Converts between and .
Converts a value.
The value produced by the binding source.
The type of the binding target property.
The converter parameter to use.
The culture to use in the converter.
A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
Converts a value.
The value that is produced by the binding target.
The type to convert to.
The converter parameter to use.
The culture to use in the converter.
A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
Converts from to the maximum thicknesses.
This is used in the to convert BorderThickness properties to Path.StrokeThickness (double).
The maximum thickness value is used.
Converts a value.
The value produced by the binding source.
The type of the binding target property.
The converter parameter to use.
The culture to use in the converter.
A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
Converts a value.
The value that is produced by the binding target.
The type to convert to.
The converter parameter to use.
The culture to use in the converter.
A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
Provides extension methods for exporters.
Exports the specified to a file.
The exporter.
The model to export.
The path to the file.
Defines additional .
The undefined color.
The automatic color.
Provides a standard set of commands for the control.
Gets the value that represents the "Reset all axes" command.
Base class for WPF PlotView implementations.
Base class for WPF PlotView implementations.
Base class for WPF PlotView implementations.
The Grid PART constant.
The grid.
The plot presenter.
The render context
The model lock.
The current tracker.
The current tracker template.
The default plot controller.
Indicates whether the was in the visual tree the last time was called.
The mouse down point.
The overlays.
The zoom control.
Initializes static members of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the actual PlotView controller.
The actual PlotView controller.
Gets the actual model.
The actual model.
Gets the coordinates of the client area of the view.
Gets the tracker definitions.
The tracker definitions.
Hides the tracker.
Hides the zoom rectangle.
Invalidate the PlotView (not blocking the UI thread)
The update Data.
Pans all axes.
The delta.
Resets all axes.
Stores text on the clipboard.
The text.
Sets the cursor type.
The cursor type.
Shows the tracker.
The tracker data.
Shows the zoom rectangle.
The rectangle.
Zooms all axes.
The zoom factor.
Clears the background of the plot presenter.
Creates the plot presenter.
The plot presenter.
Creates the render context.
The render context.
Called when the model is changed.
Renders the plot model to the plot presenter.
Renders the plot model to the plot presenter.
Updates the DPI scale of the render context.
The DPI scale.
Called when the model is changed.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Invokes the specified action on the dispatcher, if necessary.
The action.
Gets a value indicating whether the is connected to the visual tree.
true if the PlotViewBase is connected to the visual tree; false otherwise.
This event fires every time Layout updates the layout of the trees associated with current Dispatcher.
The sender.
The event args.
Called before the event occurs.
The data for the event.
Called when the event occurs.
The data for the event.
Called when the event occurs.
The data for the event.
Called when the event occurs.
The data for the event.
Called before the event occurs to provide handling for the event in a derived class without attaching a delegate.
A that contains the event data.
Invoked when an unhandled MouseDown attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state.
Invoked when an unhandled MouseMove attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data.
Invoked when an unhandled MouseUp routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the mouse button was released.
Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data.
Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
The that contains the event data.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets the Plot controller.
The Plot controller.
Gets or sets the default tracker template.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether IsMouseWheelEnabled.
Gets or sets the model.
The model.
Gets or sets the pan cursor.
The pan cursor.
Gets or sets the horizontal zoom cursor.
The zoom horizontal cursor.
Gets or sets the rectangle zoom cursor.
The zoom rectangle cursor.
Gets or sets the zoom rectangle template.
The zoom rectangle template.
Gets or sets the vertical zoom cursor.
The zoom vertical cursor.
The tracker control.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
The path part string.
The content part string.
The content container part string.
The horizontal line part string.
The vertical line part string.
The content.
The horizontal line.
The path.
The content container.
The vertical line.
Initializes static members of the class.
Gets or sets BorderEdgeMode.
Gets or sets HorizontalLineVisibility.
Gets or sets VerticalLineVisibility.
Gets or sets LineThickness.
Gets or sets LineStroke.
Gets or sets LineExtents.
Gets or sets LineDashArray.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show a 'pointer' on the border.
Gets or sets the corner radius (only used when ShowPoint=false).
Gets or sets the distance of the content container from the trackers Position.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tracker can center its content box horizontally.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tracker can center its content box vertically.
Gets or sets Position of the tracker.
When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call .
Called when the position is changed.
The sender.
The instance containing the event data.
Called when the position is changed.
The dependency property changed event args.
Update the position and border of the tracker.
Create the border geometry.
The horizontal alignment.
The vertical alignment.
The width.
The height.
The margin.
The border geometry.
Create a border geometry with a 'pointer'.
The horizontal alignment.
The vertical alignment.
The width.
The height.
The margin.
The border geometry.
Represents a tracker definition.
The tracker definitions make it possible to show different trackers for different series.
The property is matched with the
in the TrackerDefinitions collection in the control.
Identifies the dependency property.
Identifies the dependency property.
Gets or sets the tracker key.
The Plot will use this property to find the TrackerDefinition that matches the TrackerKey of the current series.
Gets or sets the tracker template.
The tracker control will be added/removed from the Tracker overlay as necessary.
The DataContext of the tracker will be set to a TrackerHitResult with the current tracker data.
Extension method used to convert to/from Windows/Windows.Media classes.
Calculate the distance between two points.
The first point.
The second point.
The distance.
Converts an to a .
The color.
A .
Converts an to a .
The color.
A Color.
Converts an OxyThickness to a Thickness.
The thickness.
A instance.
Converts a ScreenVector to a Vector.
The c.
A instance.
Converts a HorizontalAlignment to a HorizontalAlignment.
The alignment.
A HorizontalAlignment.
Converts a HorizontalAlignment to a VerticalAlignment.
The alignment.
A VerticalAlignment.
Converts a Color to an OxyColor.
The color.
An OxyColor.
Converts a to an .
The brush.
An .
Converts a Thickness to an .
The thickness.
An .
Converts a to a .
The point.
A .
Converts a Point array to a ScreenPoint array.
The points.
A ScreenPoint array.
Converts the specified vector to a ScreenVector.
The vector.
A .
Converts the specified key.
The key to convert.
The converted key.
Converts the specified button.
The button to convert.
The converted mouse button.
Converts to for a mouse wheel event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a mouse down event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a mouse up event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a mouse event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a touch started event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a touch delta event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Converts to for a touch completed event.
The instance containing the event data.
The that the event is relative to.
A containing the converted event arguments.
Provides utility methods related to the keyboard.
Gets the current modifier keys.
A value.