Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart Chart type. XY chart, 3D. 3D chart. Polar chart, 2D. Smith chart, 2D. Pie chart, 3D. Represents a class that provides arguments for the AfterRendering event. Creates and initializes a new instance of AfterRenderingEventArgs class. The chart that was just rendered. General alignment. Near. Center. Far. Horizontal alignment. Align left. Align center. Align right. XY LegendBox alignment between segments. Draw LegendBox near the related segment. Draw LegendBox at the center of gap between segments. LegendBox alignment when rendered vertically on top of each other. LegendBox align by left edge. LegendBox aligned at center. LegendBox align by right edge. 3D Pie title alignment. Center. Outside. Vertical alignment. Align top. Align center. Align bottom. Angular units. In degrees, circle is divided int 360 units. In radian, circle is divided into 2xPI units. In gradian, circle is divided into 400 units. Annotation3D sizing type. Automatic size by text content. Manual size in screen coordinates. AnnotationPolar sizing type. Automatic size by text content. Manual size in screen coordinates. Annotation style. Rectangle. Rectangle with arrow. Rounded rectangle. Rounded rectangle with arrow. Arrow. Call-out, rectangle. Call-out, rounded rectangle. Ellipse. Ellipse with arrow. Triangle. Triangle with arrow. Annotation target coordinate system. Use screen coordinates. Use axis values AnnotationXY sizing type. Automatic size by text content. Manual size in screen coordinates. Manual size from axis boundaries values. Area series point. Constructor. X value. Y value. Constructor. X value. Y value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Constructor. X value. Y value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Constructor. X value. Y value. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Point Color. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. Array process info for a thread. Count to process within the array Start array index Arrow style. No arrow. Square. Arrow. Circle. Caliper. 3D axis binding. Bind to primary axis. Bind to secondary axis. 3D axis alignment. The axis is inside the 3D chart area. The axis is outside the 3D chart area. The axis is half inside and half outside the 3D chart area. Amplitude axis placement angle. used in polar. Calculate's axis angle with respect to calculated angle origin. Calculate's axis angle with respect to mathematical angle origin. Axis binding. Bound to X-axis. Bound to Y-axis. XY axis dimension. X-axis. Y-axis. 3D axis dimension. X-axis. Y-axis. Z-axis. Axis range gap rendering style. Empty space. Use Fill. Draw diagonal line down: \ Draw diagonal line up: / 3D axis title alignment. The axis title is inside the 3D chart area, centered. The axis title is inside the 3D chart area, in the beginning of axis. The axis title is inside the 3D chart area, in the end of axis. The axis title is outside the 3D chart area, centered. The axis title is outside the 3D chart area, in the beginning of axis. The axis title is outside the 3D chart area, in the end of axis. Axis value type. Number values. Time values. DateTime values. Map coordinates, degrees. Map coordinates, degrees, with N, E, S, W indication. Example: 40.446195N 79.948862W Map coordinates, degrees, arc minutes and seconds, with N, E, S, W indication. Example: 40°2'13"N 9°58'2"W Map coordinates, degrees, arc minutes and seconds, with N, E, S, W indication. The minute and second values are padded with zeros, if they are < 10. Example: 40°02'13"N 9°58'02"W Wheel action on axis. No action. Zoom active axis. Pan active axis. Zoom all axis, if zooming on single axis. Pan all axis, if panning on single axis. 3D X-axis location. Axis is shown in bottom front. Axis is shown in bottom back. Axis is shown in top front. Axis is shown in top back. 3D Y-axis location. Axis is shown in front left. Axis is shown in front right. Axis is shown in back left. Axis is shown in back right. 3D Z-axis location. Axis is shown in bottom left. Axis is shown in bottom right. Axis is shown in top left. Axis is shown in top right. Bar draw item type for 3D bar draw data. Draw item is title. Draw item is value text. Draw item is bar. Bar series value. Constructor. Location on axis. Value. Text. Constructor. Location on axis. Value. Text. Tag. Freely assignable object. Location on axis. Tag. Freely assignable object. Text assigned to bar value. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Value. Bar series value for 3D bars. Constructor. Constructor. X value. Y value. Z value. Text assigned to bar value. Constructor X value. Y value. Z value. Text assigned to bar value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Tag. Freely assignable object. Text assigned to bar value. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. Z value. Bars grouping. Bars are drawn grouped by their indices Bars are drawn grouped by their indices. Fit bar widths. Bars are drawn grouped by their X values (when Orientation is Vertical). Bar shape 3D. Box. Cylinder. Rounded cylinder. Cone. Cone reversed. Pyramid. Pyramid reversed. Ellipsoid. Beveled. Bars orientation. Horizontal. Vertical. Bars stacking. Bars are shown side-by-side. Bars are stacked. Bars are stacked and stretched to produce certain sum. For example, put StackSum to 100 and set y-axis units to % to illustrate how big portion each series value represents compared to values of all series. Bar labels horizontal alignment. Align to left edge of the bar. Align to center of the bar. Align to right edge of the bar. Bar labels vertical alignment. Align to bar top. Align to bar center. Align to bottom of the bar. Align to stack segment top (if multiple Y-axis segments are used, or graph top if not). Align to stack segment bottom (if multiple Y-axis segments are used, or graph bottom if not). Bars view grouping for 3D. Bars are stacked on index. Bars stacked on X value. Bars are stacked by X values and stretched to produce certain sum. For example, put StackSum to 100 and set y-axis units to % to illustrate how big portion each series value represents compared to values of all series. Bars are shown next to each other for same index value and fitted to view. Grouped by index. Grouped by X value. Bars are shown in near-far view, first series in list nearest and last farthest. Bar X values control the position in X dimension. Series title is shown at the start or end edge of series. Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforeRendering event. Creates and initializes a new instance of BeforeRenderingEventArgs class. The chart that was just rendered. The height of the chart. The width of the chart. Bitmap anti-aliasing options. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Put ActualPixelWeigth to higher value to make the actual pixel effect more (not much blurred). Use 1 to get high blur effect. Use BlurRadius >= 1. With 1, blur takes current pixel and one pixel from all directions. Use ResolutionDivider to divide the output bitmap size. If you want every other and column to be in the output bitmap, put 2. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Bitmap fill. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.BitmapFill.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Gets and sets image. Gets and sets image alpha. 0 is transparent, 255 fully visible. Gets and sets image tint color. Gets and sets fill layout. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context Convert class description to string. String Bitmap fill layout. Center the image. Stretch to fit width and height. Tile images. Fit image to fill area and keep original image aspect ratio. Bitmap smoothing options No smoothing. Point smoothing. Linear smoothing. Anisotropic smoothing. PyramidalQuad smoothing. GaussianQuad smoothing. Border class. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Primary color. Secondary color. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Border style. Convert class description to string String Border width. Border types. No border. Border is inside the object. Border is outside the object. Polar boundaries. Angle minimum...angle maximum and radius minimum... radius maximum. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor Parent. Angle minimum Angle maximum Radius minimum Radius maximum Constructor Angle minimum Angle maximum Radius minimum Radius maximum Angle maximum value Angle minimum value Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Radius maximum value Radius minimum value Set all values. Angle min value Radius min value Angle max value Radius max value Convert class description to string String XY boundaries. X minimum...X maximum and Y minimum... Y maximum. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor Parent. X minimum X maximum Y minimum Y maximum Constructor X minimum X maximum Y minimum Y maximum Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Set all values. X minimum value X maximum value Y minimum value Y maximum value Convert class description to string String X maximum value X minimum value Y maximum value Y minimum value User interactive object button state. Constructor. param button M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButton,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButtonState) param state M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButton,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButtonState) Button. State. Return ButtonState as string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState.ToString Represents a class that provides arguments for the Capture event. Creates and initializes a new instance of Capture class. param success M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CaptureEventArgs.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.String,System.String) param fileName M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CaptureEventArgs.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.String,System.String) param failureReason M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CaptureEventArgs.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.String,System.String) The chart that was just rendered. Failure reason, if any. File name of capture. Null for clipboard. Success status of capture. Clipping at the center of the graph. No clipping, data values can move over the center to the opposite side of the chart. Data values are clipped if their amplitude value passes the center of the chart. Data values are clipped at the edge of the InnerCircle, which is at the innermost Amplitude value of the corresponding axis. This value is either the minimum or the maximum AmplitudeAxis value depending on the axis being reversed. Represents a class that provides arguments for a chart event. Creates and initializes a new instance of ChartEventArgs class. Chart event marker vertical position. Top. Graph top. Graph center. Graph bottom. Bottom. Chart exception class. ExceptionInfo contains information about the exception as structs Information about LightningChart used when throwing errors. summary P:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartInfo.ActiveView Number of charts currently alive. Gets chart object's screen heigth. The value is in pixels for WinForms applications and in DIPs for WPF applications. Gets chart's position on the screen (in pixels) Gets chart object's screen width. The value is in pixels for WinForms applications and in DIPs for WPF applications. Number of total created charts. Is a deployment key set. Is a deployment key set (at least once). Number of disposed charts. List of engine init results. Collect information about chart. The chart where the data is to be collected from ID of chart. Is the application DPI aware. Checks if pixel alignment information is correct Checks if pixel alignment system is on Has a ChartMessage event been registered and handled correctly. Chart license status. License nag text. Returns pixel currently used pixel alignment offset Checks if pixel alignment is on Render device information. Charts update type. Is throwing of chart errors enabled in chart settings. Returns struct values as a string. Struct values as a string. Number of charts which were not correctly disposed. LightningChart version number. ChartMessageInfo is passed on ChartMessage and it contains information about the error event. Also used as a part of ExceptionInfo. LightningChart object where the message happened. Description of the message. Details of the message. Source exception of the message. Severity level of the message. Type of the message. Message source object. Stack trace from a possible exception. Date and time when the message occurred. Returns struct values as a string. Struct values as a string. Chart base node. Constructor Constructor. Owner of node Checks if the given object is null or disposed, and complains if it's not and returns true. Idea of this is to do sanity checks on methods, allowing testing of object references required in the method.Disposed check is done only on ChartNodes Call this with required refs, and if the return value is false, exit the method or do something, but skip the usage and try to get out of the situation gracefully. Notifies the user through . Null objects cause message and disposed objects cause type message. Severity is always . Item of which validity is to be checked. True if there was some problem with the reference. Checks if any of the given objects are null or disposed, and complains to user if they are, and returns true. Idea of this is to do sanity checks on methods, allowing testing of object references required in the method.This works identically to , but accepts multiple objects. Disposed check is done only on ChartNodes Call this with required refs, and if the return value is false, exit the method or do something, but skip the usage and try to get out of the situation gracefully. Notifies the user through . Null objects cause message and disposed objects cause type message. Severity is always . Item of which validity is to be checked. True if there was some problem with any of the references. MSDN: Makes the instance a clone (deep copy) of the specified Freezable using base (non-animated) property values. Source object. MSDN: Makes the instance a modifiable clone (deep copy) of the specified Freezable using current property values. Source object. Clone private members. Source object Create instance. Instance as Freezable Release all resources used by this instance. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. MSDN: Makes the instance a frozen clone of the specified Freezable using base (non-animated) property values. Source object. MSDN: Makes the current instance a frozen clone of the specified Freezable. If the object has animated dependency properties, their current animated values are copied. Source object. IsDisposed by owner or not Generic options controlling LightningChart behavior. Chart Options Chart Options param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartOptions.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Boolean to check if automatic LightningChart resizing / repositioning is allowed when application window DPI changes. Default value is false. Allow internal cursor change. Allow user interaction with interaction device (e.g. mouse). Interaction device hit testing with objects cause CPU overhead when the device is moved. If user device interaction is not absolute necessary directly within chart and if you want to maximize the performance, set this false. Allows setting a minimum ChartMessage MessageSeverity level. Messages with a MessageSeverity below the minimum level will not be sent to the user. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Defines if the events raised during rendering should be emitted only at the end of the drawing (frame) or when the changes occur. Controls showing debugging information on chart. This is intended only for debugging and special situations. Selects when to show hints about the use of some critical properties. When set to true, throws a on all events with a level above . Convert class description to string String Defines if the chart reacts to wheel events without focus. This is useful especially on situations when chart is in scrollable control and it's not wished that the chart processes the wheel events. Chart title align. Align top-left. Align to top-left margin. Align top center. Align to right margin. Align top-right. Align left center. Align right center. Align bottom-left. Align to bottom-left margin. Align bottom center. Align to bottom-right margin. Align bottom-right. Chart tools provides versatile static methods. Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools Adjusts bitmap alpha to given level for every pixel. Doesn't modify the input bitmap. Input bitmap. Alpha. Bitmap with selected alpha. Anti-alias bitmap. Makes anti-aliasing for image, or blur-effect. Source bitmap to be anti-aliased. Anti-aliasing options. Creates the correct size output bitmap and returns it. If invalid parameters are given, returns null. Covert BitmapFrame to 32 BGRA. Input BitmapFrame. 32BGRA BitmapFrame. Get a segment (sub-region) of a bitmap. Source bitmap. Index of first column to appear in output bitmap. Segment width in pixels. Index of first row to appear in output bitmap. Segment height in pixels. Bitmap segment an a new bitmap. Calculates the gradient color between two colors. From-color. To-color. Gradient color position in percents (0...100%). Gradient color. Get polygon area. Polygon route points. Area of polygon. Calculate center of gravity (centroid) of a homogenous polygon. Polygon route points. Center of gravity point. Calculate map coordinate spherical angles, phi and theta. Coordinate. Sphere radius. Phi angle in degrees. Theta angle in degrees. Calculate distance between two coordinates in world map, by using two coordinates. First coordinate. Second coordinate. Distance in kilometers. Calculate distance between two coordinates in world map, by using latitude and longitude. First coordinate. Second coordinate. Distance in kilometers. Calculate distance between two coordinates in world map, by using latitude and longitude. First point longitude. Second point longitude. First point latitude. Second point latitude. Distance in kilometers. Calculate distance between two coordinates in world map, by using latitude and longitude. First coordinate. Second coordinate. Distance in kilometers. Calculate great circle coords for sphere. Begin point. End point. Angle step. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.CalculateSphereFullGreatCircleCoords(Arction.Wpf.Charting.MapCoordinate,Arction.Wpf.Charting.MapCoordinate,System.Double) Calculate a spherical route (going shortest way, in sphere surface). This is also known as Great Circle route. Route begin coordinate. Route end coordinate. Sphere radius. Angle step. Route waypoints. Captures a Control area to a bitmap, very fast. Great for making - Chart - Any other Control - Form capture into set of images. Control to capture. Bitmap. hue = angle of color circle where 0 deg = red, 120 deg = green, 240 deg = blue. saturation: defines the brilliance and intensity of a color. default = 1,range = 0-1 value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. default = 1, range = 0-1 alfa describes the transparency. default = 1. range = 0-1 param hue M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.ColorHSVA(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) param saturation M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.ColorHSVA(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.ColorHSVA(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) param alfa M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.ColorHSVA(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.ColorHSVA(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) Drawing color to integer. Color. Drawing color as ARGB value. Media color to integer. Color. Media color as ARGB value. Convert 2-dimensional array to 1-dimensional, row by row 2D array Type of item 1D array Convert data values to colors, by given palette. Palette is defined by steps, consisting of value and corresponding color. E.g. 0 : Black, 50: Yellow, 100: Red. The output colors are interpolated based on their position between steps. E.g. in this example palette, data value 60 will be almost yellow, but a little bit blending with red. Data values. Values of palette. Count must be equal to step color count. Colors of palette. Count must be equal to step value count. Colors as ARGB integer values. Convert Array of Double to Bitmap. Double array. Width. Height. Maximum value. Minimum value. Step count. Alpha array. Red array. Green array. Blue array. Bitmap frame. Convert double array into colors, by using gradient fixed-interval palette. Jagged array matrix, M x N. Colors. Minimum value, which represents the first color. Maximum value, which represents the last color. Bitmap. Convert Hex to Winforms color Hex string Converted color. If unable to convert a color channel (a, r, g, b), returns 0 to that channel. Converts image format to 32 bits ARGB. Source image, which is not in 32bppArgb format. Image in 32bbArgb format. Convert DMS (Degrees, minutes, seconds) value to decimal degrees value. Degrees. Arc minutes. Arc seconds. Degrees value. Convert DMS (Degrees, minutes, seconds) value to decimal degrees value, with given post-fix (N,E,S,W). Degrees. Arc minutes. Arc seconds. Postfix. Degrees value. Convert map coordinate to a point in 3D space. The 3D space has origin in (0,0,0). Map coordinate. Sphere radius. 3D point. Converts time ticks to seconds, accurately. Ticks value. Seconds value. Create a grayscale bitmap of source bitmap's pixels' alpha level. White output pixel means A = 255, Black means A = 0, and grayscales values between them. Source bitmap whose alpha level is to be investigated pixel-by-pixel. Bitmap having alpha RGB values as grayscale, and alpha 255 in each output pixel. Convert 3-dimensional array to texture map. 3-Dimensional array. Color array. Minimal value of the dataset. Maximal value of the dataset. Texture Map. summary M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.CreateMap(System.String) param filePath M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.CreateMap(System.String) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.CreateMap(System.String) Create Texture Map packed for VolumeRendering. Images. Bitmap frame. Create a jagged array of Intensity series data (IntensityPoint array). Extracts IntensityPoint.Value fields. Data. Values array. Gathers various information for debugging purposes as a string and optionally saves the output to a text file. Gathered data (if is set to All): system information, LightningChart object information, list of running processes, DxDiag output, installed Windows hotfixes. Data gathering options flags. See . LightningChart object (optional, leave null if not running with a LightningChart instance). Path to folder where file is saved (optional, if not specified the data won't be saved to a file and just returned as a string). Output text file filename (optional, if not specified the default name is created with timestamp). The gathered data as a string. Get all controls and its subcontrols Control whose controls are to investigated Give true if control's subcontrols are seeked too (recursive) List of contorls Get pixel color of a bitmap. This is much faster method than calling GetPixel() separately for each pixel of a bitmap. Bitmap. Pixel colors as an array. Gets pixels of System.Drawing.Bitmap object in System.Windows.Media.Color two-dimensional array. System.Drawing.Bitmap object. Two-dimensional System.Windows.Media.Color array. Create image from assembly embedded resource. Includes assembly name in the beginning of resource name. Resource name, without assembly identifier. E.g. "Resources.ArctionLogo.png", not like "Arction.DemoApp.Resources.ArctionLogo.png" Assembly where the resource is located Image if success, else null Create image from assembly embbedded resource Fully qualified resource name. Assembly where the resource is located. Image if success, otherwise null. Create image from assembly embbedded resource. Includes assembly name in the beginning of resource name. Resource name, without assembly identifier. E.g. "Resources.ArctionLogo.png", not like "Arction.DemoApp.Resources.ArctionLogo.png" Assembly where the resource is located Image if success, else null Convert intensity values jagged array to intensity grid points. Fills IntensityPoint.Value fields only. Values. Rectangular array of intensity points. Makes bilinear interpolation for given data array. Source data array. X density multiplier. Y density multiplier. Interpolated data array. Find out if this process needs 64-bit DLLs. True if 64-bit DLLs are needed. False if it's happy with 32-bit DLLs. summary M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.LoadImages(System.String) param folderName M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.LoadImages(System.String) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartTools.LoadImages(System.String) Media color to draw color. Color. Media color as Drawing color. Rotate 3D coordinate with yaw - pitch - roll method. 3D coordinate. Rotation angle in degrees, about X-axis. Rotation angle in degrees, about Y-axis. Rotation angle in degrees, about Z-axis. Rotated coordinate. Rounds the value to nearest multiple of Interval. Value to round. Interval. Nearest interval multiple. Test if two point equals. Point 1. Point 2. True is points are at about same locations. Show list of loaded assemblies by this application. Solve point within a line going from Point1 to Point2. First point. Second point. Distance from Point1 towards Point2. Solved point. Returns true if successfully solved (length is not 0). Solve point within a line going from Point1 to Point2. First point Second point Position in range 0...1. Point in position. Write a string to log file. The log file is c:\temp\LightningChartLog.txt. String to write. Write a string to log file. String to write. File name. Zoom to data and label area. Chart to apply zooming. Options for calling GatherApplicationInformation. None. Get information about the system like operating system, RAM etc. Get information about LightningChart object. Get information about running processes in the system. Get infromation from DxDiag. Get installed Windows hotfixes in the system. Gather everything Defines how/when chart is updated and new frames are rendered. Chart is updated in sync fashion on property changes. This is the fastest way to get most performance out of the chart and to minimize latency. Chart is updated on async fashion. The chart will update as fast as possible after property changes, but the property changes will return as fast as possible, and chart will render new frame at some later point. Chart will limit the framerate of the updates to value defined by . This is similar to the Async option, but keeps prevents new frames to be rendered right after another, thus reducing framerate, but sparing system resources. ChildPropertyChanged flags. These flags must be OR'd on each level, so that root level is reported all the flags. No flags, just re-renders the chart. All series draw data must be freed, so root level can reconstruct it. Update chart title Disable zooming Do auto Y fit now. Free all series legendbox icon Draw data of certain series must be freed, so root level can reconstruct it. Free a series legendbox icon All series draw data of certain axis must be freed, so root level can reconstruct it. Free certain draw data synchronized to main thread. Use this to make LightningChartPro free draw data from object finalizer Free scrollbar draw data Free everything Free all draw data of 3D series where this 3D axis is bound Surface palette sorting must be updated Annotation order must be changed in list of annotations. Free map draw data. Cancel rendering. Recalculate autolabel. Free annotation bound to this axis. Free non-shiftable series draw data. Notification to parent that the settings defining the draw data related to sender and/or relayer has been modified and the drawdata needs to be recalculated/updated/redefined/freed. It's usually OK to remove the flag from the parameter value after processing on parent. Update LegendBox as some related property has changed. Clip area. Prevents owner series data from rendering in Begin...End range. Constructor. Begin value. Start clipping from here. End value. End clipping here. Clip direction, X or Y. Constructor. Begin value. Start clipping from here. End value. End clipping here. Clip direction, X or Y. Tag, freely assignable object. Constructor. Begin value. Start clipping from here. End value. End clipping here. Clip direction, X or Y. Margin pixels. Set positive to clip more, negative to clip less. Constructor. Begin value. Start clipping from here. End value. End clipping here. Clip direction, X or Y. Margin pixels. Set positive to clip more, negative to clip less. Tag, freely assignable object. Begin value. Start clipping from here. Clip direction, X or Y. End value. End clipping here. Amount of pixels to clip more from positions calculated from Begin and End values. 0: Don't clip more or less. Positive: Clip more, the clipped area is this many pixels wider from both left and right (or top and bottom). Negative: Clip less, the clipped area is this many pixels narrower from both left and right (or top and bottom). Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Clipboard image format. Windows bitmap, raster format. Portable network graphics, raster format. JPG, JPEG, raster format. Tagged image format file, raster format. Graphic interchange format, raster format. Enhanced metafile, vector format. Clip direction. None. Don't clip, disabled. Clip in X direction. Clip in Y direction. Theme colors. Dark color theme. Light gray color theme. Sky blue color theme. Light blue dynamic theme. Red Magma theme. Auroras theme. Brushed metal. Red carbon theme. Paper theme. World cyber space Custom Dynamic theme. Contour Line Label's properties. Property tree: if enabled; manipulate format, font and color of text. Default state is disabled; Constructor. Constructor. Owner of this object. Color Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Contour Label font Labels number format' OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Description of class. description Is text visible or not The contour line type for Surface series, 3D. No contour line. Performance optimized thin vertical zones based on Y-field (height). All lines use same color. Performance optimized thin zone at palette step edge based on Y-field (height in the 3D Surface series data point), various colors set by the palette. The contour lines is calculated based on Y-field (height in the 3D Surface series data point). Single color. The contour lines are calculated based on Y-field (height). Various colors set by the palette. The contour lines are calculated based on Value-field (in the 3D Surface series data point). Single color. The contour lines are calculated based on Value-field (in the 3D Surface series data point). Various colors set by the palette. The contour line type for Intensity/Color map series, 2D. No contour line. Performance optimized thin vertical zones based on intensityValue (height). All lines use same color. Performance optimized thin zone at palette step edge based on intensityValue (height), various colors set by the palette. The contour lines are made with actual lines. Single color. The contour lines are made with actual lines. Various colors set by the palette. Static class for converting WPF to WinForms objects and vice versa Convert WPF color to WinForms color Color to convert Color Converts image from wpf to winforms Source image Image as winforms Converts image from wpf to winforms Source image Image as winforms Convert WinForms color to WPF color Color to convert Color Converts image from winforms to wpf Source image Image as wpf Coordinate system selector. Use screen coordinates Use relative screen coordinates to target. Use axis values. Coordinate system selector for 3DPie. Use screen coordinates. Use relative screen coordinates to target. Degrees, arc minutes, arc seconds representation coordinate postfix. North. East. South. West. 2D coordinate, double format. Used with UserInteractiveObject. Constructor X Y Constructor X Y Tag, freely assignable object Tag. Freely assignable object Convert class description to string String X value Y value 3D coordinate structure. Constructor. X value. Y value. Z value. X value. Y value. Z value. Culling of 3D triangles. No culling, render all triangles regardless of their normal angle to camera. Cull clockwise defined triangles. Cull counterclockwise defined triangles Cursor styles. Vertical cursor. No series values tracking. Hair cross vertical cursor. Resolves values from series and draws horizontal line at the section of cursor and series. Point tracking. Resolves values from series and draws a point with selected style at the section of cursor and series. Represents a class that provides arguments for the CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping base event. Creates and initializes a new instance of CustomLinePointColoringAndShapingBaseEventArgs class. Tells if Colors array can be modified. Tells if Coords array can be modified. Custom colors. Screen coordinates of line points. Data point indices of the points that appear in the Coords and Colors arrays. Subsequent data points hitting the same screen coordinate may have been reduced. DataPointIndices array will tell indices which were actually used. Has data point indices information available. Not applicable to all series types. Page index in sweeping X axis (0 or 1), for others, 0. Custom Tick And Grid Style. Style Tick and Grid. Style Tick. Style Grid. Labels are not shown with this style. Class to get D3DImage working with remote desktop connection. Default constructor. Get backbuffer. Backbuffer. Data breaking options. Defines, if gaps are enabled on series data and by which value. Default state is disabled and default gap value is Double.NaN; Constructor. Constructor. Owner of this object. Data gap enabled state. TO String returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.DataBreakingOptions.ToString Data gap defining value. Default colors Annotation arrow color Annotation border color Annotation gradient fill color Annotation fill color Annotation text color Axis grid strips fill Axis labels color Axis major div tick 3D Axis major division tick color Axis scale nibs color, 2D Axis scale nibs color, 3D Axis title shadow color Axis title color Axis units color Background gradient color Background color Bar series gradient color Bar series color Blink gradient color 1 Blink gradient color 2 Data cursor border color. Data cursor Fill1 color. Data cursor Fill2 color. Data cursor Fill3 color. Data cursor label Fill1 color. Data cursor table background color. Data cursor table border color. Default color theme. Error bars color Graph background gradient color Graph background color Graph border color Legend box border color Legend box category text color Legend box checkbox border color Legend box checkbox mark color Legend box gradient color Legend box shadow color Legend box text color LegendBox Units Color LegendBox value labels color Legend box color Line series cursor color Map item title Polar axis units color Polar axis color Default color for ScrollBar.BackgroundFill.Color property. Default color for ScrollBar.BackgroundFill.GradientColor property. Default color for ScrollBar.Border.Color1 property. Default color for ScrollBar.Border.Color2 property. Default color for ScrollBar.ButtonOptions.BorderColor property. Default color for ScrollBar.ButtonOptions.Color1 property. Default color for ScrollBar.ButtonOptions.Color2 property. Default color for ScrollBar.ButtonOptions.Icon.BorderColor property. Default color for ScrollBar.ButtonOptions.Icon.Color1 property. Default color for ScrollBar.ButtonOptions.Icon.Color2 property. Default color for ScrollBar.ScrollThumbOptions.BorderColor property. Default color for ScrollBar.ScrollThumbOptions.Color1 property. Default color for ScrollBar.ScrollThumbOptions.Color2 property. Default series colors against black background Default colors Gradient when blinking is not used, on mouse over Title shadow color Title color Wall grid strip color 1 Wall grid strip color 2 Walls color in 3D view X axis color Y axis color Zoom rectangle fill color Zoom rectangle border color Flags specifying possible rendering engines. None of the engines. DX9 engine. DX11 engine. DigitalLineSeries coordinate solver result. Bottom Y-coordinate at cursor position. Top Y-coordinate at cursor position. Minimum data point index. Nearest X-coordinate. Data point count for column. Solve status. Use values only if SolveStatus is OK. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. DigitalLineSeries value solve result. Nearest data point index of the searched X value. Note that e.g. in real-time examples this is only valid when there is no data added to series. Nearest X value of the searched X value. Solve status. Use result values only if SolveStatus is OK. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Max Y value on the searched X value. Min Y value on the searched X value. Directions. No direction. Right. Up. Left. Down. Vertical (right). Horizontal (down). Double click zoom/pan operation. Used as value for property, to define what happens when device primary button is double clicked. Disabled. Zoom to fit all data and LabelsArea (the graph) to area limited by margins and . Static helper class that contains helpers on DPI related issues. Meaning mainly PX to DIP conversions. Converts given DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values to PX (Screen pixels) using system DPI settings. Value to convert in DIPs If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in PX. Converts given rectangle size and position defined in DIP (Device Independent Pixels) to PX (Screen pixels) values using system DPI settings. Rectangle to convert / modify, defined in DIPs. Converts given DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values to PX (Screen pixels) using system DPI settings. Value to convert in DIPs If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in PX. Converts given point defined in DIP (Device Independent Pixels) to PX (Screen pixels) values using system DPI settings. Point to convert, defined in DIPs. Point in PX Defines if the system process is DPI aware or not. Currently there is no way distinguishing between system aware and Per-monitor aware. Effective Zoom factor of the system DPI of the screen width. Factor that describes how many real pixels there are per one DIP in X direction. Effective Zoom factor of the system DPI of the screen height. Factor that describes how many real pixels there are per one DIP in Y direction. Converts given PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Value to convert in pixels. If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in DPIs. Converts given rectangle size and position defined in PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Rectangle to convert / modify, defined in pixels. Converts given PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Value to convert in pixels. If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in DPIs. Converts given point defined in PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Point to convert, defined in PX. Point in DIPs Draggable handler, handles dragging maneuvers of chart object. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Gets or sets whether dragging by user is allowed. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Dragged by user. Invoke DraggedByUser event. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.DraggableObject.InvokeDraggedEvent Moving pixel distance after which state is changed to Drag. Reset location, if moved by mouse. internal change handler of the AllowDragging property. param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.DraggableObject.SetAllowDragging(System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.DraggableObject.SetAllowDragging(System.Boolean) Set item drag end position. X value. Y value. True if the position is set due to the end of dragging. Implemented original for snapping Smith markers. Set proper cursor. Default for dragging is hand and for resize SizeAll. DX Feature level. Unknown DX. DX 9.1. DX 9.2. DX 9.3. DX 10.0. DX 10.1. DX 11.0. Background image for dynamic themes. No Dynamic background image Default for Dynamic Themes BrickWall Magma style background image Auroras theme Brushed metal Red carbon theme Paper theme TurquiseHexagon background image World cyper space background image Custom background image (Add image to your theme via CustomDynamicBackgroundImage variable) Engine Init Result. Date and time the engine initialization was tried or the information was created. This fields can not be trusted if the initialization is not tried. Defines the engine type this information concerns. List of exceptions encountered on engine initialization. If true, initialization of the engine was successful. False if not. Used to convert GetLastEngineInitResults to string to help reporting of it's contents. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EngineInitResult.ToString List of warnings and other messages encountered during initialization, that would have been reported to the ChartError event if they would have been encountered later. These messages will be delivered through the ChartError event for the activated device in a patch after the init. Defines a type for messages that can be received from the rendering engine. Used to pass messages from engine to LightningChart during initialization. Usually the messages are warnings or other notifications intended for optimization and debugging. If they are critical they usually result in exceptions. Summary of the problem on a general level Details of the message. Severity level of the message. Type of the message. Conversion to EngineWarning from RD.EngineWarning. There should be a better way for this. param src M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EngineWarning.op_Explicit(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.EngineWarning)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.EngineWarning returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EngineWarning.op_Explicit(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.EngineWarning)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.EngineWarning Date and time when the event occurred. Enhanced anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing is made in GPU shader. This is useful especially for GPUs that don't support anti-aliasing in GPU hardware. Provides better visual quality and clearness of lines than hardware anti-aliasing. Use enhanced anti-aliasing. Use only if anti-aliasing is not supported in hardware. Don't use enhanced anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing in hardware is used, if it's supported and enabled in object's settings. Event marker symbol. Flag symbol. Flag with a lightning on it. Rectangle. Circle (or oval). Triangle. Struct for containing error and debug information for ChartExceptions. Information about LightningChart instance. Information about chart message. Indicates if data was successfully gathered on an exception. Information about users system. Return information as a string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExceptionInfo.ToString Extensions Calculate gradient for Wpf param colorFrom M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.CalculateGradient2(System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color,System.Double) param colorTo M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.CalculateGradient2(System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color,System.Double) param positionPercents M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.CalculateGradient2(System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color,System.Double) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.CalculateGradient2(System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color,System.Double) Copy array param array M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.CopyItems(System.Array,System.Array,System.Int32) param destination M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.CopyItems(System.Array,System.Array,System.Int32) param length M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.CopyItems(System.Array,System.Array,System.Int32) Square distance between two points param from M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D,Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointDouble2D) param dest M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D,Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointDouble2D) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D,Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointDouble2D) Square distance between two points param from M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D) param dest M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble2D) Square distance between two points param from M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat) param dest M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat) Square distance between two points param from M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat) param dest M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.DistanceSquareTo(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat) Gathers various information from the current chart for debugging purposes as a string by calling Optionally saves the output to a text file if file path and file name are specified. Gathered data (if is set to All): system information, chart information, list of running processes, DxDiag output, installed Windows hotfixes. Chart to collect data from. Data gathering options flags. See . Path to folder where file is saved (optional, if not specified the data won't be saved to a file and just returned as a string). Output text file filename (optional, if not specified the default name is created with timestamp) The gathered data as a string. Get item counter param array M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.GetItemCount(System.Array) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.GetItemCount(System.Array) Removes item from the list and then disposes it. param list M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.RemoveAndDispose``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Int32) param i M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.RemoveAndDispose``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Int32) typeparam T M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.RemoveAndDispose``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Int32) Removes item from the list and then disposes it. param list M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.RemoveAndDispose(System.Collections.IList,System.Int32) param i M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.RemoveAndDispose(System.Collections.IList,System.Int32) Convert