3D plot
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Binary file not shown.
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import copy
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
import numpy as np
from skimage import measure
import matplotlib.cm as cm
class create():
def __init__(self):
data is the x and y coordinate of data.pos
contours is the edge points
f is the kernel density value
levels is the levels for contours
x_range is the range of x label
y_range is the range of y label
self.data = []
self.vertices = []
self.faces = []
self.levels = []
self.x_range = []
self.y_range = []
def data_pre(self, data_name):
with open(data_name, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines= lines[1:L_en]
data = []
for line in lines:
x, y,z,t = line.strip().split("\t")
data.append(list(map(float, [x,y,z])))
data = np.array(data)
self.data = data
self.x_range = [min(data[:, 0]), max(data[:,0])]
self.y_range = [min(data[:, 1]), max(data[:,1])]
self.z_range = [min(data[:, 2]), max(data[:,2])]
def contours_pre(self, level):
x = self.data[:, 0]
y = self.data[:, 1]
z = self.data[:, 2]
# 使用scipy库中的gaussian_kde函数计算密度估计
k = gaussian_kde(self.data.T)
xi, yi, zi = np.mgrid[x.min()*1.5:x.max()*1.5:30j, y.min()*1.5:y.max()*1.5:30j, z.min()-50:z.max()+50:50j]
density = k(np.vstack([xi.flatten(), yi.flatten(), zi.flatten()]))
self.density =density
level = density.max()*level/100
# 使用 marching_cubes 生成等值面顶点和面
verts, faces, _, _ = measure.marching_cubes(density.reshape(xi.shape), level=level)
a_0 = (x.max() - x.min()) / (verts[:, 0].max() - verts[:, 0].min())
vertices_0 = (verts[:, 0] - verts[:, 0].min()) * a_0 + x.min()-5
a_1 = (y.max() - y.min()+10) / (verts[:, 1].max() - verts[:, 1].min())
vertices_1 = (verts[:, 1] - verts[:, 1].min()) * a_1 + y.min()-5
a_2 = (z.max() - z.min()+10) / (verts[:, 2].max() - verts[:, 2].min())
vertices_2 = (verts[:, 2] - verts[:, 2].min()) * a_2 + z.min()-5
vertices = np.array([vertices_0, vertices_1, vertices_2]).T
self.vertices = vertices
self.faces = faces
class well_to_edge():
def __init__(self):
name is used to store the well names
type is the types of the wells
position is the coordinates of wells
min_distance is the minimum distances between wells and edge
welltoedge_points is the points responding to the min_distance
angle is the angles between the shortest distance direction vector from the well to the edge and the positive direction of the y-axis during clockwise rotation;
wells_num: the number of wells
self.name = []
self.type = []
self.position = []
self.min_distance = []
self.welltoedge_points = []
self.angle = []
self.wells_num = 0
def wells_name_and_position(self, wells_name):
# 读取井位信息
with open(wells_name, 'r') as f_j:
j_ing = f_j.readlines()
points = []
typee = []
namee = []
for line in j_ing:
if ('0' or '1') in line:
name, x, y, z, type = line.strip().split("\t")
if name != 'name':
points.append(list(map(float, [x, y, z])))
typee.append(list(map(int, [type])))
self.position = points
self.name = namee
self.type = typee
self.wells_num = len(points)
Reference in New Issue