12-21T23:59:59.000

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
"station" :"N3102_staion_20230403.csv",
"Main.slice_seconds": 30 ,
"Main.overlap_seconds": 10 ,
"Locate.log_level" : "DEBUG",
"Locate.work_path" :".",

@ -0,0 +1 @@
gw.tools.exe -cfg apms.json -savepath e:\yuwuN3102mseed -delay 600

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
Pg Sg
depth 0.00000 0.01000 0.02000 0.03000 0.04000 0.05000 0.06000 0.07000 0.08000 0.09000 0.10000 0.11000 0.12000 0.13000 0.14000 0.15000 0.16000 0.17000 0.18000 0.19000 0.20000 0.21000 0.22000 0.23000 0.24000 0.25000 0.26000 0.27000 0.28000 0.29000 0.30000 0.31000 0.32000 0.33000 0.34000 0.35000 0.36000 0.37000 0.38000 0.39000 0.40000 0.41000 0.42000 0.43000 0.44000 0.45000 0.46000 0.47000 0.48000 0.49000 0.50000 0.51000 0.52000 0.53000 0.54000 0.55000 0.56000 0.57000 0.58000 0.59000 0.60000 0.61000 0.62000 0.63000 0.64000 0.65000 0.66000 0.67000 0.68000 0.69000 0.70000 0.71000 0.72000 0.73000 0.74000 0.75000 0.76000 0.77000 0.78000 0.79000 0.80000 0.81000 0.82000 0.83000 0.84000 0.85000 0.86000 0.87000 0.88000 0.89000 0.90000 0.91000 0.92000 0.93000 0.94000 0.95000 0.96000 0.97000 0.98000 0.99000 1.00000
delta 0.00000 0.00040 0.00080 0.00120 0.00160 0.00200 0.00240 0.00280 0.00320 0.00360 0.00400 0.00440 0.00480 0.00520 0.00560 0.00600 0.00640 0.00680 0.00720 0.00760 0.00800 0.00840 0.00880 0.00920 0.00960 0.01000 0.01040 0.01080 0.01120 0.01160 0.01200 0.01240 0.01280 0.01320 0.01360 0.01400 0.01440 0.01480 0.01520 0.01560 0.01600 0.01640 0.01680 0.01720 0.01760 0.01800 0.01840 0.01880 0.01920 0.01960 0.02000
Pg 101 depth(row) 51 delta(column)
0.00000 0.05560 0.11119 0.16679 0.22239 0.25156 0.26268 0.27379 0.28491 0.29603 0.30715 0.31827 0.32939 0.34051 0.35163 0.36275 0.37387 0.38499 0.39611 0.40723 0.41835 0.42947 0.44058 0.45170 0.46282 0.47394 0.48506 0.49618 0.50730 0.51842 0.52954 0.54066 0.55178 0.56290 0.57402 0.58514 0.59626 0.60738 0.61849 0.62961 0.64073 0.65185 0.66297 0.67409 0.68521 0.69633 0.70745 0.71857 0.72969 0.74081 0.75193
0.01250 0.05849 0.11399 0.16949 0.22500 0.23931 0.25043 0.26155 0.27267 0.28379 0.29491 0.30602 0.31714 0.32826 0.33938 0.35050 0.36162 0.37274 0.38386 0.39498 0.40610 0.41722 0.42834 0.43946 0.45058 0.46170 0.47281 0.48393 0.49505 0.50617 0.51729 0.52841 0.53953 0.55065 0.56177 0.57289 0.58401 0.59513 0.60625 0.61737 0.62849 0.63961 0.65072 0.66184 0.67296 0.68408 0.69520 0.70632 0.71744 0.72856 0.73968
0.02500 0.06148 0.11698 0.17249 0.21594 0.22706 0.23818 0.24930 0.26042 0.27154 0.28266 0.29378 0.30490 0.31602 0.32714 0.33825 0.34937 0.36049 0.37161 0.38273 0.39385 0.40497 0.41609 0.42721 0.43833 0.44945 0.46057 0.47169 0.48281 0.49393 0.50504 0.51616 0.52728 0.53840 0.54952 0.56064 0.57176 0.58288 0.59400 0.60512 0.61624 0.62736 0.63848 0.64960 0.66072 0.67184 0.68295 0.69407 0.70519 0.71631 0.72743
0.03750 0.06706 0.11998 0.17548 0.20369 0.21481 0.22593 0.23705 0.24817 0.25929 0.27041 0.28153 0.29265 0.30377 0.31489 0.32601 0.33713 0.34825 0.35937 0.37048 0.38160 0.39272 0.40384 0.41496 0.42608 0.43720 0.44832 0.45944 0.47056 0.48168 0.49280 0.50392 0.51504 0.52616 0.53727 0.54839 0.55951 0.57063 0.58175 0.59287 0.60399 0.61511 0.62623 0.63735 0.64847 0.65959 0.67071 0.68183 0.69295 0.70407 0.71518
0.05000 0.07477 0.12296 0.17847 0.19145 0.20257 0.21369 0.22480 0.23592 0.24704 0.25816 0.26928 0.28040 0.29152 0.30264 0.31376 0.32488 0.33600 0.34712 0.35824 0.36936 0.38048 0.39160 0.40271 0.41383 0.42495 0.43607 0.44719 0.45831 0.46943 0.48055 0.49167 0.50279 0.51391 0.52503 0.53615 0.54727 0.55839 0.56950 0.58062 0.59174 0.60286 0.61398 0.62510 0.63622 0.64734 0.65846 0.66958 0.68070 0.69182 0.70294
0.06250 0.08365 0.12756 0.16808 0.17920 0.19032 0.20144 0.21256 0.22368 0.23480 0.24592 0.25703 0.26815 0.27927 0.29039 0.30151 0.31263 0.32375 0.33487 0.34599 0.35711 0.36823 0.37935 0.39047 0.40159 0.41271 0.42383 0.43494 0.44606 0.45718 0.46830 0.47942 0.49054 0.50166 0.51278 0.52390 0.53502 0.54614 0.55726 0.56838 0.57950 0.59062 0.60173 0.61285 0.62397 0.63509 0.64621 0.65733 0.66845 0.67957 0.69069
0.07500 0.09338 0.13412 0.15583 0.16695 0.17807 0.18919 0.20031 0.21143 0.22255 0.23367 0.24479 0.25591 0.26703 0.27815 0.28926 0.30038 0.31150 0.32262 0.33374 0.34486 0.35598 0.36710 0.37822 0.38934 0.40046 0.41158 0.42270 0.43382 0.44494 0.45606 0.46717 0.47829 0.48941 0.50053 0.51165 0.52277 0.53389 0.54501 0.55613 0.56725 0.57837 0.58949 0.60061 0.61173 0.62285 0.63396 0.64508 0.65620 0.66732 0.67844
0.08750 0.10378 0.13247 0.14359 0.15470 0.16582 0.17694 0.18806 0.19918 0.21030 0.22142 0.23254 0.24366 0.25478 0.26590 0.27702 0.28814 0.29926 0.31038 0.32149 0.33261 0.34373 0.35485 0.36597 0.37709 0.38821 0.39933 0.41045 0.42157 0.43269 0.44381 0.45493 0.46605 0.47717 0.48829 0.49940 0.51052 0.52164 0.53276 0.54388 0.55500 0.56612 0.57724 0.58836 0.59948 0.61060 0.62172 0.63284 0.64396 0.65508 0.66619
0.10000 0.10910 0.12022 0.13134 0.14246 0.15358 0.16470 0.17582 0.18693 0.19805 0.20917 0.22029 0.23141 0.24253 0.25365 0.26477 0.27589 0.28701 0.29813 0.30925 0.32037 0.33149 0.34261 0.35372 0.36484 0.37596 0.38708 0.39820 0.40932 0.42044 0.43156 0.44268 0.45380 0.46492 0.47604 0.48716 0.49828 0.50940 0.52052 0.53163 0.54275 0.55387 0.56499 0.57611 0.58723 0.59835 0.60947 0.62059 0.63171 0.64283 0.65395
0.10250 0.10952 0.12039 0.13144 0.14255 0.15366 0.16477 0.17588 0.18699 0.19810 0.20922 0.22033 0.23145 0.24256 0.25367 0.26479 0.27591 0.28703 0.29814 0.30926 0.32038 0.33150 0.34262 0.35374 0.36486 0.37597 0.38709 0.39821 0.40933 0.42045 0.43157 0.44269 0.45381 0.46493 0.47605 0.48717 0.49829 0.50940 0.52052 0.53164 0.54276 0.55388 0.56500 0.57612 0.58724 0.59836 0.60948 0.62060 0.63172 0.64284 0.65395
0.10500 0.11063 0.12089 0.13176 0.14277 0.15382 0.16490 0.17600 0.18711 0.19822 0.20933 0.22044 0.23155 0.24267 0.25378 0.26489 0.27600 0.28711 0.29823 0.30934 0.32045 0.33157 0.34267 0.35378 0.36490 0.37601 0.38713 0.39825 0.40936 0.42048 0.43160 0.44272 0.45383 0.46495 0.47607 0.48719 0.49831 0.50943 0.52054 0.53166 0.54278 0.55390 0.56502 0.57614 0.58726 0.59838 0.60949 0.62061 0.63173 0.64285 0.65397
0.10750 0.11217 0.12169 0.13228 0.14315 0.15412 0.16515 0.17620 0.18727 0.19835 0.20945 0.22056 0.23167 0.24278 0.25389 0.26501 0.27612 0.28723 0.29834 0.30945 0.32056 0.33168 0.34279 0.35390 0.36499 0.37610 0.38722 0.39833 0.40944 0.42054 0.43166 0.44277 0.45389 0.46500 0.47612 0.48723 0.49835 0.50947 0.52058 0.53171 0.54282 0.55394 0.56505 0.57617 0.58729 0.59841 0.60952 0.62064 0.63176 0.64288 0.65400
0.11000 0.11398 0.12276 0.13299 0.14367 0.15454 0.16549 0.17649 0.18753 0.19858 0.20964 0.22072 0.23180 0.24290 0.25401 0.26512 0.27623 0.28735 0.29846 0.30957 0.32068 0.33179 0.34290 0.35401 0.36513 0.37624 0.38735 0.39844 0.40955 0.42066 0.43175 0.44287 0.45398 0.46509 0.47620 0.48732 0.49843 0.50954 0.52066 0.53177 0.54288 0.55400 0.56511 0.57623 0.58734 0.59846 0.60958 0.62069 0.63181 0.64292 0.65404
0.11250 0.11596 0.12404 0.13388 0.14434 0.15507 0.16593 0.17687 0.18785 0.19887 0.20991 0.22095 0.23201 0.24309 0.25417 0.26525 0.27635 0.28746 0.29857 0.30969 0.32080 0.33191 0.34302 0.35413 0.36524 0.37635 0.38746 0.39858 0.40969 0.42080 0.43189 0.44300 0.45408 0.46520 0.47631 0.48742 0.49853 0.50962 0.52074 0.53185 0.54296 0.55407 0.56519 0.57630 0.58741 0.59853 0.60964 0.62076 0.63187 0.64298 0.65410
0.11500 0.11805 0.12551 0.13493 0.14514 0.15571 0.16647 0.17732 0.18825 0.19922 0.21022 0.22125 0.23229 0.24333 0.25439 0.26546 0.27654 0.28762 0.29870 0.30980 0.32092 0.33203 0.34314 0.35425 0.36536 0.37647 0.38758 0.39869 0.40980 0.42092 0.43203 0.44314 0.45425 0.46533 0.47644 0.48753 0.49864 0.50975 0.52086 0.53195 0.54306 0.55417 0.56528 0.57640 0.58751 0.59862 0.60973 0.62084 0.63196 0.64306 0.65417
0.11750 0.12023 0.12713 0.13613 0.14607 0.15646 0.16709 0.17786 0.18872 0.19964 0.21059 0.22158 0.23259 0.24363 0.25467 0.26571 0.27677 0.28783 0.29891 0.30999 0.32107 0.33215 0.34326 0.35437 0.36548 0.37659 0.38770 0.39881 0.40992 0.42103 0.43215 0.44326 0.45437 0.46548 0.47659 0.48770 0.49878 0.50989 0.52098 0.53209 0.54320 0.55429 0.56540 0.57650 0.58762 0.59873 0.60984 0.62093 0.63204 0.64315 0.65426
0.12000 0.12247 0.12887 0.13746 0.14711 0.15731 0.16781 0.17848 0.18926 0.20011 0.21102 0.22197 0.23295 0.24395 0.25497 0.26601 0.27705 0.28809 0.29915 0.31021 0.32128 0.33236 0.34344 0.35452 0.36560 0.37671 0.38782 0.39893 0.41004 0.42115 0.43226 0.44337 0.45449 0.46560 0.47671 0.48782 0.49893 0.51004 0.52115 0.53223 0.54334 0.55443 0.56554 0.57662 0.58773 0.59884 0.60995 0.62106 0.63215 0.64326 0.65437
0.12250 0.12475 0.13071 0.13890 0.14827 0.15826 0.16861 0.17917 0.18986 0.20065 0.21151 0.22241 0.23336 0.24432 0.25531 0.26632 0.27735 0.28839 0.29943 0.31047 0.32153 0.33259 0.34365 0.35473 0.36581 0.37689 0.38797 0.39905 0.41016 0.42127 0.43238 0.44349 0.45460 0.46571 0.47683 0.48794 0.49905 0.51016 0.52127 0.53238 0.54349 0.55460 0.56569 0.57680 0.58788 0.59899 0.61007 0.62118 0.63229 0.64340 0.65448
