Base application class that uses as it's container.
Create to alter behavior of
An instance of
Create a new used by Prism.
A new .
Registers the s of the Exceptions that are not considered
root exceptions by the .
Base bootstrapper class that uses as it's container.
Create to alter behavior of
An instance of
Create a new used by Prism.
A new .
Registers the s of the Exceptions that are not considered
root exceptions by the .
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
Looks up a localized string similar to The method 'GetModuleEnumerator' of the bootstrapper must be overwritten in order to use the default module initialization logic..
Looks up a localized string similar to The ContainerBuilder is required and cannot be null..
Looks up a localized string similar to The IContainer is required and cannot be null..
Looks up a localized string similar to The ILoggerFacade is required and cannot be null..
Looks up a localized string similar to The IModuleCatalog is required and cannot be null in order to initialize the modules..
Looks up a localized string similar to Type '{0}' was already registered by the application. Skipping....
The Implementation to use with DryIoc
Gets the Default DryIoc Container Rules used by Prism
The instance of the wrapped container
Constructs a default instance of the
Constructs a new
The instance to use.
Gets the current scope
Used to perform any final steps for configuring the extension that may be required by the container.
Registers an instance of a given
The service that is being registered
The instance of the service or
The instance
Registers an instance of a given with the specified name or key
The service that is being registered
The instance of the service or
The name or key to register the service
The instance
Registers a Singleton with the given service and mapping to the specified implementation .
The service
The implementation
The instance
Registers a Singleton with the given service and mapping to the specified implementation .
The service
The implementation
The name or key to register the service
The instance
Registers a Singleton with the given service factory delegate method.
The service
The delegate method.
The instance
Registers a Singleton with the given service factory delegate method.
The service
The delegate method using .
The instance
Registers a Singleton Service which implements service interfaces
The implementation .
The service 's.
The instance
Registers all interfaces if none are specified.
Registers a scoped service
The service
The implementation
The instance
Registers a scoped service using a delegate method.
The service
The delegate method.
The instance
Registers a scoped service using a delegate method.
The service .
The delegate method using the .
The instance
Registers a Transient with the given service and mapping to the specified implementation .
The service
The implementation
The instance
Registers a Transient with the given service and mapping to the specified implementation .
The service
The implementation
The name or key to register the service
The instance
Registers a Transient Service using a delegate method
The service
The delegate method.
The instance
Registers a Transient Service using a delegate method
The service
The delegate method using .
The instance
Registers a Transient Service which implements service interfaces
The implementing .
The service 's.
The instance
Registers all interfaces if none are specified.
Resolves a given
The service
The resolved Service
Resolves a given
The service
The service name/key used when registering the
The resolved Service
Resolves a given
The service
Typed parameters to use when resolving the Service
The resolved Service
Resolves a given
The service
The service name/key used when registering the
Typed parameters to use when resolving the Service
The resolved Service
Determines if a given service is registered
The service
true if the service is registered.
Determines if a given service is registered with the specified name
The service
The service name or key used
true if the service is registered.
Creates a new Scope
Creates a new Scope and provides the updated ServiceProvider
The Scoped .
This should be called by custom implementations that Implement IServiceScopeFactory
Extensions help get the underlying
Gets the from the
The current
The underlying
Gets the from the
The current
The underlying