0.12500 0.12707 0.13263 0.14044 0.14952 0.15930 0.16949 0.17993 0.19054 0.20125 0.21205 0.22291 0.23380 0.24474 0.25570 0.26668 0.27768 0.28870 0.29973 0.31076 0.32181 0.33285 0.34390 0.35496 0.36603 0.37710 0.38818 0.39926 0.41034 0.42142 0.43250 0.44361 0.45472 0.46583 0.47694 0.48806 0.49917 0.51028 0.52139 0.53250 0.54361 0.55472 0.56583 0.57694 0.58806 0.59914 0.61022 0.62133 0.63244 0.64352 0.65463
0.12750 0.12941 0.13463 0.14208 0.15087 0.16043 0.17045 0.18077 0.19127 0.20191 0.21264 0.22345 0.23430 0.24520 0.25612 0.26708 0.27805 0.28904 0.30005 0.31107 0.32211 0.33314 0.34419 0.35523 0.36628 0.37734 0.38840 0.39947 0.41055 0.42163 0.43271 0.44379 0.45487 0.46596 0.47706 0.48817 0.49928 0.51040 0.52151 0.53262 0.54373 0.55484 0.56595 0.57706 0.58817 0.59929 0.61040 0.62148 0.63259 0.64367 0.65478
0.13000 0.13178 0.13668 0.14380 0.15230 0.16164 0.17149 0.18167 0.19207 0.20263 0.21329 0.22404 0.23484 0.24570 0.25659 0.26751 0.27846 0.28943 0.30041 0.31141 0.32242 0.33345 0.34449 0.35552 0.36656 0.37761 0.38866 0.39972 0.41078 0.42185 0.43292 0.44400 0.45508 0.46615 0.47724 0.48832 0.49941 0.51051 0.52162 0.53274 0.54385 0.55496 0.56607 0.57718 0.58829 0.59940 0.61051 0.62163 0.63274 0.64385 0.65493
0.13250 0.13416 0.13878 0.14558 0.15381 0.16292 0.17260 0.18264 0.19293 0.20340 0.21399 0.22468 0.23543 0.24624 0.25709 0.26798 0.27890 0.28984 0.30080 0.31178 0.32277 0.33377 0.34480 0.35583 0.36686 0.37790 0.38894 0.39999 0.41104 0.42210 0.43316 0.44422 0.45530 0.46637 0.47745 0.48852 0.49961 0.51069 0.52177 0.53286 0.54396 0.55508 0.56619 0.57730 0.58841 0.59952 0.61063 0.62174 0.63285 0.64397 0.65508
0.13500 0.13656 0.14093 0.14744 0.15539 0.16428 0.17378 0.18368 0.19386 0.20423 0.21474 0.22536 0.23606 0.24682 0.25764 0.26849 0.27938 0.29029 0.30123 0.31218 0.32315 0.33414 0.34514 0.35615 0.36718 0.37821 0.38924 0.40028 0.41132 0.42237 0.43342 0.44448 0.45553 0.46660 0.47767 0.48874 0.49982 0.51090 0.52197 0.53306 0.54414 0.55522 0.56631 0.57742 0.58853 0.59964 0.61075 0.62186 0.63297 0.64389 0.65474
0.13750 0.13897 0.14311 0.14934 0.15703 0.16570 0.17502 0.18478 0.19483 0.20511 0.21554 0.22609 0.23673 0.24745 0.25822 0.26903 0.27989 0.29077 0.30168 0.31261 0.32357 0.33453 0.34551 0.35650 0.36750 0.37852 0.38955 0.40059 0.41162 0.42266 0.43370 0.44475 0.45580 0.46685 0.47791 0.48897 0.50004 0.51112 0.52219 0.53327 0.54434 0.55542 0.56651 0.57759 0.58867 0.59976 0.61080 0.62165 0.63250 0.64334 0.65419
0.14000 0.14139 0.14532 0.15130 0.15874 0.16719 0.17633 0.18593 0.19587 0.20604 0.21639 0.22687 0.23745 0.24811 0.25884 0.26961 0.28043 0.29128 0.30217 0.31307 0.32400 0.33495 0.34591 0.35688 0.36787 0.37887 0.38987 0.40090 0.41193 0.42296 0.43400 0.44504 0.45608 0.46713 0.47818 0.48923 0.50029 0.51135 0.52242 0.53349 0.54456 0.55564 0.56672 0.57771 0.58856 0.59940 0.61025 0.62110 0.63195 0.64279 0.65364
0.14250 0.14381 0.14756 0.15330 0.16050 0.16874 0.17769 0.18715 0.19696 0.20702 0.21729 0.22769 0.23821 0.24881 0.25949 0.27023 0.28101 0.29183 0.30268 0.31356 0.32446 0.33539 0.34633 0.35729 0.36826 0.37924 0.39023 0.40123 0.41225 0.42328 0.43431 0.44534 0.45638 0.46742 0.47846 0.48951 0.50056 0.51161 0.52267 0.53373 0.54462 0.55546 0.56631 0.57716 0.58801 0.59885 0.60970 0.62055 0.63140 0.64225 0.65309
0.14500 0.14625 0.14983 0.15534 0.16231 0.17034 0.17911 0.18841 0.19810 0.20806 0.21823 0.22856 0.23901 0.24956 0.26018 0.27087 0.28162 0.29240 0.30322 0.31408 0.32495 0.33585 0.34677 0.35772 0.36867 0.37964 0.39061 0.40160 0.41259 0.42360 0.43462 0.44565 0.45669 0.46772 0.47876 0.48980 0.50068 0.51152 0.52237 0.53322 0.54407 0.55491 0.56576 0.57661 0.58746 0.59831 0.60915 0.62000 0.63085 0.64170 0.65255
0.14750 0.14869 0.15211 0.15741 0.16416 0.17199 0.18058 0.18973 0.19929 0.20914 0.21922 0.22946 0.23985 0.25034 0.26091 0.27156 0.28226 0.29301 0.30380 0.31462 0.32547 0.33635 0.34725 0.35816 0.36910 0.38005 0.39101 0.40199 0.41297 0.42396 0.43496 0.44589 0.45674 0.46758 0.47843 0.48928 0.50013 0.51097 0.52182 0.53267 0.54352 0.55437 0.56521 0.57606 0.58691 0.59776 0.60861 0.61945 0.63030 0.64115 0.65200
0.15000 0.15113 0.15441 0.15952 0.16606 0.17369 0.18211 0.19110 0.20053 0.21027 0.22025 0.23042 0.24073 0.25116 0.26168 0.27227 0.28293 0.29364 0.30440 0.31519 0.32601 0.33686 0.34771 0.35856 0.36940 0.38025 0.39110 0.40195 0.41280 0.42364 0.43449 0.44534 0.45619 0.46703 0.47788 0.48873 0.49958 0.51043 0.52127 0.53212 0.54297 0.55382 0.56467 0.57551 0.58636 0.59721 0.60806 0.61890 0.62975 0.64060 0.65145
0.15244 0.15352 0.15666 0.16158 0.16792 0.17534 0.18358 0.19241 0.20169 0.21131 0.22118 0.23125 0.24147 0.25182 0.26227 0.27279 0.28339 0.29404 0.30474 0.31547 0.32623 0.33705 0.34788 0.35872 0.36955 0.38039 0.39122 0.40206 0.41289 0.42373 0.43457 0.44541 0.45625 0.46709 0.47793 0.48877 0.49960 0.51045 0.52129 0.53214 0.54298 0.55383 0.56468 0.57553 0.58637 0.59722 0.60807 0.61892 0.62976 0.64061 0.65146
0.15488 0.15592 0.15893 0.16367 0.16981 0.17704 0.18510 0.19377 0.20291 0.21240 0.22216 0.23213 0.24227 0.25254 0.26292 0.27338 0.28391 0.29451 0.30515 0.31583 0.32655 0.33730 0.34806 0.35889 0.36972 0.38056 0.39139 0.40223 0.41306 0.42390 0.43474 0.44557 0.45641 0.46725 0.47809 0.48892 0.49973 0.51057 0.52139 0.53223 0.54307 0.55391 0.56474 0.57558 0.58642 0.59727 0.60811 0.61895 0.62980 0.64064 0.65149
0.15732 0.15831 0.16121 0.16578 0.17174 0.17879 0.18667 0.19518 0.20418 0.21354 0.22320 0.23307 0.24312 0.25331 0.26362 0.27402 0.28449 0.29503 0.30562 0.31626 0.32694 0.33765 0.34838 0.35913 0.36989 0.38072 0.39155 0.40239 0.41323 0.42406 0.43490 0.44574 0.45657 0.46741 0.47825 0.48909 0.49992 0.51076 0.52156 0.53240 0.54321 0.55402 0.56486 0.57570 0.58652 0.59736 0.60820 0.61904 0.62988 0.64072 0.65156
0.15976 0.16071 0.16350 0.16792 0.17370 0.18057 0.18828 0.19664 0.20550 0.21474 0.22428 0.23405 0.24402 0.25413 0.26437 0.27470 0.28512 0.29561 0.30615 0.31674 0.32738 0.33804 0.34874 0.35946 0.37020 0.38096 0.39173 0.40255 0.41339 0.42422 0.43506 0.44590 0.45673 0.46757 0.47841 0.48925 0.50008 0.51092 0.52176 0.53260 0.54340 0.55420 0.56503 0.57584 0.58665 0.59749 0.60833 0.61916 0.63000 0.64084 0.65168
0.16220 0.16311 0.16580 0.17008 0.17569 0.18238 0.18993 0.19814 0.20686 0.21598 0.22541 0.23509 0.24496 0.25500 0.26516 0.27543 0.28579 0.29623 0.30672 0.31727 0.32786 0.33849 0.34915 0.35984 0.37055 0.38129 0.39203 0.40279 0.41356 0.42438 0.43522 0.44606 0.45689 0.46773 0.47857 0.48941 0.50024 0.51108 0.52192 0.53276 0.54359 0.55443 0.56523 0.57603 0.58683 0.59767 0.60847 0.61931 0.63014 0.64098 0.65181
0.16463 0.16552 0.16811 0.17225 0.17770 0.18423 0.19162 0.19968 0.20826 0.21726 0.22658 0.23616 0.24595 0.25591 0.26600 0.27621 0.28651 0.29689 0.30733 0.31784 0.32839 0.33898 0.34960 0.36026 0.37094 0.38165 0.39237 0.40311 0.41386 0.42462 0.43539 0.44621 0.45705 0.46789 0.47873 0.48956 0.50040 0.51124 0.52208 0.53291 0.54375 0.55459 0.56543 0.57627 0.58706 0.59786 0.60866 0.61947 0.63030 0.64113 0.65197
0.16707 0.16793 0.17043 0.17444 0.17974 0.18611 0.19334 0.20125 0.20970 0.21858 0.22779 0.23728 0.24698 0.25685 0.26688 0.27702 0.28726 0.29759 0.30799 0.31844 0.32895 0.33951 0.35010 0.36072 0.37137 0.38204 0.39274 0.40346 0.41420 0.42494 0.43569 0.44645 0.45722 0.46804 0.47888 0.48972 0.50056 0.51139 0.52223 0.53307 0.54391 0.55475 0.56559 0.57642 0.58726 0.59810 0.60890 0.61970 0.63050 0.64130 0.65213
0.16951 0.17034 0.17276 0.17665 0.18181 0.18802 0.19510 0.20287 0.21119 0.21994 0.22905 0.23843 0.24804 0.25784 0.26779 0.27787 0.28806 0.29833 0.30868 0.31909 0.32956 0.34007 0.35062 0.36121 0.37183 0.38248 0.39315 0.40384 0.41456 0.42528 0.43602 0.44677 0.45752 0.46828 0.47906 0.48987 0.50071 0.51155 0.52239 0.53323 0.54406 0.55490 0.56574 0.57658 0.58742 0.59826 0.60909 0.61993 0.63073 0.64153 0.65233
0.17195 0.17275 0.17510 0.17887 0.18389 0.18996 0.19689 0.20451 0.21270 0.22134 0.23034 0.23962 0.24915 0.25887 0.26875 0.27876 0.28888 0.29910 0.30940 0.31977 0.33019 0.34067 0.35118 0.36174 0.37233 0.38295 0.39360 0.40426 0.41494 0.42565 0.43637 0.44711 0.45785 0.46859 0.47935 0.49011 0.50089 0.51171 0.52254 0.53338 0.54422 0.55506 0.56590 0.57673 0.58757 0.59841 0.60925 0.62009 0.63093 0.64177 0.65256
0.17439 0.17516 0.17744 0.18110 0.18599 0.19192 0.19870 0.20620 0.21426 0.22277 0.23166 0.24085 0.25029 0.25993 0.26974 0.27968 0.28975 0.29991 0.31016 0.32048 0.33086 0.34130 0.35178 0.36230 0.37286 0.38345 0.39407 0.40471 0.41537 0.42605 0.43674 0.44746 0.45819 0.46893 0.47967 0.49042 0.50118 0.51195 0.52272 0.53354 0.54437 0.55521 0.56605 0.57689 0.58773 0.59857 0.60941 0.62024 0.63108 0.64192 0.65276
0.17683 0.17758 0.17979 0.18335 0.18811 0.19390 0.20055 0.20791 0.21584 0.22424 0.23303 0.24212 0.25147 0.26103 0.27076 0.28064 0.29064 0.30075 0.31095 0.32122 0.33156 0.34196 0.35240 0.36289 0.37342 0.38398 0.39457 0.40518 0.41582 0.42648 0.43715 0.44784 0.45856 0.46928 0.48002 0.49075 0.50150 0.51225 0.52301 0.53378 0.54455 0.55537 0.56621 0.57704 0.58788 0.59872 0.60956 0.62040 0.63124 0.64208 0.65291
0.17927 0.17999 0.18214 0.18560 0.19024 0.19590 0.20242 0.20965 0.21746 0.22574 0.23442 0.24342 0.25268 0.26216 0.27182 0.28163 0.29157 0.30163 0.31177 0.32200 0.33229 0.34265 0.35306 0.36351 0.37401 0.38454 0.39510 0.40569 0.41630 0.42694 0.43759 0.44826 0.45895 0.46965 0.48037 0.49110 0.50184 0.51258 0.52333 0.53408 0.54484 0.55561 0.56638 0.57720 0.58804 0.59888 0.60971 0.62055 0.63139 0.64223 0.65307
0.18171 0.18241 0.18450 0.18787 0.19239 0.19793 0.20431 0.21141 0.21910 0.22728 0.23585 0.24475 0.25392 0.26332 0.27291 0.28265 0.29253 0.30253 0.31262 0.32280 0.33305 0.34337 0.35374 0.36416 0.37462 0.38512 0.39565 0.40622 0.41680 0.42741 0.43805 0.44870 0.45937 0.47005 0.48074 0.49146 0.50219 0.51293 0.52366 0.53441 0.54516 0.55591 0.56667 0.57744 0.58821 0.59903 0.60987 0.62071 0.63155 0.64238 0.65322
0.18415 0.18483 0.18686 0.19014 0.19456 0.19997 0.20623 0.21321 0.22078 0.22884 0.23730 0.24611 0.25519 0.26451 0.27403 0.28371 0.29352 0.30346 0.31351 0.32364 0.33384 0.34412 0.35445 0.36483 0.37526 0.38573 0.39624 0.40677 0.41734 0.42792 0.43853 0.44917 0.45982 0.47048 0.48116 0.49185 0.50256 0.51328 0.52401 0.53475 0.54549 0.55623 0.56698 0.57774 0.58850 0.59927 0.61005 0.62086 0.63170 0.64254 0.65338
0.18659 0.18725 0.18922 0.19242 0.19674 0.20203 0.20817 0.21503 0.22248 0.23043 0.23879 0.24750 0.25650 0.26574 0.27518 0.28479 0.29454 0.30443 0.31442 0.32450 0.33466 0.34489 0.35519 0.36554 0.37593 0.38637 0.39684 0.40735 0.41789 0.42845 0.43904 0.44965 0.46028 0.47093 0.48159 0.49226 0.50295 0.51365 0.52437 0.53510 0.54583 0.55657 0.56731 0.57806 0.58881 0.59957 0.61033 0.62110 0.63188 0.64269 0.65353
0.18902 0.18967 0.19159 0.19471 0.19893 0.20411 0.21013 0.21687 0.22420 0.23205 0.24031 0.24892 0.25783 0.26699 0.27636 0.28590 0.29559 0.30542 0.31536 0.32539 0.33551 0.34570 0.35595 0.36626 0.37662 0.38703 0.39747 0.40796 0.41847 0.42901 0.43957 0.45016 0.46077 0.47140 0.48204 0.49270 0.50337 0.51405 0.52475 0.53547 0.54619 0.55692 0.56766 0.57840 0.58914 0.59989 0.61064 0.62140 0.63217 0.64294 0.65371
0.19146 0.19210 0.19397 0.19701 0.20113 0.20620 0.21211 0.21873 0.22596 0.23369 0.24185 0.25037 0.25919 0.26827 0.27756 0.28704 0.29667 0.30644 0.31632 0.32630 0.33638 0.34652 0.35674 0.36701 0.37734 0.38771 0.39813 0.40858 0.41907 0.42958 0.44012 0.45069 0.46128 0.47188 0.48251 0.49316 0.50381 0.51448 0.52516 0.53585 0.54656 0.55728 0.56801 0.57874 0.58948 0.60022 0.61097 0.62172 0.63247 0.64323 0.65400
0.19390 0.19452 0.19634 0.19931 0.20334 0.20831 0.21411 0.22062 0.22773 0.23536 0.24342 0.25185 0.26058 0.26958 0.27880 0.28821 0.29777 0.30748 0.31731 0.32725 0.33727 0.34738 0.35755 0.36779 0.37808 0.38842 0.39881 0.40923 0.41969 0.43018 0.44070 0.45124 0.46181 0.47240 0.48300 0.49363 0.50427 0.51492 0.52559 0.53626 0.54695 0.55765 0.56837 0.57910 0.58983 0.60057 0.61131 0.62205 0.63280 0.64355 0.65430
0.19634 0.19694 0.19872 0.20162 0.20556 0.21043 0.21612 0.22252 0.22953 0.23705 0.24502 0.25335 0.26200 0.27092 0.28006 0.28940 0.29890 0.30856 0.31833 0.32821 0.33819 0.34825 0.35839 0.36859 0.37885 0.38915 0.39951 0.40990 0.42033 0.43080 0.44129 0.45181 0.46236 0.47293 0.48351 0.49412 0.50474 0.51538 0.52604 0.53670 0.54737 0.55806 0.56875 0.57947 0.59019 0.60092 0.61165 0.62239 0.63313 0.64387 0.65462
0.19878 0.19937 0.20110 0.20394 0.20780 0.21257 0.21815 0.22444 0.23135 0.23877 0.24664 0.25488 0.26344 0.27228 0.28135 0.29062 0.30006 0.30965 0.31937 0.32921 0.33914 0.34916 0.35925 0.36941 0.37963 0.38991 0.40023 0.41060 0.42100 0.43144 0.44191 0.45241 0.46293 0.47348 0.48405 0.49463 0.50524 0.51586 0.52650 0.53715 0.54781 0.55848 0.56916 0.57985 0.59056 0.60128 0.61201 0.62274 0.63348 0.64421 0.65496
0.20122 0.20179 0.20349 0.20626 0.21004 0.21471 0.22020 0.22639 0.23319 0.24051 0.24828 0.25643 0.26491 0.27367 0.28266 0.29186 0.30124 0.31077 0.32044 0.33022 0.34011 0.35008 0.36013 0.37026 0.38044 0.39069 0.40098 0.41131 0.42169 0.43210 0.44254 0.45302 0.46352 0.47405 0.48459 0.49517 0.50575 0.51635 0.52697 0.53761 0.54826 0.55892 0.56959 0.58027 0.59095 0.60165 0.61237 0.62310 0.63383 0.64456 0.65530
0.20366 0.20422 0.20588 0.20859 0.21228 0.21687 0.22226 0.22835 0.23504 0.24227 0.24994 0.25801 0.26640 0.27508 0.28400 0.29313 0.30245 0.31192 0.32153 0.33126 0.34110 0.35103 0.36104 0.37113 0.38128 0.39148 0.40174 0.41205 0.42240 0.43278 0.44320 0.45365 0.46413 0.47464 0.48516 0.49571 0.50628 0.51687 0.52747 0.53809 0.54873 0.55938 0.57003 0.58070 0.59137 0.60206 0.61275 0.62347 0.63419 0.64492 0.65565
0.20610 0.20664 0.20827 0.21092 0.21454 0.21904 0.22433 0.23032 0.23692 0.24405 0.25163 0.25960 0.26791 0.27651 0.28536 0.29443 0.30368 0.31309 0.32265 0.33233 0.34212 0.35200 0.36197 0.37202 0.38213 0.39230 0.40253 0.41280 0.42312 0.43348 0.44388 0.45430 0.46476 0.47524 0.48575 0.49628 0.50683 0.51740 0.52799 0.53859 0.54920 0.55984 0.57049 0.58114 0.59181 0.60248 0.61316 0.62385 0.63456 0.64528 0.65601
0.20854 0.20907 0.21066 0.21326 0.21681 0.22122 0.22642 0.23232 0.23882 0.24585 0.25334 0.26122 0.26945 0.27797 0.28675 0.29574 0.30493 0.31429 0.32379 0.33341 0.34315 0.35299 0.36292 0.37293 0.38300 0.39314 0.40334 0.41358 0.42387 0.43420 0.44457 0.45497 0.46541 0.47587 0.48636 0.49686 0.50739 0.51795 0.52852 0.53911 0.54971 0.56032 0.57096 0.58160 0.59226 0.60292 0.61359 0.62427 0.63496 0.64565 0.65637
0.21098 0.21150 0.21305 0.21560 0.21908 0.22341 0.22852 0.23432 0.24073 0.24767 0.25507 0.26287 0.27101 0.27945 0.28816 0.29708 0.30621 0.31550 0.32495 0.33452 0.34421 0.35401 0.36389 0.37386 0.38390 0.39400 0.40416 0.41438 0.42464 0.43494 0.44528 0.45566 0.46607 0.47651 0.48698 0.49747 0.50798 0.51851 0.52907 0.53964 0.55022 0.56082 0.57144 0.58207 0.59272 0.60337 0.61403 0.62470 0.63537 0.64606 0.65675
0.21341 0.21393 0.21545 0.21794 0.22135 0.22561 0.23063 0.23634 0.24266 0.24951 0.25682 0.26453 0.27259 0.28096 0.28959 0.29845 0.30751 0.31674 0.32613 0.33565 0.34530 0.35505 0.36489 0.37481 0.38481 0.39488 0.40501 0.41519 0.42542 0.43570 0.44602 0.45637 0.46675 0.47717 0.48761 0.49809 0.50858 0.51909 0.52963 0.54019 0.55076 0.56134 0.57194 0.58255 0.59318 0.60383 0.61448 0.62514 0.63581 0.64648 0.65716
0.21585 0.21635 0.21784 0.22029 0.22364 0.22782 0.23276 0.23838 0.24460 0.25136 0.25858 0.26621 0.27419 0.28248 0.29104 0.29983 0.30883 0.31800 0.32733 0.33681 0.34640 0.35610 0.36590 0.37579 0.38575 0.39578 0.40588 0.41603 0.42623 0.43648 0.44676 0.45709 0.46745 0.47785 0.48827 0.49872 0.50920 0.51969 0.53021 0.54074 0.55130 0.56188 0.57246 0.58306 0.59367 0.60430 0.61494 0.62559 0.63625 0.64692 0.65759
0.21829 0.21878 0.22024 0.22264 0.22593 0.23003 0.23489 0.24043 0.24656 0.25323 0.26037 0.26791 0.27581 0.28403 0.29251 0.30124 0.31017 0.31928 0.32856 0.33798 0.34752 0.35718 0.36694 0.37678 0.38671 0.39670 0.40676 0.41688 0.42705 0.43727 0.44753 0.45783 0.46817 0.47854 0.48895 0.49937 0.50983 0.52031 0.53081 0.54133 0.55186 0.56242 0.57299 0.58358 0.59418 0.60479 0.61541 0.62606 0.63671 0.64736 0.65803
0.22073 0.22121 0.22264 0.22500 0.22822 0.23226 0.23704 0.24249 0.24854 0.25512 0.26217 0.26963 0.27745 0.28559 0.29401 0.30266 0.31153 0.32059 0.32981 0.33917 0.34867 0.35828 0.36799 0.37779 0.38768 0.39764 0.40767 0.41775 0.42789 0.43808 0.44832 0.45859 0.46891 0.47926 0.48963 0.50004 0.51048 0.52093 0.53142 0.54192 0.55244 0.56298 0.57354 0.58411 0.59470 0.60529 0.61590 0.62653 0.63717 0.64782 0.65848
0.22317 0.22364 0.22505 0.22735 0.23052 0.23449 0.23919 0.24456 0.25052 0.25702 0.26399 0.27137 0.27911 0.28718 0.29552 0.30411 0.31291 0.32191 0.33107 0.34039 0.34983 0.35940 0.36907 0.37883 0.38867 0.39860 0.40859 0.41864 0.42875 0.43891 0.44912 0.45937 0.46966 0.47998 0.49034 0.50073 0.51114 0.52158 0.53204 0.54253 0.55303 0.56356 0.57410 0.58466 0.59523 0.60582 0.61641 0.62702 0.63764 0.64829 0.65893
0.22561 0.22607 0.22745 0.22972 0.23283 0.23673 0.24135 0.24664 0.25253 0.25894 0.26582 0.27313 0.28079 0.28878 0.29705 0.30558 0.31432 0.32325 0.33236 0.34162 0.35102 0.36053 0.37016 0.37988 0.38969 0.39957 0.40953 0.41955 0.42963 0.43976 0.44994 0.46016 0.47043 0.48073 0.49106 0.50143 0.51182 0.52224 0.53268 0.54315 0.55364 0.56415 0.57467 0.58521 0.59578 0.60635 0.61693 0.62753 0.63814 0.64876 0.65940
0.22805 0.22850 0.22985 0.23208 0.23514 0.23897 0.24353 0.24874 0.25454 0.26087 0.26768 0.27490 0.28249 0.29040 0.29861 0.30706 0.31574 0.32462 0.33367 0.34288 0.35222 0.36169 0.37127 0.38095 0.39072 0.40057 0.41049 0.42048 0.43053 0.44063 0.45078 0.46098 0.47121 0.48149 0.49180 0.50214 0.51252 0.52292 0.53334 0.54379 0.55426 0.56475 0.57526 0.58579 0.59633 0.60689 0.61747 0.62805 0.63865 0.64926 0.65988
0.23049 0.23093 0.23226 0.23445 0.23745 0.24122 0.24571 0.25084 0.25657 0.26282 0.26954 0.27669 0.28420 0.29204 0.30018 0.30856 0.31718 0.32600 0.33499 0.34415 0.35344 0.36287 0.37240 0.38204 0.39177 0.40158 0.41147 0.42142 0.43144 0.44151 0.45163 0.46180 0.47201 0.48227 0.49255 0.50288 0.51323 0.52361 0.53401 0.54444 0.55490 0.56537 0.57587 0.58638 0.59690 0.60745 0.61801 0.62859 0.63917 0.64977 0.66037
0.23293 0.23336 0.23467 0.23682 0.23977 0.24348 0.24790 0.25296 0.25860 0.26478 0.27142 0.27849 0.28593 0.29370 0.30176 0.31009 0.31864 0.32740 0.33634 0.34544 0.35469 0.36406 0.37355 0.38315 0.39284 0.40261 0.41246 0.42238 0.43237 0.44241 0.45250 0.46264 0.47283 0.48306 0.49332 0.50362 0.51395 0.52431 0.53470 0.54511 0.55555 0.56600 0.57648 0.58698 0.59749 0.60802 0.61857 0.62913 0.63970 0.65029 0.66088
0.23537 0.23580 0.23708 0.23919 0.24209 0.24574 0.25009 0.25508 0.26065 0.26675 0.27332 0.28031 0.28768 0.29537 0.30337 0.31163 0.32012 0.32882 0.33770 0.34675 0.35594 0.36527 0.37472 0.38427 0.39392 0.40366 0.41347 0.42336 0.43331 0.44332 0.45339 0.46350 0.47367 0.48387 0.49411 0.50438 0.51469 0.52503 0.53540 0.54579 0.55621 0.56665 0.57711 0.58759 0.59809 0.60861 0.61914 0.62968 0.64025 0.65082 0.66141
0.23991 0.10910 0.12022 0.13134 0.14246 0.15358 0.16470 0.17582 0.18693 0.19805 0.20917 0.22029 0.23141 0.24253 0.25365 0.26477 0.27589 0.28701 0.29813 0.30925 0.32037 0.33149 0.34261 0.35372 0.36484 0.37596 0.38708 0.39820 0.40932 0.42044 0.43156 0.44268 0.45380 0.46492 0.47604 0.48716 0.49828 0.50940 0.52052 0.53163 0.54275 0.55382 0.56467 0.57551 0.58636 0.59721 0.60806 0.61890 0.62975 0.64060 0.65145
0.24241 0.24283 0.24408 0.24613 0.24897 0.25254 0.25679 0.26168 0.26714 0.27313 0.27959 0.28648 0.29375 0.30135 0.30925 0.31742 0.32583 0.33445 0.34327 0.35225 0.36138 0.33686 0.34771 0.35856 0.36940 0.38025 0.39110 0.40195 0.41280 0.42364 0.43449 0.44534 0.45619 0.46703 0.47788 0.48873 0.49958 0.51043 0.52127 0.53212 0.54297 0.55382 0.56467 0.57551 0.58636 0.59721 0.60806 0.61890 0.62975 0.64060 0.65145
0.24491 0.24532 0.24655 0.24857 0.25136 0.25488 0.25907 0.26389 0.26929 0.27521 0.28160 0.28841 0.29561 0.30315 0.31098 0.31909 0.32745 0.33601 0.34477 0.35370 0.36279 0.33686 0.34771 0.35856 0.36940 0.38025 0.39110 0.40195 0.41280 0.42364 0.43449 0.44534 0.45619 0.46703 0.47788 0.48873 0.49958 0.51043 0.52127 0.53212 0.54297 0.55382 0.56467 0.57551 0.58636 0.59721 0.60806 0.61890 0.62975 0.64060 0.65145
0.24741 0.24782 0.24902 0.25102 0.25376 0.25722 0.26136 0.26612 0.27144 0.27729 0.28361 0.29036 0.29749 0.30496 0.31273 0.32078 0.32907 0.33759 0.34629 0.35518 0.36422 0.33686 0.34771 0.35856 0.36940 0.38025 0.39110 0.40195 0.41280 0.42364 0.43449 0.44534 0.45619 0.46703 0.47788 0.48873 0.49958 0.51043 0.52127 0.53212 0.54297 0.55382 0.56467 0.57551 0.58636 0.59721 0.60806 0.61890 0.62975 0.64060 0.65145
0.24991 0.25031 0.25150 0.25346 0.25616 0.25958 0.26365 0.26835 0.27361 0.27939 0.28564 0.29232 0.29938 0.30678 0.31449 0.32248 0.33072 0.33917 0.34783 0.35666 0.36565 0.33686 0.34771 0.35856 0.36940 0.38025 0.39110 0.40195 0.41280 0.42364 0.43449 0.44534 0.45619 0.46703 0.47788 0.48873 0.49958 0.51043 0.52127 0.53212 0.54297 0.55382 0.56467 0.57551 0.58636 0.59721 0.60806 0.61890 0.62975 0.64060 0.65145
0.25241 0.25280 0.25397 0.25590 0.25857 0.26193 0.26595 0.27059 0.27578 0.28150 0.28768 0.29429 0.30128 0.30862 0.31627 0.32420 0.33238 0.34078 0.34938 0.35816 0.36711 0.33686 0.34771 0.35856 0.36940 0.38025 0.39110 0.40195 0.41280 0.42364 0.43449 0.44534 0.45619 0.46703 0.47788 0.48873 0.49958 0.51043 0.52127 0.53212 0.54297 0.55382 0.56467 0.57551 0.58636 0.59721 0.60806 0.61890 0.62975 0.64060 0.65145
0.25491 0.25530 0.25645 0.25835 0.26098 0.26429 0.26826 0.27283 0.27796 0.28361 0.28973 0.29627 0.30320 0.31047 0.31806 0.32593 0.33405 0.34239 0.35094 0.35968 0.36858 0.37762 0.38681 0.39611 0.40553 0.41505 0.42466 0.43435 0.44412 0.45395 0.46384 0.47372 0.48360 0.49348 0.50337 0.51325 0.52313 0.53302 0.54290 0.55278 0.56267 0.57255 0.58243 0.59231 0.60220 0.61208 0.62196 0.63185 0.64173 0.65161 0.66149
0.25713 0.25751 0.25864 0.26051 0.26310 0.26636 0.27026 0.27477 0.27983 0.28540 0.29144 0.29791 0.30475 0.31195 0.31946 0.32725 0.33529 0.34356 0.35204 0.36070 0.36952 0.37850 0.38761 0.39685 0.40619 0.41564 0.42517 0.43478 0.44447 0.45421 0.46401 0.47383 0.48368 0.49355 0.50342 0.51329 0.52317 0.53305 0.54293 0.55281 0.56269 0.57257 0.58245 0.59234 0.60222 0.61210 0.62199 0.63187 0.64175 0.65163 0.66152
0.25936 0.25973 0.26084 0.26268 0.26522 0.26843 0.27228 0.27672 0.28171 0.28721 0.29317 0.29955 0.30632 0.31344 0.32087 0.32859 0.33655 0.34475 0.35316 0.36175 0.37050 0.37941 0.38846 0.39763 0.40690 0.41628 0.42575 0.43530 0.44491 0.45459 0.46432 0.47409 0.48390 0.49372 0.50356 0.51342 0.52328 0.53314 0.54301 0.55288 0.56276 0.57263 0.58251 0.59239 0.60226 0.61214 0.62202 0.63190 0.64178 0.65166 0.66154
0.26158 0.26194 0.26304 0.26485 0.26735 0.27051 0.27430 0.27867 0.28360 0.28902 0.29491 0.30122 0.30791 0.31495 0.32231 0.32995 0.33784 0.34597 0.35430 0.36282 0.37151 0.38036 0.38934 0.39844 0.40766 0.41697 0.42638 0.43587 0.44542 0.45504 0.46472 0.47444 0.48419 0.49398 0.50379 0.51361 0.52345 0.53330 0.54315 0.55301 0.56287 0.57274 0.58260 0.59248 0.60235 0.61222 0.62210 0.63197 0.64185 0.65172 0.66160
0.26380 0.26416 0.26524 0.26702 0.26948 0.27259 0.27632 0.28064 0.28549 0.29085 0.29666 0.30290 0.30952 0.31648 0.32377 0.33133 0.33915 0.34721 0.35547 0.36393 0.37255 0.38133 0.39025 0.39929 0.40845 0.41770 0.42705 0.43648 0.44598 0.45555 0.46517 0.47484 0.48455 0.49430 0.50407 0.51386 0.52368 0.53350 0.54333 0.55318 0.56303 0.57288 0.58274 0.59260 0.60246 0.61233 0.62220 0.63207 0.64194 0.65181 0.66169
0.26602 0.26638 0.26744 0.26919 0.27161 0.27468 0.27836 0.28261 0.28740 0.29269 0.29843 0.30459 0.31114 0.31803 0.32524 0.33273 0.34049 0.34847 0.35667 0.36506 0.37362 0.38233 0.39119 0.40017 0.40927 0.41847 0.42776 0.43714 0.44659 0.45611 0.46568 0.47530 0.48497 0.49468 0.50441 0.51417 0.52395 0.53375 0.54357 0.55339 0.56322 0.57306 0.58291 0.59276 0.60261 0.61247 0.62233 0.63219 0.64206 0.65192 0.66179
0.26824 0.26859 0.26964 0.27136 0.27375 0.27677 0.28039 0.28459 0.28931 0.29453 0.30021 0.30630 0.31277 0.31960 0.32673 0.33416 0.34184 0.34976 0.35789 0.36621 0.37471 0.38336 0.39216 0.40108 0.41012 0.41927 0.42851 0.43783 0.44723 0.45670 0.46623 0.47581 0.48543 0.49510 0.50480 0.51453 0.52428 0.53405 0.54384 0.55364 0.56346 0.57328 0.58311 0.59295 0.60279 0.61264 0.62249 0.63234 0.64220 0.65206 0.66192
0.27047 0.27081 0.27184 0.27353 0.27589 0.27886 0.28244 0.28657 0.29124 0.29639 0.30200 0.30802 0.31443 0.32118 0.32824 0.33560 0.34321 0.35107 0.35913 0.36739 0.37583 0.38442 0.39316 0.40202 0.41101 0.42010 0.42929 0.43856 0.44791 0.45733 0.46681 0.47635 0.48594 0.49556 0.50523 0.51492 0.52464 0.53439 0.54415 0.55393 0.56373 0.57353 0.58335 0.59317 0.60300 0.61283 0.62267 0.63252 0.64237 0.65222 0.66208
0.27269 0.27303 0.27404 0.27571 0.27803 0.28096 0.28448 0.28857 0.29317 0.29826 0.30380 0.30975 0.31609 0.32277 0.32977 0.33706 0.34461 0.35239 0.36039 0.36859 0.37696 0.38550 0.39418 0.40299 0.41192 0.42096 0.43009 0.43932 0.44862 0.45800 0.46743 0.47693 0.48647 0.49606 0.50569 0.51535 0.52505 0.53476 0.54450 0.55426 0.56403 0.57382 0.58361 0.59342 0.60324 0.61306 0.62289 0.63272 0.64256 0.65240 0.66225
0.27491 0.27524 0.27624 0.27789 0.28017 0.28306 0.28654 0.29056 0.29511 0.30014 0.30561 0.31150 0.31777 0.32438 0.33131 0.33853 0.34602 0.35374 0.36168 0.36981 0.37812 0.38660 0.39522 0.40398 0.41286 0.42184 0.43093 0.44011 0.44936 0.45869 0.46809 0.47754 0.48705 0.49660 0.50619 0.51582 0.52548 0.53517 0.54488 0.55462 0.56437 0.57413 0.58391 0.59370 0.60350 0.61331 0.62313 0.63295 0.64278 0.65261 0.66245
0.27713 0.27746 0.27844 0.28007 0.28231 0.28517 0.28860 0.29257 0.29706 0.30202 0.30743 0.31326 0.31946 0.32601 0.33287 0.34002 0.34744 0.35510 0.36298 0.37105 0.37931 0.38773 0.39629 0.40500 0.41382 0.42276 0.43179 0.44092 0.45013 0.45942 0.46877 0.47818 0.48765 0.49717 0.50672 0.51632 0.52595 0.53561 0.54530 0.55500 0.56473 0.57448 0.58424 0.59401 0.60379 0.61359 0.62339 0.63320 0.64302 0.65284 0.66267
0.27936 0.27968 0.28065 0.28225 0.28446 0.28728 0.29066 0.29458 0.29901 0.30392 0.30927 0.31503 0.32116 0.32764 0.33444 0.34153 0.34889 0.35648 0.36430 0.37231 0.38051 0.38887 0.39738 0.40603 0.41481 0.42369 0.43268 0.44176 0.45093 0.46017 0.46948 0.47885 0.48828 0.49776 0.50729 0.51685 0.52645 0.53608 0.54574 0.55542 0.56513 0.57485 0.58459 0.59434 0.60411 0.61389 0.62368 0.63347 0.64328 0.65309 0.66291
0.28158 0.28190 0.28285 0.28443 0.28661 0.28939 0.29272 0.29660 0.30097 0.30582 0.31111 0.31681 0.32288 0.32930 0.33603 0.34306 0.35035 0.35788 0.36564 0.37359 0.38173 0.39004 0.39850 0.40709 0.41581 0.42465 0.43359 0.44263 0.45175 0.46095 0.47022 0.47955 0.48894 0.49839 0.50788 0.51741 0.52698 0.53658 0.54621 0.55587 0.56555 0.57525 0.58497 0.59470 0.60445 0.61422 0.62399 0.63377 0.64356 0.65336 0.66317
0.28380 0.28411 0.28505 0.28661 0.28876 0.29150 0.29479 0.29862 0.30294 0.30773 0.31296 0.31859 0.32460 0.33096 0.33763 0.34460 0.35182 0.35930 0.36699 0.37489 0.38297 0.39122 0.39963 0.40817 0.41684 0.42563 0.43453 0.44352 0.45259 0.46175 0.47098 0.48028 0.48963 0.49904 0.50849 0.51799 0.52753 0.53710 0.54671 0.55634 0.56600 0.57567 0.58537 0.59509 0.60482 0.61457 0.62432 0.63409 0.64387 0.65365 0.66345
0.28602 0.28633 0.28726 0.28879 0.29092 0.29362 0.29687 0.30064 0.30491 0.30965 0.31482 0.32039 0.32634 0.33264 0.33925 0.34615 0.35332 0.36073 0.36837 0.37621 0.38423 0.39243 0.40078 0.40927 0.41790 0.42664 0.43548 0.44443 0.45346 0.46258 0.47177 0.48102 0.49034 0.49971 0.50913 0.51860 0.52811 0.53765 0.54723 0.55684 0.56647 0.57612 0.58580 0.59550 0.60521 0.61494 0.62468 0.63443 0.64420 0.65397 0.66375
0.28824 0.28855 0.28946 0.29098 0.29307 0.29574 0.29895 0.30268 0.30690 0.31158 0.31669 0.32220 0.32809 0.33432 0.34087 0.34771 0.35482 0.36218 0.36976 0.37754 0.38551 0.39365 0.40195 0.41039 0.41897 0.42766 0.43646 0.44536 0.45435 0.46343 0.47258 0.48179 0.49107 0.50041 0.50980 0.51924 0.52871 0.53823 0.54778 0.55736 0.56697 0.57660 0.58625 0.59593 0.60562 0.61533 0.62506 0.63479 0.64454 0.65430 0.66407
0.29047 0.29077 0.29167 0.29316 0.29523 0.29786 0.30103 0.30471 0.30888 0.31351 0.31857 0.32402 0.32985 0.33602 0.34251 0.34929 0.35634 0.36364 0.37116 0.37889 0.38680 0.39489 0.40314 0.41153 0.42006 0.42870 0.43746 0.44632 0.45526 0.46430 0.47341 0.48259 0.49183 0.50113 0.51049 0.51989 0.52934 0.53882 0.54835 0.55790 0.56748 0.57709 0.58673 0.59638 0.60606 0.61575 0.62545 0.63518 0.64491 0.65465 0.66441
0.29269 0.29299 0.29387 0.29535 0.29739 0.29999 0.30312 0.30675 0.31087 0.31545 0.32045 0.32585 0.33162 0.33774 0.34417 0.35089 0.35788 0.36512 0.37258 0.38025 0.38812 0.39615 0.40435 0.41269 0.42117 0.42977 0.43848 0.44729 0.45620 0.46519 0.47426 0.48340 0.49261 0.50188 0.51120 0.52057 0.52999 0.53944 0.54894 0.55847 0.56803 0.57761 0.58722 0.59686 0.60651 0.61618 0.62587 0.63558 0.64530 0.65503 0.66477
0.29491 0.29520 0.29608 0.29753 0.29955 0.30211 0.30521 0.30880 0.31287 0.31740 0.32234 0.32769 0.33340 0.33946 0.34583 0.35249 0.35943 0.36661 0.37402 0.38163 0.38944 0.39743 0.40557 0.41387 0.42229 0.43085 0.43951 0.44828 0.45715 0.46610 0.47513 0.48424 0.49341 0.50264 0.51193 0.52127 0.53066 0.54009 0.54955 0.55905 0.56859 0.57815 0.58774 0.59735 0.60699 0.61664 0.62631 0.63600 0.64570 0.65542 0.66514
0.29713 0.29742 0.29829 0.29972 0.30171 0.30425 0.30730 0.31085 0.31488 0.31935 0.32424 0.32953 0.33519 0.34119 0.34750 0.35411 0.36099 0.36811 0.37547 0.38303 0.39079 0.39872 0.40681 0.41506 0.42344 0.43195 0.44057 0.44929 0.45812 0.46703 0.47602 0.48509 0.49423 0.50343 0.51268 0.52199 0.53135 0.54075 0.55019 0.55966 0.56917 0.57871 0.58828 0.59787 0.60748 0.61712 0.62677 0.63644 0.64613 0.65582 0.66554
0.29936 0.29964 0.30050 0.30191 0.30388 0.30638 0.30939 0.31290 0.31688 0.32131 0.32615 0.33139 0.33699 0.34293 0.34919 0.35574 0.36256 0.36963 0.37693 0.38444 0.39214 0.40003 0.40807 0.41627 0.42460 0.43306 0.44164 0.45033 0.45911 0.46798 0.47694 0.48597 0.49507 0.50423 0.51346 0.52273 0.53206 0.54143 0.55084 0.56029 0.56977 0.57929 0.58883 0.59840 0.60800 0.61761 0.62725 0.63690 0.64657 0.65625 0.66595
0.30158 0.30186 0.30270 0.30410 0.30604 0.30851 0.31149 0.31496 0.31890 0.32327 0.32807 0.33325 0.33880 0.34468 0.35089 0.35738 0.36415 0.37116 0.37841 0.38587 0.39352 0.40135 0.40935 0.41749 0.42578 0.43420 0.44273 0.45137 0.46012 0.46895 0.47787 0.48686 0.49593 0.50506 0.51425 0.52349 0.53279 0.54213 0.55151 0.56094 0.57040 0.57989 0.58941 0.59896 0.60853 0.61812 0.62774 0.63737 0.64703 0.65670 0.66638
0.30380 0.30408 0.30491 0.30629 0.30821 0.31065 0.31359 0.31702 0.32092 0.32524 0.32999 0.33512 0.34061 0.34645 0.35260 0.35904 0.36575 0.37271 0.37990 0.38730 0.39491 0.40269 0.41063 0.41874 0.42698 0.43535 0.44384 0.45244 0.46114 0.46993 0.47881 0.48777 0.49680 0.50590 0.51506 0.52427 0.53354 0.54285 0.55221 0.56160 0.57104 0.58050 0.59000 0.59953 0.60908 0.61865 0.62825 0.63787 0.64750 0.65716 0.66682
0.30602 0.30630 0.30712 0.30848 0.31038 0.31279 0.31570 0.31909 0.32294 0.32722 0.33192 0.33700 0.34244 0.34822 0.35431 0.36070 0.36736 0.37426 0.38140 0.38876 0.39631 0.40404 0.41194 0.41999 0.42819 0.43652 0.44496 0.45352 0.46218 0.47094 0.47978 0.48870 0.49770 0.50676 0.51588 0.52507 0.53430 0.54359 0.55292 0.56229 0.57170 0.58114 0.59061 0.60012 0.60965 0.61920 0.62878 0.63838 0.64800 0.65763 0.66728
0.30824 0.30852 0.30933 0.31068 0.31255 0.31493 0.31781 0.32116 0.32497 0.32920 0.33385 0.33888 0.34427 0.35000 0.35604 0.36237 0.36898 0.37583 0.38292 0.39022 0.39772 0.40541 0.41326 0.42126 0.42941 0.43770 0.44610 0.45462 0.46324 0.47196 0.48076 0.48965 0.49861 0.50764 0.51673 0.52588 0.53509 0.54434 0.55365 0.56299 0.57237 0.58179 0.59124 0.60072 0.61023 0.61977 0.62933 0.63891 0.64851 0.65813 0.66776
0.31047 0.31074 0.31154 0.31287 0.31472 0.31707 0.31992 0.32323 0.32700 0.33119 0.33579 0.34077 0.34611 0.35179 0.35778 0.36406 0.37061 0.37741 0.38445 0.39170 0.39915 0.40679 0.41459 0.42255 0.43066 0.43890 0.44726 0.45573 0.46431 0.47299 0.48176 0.49061 0.49954 0.50853 0.51759 0.52671 0.53589 0.54512 0.55439 0.56371 0.57307 0.58246 0.59189 0.60135 0.61084 0.62035 0.62989 0.63945 0.64903 0.65864 0.66826
0.31269 0.31295 0.31375 0.31506 0.31689 0.31922 0.32203 0.32531 0.32903 0.33318 0.33774 0.34267 0.34796 0.35358 0.35952 0.36575 0.37225 0.37900 0.38599 0.39319 0.40059 0.40818 0.41594 0.42385 0.43191 0.44011 0.44843 0.45686 0.46541 0.47404 0.48278 0.49159 0.50048 0.50944 0.51847 0.52756 0.53671 0.54591 0.55515 0.56444 0.57378 0.58315 0.59255 0.60199 0.61145 0.62095 0.63047 0.64001 0.64958 0.65916 0.66876
0.31491 0.31517 0.31596 0.31726 0.31906 0.32136 0.32414 0.32739 0.33107 0.33518 0.33969 0.34457 0.34982 0.35539 0.36128 0.36746 0.37391 0.38061 0.38754 0.39469 0.40205 0.40959 0.41730 0.42517 0.43318 0.44134 0.44961 0.45801 0.46651 0.47511 0.48381 0.49258 0.50144 0.51037 0.51937 0.52843 0.53754 0.54671 0.55593 0.56520 0.57450 0.58385 0.59323 0.60264 0.61209 0.62156 0.63106 0.64059 0.65013 0.65970 0.66929
0.31713 0.31739 0.31817 0.31945 0.32124 0.32351 0.32626 0.32947 0.33312 0.33718 0.34165 0.34648 0.35168 0.35720 0.36304 0.36917 0.37557 0.38222 0.38911 0.39621 0.40351 0.41101 0.41867 0.42649 0.43447 0.44258 0.45081 0.45917 0.46763 0.47620 0.48485 0.49359 0.50242 0.51131 0.52028 0.52931 0.53839 0.54754 0.55673 0.56596 0.57525 0.58457 0.59392 0.60332 0.61274 0.62219 0.63167 0.64118 0.65071 0.66026 0.66983
0.31936 0.31961 0.32038 0.32165 0.32341 0.32566 0.32838 0.33155 0.33516 0.33919 0.34361 0.34840 0.35355 0.35903 0.36481 0.37089 0.37724 0.38384 0.39068 0.39774 0.40499 0.41244 0.42006 0.42784 0.43577 0.44383 0.45203 0.46034 0.46877 0.47729 0.48591 0.49462 0.50341 0.51227 0.52121 0.53020 0.53926 0.54837 0.55754 0.56675 0.57600 0.58530 0.59464 0.60400 0.61341 0.62284 0.63230 0.64178 0.65129 0.66083 0.67038
0.32158 0.32183 0.32259 0.32384 0.32559 0.32781 0.33050 0.33364 0.33722 0.34120 0.34558 0.35033 0.35542 0.36085 0.36659 0.37262 0.37893 0.38548 0.39227 0.39927 0.40648 0.41388 0.42145 0.42919 0.43708 0.44510 0.45326 0.46153 0.46992 0.47840 0.48699 0.49566 0.50442 0.51325 0.52215 0.53111 0.54014 0.54923 0.55836 0.56755 0.57678 0.58605 0.59536 0.60471 0.61409 0.62350 0.63294 0.64241 0.65190 0.66141 0.67095
Sg 101 depth(row) 51 delta(column)
0.00000 0.09754 0.19508 0.29262 0.39016 0.43989 0.45906 0.47823 0.49740 0.51657 0.53575 0.55492 0.57409 0.59326 0.61243 0.63160 0.65077 0.66994 0.68912 0.70829 0.72746 0.74663 0.76580 0.78497 0.80414 0.82332 0.84249 0.86166 0.88083 0.90000 0.91917 0.93834 0.95751 0.97669 0.99586 1.01503 1.03420 1.05337 1.07254 1.09171 1.11088 1.13006 1.14923 1.16840 1.18757 1.20674 1.22591 1.24508 1.26426 1.28343 1.30260
0.02193 0.10506 0.20234 0.29963 0.39692 0.41839 0.43756 0.45673 0.47590 0.49507 0.51424 0.53342 0.55259 0.57176 0.59093 0.61010 0.62927 0.64844 0.66761 0.68679 0.70596 0.72513 0.74430 0.76347 0.78264 0.80181 0.82098 0.84016 0.85933 0.87850 0.89767 0.91684 0.93601 0.95518 0.97435 0.99353 1.01270 1.03187 1.05104 1.07021 1.08938 1.10855 1.12773 1.14690 1.16607 1.18524 1.20441 1.22358 1.24275 1.26192 1.28110
0.04386 0.11284 0.21013 0.30742 0.37771 0.39689 0.41606 0.43523 0.45440 0.47357 0.49274 0.51191 0.53108 0.55026 0.56943 0.58860 0.60777 0.62694 0.64611 0.66528 0.68445 0.70363 0.72280 0.74197 0.76114 0.78031 0.79948 0.81865 0.83783 0.85700 0.87617 0.89534 0.91451 0.93368 0.95285 0.97202 0.99120 1.01037 1.02954 1.04871 1.06788 1.08705 1.10622 1.12539 1.14457 1.16374 1.18291 1.20208 1.22125 1.24042 1.25959
0.06579 0.12062 0.21792 0.31522 0.35621 0.37538 0.39455 0.41373 0.43290 0.45207 0.47124 0.49041 0.50958 0.52875 0.54792 0.56710 0.58627 0.60544 0.62461 0.64378 0.66295 0.68212 0.70130 0.72047 0.73964 0.75881 0.77798 0.79715 0.81632 0.83549 0.85467 0.87384 0.89301 0.91218 0.93135 0.95052 0.96969 0.98886 1.00804 1.02721 1.04638 1.06555 1.08472 1.10389 1.12306 1.14224 1.16141 1.18058 1.19975 1.21892 1.23809
0.08772 0.13118 0.22570 0.31554 0.33471 0.35388 0.37305 0.39222 0.41140 0.43057 0.44974 0.46891 0.48808 0.50725 0.52642 0.54559 0.56477 0.58394 0.60311 0.62228 0.64145 0.66062 0.67979 0.69896 0.71814 0.73731 0.75648 0.77565 0.79482 0.81399 0.83316 0.85233 0.87151 0.89068 0.90985 0.92902 0.94819 0.96736 0.98653 1.00571 1.02488 1.04405 1.06322 1.08239 1.10156 1.12073 1.13990 1.15908 1.17825 1.19742 1.21659
0.10965 0.14675 0.23348 0.29404 0.31321 0.33238 0.35155 0.37072 0.38989 0.40906 0.42824 0.44741 0.46658 0.48575 0.50492 0.52409 0.54326 0.56243 0.58161 0.60078 0.61995 0.63912 0.65829 0.67746 0.69663 0.71581 0.73498 0.75415 0.77332 0.79249 0.81166 0.83083 0.85000 0.86918 0.88835 0.90752 0.92669 0.94586 0.96503 0.98420 1.00337 1.02255 1.04172 1.06089 1.08006 1.09923 1.11840 1.13757 1.15674 1.17592 1.19509
0.13158 0.16379 0.24125 0.27253 0.29171 0.31088 0.33005 0.34922 0.36839 0.38756 0.40673 0.42590 0.44508 0.46425 0.48342 0.50259 0.52176 0.54093 0.56010 0.57928 0.59845 0.61762 0.63679 0.65596 0.67513 0.69430 0.71347 0.73265 0.75182 0.77099 0.79016 0.80933 0.82850 0.84767 0.86684 0.88602 0.90519 0.92436 0.94353 0.96270 0.98187 1.00104 1.02022 1.03939 1.05856 1.07773 1.09690 1.11607 1.13524 1.15441 1.17359
0.15351 0.18188 0.23186 0.25103 0.27020 0.28937 0.30855 0.32772 0.34689 0.36606 0.38523 0.40440 0.42357 0.44275 0.46192 0.48109 0.50026 0.51943 0.53860 0.55777 0.57694 0.59612 0.61529 0.63446 0.65363 0.67280 0.69197 0.71114 0.73031 0.74949 0.76866 0.78783 0.80700 0.82617 0.84534 0.86451 0.88369 0.90286 0.92203 0.94120 0.96037 0.97954 0.99871 1.01788 1.03706 1.05623 1.07540 1.09457 1.11374 1.13291 1.15208
0.17544 0.19119 0.21036 0.22953 0.24870 0.26787 0.28704 0.30622 0.32539 0.34456 0.36373 0.38290 0.40207 0.42124 0.44041 0.45959 0.47876 0.49793 0.51710 0.53627 0.55544 0.57461 0.59379 0.61296 0.63213 0.65130 0.67047 0.68964 0.70881 0.72798 0.74716 0.76633 0.78550 0.80467 0.82384 0.84301 0.86218 0.88135 0.90053 0.91970 0.93887 0.95804 0.97721 0.99638 1.01555 1.03472 1.05390 1.07307 1.09224 1.11141 1.13058
0.17975 0.19191 0.21065 0.22972 0.24883 0.26798 0.28713 0.30629 0.32545 0.34462 0.36379 0.38296 0.40213 0.42129 0.44046 0.45963 0.47880 0.49797 0.51714 0.53630 0.55547 0.57464 0.59381 0.61298 0.63215 0.65132 0.67049 0.68966 0.70883 0.72800 0.74717 0.76634 0.78551 0.80469 0.82386 0.84303 0.86220 0.88137 0.90054 0.91971 0.93888 0.95805 0.97723 0.99640 1.01557 1.03474 1.05391 1.07308 1.09225 1.11142 1.13059
0.18406 0.19381 0.21152 0.23026 0.24923 0.26829 0.28739 0.30651 0.32564 0.34479 0.36394 0.38309 0.40224 0.42140 0.44056 0.45972 0.47889 0.49806 0.51722 0.53639 0.55556 0.57473 0.59390 0.61306 0.63223 0.65140 0.67057 0.68974 0.70891 0.72807 0.74723 0.76640 0.78557 0.80474 0.82391 0.84308 0.86225 0.88142 0.90058 0.91975 0.93892 0.95809 0.97726 0.99643 1.01560 1.03477 1.05394 1.07311 1.09228 1.11145 1.13062
0.18837 0.19646 0.21290 0.23115 0.24989 0.26881 0.28782 0.30687 0.32596 0.34507 0.36419 0.38331 0.40245 0.42159 0.44074 0.45989 0.47904 0.49820 0.51735 0.53651 0.55566 0.57482 0.59399 0.61316 0.63232 0.65149 0.67066 0.68983 0.70900 0.72816 0.74733 0.76650 0.78567 0.80484 0.82400 0.84317 0.86234 0.88150 0.90067 0.91983 0.93900 0.95816 0.97733 0.99650 1.01567 1.03484 1.05400 1.07317 1.09234 1.11151 1.13068
0.19268 0.19956 0.21473 0.23238 0.25080 0.26953 0.28841 0.30738 0.32640 0.34545 0.36453 0.38364 0.40275 0.42186 0.44098 0.46011 0.47925 0.49840 0.51755 0.53670 0.55585 0.57500 0.59415 0.61331 0.63246 0.65162 0.67077 0.68993 0.70909 0.72826 0.74742 0.76659 0.78576 0.80493 0.82410 0.84326 0.86243 0.88160 0.90077 0.91994 0.93910 0.95827 0.97744 0.99661 1.01576 1.03493 1.05410 1.07326 1.09243 1.11159 1.13076
0.19699 0.20297 0.21693 0.23391 0.25195 0.27044 0.28917 0.30803 0.32696 0.34595 0.36498 0.38404 0.40311 0.42221 0.44131 0.46042 0.47954 0.49866 0.51779 0.53692 0.55606 0.57520 0.59435 0.61350 0.63265 0.65180 0.67095 0.69011 0.70926 0.72841 0.74757 0.76673 0.78588 0.80504 0.82420 0.84336 0.86252 0.88169 0.90086 0.92003 0.93919 0.95836 0.97753 0.99670 1.01587 1.03503 1.05420 1.07337 1.09254 1.11171 1.13087
0.20130 0.20658 0.21946 0.23571 0.25333 0.27155 0.29009 0.30881 0.32765 0.34656 0.36553 0.38453 0.40357 0.42262 0.44169 0.46078 0.47988 0.49899 0.51810 0.53722 0.55634 0.57546 0.59459 0.61372 0.63286 0.65201 0.67116 0.69031 0.70946 0.72861 0.74776 0.76691 0.78606 0.80522 0.82437 0.84352 0.86268 0.88183 0.90099 0.92015 0.93931 0.95847 0.97763 0.99679 1.01596 1.03512 1.05429 1.07346 1.09263 1.11180 1.13096
0.20561 0.21033 0.22224 0.23777 0.25492 0.27284 0.29117 0.30974 0.32846 0.34728 0.36617 0.38512 0.40410 0.42312 0.44215 0.46120 0.48027 0.49935 0.51845 0.53756 0.55667 0.57578 0.59489 0.61401 0.63313 0.65226 0.67139 0.69053 0.70967 0.72881 0.74796 0.76711 0.78626 0.80541 0.82456 0.84371 0.86286 0.88202 0.90117 0.92032 0.93948 0.95863 0.97779 0.99694 1.01610 1.03526 1.05441 1.07357 1.09273 1.11189 1.13105
0.20992 0.21419 0.22524 0.24006 0.25672 0.27431 0.29240 0.31080 0.32939 0.34811 0.36692 0.38579 0.40472 0.42368 0.44268 0.46170 0.48073 0.49978 0.51885 0.53793 0.55702 0.57613 0.59523 0.61434 0.63345 0.65257 0.67169 0.69081 0.70993 0.72906 0.74820 0.76733 0.78647 0.80562 0.82477 0.84392 0.86307 0.88222 0.90137 0.92052 0.93967 0.95882 0.97797 0.99712 1.01628 1.03543 1.05459 1.07374 1.09290 1.11205 1.13121
0.21423 0.21812 0.22841 0.24254 0.25870 0.27594 0.29378 0.31199 0.33043 0.34904 0.36775 0.38655 0.40542 0.42433 0.44328 0.46225 0.48126 0.50028 0.51932 0.53837 0.55743 0.57651 0.59560 0.61470 0.63380 0.65291 0.67202 0.69113 0.71025 0.72936 0.74849 0.76761 0.78674 0.80587 0.82500 0.84414 0.86328 0.88242 0.90157 0.92072 0.93987 0.95902 0.97817 0.99732 1.01647 1.03562 1.05477 1.07393 1.09308 1.11223 1.13139
0.21854 0.22211 0.23172 0.24521 0.26086 0.27773 0.29530 0.31330 0.33159 0.35007 0.36869 0.38740 0.40619 0.42505 0.44394 0.46288 0.48184 0.50082 0.51984 0.53886 0.55790 0.57695 0.59602 0.61509 0.63417 0.65327 0.67237 0.69148 0.71059 0.72970 0.74881 0.76792 0.78704 0.80616 0.82528 0.84441 0.86354 0.88267 0.90181 0.92094 0.94008 0.95923 0.97838 0.99752 1.01667 1.03582 1.05497 1.07412 1.09328 1.11243 1.13158
0.22285 0.22615 0.23516 0.24802 0.26318 0.27967 0.29696 0.31474 0.33286 0.35120 0.36971 0.38833 0.40705 0.42584 0.44468 0.46356 0.48248 0.50143 0.52040 0.53940 0.55842 0.57745 0.59649 0.61554 0.63460 0.65367 0.67275 0.69184 0.71094 0.73005 0.74915 0.76826 0.78737 0.80649 0.82560 0.84472 0.86384 0.88296 0.90208 0.92121 0.94034 0.95947 0.97861 0.99775 1.01689 1.03603 1.05518 1.07433 1.09348 1.11263 1.13178
0.22716 0.23023 0.23870 0.25098 0.26565 0.28175 0.29875 0.31630 0.33424 0.35244 0.37082 0.38935 0.40798 0.42670 0.44548 0.46431 0.48318 0.50209 0.52103 0.53999 0.55897 0.57798 0.59700 0.61603 0.63507 0.65412 0.67318 0.69225 0.71133 0.73041 0.74951 0.76862 0.78772 0.80683 0.82594 0.84505 0.86416 0.88328 0.90239 0.92151 0.94063 0.95976 0.97888 0.99801 1.01714 1.03628 1.05542 1.07455 1.09369 1.11284 1.13198
0.23147 0.23434 0.24232 0.25406 0.26825 0.28397 0.30066 0.31798 0.33572 0.35377 0.37203 0.39045 0.40899 0.42763 0.44635 0.46512 0.48394 0.50281 0.52171 0.54063 0.55959 0.57856 0.59755 0.61656 0.63558 0.65461 0.67365 0.69270 0.71176 0.73083 0.74991 0.76899 0.78809 0.80719 0.82629 0.84540 0.86451 0.88361 0.90273 0.92184 0.94095 0.96007 0.97919 0.99831 1.01743 1.03656 1.05568 1.07481 1.09395 1.11308 1.13222
0.23578 0.23847 0.24602 0.25725 0.27097 0.28631 0.30269 0.31976 0.33731 0.35519 0.37332 0.39163 0.41008 0.42864 0.44728 0.46600 0.48477 0.50358 0.52244 0.54133 0.56024 0.57919 0.59815 0.61713 0.63612 0.65514 0.67416 0.69319 0.71224 0.73129 0.75034 0.76941 0.78849 0.80757 0.82666 0.84576 0.86486 0.88397 0.90307 0.92218 0.94129 0.96040 0.97951 0.99863 1.01775 1.03686 1.05598 1.07511 1.09423 1.11336 1.13249
0.24009 0.24263 0.24978 0.26053 0.27381 0.28876 0.30483 0.32165 0.33900 0.35671 0.37470 0.39289 0.41124 0.42971 0.44828 0.46693 0.48564 0.50441 0.52322 0.54207 0.56095 0.57986 0.59879 0.61774 0.63671 0.65570 0.67470 0.69372 0.71274 0.73178 0.75082 0.76987 0.78893 0.80799 0.82707 0.84614 0.86523 0.88433 0.90343 0.92254 0.94164 0.96075 0.97986 0.99897 1.01808 1.03719 1.05631 1.07542 1.09454 1.11366 1.13278
0.24440 0.24680 0.25359 0.26390 0.27675 0.29132 0.30708 0.32365 0.34078 0.35832 0.37616 0.39423 0.41248 0.43086 0.44935 0.46793 0.48658 0.50529 0.52406 0.54286 0.56170 0.58057 0.59947 0.61840 0.63734 0.65630 0.67528 0.69427 0.71328 0.73230 0.75133 0.77036 0.78940 0.80845 0.82751 0.84658 0.86565 0.88472 0.90380 0.92290 0.94200 0.96111 0.98021 0.99932 1.01842 1.03753 1.05664 1.07575 1.09487 1.11398 1.13310
0.24871 0.25098 0.25745 0.26735 0.27978 0.29399 0.30943 0.32574 0.34265 0.36002 0.37771 0.39565 0.41378 0.43207 0.45048 0.46899 0.48757 0.50623 0.52494 0.54370 0.56250 0.58134 0.60020 0.61909 0.63801 0.65694 0.67590 0.69487 0.71385 0.73284 0.75186 0.77088 0.78991 0.80894 0.82799 0.84704 0.86609 0.88516 0.90423 0.92330 0.94238 0.96147 0.98057 0.99968 1.01878 1.03789 1.05699 1.07610 1.09521 1.11432 1.13343
0.25302 0.25518 0.26136 0.27087 0.28290 0.29675 0.31188 0.32792 0.34462 0.36180 0.37933 0.39714 0.41516 0.43335 0.45167 0.47010 0.48863 0.50722 0.52588 0.54459 0.56335 0.58214 0.60097 0.61983 0.63871 0.65762 0.67655 0.69550 0.71446 0.73343 0.75242 0.77142 0.79044 0.80946 0.82849 0.84753 0.86657 0.88562 0.90467 0.92374 0.94281 0.96188 0.98096 1.00004 1.01914 1.03825 1.05735 1.07645 1.09556 1.11467 1.13377
0.25734 0.25939 0.26529 0.27444 0.28609 0.29959 0.31442 0.33020 0.34667 0.36366 0.38103 0.39871 0.41661 0.43470 0.45293 0.47128 0.48973 0.50827 0.52687 0.54553 0.56424 0.58299 0.60178 0.62061 0.63946 0.65834 0.67724 0.69616 0.71510 0.73405 0.75302 0.77200 0.79099 0.81000 0.82902 0.84804 0.86707 0.88611 0.90515 0.92420 0.94326 0.96232 0.98139 1.00046 1.01954 1.03862 1.05772 1.07682 1.09592 1.11502 1.13413
0.26165 0.26360 0.26926 0.27807 0.28936 0.30252 0.31704 0.33255 0.34881 0.36560 0.38281 0.40034 0.41813 0.43611 0.45425 0.47252 0.49089 0.50936 0.52791 0.54651 0.56518 0.58389 0.60264 0.62143 0.64025 0.65909 0.67797 0.69686 0.71577 0.73470 0.75365 0.77261 0.79158 0.81057 0.82957 0.84858 0.86760 0.88662 0.90565 0.92469 0.94374 0.96278 0.98184 1.00090 1.01997 1.03904 1.05812 1.07720 1.09629 1.11539 1.13449
0.26595 0.26782 0.27325 0.28174 0.29269 0.30551 0.31973 0.33498 0.35101 0.36761 0.38465 0.40204 0.41969 0.43756 0.45560 0.47378 0.49209 0.51048 0.52897 0.54752 0.56613 0.58479 0.60350 0.62225 0.64103 0.65984 0.67868 0.69755 0.71643 0.73534 0.75426 0.77320 0.79216 0.81112 0.83010 0.84908 0.86808 0.88709 0.90611 0.92514 0.94417 0.96321 0.98225 1.00130 1.02035 1.03941 1.05847 1.07754 1.09662 1.11569 1.13477
0.27025 0.27204 0.27726 0.28545 0.29607 0.30858 0.32250 0.33749 0.35329 0.36969 0.38656 0.40380 0.42132 0.43908 0.45702 0.47511 0.49333 0.51166 0.53008 0.54857 0.56713 0.58574 0.60441 0.62312 0.64186 0.66064 0.67944 0.69828 0.71714 0.73601 0.75491 0.77383 0.79276 0.81170 0.83066 0.84963 0.86861 0.88760 0.90660 0.92561 0.94463 0.96366 0.98269 1.00172 1.02076 1.03981 1.05886 1.07792 1.09698 1.11604 1.13512
0.27455 0.27628 0.28129 0.28921 0.29952 0.31171 0.32534 0.34007 0.35564 0.37184 0.38854 0.40563 0.42302 0.44066 0.45849 0.47650 0.49464 0.51289 0.53124 0.54967 0.56818 0.58674 0.60536 0.62402 0.64273 0.66147 0.68024 0.69905 0.71787 0.73672 0.75560 0.77449 0.79339 0.81232 0.83126 0.85021 0.86917 0.88814 0.90712 0.92611 0.94511 0.96413 0.98315 1.00217 1.02120 1.04024 1.05928 1.07832 1.09737 1.11642 1.13548
0.27886 0.28051 0.28534 0.29300 0.30301 0.31490 0.32825 0.34273 0.35806 0.37407 0.39059 0.40752 0.42478 0.44230 0.46003 0.47794 0.49599 0.51417 0.53245 0.55082 0.56927 0.58778 0.60635 0.62497 0.64364 0.66234 0.68108 0.69985 0.71865 0.73747 0.75631 0.77518 0.79406 0.81296 0.83188 0.85081 0.86976 0.88871 0.90767 0.92665 0.94563 0.96463 0.98363 1.00264 1.02166 1.04069 1.05972 1.07875 1.09779 1.11683 1.13588
0.28316 0.28475 0.28941 0.29682 0.30655 0.31815 0.33122 0.34545 0.36056 0.37636 0.39271 0.40948 0.42660 0.44400 0.46163 0.47944 0.49741 0.51550 0.53372 0.55202 0.57041 0.58887 0.60739 0.62597 0.64459 0.66325 0.68196 0.70069 0.71946 0.73825 0.75707 0.77591 0.79477 0.81364 0.83254 0.85145 0.87037 0.88931 0.90826 0.92722 0.94618 0.96516 0.98415 1.00314 1.02214 1.04116 1.06018 1.07921 1.09824 1.11727 1.13631
0.28746 0.28900 0.29350 0.30068 0.31013 0.32145 0.33426 0.34823 0.36312 0.37872 0.39489 0.41151 0.42849 0.44576 0.46328 0.48099 0.49887 0.51689 0.53503 0.55327 0.57160 0.59000 0.60847 0.62700 0.64558 0.66420 0.68287 0.70157 0.72030 0.73907 0.75786 0.77667 0.79550 0.81436 0.83323 0.85211 0.87102 0.88993 0.90886 0.92781 0.94676 0.96572 0.98469 1.00367 1.02266 1.04166 1.06066 1.07968 1.09870 1.11772 1.13675
0.29177 0.29325 0.29760 0.30456 0.31375 0.32481 0.33735 0.35108 0.36574 0.38115 0.39714 0.41360 0.43043 0.44758 0.46498 0.48260 0.50038 0.51832 0.53639 0.55456 0.57283 0.59117 0.60959 0.62807 0.64661 0.66519 0.68382 0.70248 0.72118 0.73992 0.75867 0.77746 0.79627 0.81510 0.83394 0.85281 0.87169 0.89059 0.90950 0.92842 0.94736 0.96631 0.98527 1.00423 1.02320 1.04218 1.06117 1.08017 1.09918 1.11819 1.13721
0.29607 0.29750 0.30171 0.30846 0.31742 0.32821 0.34050 0.35398 0.36843 0.38363 0.39944 0.41574 0.43244 0.44946 0.46675 0.48426 0.50195 0.51981 0.53779 0.55590 0.57410 0.59239 0.61076 0.62919 0.64768 0.66622 0.68480 0.70343 0.72210 0.74080 0.75953 0.77828 0.79707 0.81587 0.83469 0.85354 0.87240 0.89128 0.91017 0.92907 0.94799 0.96692 0.98586 1.00481 1.02377 1.04274 1.06171 1.08070 1.09969 1.11869 1.13769
0.30037 0.30176 0.30584 0.31239 0.32111 0.33165 0.34369 0.35695 0.37117 0.38618 0.40181 0.41795 0.43450 0.45139 0.46856 0.48597 0.50357 0.52134 0.53925 0.55728 0.57542 0.59365 0.61196 0.63034 0.64878 0.66728 0.68583 0.70442 0.72305 0.74171 0.76041 0.77914 0.79789 0.81667 0.83547 0.85429 0.87313 0.89199 0.91086 0.92974 0.94864 0.96755 0.98648 1.00541 1.02436 1.04332 1.06228 1.08125 1.10022 1.11921 1.13820
0.30467 0.30602 0.30997 0.31634 0.32484 0.33514 0.34694 0.35996 0.37397 0.38878 0.40423 0.42021 0.43661 0.45337 0.47043 0.48773 0.50523 0.52292 0.54075 0.55871 0.57678 0.59495 0.61320 0.63153 0.64993 0.66838 0.68689 0.70544 0.72403 0.74266 0.76133 0.78003 0.79875 0.81750 0.83628 0.85507 0.87389 0.89272 0.91157 0.93044 0.94932 0.96822 0.98712 1.00604 1.02497 1.04391 1.06286 1.08182 1.10078 1.11976 1.13874
0.30898 0.31028 0.31412 0.32031 0.32859 0.33866 0.35023 0.36302 0.37682 0.39143 0.40671 0.42252 0.43878 0.45541 0.47235 0.48954 0.50695 0.52454 0.54229 0.56018 0.57818 0.59629 0.61449 0.63276 0.65111 0.66952 0.68798 0.70649 0.72505 0.74365 0.76228 0.78094 0.79964 0.81836 0.83711 0.85588 0.87468 0.89349 0.91232 0.93117 0.95003 0.96891 0.98779 1.00669 1.02561 1.04453 1.06347 1.08241 1.10137 1.12032 1.13929
0.31328 0.31454 0.31827 0.32430 0.33238 0.34222 0.35356 0.36613 0.37972 0.39414 0.40924 0.42489 0.44101 0.45750 0.47432 0.49140 0.50871 0.52621 0.54388 0.56169 0.57963 0.59767 0.61581 0.63403 0.65233 0.67069 0.68911 0.70758 0.72610 0.74466 0.76326 0.78189 0.80056 0.81926 0.83798 0.85672 0.87549 0.89428 0.91309 0.93192 0.95076 0.96962 0.98849 1.00737 1.02627 1.04518 1.06409 1.08302 1.10197 1.12091 1.13987
0.31758 0.31881 0.32244 0.32830 0.33618 0.34582 0.35693 0.36929 0.38267 0.39690 0.41182 0.42731 0.44328 0.45964 0.47634 0.49331 0.51052 0.52793 0.54552 0.56325 0.58112 0.59910 0.61717 0.63534 0.65358 0.67190 0.69027 0.70870 0.72718 0.74570 0.76427 0.78287 0.80151 0.82017 0.83887 0.85759 0.87633 0.89510 0.91389 0.93269 0.95151 0.97035 0.98920 1.00807 1.02695 1.04584 1.06475 1.08366 1.10258 1.12152 1.14046
0.32189 0.32308 0.32661 0.33232 0.34002 0.34944 0.36034 0.37249 0.38567 0.39970 0.41445 0.42978 0.44560 0.46183 0.47841 0.49527 0.51238 0.52969 0.54719 0.56485 0.58264 0.60056 0.61857 0.63668 0.65487 0.67314 0.69147 0.70985 0.72829 0.74678 0.76531 0.78388 0.80249 0.82112 0.83979 0.85848 0.87720 0.89594 0.91471 0.93349 0.95229 0.97111 0.98995 1.00879 1.02766 1.04654 1.06542 1.08432 1.10323 1.12215 1.14108
0.32619 0.32735 0.33078 0.33636 0.34387 0.35310 0.36379 0.37573 0.38871 0.40256 0.41713 0.43230 0.44798 0.46407 0.48052 0.49727 0.51428 0.53150 0.54891 0.56649 0.58421 0.60206 0.62001 0.63806 0.65620 0.67442 0.69270 0.71104 0.72944 0.74789 0.76639 0.78492 0.80349 0.82210 0.84074 0.85940 0.87810 0.89682 0.91556 0.93432 0.95310 0.97190 0.99071 1.00954 1.02839 1.04725 1.06612 1.08500 1.10389 1.12280 1.14171
0.33049 0.33162 0.33497 0.34040 0.34775 0.35678 0.36727 0.37901 0.39179 0.40546 0.41985 0.43487 0.45039 0.46635 0.48268 0.49932 0.51622 0.53335 0.55068 0.56818 0.58582 0.60360 0.62149 0.63948 0.65757 0.67573 0.69396 0.71226 0.73062 0.74903 0.76749 0.78599 0.80453 0.82310 0.84171 0.86035 0.87902 0.89771 0.91643 0.93517 0.95393 0.97270 0.99150 1.01031 1.02914 1.04798 1.06683 1.08570 1.10458 1.12347 1.14237
0.33480 0.33590 0.33916 0.34446 0.35164 0.36049 0.37078 0.38232 0.39492 0.40840 0.42263 0.43748 0.45286 0.46868 0.48489 0.50141 0.51821 0.53524 0.55248 0.56990 0.58747 0.60518 0.62300 0.64094 0.65896 0.67708 0.69526 0.71352 0.73183 0.75020 0.76862 0.78709 0.80559 0.82414 0.84272 0.86133 0.87997 0.89863 0.91733 0.93604 0.95478 0.97354 0.99231 1.01110 1.02991 1.04873 1.06757 1.08642 1.10529 1.12416 1.14305
0.33910 0.34017 0.34335 0.34853 0.35556 0.36422 0.37433 0.38567 0.39808 0.41138 0.42544 0.44013 0.45537 0.47106 0.48714 0.50355 0.52024 0.53718 0.55433 0.57166 0.58916 0.60679 0.62455 0.64243 0.66040 0.67846 0.69659 0.71480 0.73307 0.75140 0.76978 0.78821 0.80669 0.82520 0.84375 0.86233 0.88094 0.89958 0.91825 0.93694 0.95566 0.97439 0.99314 1.01192 1.03071 1.04951 1.06833 1.08717 1.10601 1.12488 1.14375
0.34340 0.34445 0.34755 0.35262 0.35948 0.36798 0.37790 0.38906 0.40128 0.41441 0.42830 0.44283 0.45792 0.47348 0.48943 0.50572 0.52231 0.53915 0.55621 0.57346 0.59088 0.60845 0.62614 0.64395 0.66187 0.67987 0.69796 0.71612 0.73435 0.75263 0.77098 0.78937 0.80781 0.82629 0.84480 0.86336 0.88194 0.90056 0.91920 0.93786 0.95656 0.97527 0.99400 1.01275 1.03152 1.05031 1.06912 1.08793 1.10676 1.12561 1.14446
0.34770 0.34873 0.35176 0.35671 0.36343 0.37176 0.38150 0.39248 0.40452 0.41747 0.43119 0.44557 0.46052 0.47594 0.49177 0.50794 0.52443 0.54117 0.55814 0.57530 0.59264 0.61014 0.62777 0.64551 0.66337 0.68132 0.69936 0.71747 0.73565 0.75390 0.77220 0.79055 0.80896 0.82740 0.84589 0.86441 0.88297 0.90155 0.92017 0.93881 0.95748 0.97617 0.99488 1.01361 1.03236 1.05113 1.06992 1.08872 1.10753 1.12636 1.14520
0.35201 0.35300 0.35597 0.36081 0.36739 0.37556 0.38513 0.39593 0.40779 0.42057 0.43413 0.44836 0.46315 0.47844 0.49414 0.51021 0.52658 0.54322 0.56010 0.57718 0.59444 0.61186 0.62942 0.64711 0.66490 0.68280 0.70078 0.71885 0.73699 0.75519 0.77345 0.79177 0.81013 0.82855 0.84700 0.86549 0.88402 0.90258 0.92117 0.93978 0.95843 0.97709 0.99578 1.01450 1.03323 1.05197 1.07074 1.08952 1.10832 1.12713 1.14596
0.35631 0.35728 0.36018 0.36492 0.37137 0.37938 0.38878 0.39940 0.41109 0.42370 0.43710 0.45118 0.46583 0.48098 0.49656 0.51251 0.52877 0.54532 0.56210 0.57910 0.59628 0.61363 0.63112 0.64874 0.66647 0.68431 0.70224 0.72026 0.73835 0.75651 0.77473 0.79301 0.81134 0.82971 0.84814 0.86660 0.88509 0.90362 0.92219 0.94078 0.95940 0.97804 0.99671 1.01540 1.03411 1.05284 1.07158 1.09035 1.10913 1.12792 1.14673
0.36061 0.36157 0.36440 0.36903 0.37535 0.38321 0.39245 0.40291 0.41443 0.42687 0.44011 0.45403 0.46855 0.48356 0.49902 0.51485 0.53101 0.54745 0.56414 0.58105 0.59815 0.61542 0.63285 0.65040 0.66808 0.68586 0.70374 0.72170 0.73975 0.75786 0.77604 0.79428 0.81257 0.83091 0.84930 0.86773 0.88619 0.90470 0.92323 0.94180 0.96039 0.97901 0.99766 1.01632 1.03501 1.05372 1.07245 1.09120 1.10996 1.12874 1.14753
0.36492 0.36585 0.36862 0.37316 0.37935 0.38707 0.39615 0.40644 0.41780 0.43008 0.44316 0.45693 0.47130 0.48618 0.50151 0.51723 0.53328 0.54962 0.56622 0.58304 0.60006 0.61726 0.63461 0.65210 0.66971 0.68744 0.70526 0.72318 0.74117 0.75924 0.77738 0.79558 0.81383 0.83213 0.85049 0.86888 0.88732 0.90579 0.92430 0.94284 0.96141 0.98000 0.99863 1.01727 1.03594 1.05463 1.07334 1.09206 1.11081 1.12957 1.14834
0.36922 0.37013 0.37285 0.37729 0.38337 0.39094 0.39987 0.41000 0.42119 0.43331 0.44624 0.45986 0.47409 0.48884 0.50404 0.51964 0.53558 0.55183 0.56833 0.58507 0.60201 0.61913 0.63641 0.65383 0.67138 0.68905 0.70682 0.72468 0.74263 0.76065 0.77874 0.79690 0.81512 0.83338 0.85170 0.87007 0.88847 0.90691 0.92539 0.94390 0.96245 0.98102 0.99962 1.01824 1.03689 1.05555 1.07424 1.09295 1.11168 1.13042 1.14918
0.37352 0.37441 0.37707 0.38143 0.38739 0.39483 0.40360 0.41358 0.42461 0.43658 0.44935 0.46282 0.47691 0.49153 0.50661 0.52210 0.53793 0.55407 0.57048 0.58713 0.60398 0.62103 0.63824 0.65559 0.67308 0.69069 0.70840 0.72621 0.74411 0.76209 0.78014 0.79825 0.81643 0.83466 0.85294 0.87127 0.88965 0.90806 0.92651 0.94499 0.96351 0.98206 1.00063 1.01923 1.03785 1.05650 1.07517 1.09386 1.11256 1.13129 1.15003
0.37782 0.37870 0.38130 0.38558 0.39142 0.39873 0.40736 0.41718 0.42806 0.43987 0.45249 0.46582 0.47977 0.49426 0.50922 0.52459 0.54031 0.55635 0.57266 0.58922 0.60600 0.62296 0.64010 0.65739 0.67481 0.69236 0.71002 0.72777 0.74562 0.76355 0.78156 0.79963 0.81777 0.83596 0.85421 0.87251 0.89085 0.90923 0.92765 0.94611 0.96459 0.98312 1.00166 1.02024 1.03884 1.05747 1.07612 1.09478 1.11347 1.13218 1.15090
0.38213 0.38298 0.38554 0.38973 0.39547 0.40265 0.41114 0.42081 0.43154 0.44319 0.45567 0.46885 0.48267 0.49702 0.51186 0.52711 0.54273 0.55866 0.57488 0.59135 0.60804 0.62493 0.64199 0.65921 0.67657 0.69406 0.71166 0.72937 0.74716 0.76505 0.78301 0.80104 0.81914 0.83729 0.85550 0.87376 0.89207 0.91042 0.92881 0.94724 0.96570 0.98420 1.00272 1.02127 1.03985 1.05846 1.07708 1.09573 1.11440 1.13308 1.15179
0.38643 0.38727 0.38977 0.39389 0.39952 0.40658 0.41493 0.42446 0.43504 0.44654 0.45887 0.47192 0.48559 0.49982 0.51453 0.52967 0.54518 0.56101 0.57714 0.59352 0.61012 0.62693 0.64392 0.66107 0.67837 0.69579 0.71334 0.73099 0.74873 0.76657 0.78448 0.80247 0.82053 0.83864 0.85682 0.87504 0.89332 0.91164 0.93000 0.94840 0.96683 0.98530 1.00380 1.02233 1.04088 1.05946 1.07807 1.09670 1.11534 1.13401 1.15270
0.39073 0.39156 0.39401 0.39805 0.40358 0.41052 0.41874 0.42813 0.43856 0.44992 0.46210 0.47501 0.48855 0.50265 0.51724 0.53226 0.54766 0.56339 0.57942 0.59571 0.61224 0.62897 0.64588 0.66296 0.68019 0.69756 0.71504 0.73264 0.75033 0.76812 0.78599 0.80393 0.82195 0.84002 0.85816 0.87635 0.89459 0.91288 0.93121 0.94958 0.96798 0.98643 1.00490 1.02340 1.04193 1.06049 1.07908 1.09768 1.11631 1.13496 1.15363
0.39504 0.39584 0.39825 0.40222 0.40766 0.41448 0.42257 0.43182 0.44211 0.45332 0.46536 0.47813 0.49154 0.50551 0.51998 0.53489 0.55018 0.56581 0.58174 0.59794 0.61438 0.63103 0.64787 0.66488 0.68205 0.69935 0.71678 0.73432 0.75196 0.76970 0.78752 0.80542 0.82339 0.84143 0.85953 0.87768 0.89589 0.91414 0.93244 0.95078 0.96916 0.98757 1.00602 1.02450 1.04301 1.06154 1.08010 1.09869 1.11729 1.13592 1.15457
0.39934 0.40013 0.40250 0.40639 0.41173 0.41844 0.42641 0.43552 0.44567 0.45675 0.46865 0.48128 0.49456 0.50840 0.52275 0.53754 0.55273 0.56826 0.58409 0.60020 0.61656 0.63313 0.64989 0.66683 0.68393 0.70117 0.71854 0.73602 0.75361 0.77130 0.78908 0.80693 0.82486 0.84286 0.86092 0.87904 0.89721 0.91543 0.93370 0.95201 0.97035 0.98874 1.00716 1.02561 1.04410 1.06261 1.08115 1.09971 1.11830 1.13691 1.15554
0.40364 0.40442 0.40674 0.41057 0.41582 0.42242 0.43026 0.43925 0.44926 0.46020 0.47196 0.48446 0.49760 0.51133 0.52555 0.54023 0.55531 0.57074 0.58648 0.60250 0.61877 0.63526 0.65195 0.66882 0.68585 0.70302 0.72033 0.73776 0.75530 0.77293 0.79066 0.80847 0.82636 0.84431 0.86233 0.88042 0.89855 0.91674 0.93497 0.95325 0.97157 0.98993 1.00832 1.02675 1.04521 1.06370 1.08221 1.10076 1.11932 1.13791 1.15652
0.40794 0.40871 0.41099 0.41475 0.41991 0.42641 0.43413 0.44299 0.45287 0.46367 0.47530 0.48766 0.50068 0.51428 0.52839 0.54295 0.55792 0.57325 0.58889 0.60482 0.62100 0.63742 0.65403 0.67083 0.68779 0.70490 0.72215 0.73952 0.75701 0.77459 0.79227 0.81003 0.82788 0.84579 0.86377 0.88182 0.89992 0.91807 0.93627 0.95452 0.97281 0.99114 1.00951 1.02791 1.04634 1.06481 1.08330 1.10182 1.12036 1.13893 1.15752
0.41225 0.41300 0.41524 0.41893 0.42402 0.43041 0.43802 0.44675 0.45650 0.46717 0.47866 0.49089 0.50378 0.51726 0.53125 0.54570 0.56056 0.57579 0.59134 0.60718 0.62327 0.63960 0.65614 0.67287 0.68976 0.70681 0.72400 0.74131 0.75874 0.77628 0.79391 0.81162 0.82942 0.84730 0.86524 0.88324 0.90131 0.91943 0.93760 0.95581 0.97407 0.99237 1.01071 1.02909 1.04750 1.06594 1.08441 1.10290 1.12142 1.13997 1.15854
0.42012 0.19119 0.21036 0.22953 0.24870 0.26787 0.28704 0.30622 0.32539 0.34456 0.36373 0.38290 0.40207 0.42124 0.44041 0.45959 0.47876 0.49793 0.51710 0.53627 0.55544 0.57461 0.59379 0.61296 0.63213 0.65130 0.67047 0.68964 0.70881 0.72798 0.74716 0.76633 0.78550 0.80467 0.82384 0.84301 0.86218 0.88135 0.90053 0.91970 0.93887 0.95804 0.97721 0.99638 1.01555 1.03472 1.05390 1.07307 1.09224 1.11141 1.13058
0.42442 0.42516 0.42734 0.43094 0.43589 0.44214 0.44958 0.45812 0.46768 0.47816 0.48947 0.50151 0.51422 0.52752 0.54135 0.55564 0.57036 0.58544 0.60086 0.61658 0.63256 0.64879 0.66522 0.68185 0.69866 0.71563 0.73274 0.74998 0.76734 0.78480 0.80237 0.82003 0.83778 0.85560 0.87349 0.89145 0.90947 0.92755 0.94568 0.96385 0.98208 1.00034 1.01865 1.03699 1.05537 1.07378 1.09222 1.11008 1.12712 1.14416 1.16120
0.42873 0.42945 0.43159 0.43513 0.44001 0.44616 0.45349 0.46192 0.47136 0.48171 0.49289 0.50480 0.51739 0.53057 0.54428 0.55846 0.57307 0.58806 0.60338 0.61900 0.63490 0.65104 0.66740 0.68396 0.70070 0.71760 0.73465 0.75183 0.76913 0.78655 0.80407 0.82168 0.83938 0.85716 0.87501 0.89293 0.91091 0.92895 0.94705 0.96519 0.98339 1.00162 1.01990 1.03822 1.05657 1.07404 1.09108 1.10812 1.12516 1.14220 1.15924
0.43303 0.43374 0.43585 0.43933 0.44413 0.45019 0.45742 0.46573 0.47505 0.48527 0.49632 0.50812 0.52058 0.53364 0.54724 0.56131 0.57581 0.59070 0.60592 0.62146 0.63727 0.65333 0.66961 0.68610 0.70276 0.71960 0.73658 0.75371 0.77095 0.78832 0.80579 0.82335 0.84100 0.85874 0.87655 0.89443 0.91238 0.93038 0.94844 0.96655 0.98472 1.00292 1.02096 1.03800 1.05504 1.07208 1.08912 1.10616 1.12320 1.14024 1.15728
0.43733 0.43803 0.44011 0.44353 0.44826 0.45423 0.46135 0.46956 0.47875 0.48886 0.49978 0.51146 0.52380 0.53674 0.55022 0.56418 0.57858 0.59336 0.60850 0.62394 0.63966 0.65564 0.67185 0.68826 0.70486 0.72163 0.73855 0.75561 0.77280 0.79011 0.80753 0.82505 0.84265 0.86035 0.87811 0.89596 0.91386 0.93183 0.94986 0.96789 0.98493 1.00197 1.01901 1.03605 1.05309 1.07013 1.08716 1.10420 1.12124 1.13828 1.15532
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0.55322 0.55367 0.55502 0.55725 0.56036 0.56431 0.56910 0.57467 0.58102 0.58809 0.59585 0.60426 0.61329 0.62290 0.63305 0.64370 0.65483 0.66639 0.67836 0.69070 0.70339 0.71641 0.72972 0.74332 0.75716 0.77125 0.78555 0.80005 0.81474 0.82961 0.84463 0.85980 0.87510 0.89053 0.90607 0.92173 0.93748 0.95332 0.96924 0.98524 1.00132 1.01746 1.03366 1.04991 1.06622 1.08257 1.09897 1.11541 1.13189 1.14840 1.16495
0.55705 0.55750 0.55883 0.56103 0.56410 0.56802 0.57275 0.57827 0.58454 0.59154 0.59922 0.60756 0.61651 0.62603 0.63609 0.64666 0.65769 0.66917 0.68105 0.69331 0.70592 0.71885 0.73209 0.74560 0.75937 0.77338 0.78761 0.80204 0.81666 0.83146 0.84642 0.86152 0.87677 0.89214 0.90763 0.92323 0.93893 0.95472 0.97059 0.98655 1.00258 1.01868 1.03484 1.05105 1.06732 1.08364 1.10001 1.11642 1.13286 1.14935 1.16586
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"station": "N02,N03,N04,N05,N06,N07,N08,N09,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16,N17,N18,N19,N20,N21,N22,N23,N24,N25,N26,N27"
"Locate.log_level": "DEBUG",
"Locate.work_path": ".",
"Locate.xmin": "38396517",
"Locate.xmax": "38398317",
"Locate.ymin": "4029418",
"Locate.ymax": "4031218",
"Locate.zref": "1039",
"Locate.zmin": "300",
"Locate.zmax": "800",
"Locate.minstep": "10",
"Locate.method": "",
"Locate.clusted_otime": "0.5"
"StationConfig": {
"network": "HA",
"location": "06",
"channels": "SHZ:SHN:SHE",
"stations": [
"Name": "N02",
"IsEnable": true
"Name": "N03",
"IsEnable": true
"Name": "N04",
"IsEnable": true
"Name": "N05",
"IsEnable": true
"Name": "N06",
"IsEnable": false
"Name": "N07",
"IsEnable": false
"Name": "N08",
"IsEnable": true
"Name": "N09",
"IsEnable": true
"Name": "N10",
"IsEnable": true