given color to currently active platform. param color M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToCurrentPlat(System.Drawing.Color) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToCurrentPlat(System.Drawing.Color) Convert given color to currently active platform. param color M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToCurrentPlat(System.Windows.Media.Color) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToCurrentPlat(System.Windows.Media.Color) Change device types to long strings param rdi M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToLongString(Arction.Wpf.Charting.RendererDeviceType) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToLongString(Arction.Wpf.Charting.RendererDeviceType) To WPF size param size M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToPlatSize(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SizeInt) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToPlatSize(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SizeInt) Make public color param color M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToPublicColor(System.Drawing.Color) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToPublicColor(System.Drawing.Color) Change device types to short strings param rdi M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToShortString(Arction.Wpf.Charting.RendererDeviceType) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToShortString(Arction.Wpf.Charting.RendererDeviceType) To RD.SizeInt size param size M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToSizeInt(System.Windows.Size) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToSizeInt(System.Windows.Size) To WinForm color param color M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWinFormsColor(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.ColorRD) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWinFormsColor(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.ColorRD) To WinForm color param color M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWinFormsColor(System.Drawing.Color) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWinFormsColor(System.Drawing.Color) To WinForm color param color M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWinFormsColor(System.Windows.Media.Color) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWinFormsColor(System.Windows.Media.Color) To WinForm size param size M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWinFormsSize(System.Windows.Size) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWinFormsSize(System.Windows.Size) To WPF color param color M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWpfColor(System.Drawing.Color) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWpfColor(System.Drawing.Color) To WPF size param size M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWpfSize(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SizeInt) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWpfSize(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SizeInt) To WPF size param size M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWpfSize(System.Drawing.Size) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ExtensionsClass.ToWpfSize(System.Drawing.Size) Fill class that can be applied to a rectangle Constructor for Fill. Constructor Parent. Bitmap fill options Bitmap texture filtering. Fill color Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Gradient color Gradient direction in degrees, angle increases counterclockwise. Gradient type Fill style Convert class description to string. String. Fill layout. Stretch layout. Image is stretched to rectangle draw area. Tile. Use also tile count properties. Fonts rendering quality. No anti-aliasing, best performance. Anti-aliased fonts. Best anti-aliasing and quality, lowest performance. GPU preference. Is only applicable with D11 device. Use default GPU. Try to select high performance GPU. Try to select GPU at CPU/Motherboard, which usually uses less power than separate GPU. Gradient fill type. Solid fill, no gradient. Linear gradient. Gradient is shaded towards circle edges. Gradient is shaded towards area edges like ellipse. Gradient is shaded from color1 to color2 and back to color1. Gradient fill type. Solid fill, no gradient. Linear gradient. Gradient is shaded towards area edges like ellipse. Graph segment info. Needed when showing multiple Y-axes stacked. Constructor for Form designer list editor. First segment top. Graph height. Segment bottom coordinates. Segment count. Segment top coordinates. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Grid source axis. No grid. Primary axis. Secondary axis. Selector between custom and normal gridline / ticks rendering. Rendering both custom and normal items. Custom items are rendered. Normal items are rendered. Grid options Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor Parent. Line color Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Pattern Pattern scale Convert class description to string String Is grid visible or not Empty class for angular grid options. Default constructor. Constructor Parent. Grid options of round views. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor Parent. Color of the labels. Line width. Grid options of Smith view. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor Parent. List of manually defined gridlines. Dispose Arction.Wpf.Charting.GridOptionsSmith Grid labels visible. List of manually defined gridline positions as normed values. Determines which gridlines are rendered, both, just the custom ones, or just the automatic ones. Smith Grid extra line options Constructor Constructor. param Owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.GridOptionsSmithExtraLine.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Real or Imaginary component of the Value of the Gridline position. Enumeration specifying how the smith grid are to be formed. For more information, see AxisSmith.GridType property. Determine gridline positions so that each line is positioned in a point where the value is nice and event, and distance to other lines is approximately value set in GridDivSpacing. For more information on actual positioning, see the GridDivSpacing property of AxisSmith. Determine gridline positions so that specific number of gridlines are placed on even distances from the center line, that is always drawn. Number of gridlines can be set using GridDivCount property. See that for more information about positioning of the gridlines. Defines the grids position in relation to other elements in depth direction. In other words, used in defining in which order different objects are drawn. Grid lines behind series. Grid lines in front of series. Highlight style, when user is over an object. No highlight. Highlight with brighter color, and possibly thicker object. Highlight with blinking color, and possibly thicker object. Defines event information for HighlightedStateEventHandler. Contains information for highlighting state changes. Defines if the item is currently (on next frame) highlighted or not. Reason why the event was launched. Defines the effective source of the event. Event type for notifying changes in the highlighting state of an object. Base class for all LC objects that can be highlighted. Constructor. Constructor. Owner object. Gets or sets highlight style. Item can be highlighted by user interactive device or by code. Event telling that highlighted state has changed. Contains information of the new state. Invokes HighlightedStateChanged events. Arguments to use instead of current objects stored MouseEvent arguments. Can be used to speed up speed up the call if the event is already constructed. Note that the object is not updated in any way if given, so it can be used to deliver wrong information. Return value of the Charts RaiseEvent method. False if the event could not be emitted, true otherwise. True emitting of the event succeeds. If no event listeners is registered, this should return true. returns true if the object is highlighted. True if the object is highlighted. Removes forced highlighting. Highlights the object. This is a kind of "forced" highlight, and the object might be highlighted even if the highlighting type (defined by Highlight property) is set to None. How the highlighting happens, if any, depends on object. Most objects use the defined type by default, and fall back to Simple highlighting if None is set. Item to string. String. Reason/source for highlighting event. Items highlighting state has changed because of user action. Items highlighting state has changed because of legend box action. Items highlighting state has changed because of user action. Items SetHighlight or RemoveHighlight has been called. HighLow series point. Constructor. X value. Y high value. Y low value. Constructor. X value. Y high value. Y low value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Constructor. X value. Y high value. Y low value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Constructor. X value. Y high value. Y low value. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Point Color. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y high value. Y low value. Options for defining when to show hints. Never show any hints Hints are visible only at design time. Hints are visible always. Horizontal scrollbar. Values use unsigned 64-bit integer value range. Constructor for form editor list editor Constructor Parent. Alignment. Dispose Arction.Wpf.Charting.HorizontalScrollBar Horizontal scroll bar alignment. No alignment. Scrollbar is horizontally aligned below the graph area. Left edge is positioned to graph left edge, and right edge is positioned to graph right edge. Scrollbar is horizontally aligned to the center of the graph area. Left edge is positioned to graph left edge, and right edge is positioned to graph right edge. Scrollbar is horizontally aligned above the graph area. Left edge is positioned to graph left edge, and right edge is positioned to graph right edge. Interface for identifying chart objects. Colored Point. Color of the point. Grid options. Grid color Grid pattern. Pattern scale Grid to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.IGridOptions.ToString Grid visible. Interface of objects that can be highlighted. Allows user to highlight the object and define how the object should be highlighted. The objects also report to users when they are highlighted. Setter highlighting style. Event telling that highlighted state has changed. Contains information of the new state. returns true if the object is highlighted. True if the object is highlighted. Removes forced highlighting. Highlights the object. This is a kind of "forced" highlight, and the object might be highlighted even if the highlighting type (defined by Highlight property) is set to None. How the highlighting happens, if any, depends on object. Most objects use the defined type by default, and fall back to Simple highlighting if None is set. Image type. Raster image, composed from pixels, e.g. Windows bitmap. Vector image, elements composed from graphics instructions, e.g. Enhanced metafile. Vector image can be scaled without quality loss, but may be yield to very big file/data size. Intensity series fill style. No fill. Coloring is made from surface data point array colors. Single color tone applied over base color. Paletted, various colors set by the palette, applied over base color. IntensityGridSeries values data order in jagged array. First dimension is columns, second rows. First dimension is rows, second columns. Intensity series data point. Constructor. X value. Y value. Value. Color of the point. Constructor. X value. Y value. Value. Color of the point. Tag. Freely assignable object. Color. Check if referenced object is equal to this one. Due Color is not same, even if their components are same, one must check each component separately. param obj M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.IntensityPoint.Equals(System.Object) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.IntensityPoint.Equals(System.Object) Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Intensity value. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. IntensitySeries DataCursor ResultTable data visibility flags. Show nothing. Show X value. Show Y value. Show value. Show color. Show X, Y, Value and Color. Intensity series optimization. Optimize series to give better performance with data changing frequently (node positions, colors and intensity values). Optimize series to give better performance with data changing frequently (intensity values only). Optimize series to give better performance with data that is not changed frequently. IPointPolar interface. Amplitude. Angle (degrees). IPointRound interface. Interface of the Smith points. Imaginary component of the smith coordinate. RealValue component of the smith coordinate. Interface for UnitCircle coordinate points. X and Y coordinates have normed values in range [-1,1]. Point (0,0) points is at the center of the circle. X direction coordinate Y direction coordinate Base for polar series points. Latitude degrees, arc minutes, arc seconds representation coordinate postfix. North. South. 3D legend box items categorization. No categorization. Categorization by series type. Legend box items categorization. No categorization. Categorization by Y-axes. Categorization by series type. Legend box layout. Horizontal. Horizontal, allow row spanning. Vertical. Vertical, allow row spanning. Legend box position. Top-left. Top center. Top-right. Left center. Right center. Bottom-left. Bottom center. Bottom-right. Manual positioning. Graph top left. Graph top center. Graph top right. Graph bottom left. Graph bottom center. Graph bottom right. Graph left margin center. Graph right margin center. Legend box position for XY Views. Top-left Top center. Top-right. Left center. Right center. Bottom-left. Bottom center. Bottom-right. Manual positioning. Offset specifies the legend boxes top-left corner from the views top-left corner. This differs from TopLeft in that the TopLeft position is calculated from the Graph areas top, not the views. Related segment top left. Related segment top center. Related segment top right. Related segment bottom left. Related segment bottom center. Related segment bottom right. Related segment left margin center. Related segment right margin center. Surface side which is being lit. Top surface is lit. Bottom surface is lit. Surface side which is being lit. Top surface is lit. Bottom surface is lit. Predefined lighting schemes for 3D view. Default lighting scheme, with one point of light and one directional light from camera direction. Default lighting scheme, with one point of light and one directional light from camera direction. Default lighting scheme, with one point of light and one directional light from camera direction. 3 point of lights, red, green, blue. 3 point of lights, cyan, magenta, yellow. LightningChart is an ultimate data visualization chart control for high-speed 2D and 3D purposes. Default constructor. Creates new LightningChart object. Creates new LightningChart object. Takes parameter that can be used in defining certain settings on creation time. Note that some of the settings are dangerous to use, and the constructor itself is intended for advanced use. In normal situation it's better to use the default parameterless constructor. param renderingSettings M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.RenderingSettings) The active view selection Getter of the active view object as ViewBase. Occurs right after the chart has been rendered. Gets or sets background brush. Set a brush that has less alpha than 255 to allow the chart to be seen through. Also set colors with alpha less than 255 for other chart objects. Occurs just before the chart is going to get rendered. This is the place where you can create custom graphics objects etc. Begin update. Disables control repaints when a property is changed. Handy when updating status of many properties or updating series points. Alignment offset in pixels (Not in DIP). If true, forces redetermination of the parent (takes time). It's hard to know when the parent chain has changed. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.CalculatePixelAlignmentOffset(System.Boolean) Occurs right after the chart has been captured. E.g. CopyToClipBoard or SaveToFile, when there is possibility that rendering may be delayed due e.g. image reading from web. Get chart as bitmap. param aaOptions M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.CaptureToBitmap(Arction.Wpf.Charting.BitmapAntialiasOptions) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.CaptureToBitmap(Arction.Wpf.Charting.BitmapAntialiasOptions) Get the last frame rendered by the chart as byte array containing just pixel data four bytes per pixel. To get the image data with headers, like in bpm or png format, use SaveToStream method Chart width in pixels Chart height in pixels param format M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.CaptureToByteArray(System.Int32@,System.Int32@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PixelFormat@) chart's last rendered raw image as byte array. Each pixel is represented by 4 bytes in the order defined by the format parameter. Gets or sets background fill. Chart manager Event that notifies if some error has occurred that does not require exception to be thrown, or some other event has happened worth notifying using system of. See ChartMessageInfo struct contained in the message for detailed information. Gets or sets the name of this chart. Gets or sets rendering options. Gets or sets the color theme of this chart. Copy the chart to clipboard bitmap image. true if succeeded, false otherwise Copy the chart to clipboard image by given format. Clipboard image format. true if succeeded, false otherwise Copy the chart to clipboard image. Clipboard image format. Antialias options. true if succeeded, false otherwise Copy the chart to clipboard image. Clipboard image format. Antialias options. Width of required output Height of required output Allows screen coordinates of certain elements to be scaled by factor of defined size and original size to keep then in place in relation to other chart elements in vector exports. If unsure, use value true. Should be set to false if annotation tables or such constructs are used. Affects only vector output (emf and svg). true if succeeded, false otherwise Copy the chart to clipboard image by given format. Clipboard image format. Width of required output Height of required output Allows screen coordinates of certain elements to be scaled by factor of defined size and original size to keep then in place in relation to other chart elements in vector exports. If unsure, use value true. Should be set to false if annotation tables or such constructs are used. Affects only vector output (emf and svg). true if succeeded, false otherwise Copy the chart to clipboard bitmap image. Width of required output Height of required output true if succeeded, false otherwise Copy chart to clipboard as emf. Sets or gets the Custom Dynamic Theme. Clean up any resources being used. Effect animation controller Enables/disables internal timer which keeps control of the object tree when the chart is being manipulated by property grid, like in Visual Studio forms designer. True to enable, False to disable End update. Enables control repainting, and refreshes the control. Used to convert GetLastEngineInitResults to string to help reporting of it's contents. param results M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.EngineInitResultsToString(System.Collections.Generic.List{Arction.Wpf.Charting.EngineInitResult}) EngineInitResults as a string. Count of rendered frames with the current engine. Number of so far rendered frames with the currently active rendering engine. 0 if no engine is active. Destroy all buffered draw data and repaint the chart This is slower than Refresh(), but thorough. Get the chart object that is activated by mouse. Note that this information is not correct if we do not have proper device set. Last active object. If unavailable, returns null Get effectively used BeginUpdate/EndUpdate counter. Use for debugging, if seems that chart does not render. The value must be 0 in order for the chart to render. If value is larger, some BeginUpdate call has not been closed by matching EndUpdate call.This indicates total value. Use GetBeginUpdateCountPublic to see difference of public - user called - BeginUpdate / EndUpdate methods. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetBeginUpdateCount Get public BeginUpdate/EndUpdate counter. Use for debugging, if seems that chart does not render. Must be zero after EndUpdate(), if one wants chart to render. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetBeginUpdateCountPublic returns a list of EngineInitResult objects of which each defines a tried engine, if its initialization was successful or not and the reasons why its initialization failed. This method is intended for debugging purposes. The information applies to the last time the engine was tried to be initialized. The list is recreated each time engine initialization is tried and the old information is lost. List describing lastly tried engines and result of the initialization Getter of the pixel format of the last written data to the OutputStream. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetLastOutputStreamFormat Getter of the image size of the last image written to OutputStream as pixels (not DIP's). Size of the last image written to OutputStream. Get parent window handle (HWND). Needed when using the control from other systems than .NET. Parent window handle. Get render device information. Gives information about your graphics adapter. Tells if there is something that prevents the control to run at optimal performance. Information about your graphics adapter. Get Predefined theme Auroras returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetThemeAuroras Get Predefined theme Brushed metal returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetThemeBrushedMetal Get predefined theme magma. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetThemeMagma Get Predefined theme Paper returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetThemePaper Get Predefined theme Red carbon returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetThemeRedCarbon Get predefined theme TurgouiseHexagon. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetThemeTurquoiseHexagon Get Predefined theme Wolrd cyber space returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GetThemeWorldCyberSpace Gets total count of chart instances in application context. Total chart count Version and revision. Gets the major and minor numbers of the assembly. Arction internal revision number of the library. Notation of this value can change. summary P:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.GpuUpdateType Handle for WPF control. Checks if high quality font and transparency background is used with DX11 and gives warning of this conflict combination. Scroll bars list Tries to force the engine initialization in a synchronous fashion. Should have no use in WinForms. This method allows user to force the rendering device initialization. Note! Do not force during chart events callbacks, except at AfterRendering event! Causes chart to malfunction, if engine is changed during event handler. Forces engine reinitialization, even if there should be no reason for it. true if the call resulted in valid engine that is different from the previous one. Opposite color Color to convert. The opposite color. Check if hardware rendering is supported. True if supports hardware rendering. Check if hardware rendering is supported. Hardware available by querying adapters in the system Hardware may have been disable by HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Avalon.Graphics\\DisableHWAcceleration flag. Outputs false if so. RenderCapability.Tier level test passes True if all is enabled, and thus supports hardware rendering Check pixel alignment. This is quite costly operation. It's faster just to update the value. True if the pixel alignment would not be changed if UpdatePixelAlignment would be called. Finds out if the given coordinate is over the chart control with pixels. X coordinate Y coordinate True if is over Check if chart is using hardware rendering. True, if hardware rendering is used, false otherwise. Measure text with given font in DIP units (with rounding). Text. Font. Dimensions in a point structure [in DIP units]. If unable to measure, returns (0,0). Measure text with given font in PX units (without rounding). Text. Font. Dimensions in a point structure [in PX units]. If unable to measure, returns (0,0). Occurs when mouse released. Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. Overrided the UIElements MouseDown as we mark it handled as per Microsoft guidelines. This can be used instead to receive the information, or PreviewMouseDown event should be used instead. Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. Overrided the UIElements MouseDown as we mark it handled as per Microsoft guidelines. This can be used instead to receive the information, or PreviewMouseDown event should be used instead. Occurs when any mouse button is released while the pointer is over this element. Overrided the UIElements MouseUp as we mark it handled as per Microsoft guidelines. This can be used instead to receive the information, or PreviewMouseUp event should be used instead. Occurs when any mouse button is released while the pointer is over this element. Overrided the UIElements MouseUp as we mark it handled as per Microsoft guidelines. This can be used instead to receive the information, or PreviewMouseUp event should be used instead. Event for DPI change. Subscribe to this event to receive information of changes on the DPI and to enable automatic LightningChart resizing / repositioning application window on DPI changes. See for more information. Generic chart options. Stream to write the rendered frame bitmaps to. Defaults to null. Set the stream to this property and it will be written with ran data of the images on every frame. See remarks for the format.This property is intended as the fastest way to capture continuous frames from the chart, especially on Headless mode. Getter of the currently used pixel alignment offset. Call UpdatePixelAlignment to update / recalculate this value. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.PixelAlignmentOffset Print chart to default printer with default settings using raster output. No header nor footer. Print chart to default printer with given settings. Image type: Raster or vector. Default is Raster. Enable background fill. Default is false. Enable graph fill. Default is false. Enable double raster resolution. Default is false. Header text. Footer text. Keep aspect ratio. Default is true. Margins. Print preview of chart. Print preview of chart. Header text. Footer text. Close preview window after printed. Show page setup dialog and print if ok clicked and allowed. Reset page setup to default values. Print if pressed ok on dialog. Show printer selection dialog and print if allowed. RendererDevice has changed. This event is called almost every time the engine changes. Please see remarks for the exceptions Reset BeginUpdate/EndUpdate counter. Usually not required to call. Reset page settings. Read Trader Key What Provider wanted to be use. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.RTK(System.String) Save the chart into a image file with no extra anti-aliasing applied. Target file name. You must include file extension (png, bmp, jpg, tif, gif, emf, svg). True if the image was successfully written to file. Returns false on invalid file extension or on file write failure. Save the chart into a image file by using given anti-aliasing options. Target file name. You must include file extension (png, bmp, jpg, tif, gif, wmf, emf, svg). param antialiasOptions M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.SaveToFile(System.String,Arction.Wpf.Charting.BitmapAntialiasOptions) True if the image was successfully written to file. Anti-aliasing options Returns false on invalid file extension, on file write failure and on other problems on image creation or saving. Save the chart into a image file by using given anti-aliasing options. Target file name. You must include file extension (png, bmp, jpg, tif, gif, wmf, emf, svg). Anti-aliasing options Width of required output in pixels Height of required output in pixels Allows screen coordinates of certain elements to be scaled by factor of defined size and original size to keep then in place in relation to other chart elements in vector exports. If unsure, use value true. Should be set to false if annotation tables or such constructs are used. Affects only vector output (emf and svg). True if the image was successfully written to file. Returns false on invalid file extension, on file write failure and on other problems on image creation or saving. Save to file as given size. Target file name. You must include file extension (png, bmp, jpg, tif, gif, emf, svg). Width of required output in pixels (Not in DIPs) Height of required output in pixels (Not in DIPs) Allows screen coordinates of certain elements to be scaled by factor of defined size and original size to keep then in place in relation to other chart elements in vector exports. If unsure, use value true. Should be set to false if annotation tables or such constructs are used. Affects only vector output (emf and svg). True if the image was successfully written to file. Returns false on invalid file extension or on file write failure. Save the chart into stream in bitmap format. Stream to write to. true if succeeded, false otherwise Save the chart into stream in given format and anti-aliasing options. Stream to write to. Image format. true if succeeded, false otherwise Save the chart into stream in given format and anti-aliasing options. Note that the stream's position is at the end. In order to read it to some other variable, rewind it first using seek. Stream to write to. Image format. Anti-alias options. True if succeeded, false otherwise. Save the chart into stream in given format and anti-aliasing options. Stream to write to. Image format. Antialias options. Width of required output Height of required output Allows screen coordinates of certain elements to be scaled by factor of defined size and original size to keep then in place in relation to other chart elements in vector exports. If unsure, use value true. Should be set to false if annotation tables or such constructs are used. Affects only vector output (emf and svg). true if succeeded, false otherwise Save the chart into stream in given format and anti-aliasing options. Stream to write to. Image format. Width of required output Height of required output Allows screen coordinates of certain elements to be scaled by factor of defined size and original size to keep then in place in relation to other chart elements in vector exports. If unsure, use value true. Should be set to false if annotation tables or such constructs are used. Affects only vector output (emf and svg). true if succeeded, false otherwise Save the chart into stream in given size. Stream to write to. Width of required output Height of required output true if succeeded, false otherwise Set Deployment Key param deploymentKey M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.SetDeploymentKey(System.String) Set parent window handle (HWND). Needed when using the control from other systems than .NET. Parent window handle. param hwnd M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.SetParentWindow(System.IntPtr) summary M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.System#Windows#IWeakEventListener#ReceiveWeakEvent(System.Type,System.Object,System.EventArgs) param managerType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.System#Windows#IWeakEventListener#ReceiveWeakEvent(System.Type,System.Object,System.EventArgs) param sender M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.System#Windows#IWeakEventListener#ReceiveWeakEvent(System.Type,System.Object,System.EventArgs) param e M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.System#Windows#IWeakEventListener#ReceiveWeakEvent(System.Type,System.Object,System.EventArgs) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.System#Windows#IWeakEventListener#ReceiveWeakEvent(System.Type,System.Object,System.EventArgs) Title of the chart Convert class description to string string Occurs when the total chart instance count has changed. Disable DirectX present calls, but let the rendering routines run otherwise Enable DirectX present calls again Update custom themes. Forces update of WPF pixel alignment. Calling this should not be required normally. Version info. Scroll bars list 3D chart view 3D pie chart view. Polar chart view. Smith chart view. XY graph view. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the AfterRendering event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the AfterRendering event. Alf Error Level The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforeRendering event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the BeforeRendering event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Capture event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the Capture event. Delegate for ChartMessage event. Delegate for event. Chart where the DPI change occurred. New DPI X-value. New DPI Y-value. Allow window to be resized after event handler is called. You should set this to true, if you choose not to react the WM_DPICHANGED event on application side. If set to true, LightningChart will mark the event as handled, and touch window size / position.The default value is false. Rectangle structure. Bottom Left Right Top Delegate for RenderEngineChanged event. Renderer device type. Render device info. Chart where the device was changed. Time stamp. Dynamic lighningchart basic theme Theme base class. all variables has some pre defined value Alpha level 0-255 Annotation border color Annotation text color Axis color Axis label color Axis title color Background color Background gradient color What color to gradient Chart title color HSVA color saturation HSVA color strength Color where to gradient is shaded Custom dynamic image of dynamic theme background Custom palette color summary P:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.ThemeBasics.customPaletteSteps summary P:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.ThemeBasics.darkLightBlendColor DataCursor ResultTable text color. Dispose unmanaged objects Background image fill style Enum for dynamic background image for resources Enum for Dynamic background layout Force labels to White Gradient strength Graph background color Graph background gradient color Grid and Ticks color Legend Fill color Legend fill gradient color Legend text color Marker single color summary P:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart.ThemeBasics.masterColor Starting HSVA degree Axis multi color Series in multicolor Scrollbar background Fill color Scrollbar front fill color Sectors single color Step value for next color of HSVA table (masterhuedeg + stepvalue*n) View3D walls coloring Dark light blend color The delegate to use for handlers that receive the TotalChartCountChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the TotalChartCountChanged event. 3D wallcolors 3D wall colors Ambient color Diffuse color Emissive color Grid strip 1 color Grid strip 2 color Specular color Specular power color Light types. Directional with parallel light beams. Point of light, like sun. Limiting style for series rendering on y-axis. No limit, data will not be limited to y-axis range, if it happens to exceed. Clip to y-axis range. E.g. line will be clipped, if over axis range. Clamp data to axis range. E.g. line will be rendered horizontally on y-axis edge, if it exceed. Line anti-aliasing. No anti-aliasing. Normal, suitable for most cases. The smoothing quality is determined by chart's AntiAliasLevel. Line anti-aliasing type. Quadrilateral Anti-Aliasing. Alpha Blending Line Anti-Aliasing. Line rendering optimization for 3D lines. Line rendering with one pixel wide line. Line rendering as flat with specified width (by world coordinates). Line as shaded with specified width. Line patterns. Solid line. Dot line. Dash line. Dash-dot line. Small dot line. Line series coordinate solver result. Bottom Y-coordinate at cursor position. Top Y-coordinate at cursor position. Minimum data point index. Nearest X-coordinate. Data point count for column. Solve status. Use values only if SolveStatus is OK. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Line series value solver status. Point found. Matching point not found. Empty series? Line series statistics. Point count. Reset parameters. Is structure data valid or not. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Visible point count. Maximum visible X value. Minimum visible X value. Maximum visible Y value. Minimum visible Y value. Maximum X value. Minimum X value. LineSeries value solve result. Nearest data point index of the searched X value. Note that e.g. in real-time examples this is only valid when there is no data added to series. Nearest X value of the searched X value. Solve status. Use result values only if SolveStatus is OK. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Max Y value on the searched X value. Min Y value on the searched X value. Line drawing parameters Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. Gets and sets anti-aliased line. Drawing anti-aliased draws the line with smooth edges, but will increase CPU/GPU overhead. In order to have an effect, must be set to a value higher than 1. Gets and sets line color. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Gets and sets pattern of line. Gets and sets pattern scale. Convert class description to string String Gets and sets width of line. Line drawing parameters Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. Gets and sets anti-aliased line. This is a dependency property. Drawing anti-aliased draws the line with smooth edges, but will increase CPU/GPU overhead. Note that line width is defined in 3D world coordinates, not in pixels as with 2D line. With DX11, thicker (triangle) lines cannot be rendered without anti-aliasing unless is set to a value lower than 1. Gets and sets line color. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Gets and sets line rendering optimization. 3D LineStyle as ordinary LineStyle. param s M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LineStyle3D.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.LineStyle3D)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.LineStyle returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.LineStyle3D.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.LineStyle3D)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.LineStyle Gets and sets pattern of line. Gets and sets pattern scale. Convert class description to string. String. Gets and sets line width. Line drawing parameters Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. Gets and sets anti-aliased line. This is a dependency property. Drawing anti-aliased draws the line with smooth edges, but will increase CPU/GPU overhead. Note that line width is defined in 3D world coordinates, not in pixels as with 2D line. With DX11 thicker (triangle) lines cannot be rendered without anti-aliasing unless is set to a value lower than 1. Gets and sets line color. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Gets and sets pattern of line. Gets and sets pattern scale. Convert class description to string String. Logarithmic axis labels type. No special formatting. When LogBase is 10, shows the labels like 1.0E-3, 1.0E-2 1.0E-1, 1.0E0, 1.0E1, 1.0E2 etc. When LogBase is Math.E (neper), shows the labels like 1e, 2e, 3e... Longitude degrees, arc minutes, arc seconds representation coordinate postfix. East. West. Map geo coordinate. Constructor. Latitude, as decimal degrees. Longitude, as decimal degrees. Constructor. Latitude, degrees. Latitude, arc minutes. Latitude, arc seconds, with decimals. Heading letter, N or S. Longitude, degrees. Longitude, arc minutes. Longitude, arc seconds, with decimals. Heading letter, E or W. Latitude, in decimal degrees, with sign. Longitude, in decimal degrees, with sign. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Chart tools provides versatile static methods Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines Retrieve the input angle value as positive angle of the first full rotation in degrees. Note that the range contains 0, but not the "full angle" of 360 degrees. Angle to find the equivalent angle in degrees. Angle matching the input in first full positive round as degrees. Solve smallest absolute difference between two angles in degrees. This takes in account the periodic nature of the values, meaning that full circles do not affect the difference. Useful in comparing the difference of angles, e.g. on testing if angles are the same. Note that the type of angle unit affects the result. Use for radians. One of the angles to calculate the difference between in degrees. Order of parameter does not matter. One of the angles to calculate the difference between in degrees. Order of parameter does not matter. Difference of provided angles in degrees. Always positive. Solve smallest absolute difference between two angles in radians. This takes in account the periodic nature of the values, meaning that full circles do not affect the difference. Useful in comparing the difference of angles, e.g. on testing if angles are the same. Note that the type of angle unit affects the result. Use for degrees and examples. One of the angles to calculate the difference between in radians. Order of parameter does not matter. One of the angles to calculate the difference between in radians. Order of parameter does not matter. Difference of provided angles in radians. Always positive. Retrieve the input angle value as positive angle of the first full rotation in radians. Note that the range contains 0, but not the "full angle" of PI radians. Angle to find the equivalent angle in radians. Angle matching the input in first full positive round as radians. Calculates angle of line going from pointFrom to pointTo From point To point RotateAngle in radians, in range 0...2*Pi Calculates angle of line going from pointFrom to pointTo Point 1 X Point 2 X Point 1 Y Point 2 Y RotateAngle in radians, in range 0...2*Pi Calculates intersection point(-s) of two circles. Center of the first circle. Radius of the first circle. Center of the second circle. Radius of the second circle. Intersection point output. Intersection point output. Success status returns 1 or 2. Returns 0 if could not solve the intersection. Calculates intersection point of two lines. Line 1: goes through A1 and A2 Line 2: goes through B1 and B2 Line A point 1 Line A point 2 Line B point 1 Line B point 2 intersection point output Success status. Returns false if could not solve the intersection Calculates intersection point of two lines. Line 1: goes through A1 and A2 Line 2: goes through B1 and B2 Line A point 1 Line A point 2 Line B point 1 Line B point 2 intersection point output Success status. Returns false if could not solve the intersection Convert degrees to radians. Degrees value. Radians value. Calculates distance between two points. Point 1. Point 2. Distance between two points. Gaussian function argument of function mean standard division returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Gaussian(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) Convert gradians to radians. Radians value. Gradians value. Hyptrochoid param counter M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Hypotrochoid(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param iStep M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Hypotrochoid(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param points M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Hypotrochoid(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _xMax M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Hypotrochoid(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _yMax M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Hypotrochoid(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _yMin M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Hypotrochoid(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _xMin M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Hypotrochoid(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _iDeliveredPoints M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.Hypotrochoid(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) Calculate linear fit from given points. Makes best fit with Least Square regression method. A line equation is y = k*x + b, that is, y = gradient * x + coefficient X values Y values Line gradient Coefficient, Y value of intersection where X = 0 True if success Calculate linear line fit for given points X values that are used to calculate the factors. This is the point set where the regression line is fitted to. Y values that are used to calculate the factors. Length must be equal to xInFactorization length. X values whose Y values are to be solved, using the factors Fitted Y values, the length equals to xValuesToFit length. Returns null if failed. Calculates intersection point of two lines. Line 1: goes through A1 and A2. Line 2: goes through B1 and B2. Algorithm copied from Line A point 1. Line A point 2. Line B point 1. Line B point 2. Intersection point output Success status. Returns false if could not solve the intersection. Calculates intersection point of two lines. Line 1: goes through A1 and A2. Line 2: goes through B1 and B2. Algorithm copied from Line A point 1. Line A point 2. Line B point 1. Line B point 2. Intersection point output Success status. Returns false if could not solve the intersection. Mystery curve param counter M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.MysteryCurve(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param iStep M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.MysteryCurve(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param points M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.MysteryCurve(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _xMax M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.MysteryCurve(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _yMax M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.MysteryCurve(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _yMin M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.MysteryCurve(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _xMin M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.MysteryCurve(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) param _iDeliveredPoints M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.MathRoutines.MysteryCurve(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double[0:,0:],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32) Calculates distance from line to point. Line point 1. Line point 2. Point. Distance from line to point. Calculates distance from line to point. Line point 1. Line point 2. Point. Point at line, which is nearest to of reference point. Normalized distance from p1 to linePoint. Distance from line to point. Calculates distance from line segment to point. Line point 1. Line point 2. Point. Distance from line segment to point. Check whether point is inside polygon. Algorithm from: Copyright (c) 1970-2003, Wm. Randolph Franklin. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of W. Randolph Franklin may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Point. Polygon points. True, if point is inside polygon, false otherwise. Calculate polymial line fit. Calculates polynomial factors, and uses these factors to solve Y values based on given X value array. X values that are used to calculate the factors. This is the point set where the regression line is fitted to. Y values that are used to calculate the factors. Length must be equal to xInFactorization length. X values whose Y values are to be solved, using the factors Order of polynomial. Usually more than 3 shouldn't be used Fitted Y values, the length equals to xValuesToFit length. Returns null if failed. Calculate polymial line fit. Calculates polynomial factors, and uses these factors to solve Y values based on given X value array. X values that are used to calculate the factors. This is the point set where the regression line is fitted to. Y values that are used to calculate the factors. Length must be equal to xInFactorization length. X values whose Y values are to be solved, using the factors Order of polynomial. Usually more than 3 shouldn't be used Polynomial result factors, length = order+1. For example, when having order 2, you can plot line with equation: Y = factors[0] + factors[1]*X + factors[2]*X^2 Fitted Y values, the length equals to xValuesToFit length. Returns null if failed. Convert radians to degrees. Radians value. Degrees value. Make radians as degrees string. Radians value. Radians as degrees string. Convert radians to gradians. Radians value. Gradians value. Make radians as gradians string. Radians value. Radians as gradians string. Make radians as string. Radians value. Radians as string. Calculates relative distance between two points. Point 1. Point 2. Relative distance between two points. Replace NaN numbers with given value Array to check and replace Value to store when NaN is found Replace NaN numbers with given value Array to check and replace Value to store when NaN is found Rotate point. Point (in math coordinate system). Angle in radians. Point in pixel coordinate system. Convert double value to nearest integer. The fast way. Value to convert Nearest integer Convert float value to nearest integer. The fast way. Value to convert Nearest integer Calculate standard deviation of values values Stardard deviation MeshModel rendering order. Render before other series. Render after other series. Tells the severity level of ChartMessage event. Used to determine which kind of actions should be taken on the message event. NoMinimumLevel is only used in setting ChartMessageMinimumLevel to allow all messages to be sent to the user. Should not be used in ChartMessage events as this will cause a warning. Debug message. The user is usually not interested in this. Information, not an error. Should not require any actions from the user. Some incorrect usage of LightningChart has happened which shouldn't impact chart performance. Warning, not an error. User action might be required. Incorrect usage of LightningChart has happened, like setting an illegal property value or mismatching data point types which might cause minor problems with the application. An error happened that should have been recovered. User action might be required. User must listen to ChartMessage events or the message will be thrown as an exception. An error happened in the application that the chart couldn't recover from. User must listen to ChartMessage events or the message will be thrown as an exception. Critical error, will result in an exception in all cases. Detailed information about the type of the ChartMessage event Unknown message type Unable to allocate memory for operation. You should run the garbage collection GC.Collect(), and then try the operation again Invalid property value has been set Series data X coordinate to Y coordinate resolver data has become invalid, because points have been added. Do not use markers as 'TrackSeries' with X axis monitoring monitoring scroll modes. Instead, you should define them as 'AtYValue' and convert them 'TrackSeries' when opening data in review mode, and set the scroll mode to 'None'. You are requesting a tracking operation on a series, that is not trackable (does not implement ITrackable) Samples use different format than you try to use Series has been configured to use different data point type than you are trying to use The selected feature can't be used with logarithmic axis Shader model 3 is not supported by the GPU. Some parts of the chart cannot be drawn as intended. Render device create failed. Saving to file failed. Canceled svg rendering. EndUpdate() is called more often than BeginUpdate(). Copying to clipboard failed. Invalid save file format. E.g. one can't save 3D graph as vector. Assembly not found. IsBindableDataUsed is 'true' but non-bindable data collection (e.g. PointLineSeries.Points) is modified instead of bindable data collection (e.g. PointLineSeries.PointsWpf). Axis index for axis related item is invalid. Segment or segment index for y-axis is invalid. Item view differs from drawing view. Volume Model is too big. Volume model is not found. Problem with licensing. Make sure the license is properly installed. Problem delivering or calling client side event handlers. Some exception occurred when graphics object tried to draw image. Some method implementation is missing. Illegal update action on a disposed object detected. Chart objects parent changed. This could indicate sharing chart's object between multiple parents which is not supported. Requested camera orientation is problematic and might result in different result than expected. This is similar to but more specific. At this case the user defined camera orientation was somehow problematic on current settings. Some problem appeared with positioning 3D camera or some other viewpoint / view area. This is similar to but more general. Something caused the rendering engine to reinitialize. Catched a null reference exception. Missing rendering device. Shader loading failed. Render device is not available anymore. Rendering caused invalid call exception. Possibly caused by updating chart from a separate thread without synchronizing it with main program thread. You should use BeginInvoke or Invoke methods for synchronization. Unable to create texture. Rendering performance warning. Fast WPF presentation element has retrieved the front buffer, and normal presentation of the LC can continue. Fast WPF presentation element has lost the front buffer, and LC cannot be presented using it. This can happen for multiple different valid and normal reasons, like hiding of the window, changing to different tab, using through remote desktop, etc, and usually does not require attention. After this the chart will try to use slower fallback presentation method. Error on creation of SharpDX Buffer. Some of the requirements are not met. Details might present more information. Some suspicios or alarming happened with resource management (memory, handles.. ) This might result in rendering device being lost and hopefully reacquired. Presentation of image has encountered a timeout problem. This might be because of a large things to draw, slow system etc, but might indicate a real problem as well. Use of the detected GPU has been blacklisted for the given purpose. Engine warning message. Load from a file operation failed. Requested operation was not finished. Zooming, drawing or some other operation did not finish as expected. Output might differ from expected. Details will elaborate the issue. . LightningChart specific mouse cursors Arction.Wpf.Charting.MouseCursors Cross Default cursor. Drag'n'drop cursor Drag'n'drop cursor with plus sign Hand. HSplit cursor. No NoMoveHoriz Pan cursor Pan X cursor Pan Y cursor Rotation cursor 3D scrolling cursor ScrollNS SizeAll cursor. Used for round view angle dragging. SizeNESW SizeNS SizeNWSE SizeWE VSplit cursor. Zoom in X dimension Zoom in both X and Y dimensions Zoom in Y dimension Flags specifying point movement dimension. Move on X dimension. Move on Y dimension. Move on Z dimension. Touch zoom direction options. Zoom on both directions, but direction is determined by touch points. Zoom on X-axis. Zoom on Y-axis. Zoom on both axis. Obj file data container + color array for vertices. Constructor. param count M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ObjectFileData.#ctor(System.Int32) Order change action. Bring object to front. Send to back. Move one step backwards. Move one step forward. Camera orientation / rotation interpretation types, giving meaning for , and settings and their calculation order, thus affecting camera position and orientation. See remarks for generic information on camera placement and orientation. See different enumeration values and property for more information on available options, their usage and effects. XYZ Mixed mode orientation interpretation. Camera position is defined as X-Y extrinsic rotation and camera up direction by world Z-axis rotation. This was the only available angle property interpretation used in LC up to version 8.3. This interpretation has some problematic features and will be deprecated in the future. It's highly suggested to move using interpretation. See Remarks for more information Overlay elements horizontal alignment. Align left. Align to left margin. Centered align. Align right. Align to right margin. Palette step. Constructor for PaletteStep. Constructor Parent. Constructor Parent. Color. Value. Step color Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Step maximum value OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Show palette step labels. Convert class description to string. String. Surface palette type. Uniform colored palette, clear steps. Gradient palette, smooth steps. Pan direction. Horizontal pan only. Vertical pan only. Pan in horizontal and vertical direction. Result of persistent rendering. Ok. Invalid X-axis in scrolling mode. Invalid owner view. X-axis assigned to the layer must be same than X-axis of the series. 3D Pie style. Pie. Donut. Pie titles style. Titles are on shown on top of the pie slices. Values are on shown on top of the pie slices. Percents are on shown on top of the pie slices. Describes a pixel format of an image or texture. No format defined Byte order is ARGB Byte order is BGRA Defines 3D plane orientation. Plane in X - Y direction. Plane in X - Z direction. Plane in Y - Z direction. 3D plane orientation for X-axis. Plane in X - Y direction. Plane in X - Z direction. 3D plane orientation for Y-axis. Plane in X - Y direction. Plane in Y - Z direction. 3D plane orientation for Z-axis. Plane in X - Z direction. Plane in Y - Z direction. Specifies a singular color destination of a point. None of the colors. Target is point's Color1 Target is point's Color2 Target is point's Color3 Target is Border color of the point. Point, double format. Construct the point by using PointDoubleXY as source info. Source point Constructor. X value. Y value. Object equals to PointDouble. Object. True if object equals to PointDouble, otherwise false. Identity of two points. PointDouble a. PointDouble b. True if points are identical, otherwise false. Difference of two points. PointDouble a. PointDouble b. True if points are different, otherwise false. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. Point, double format. Constructor. X. Y. Constructor. X value. Y value. Tag, freely assignable object. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. Point 3D as double coordinates. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Tag. Freely assignable object. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. XY point. Constructor Constructor Parent. X value. Y value. Constructor X value. Y value. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Set all values. X value. Y value. Convert class description to string. String. X value Y value XYZ point. Constructor. Constructor Parent. X value. Y value. Z value. Constructor X value. Y value. Z value. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Set all values. X value. Y value. Z value. Convert class description to string. String. X value Y value Z value Point, float format. Construct the point by using PointFloatXY as source info. Source point. Constructor. X value. Y value. Object equals to PointFloat. Object. True if object equals to PointFloat, otherwise false. Get Hash Code. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat.GetHashCode Test if the value is zero or close to it. param AllowedVariance M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat.IsZero(System.Single) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat.IsZero(System.Single) Create new NaN Point. Summarize two points. PointFloat. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Summarize two points. PointFloat. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Summarize two points. PointFloat. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Increase point's coordinates by number. PointFloat. Float value. Point with new coordinates. Increase point's coordinates by number. Float value. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Divide two points. PointFloat. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Divide point's coordinates by number. PointFloat. Float value. Point with new coordinates. Divide point's coordinates by number. Float value. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Identity of two points. PointFloat a. PointFloat b. True if points are identical, otherwise false. Difference of two points. PointFloat a. PointFloat b. True if points are different, otherwise false. Multiply two points. PointFloat. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Multiply point's coordinates by number. PointFloat. Float value. Point with new coordinates. Multiply point's coordinates by number. Float value. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Subtraction of two points. PointFloat. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Subtraction of two points. PointFloat. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Subtraction of two points. PointFloat. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Decrease point's coordinates by number. PointFloat. Float value. Point with new coordinates. Decrease point's coordinates by number. Float value. PointFloat. Point with new coordinates. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. Create new Zero Point. Point 3D, float format. Constructor. X value. Y value. Z value. Z Convert to Vector3. param point M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat3D.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat3D)~SharpDX.Vector3 returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat3D.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat3D)~SharpDX.Vector3 Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. Z value. XY point. Constructor Constructor Parent. X value. Y value. Constructor X value. Y value. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Set all values. X value. Y value. Convert class description to string. String. X value Y value 3D point. Constructor. Constructor Parent. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. summary M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloatXYZ.SetValues(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single) X value. Y value. Z value. Convert class description to string. String. X value Y value Z value Point, integer format. Constructor. X value. Y value. Constructor for floats. Converts float parameters to integers. X value. Y value. Transform PointFloat to PointInt. PointFloat to convert into PointInt. Point with integer coordinates. Implicit converter from System.Drawing.Point to PointInt. Point to convert into PointInt. New PointInt object with same X and Y values as the input. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. XY point, integer. Constructor. Constructor Parent. X value. Y value. Constructor. X value. Y value. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Set all values. X value. Y value. Convert class description to string. String. X value Y value Polar point. Constructor. Initializes Angle and Amplitude to zeroes. Constructor for PointPolar. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointPolar.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Constructor Angle in radians. Amplitude. Owner object. Defaults to null. Amplitude value Angle value (degrees) Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Set all values. Angle. Amplitude. Value to string converter. Uses default double.ToString() formatting for both values. Formatted string. Value to string converter. Uses given formatting for both values. Double.ToString() formatting string to use with both values. Formatted string. RGB point. Constructor. Constructor Parent. R-component. G-component. B-component. Constructor. R-coordinate. G-coordinate. B-coordinate. B value Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. G value R value Set all values. R value. G value. B value. Convert class description to string. String. Round chart point. Constructor for PointRound. Constructor Parent. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. X-coordinate on PointRound. Y-coordinate on PointRound. Set all values. X value. Y value. Convert class description to string. String. Point shape 3D. Box. Sphere. Cylinder. Cone. Torus. Ellipsoid. Shape style Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor Parent / Owner of the item. The LightnignChart object this item will be placed at. E.g, if this item is set to PointShape property of a FreeFormPointLineSeries, the series is the parent of this item. Constructor. Parent. Shape. Color 1. Color 2. Color 3 (not used in all shapes). Border color. Border width. Width. Height. Rotation angle in degrees. Thickness of the shape. Gradient fill type. Bitmap image. Linear gradient direction. Shape style. typeparam SHAPE T:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointShapeStyleBase`1 Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. Constructor Parent. Shape. Color 1. Color 2. Color 3 (not used in all shapes). Border color. Border width. Width. Height. Rotation angle in degrees. Thickness of the shape. Gradient fill type. Bitmap image. Linear gradient direction. Point rotation angle in degrees. Anti-aliased point. Drawing anti-aliased draws the point with smooth edges, but will increase CPU/GPU overhead. Bitmap alpha level. Bitmap image, which is used when Shape is set to 'Bitmap'. Bitmap image tint color. Keep it White to display it normally. Body thickness. Applies to Cross and Flag and FlagLightning shapes. Border color. Border width. Color 1. Color 2. Color 3. Not used in all shapes. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Gradient fill. Height. Gradient direction. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Shape. Some fill options are not used on every shape kind. Convert class description to string. String. Sets Width and Height properties from bitmap image dimensions. Width. Smith point. PointSmith default constructor. Object keeps state information of whether the object is at initial state, and some properties use this information for special purposes. PointSmith constructor. Owner">Owner element to notify of value changes. PointSmith constructor. Source point to take all values from. Parent is null. PointSmith copy constructor. Source point to take all values from, including parent. PointSmith constructor. RealValue part of the value. Imaginary part of the value. Owner">Owner element to notify of value changes. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Imaginary component of the smith coordinate. Real component of the smith coordinate. Set all values. Real Value. Imaginary Value. Value to string converter. Uses default double.ToString() formatting for both values. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointSmith.ToString Value to string converter. Uses given formatting for both values. Double.ToString() formatting string to use with both values. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointSmith.ToString(System.String) Points rendering optimization. No optimization, use point style. Render points as pixels (1x1 points), to gain improvement in performance. Render points as pixels, best performance gain for large data sets. Points rendering optimization for 3D PointLineSeries. No optimization, use point style. Render points as pixels (1x1 points), to gain improvement in performance. Points type. X-Y points. X-Y points with error tolerance indicator. Points type, 3D. Points. Compact points, to save memory. This Type does not have Color field, therefore, IndividualPointColors property should be disabled. Not applicable with fully bindable chart. Colored compact points, to save memory. Not applicable with fully bindable chart. UnitCircle coordinate point. X and Y coordinates have normed values in range [-1,1]. Point (0,0) points is at the center of the circle. Constructor for Form designer list editor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointUnitCircle.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Constructor X coordinate Y coordinate Owner object. Defaults to null. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Set all values, except owner. Source point to take values from. Set all values. X coordinate Y coordinate Value to string converter. Uses default double.ToString() formatting for both values. Formatted string Value to string converter. Uses given formatting for both values. Double.ToString() formatting string to use with both values. Formatted string X direction coordinate Y direction coordinate Wheel action on polar circumference. No action. Rotate single axis. Rotate all axes. Polar line coloring style. Colored by color from line style. Paletted by Angle, various colors set by the palette, applied over base color. Paletted by Amplitude, various colors set by the palette, applied over base color. Paletted by Value, various colors set by the palette, applied over base color. Polar legend box items categorization. No categorization. Categorization by axes. Categorization by series type. Polar series point. Constructor. Angle, in degrees. Amplitude. Constructor. Angle, in degrees. Amplitude. Tag. Freely assignable object. Constructor. Angle, in degrees. Amplitude. Tag. Freely assignable object. Color of the point. Constructor. Angle, in degrees. Amplitude. Value. Constructor. Angle, in degrees. Amplitude. Value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Constructor. Angle, in degrees. Amplitude. Value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Color of the point. Constructor. Angle, in degrees. Amplitude. Value. Color of the point. Constructor. Angle, in degrees. Amplitude. Color of the point. Amplitude. Angle (degrees). Color of the point. This is used only if the series PointStyles IndividiualPointColor is not set to Off. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Value (float). Point, Polygon3D format (x,z). Constructor. X value. Z value. Constructor. X value. Z value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Z value. Polygon title horizontal alignment. Align left. Align center. Align to center of gravity. Align right. Polygon title vertical alignment. Align top. Align center. Align to center of gravity. Align bottom. Predefined camera for 3D view. Default perspective camera, located in front of the model, and having some sideways offset. Orthographic camera, located in positive Y space and targeting down in the center of the 3D model. X dimension vertically, Z dimension horizontally. Orthographic camera, located in positive Y space and targeting down in the center of the 3D model. Z dimension vertically, X dimension horizontally. Orthographic camera, located in negative Y space and targeting down in the center of the 3D model. X dimension vertically, Z dimension horizontally. Orthographic camera, located in negative Y space and targeting down in the center of the 3D model. Z dimension vertically, X dimension horizontally. Orthographic camera, located in negative Z space and targeting towards the center of the 3D model. Y dimension vertically, X dimension horizontally. Orthographic camera, located in positive Z space and targeting towards the center of the 3D model. Y dimension vertically, X dimension horizontally. Orthographic camera, located in negative X space and targeting towards the center of the 3D model. Y dimension vertically, Z dimension horizontally. Orthographic camera, located in positive X space and targeting towards the center of the 3D model. Y dimension vertically, Z dimension horizontally. Perspective camera, located in positive Y space and targeting down in the center of the 3D model. X dimension vertically, Z dimension horizontally. Perspective camera, located in positive Y space and targeting down in the center of the 3D model. Z dimension vertically, X dimension horizontally. Perspective camera, located in negative Y space and targeting down in the center of the 3D model. X dimension vertically, Z dimension horizontally. Perspective camera, located in negative Y space and targeting down in the center of the 3D model. Z dimension vertically, X dimension horizontally. Perspective camera, located in negative Z space and targeting towards the center of the 3D model. Y dimension vertically, X dimension horizontally. Perspective camera, located in positive Z space and targeting towards the center of the 3D model. Y dimension vertically, X dimension horizontally. Perspective camera, located in negative X space and targeting towards the center of the 3D model. Y dimension vertically, Z dimension horizontally. Perspective camera, located in positive X space and targeting towards the center of the 3D model. Y dimension vertically, Z dimension horizontally. Perspective camera for 3D pie. Orthographic top camera. Projection types for 3D camera. Orthographic projection. Orthographic projection with dimensions scaling. Works the same way as OrthographicCamera property worked in LightningChart v8.3 and previous versions. Slower zooming than Orthographic ProjectionType. Perspective projection. Range for Generic Types. typeparam T T:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Range`1 Constructor Constructor. Parent. Minimum-coordinate. Maximum-coordinate. Constructor. Minimum-coordinate.Maximum-coordinate. param min M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Range`1.#ctor(`0,`0) param max M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Range`1.#ctor(`0,`0) Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Max value Min value Set all values. Minimum-coordinate. Maximum-coordinate. Convert class description to string. String. Axis range at Zoomed event. Axis. New maximum value. New minimum value. Old maximum value. Old minimum value. Axis range information. Axis. Current maximum value. Current minimum value. Range for PointInt. Range of PointRGB Range of PointRGB param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeInt.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,System.Int32,System.Int32) param min M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeInt.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,System.Int32,System.Int32) param max M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeInt.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,System.Int32,System.Int32) Range of PointRGB param min M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeInt.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32) param max M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeInt.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32) Range for PointRGB. Range of PointRGB Range of PointRGB param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeRGB.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB) param min M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeRGB.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB) param max M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeRGB.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB) Range of PointRGB param min M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeRGB.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB) param max M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeRGB.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointRGB) Range for PointDoubleXYZ. Range of PointFloatXYZ Range of PointDoubleXYZ param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeXYZ.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ) param min M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeXYZ.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ) param max M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeXYZ.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ) Range of PointDoubleXYZ param min M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeXYZ.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ) param max M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RangeXYZ.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDoubleXYZ) Ray Function specifier Accumulation function combines the data from entire dataset and provides an opportunity to control the opacity of the model. Isosurface rendering extracts normals from the dataset according to threshold settings and visualize the surface of desirable tissue. MaximalIntensity rendering shows the most bright structures inside the dataset. Rectangle in XY coordinate system. Constructor Location x coordinate Location y coordinate Width Height Height. Tells if the rectangle is empty. Width. Top left X-coordinate. Top left Y-coordinate. Rectangle in XY coordinate system for floats. Constructor Location x coordinate Location y coordinate Width Height Height. Tells if the rectangle is empty. Width. Top left x-coordinate. Top left y-coordinate. Rectangle zooming mode, which tells how axis ranges (Minimum and Maximum on X and Y axes) are updated by rectangle zooming operation. Zooms on X-axis range. Y-axis range remain as is. Zooms on Y-axis range. X-axis range remain as is. Zooms on X and Y-axis. Zooms on X-axis, around X-axis ZoomOrigin value. Y-axis range will be set by mouse start and end coordinates. Zooms on Y-axis, around Y-axis ZoomOrigin value. X-axis range will be set by mouse start and end coordinates. Zooms on both X and Y-axis about axes ZoomOrigin values. Rectangle fill style. No fill. Color, gradient or solid. Bitmap is drawn op top of the gradient color. Gradient color is drawn on top of the Bitmap. Regression type. No regression. Line fit. Polynomial fit. Render device info structure. Active objects. All GPUs installed in the system. True if anti-aliasing is supported. Is the device created. If false, the other fields of this structure are not valid. True if D2D v1.1 is supported, false if not. The v1.1 is required for HW text rendering on DX11. On DX9 this is always false. summary F:Arction.Wpf.Charting.RenderDeviceInfo.D3DImageUsed Adapter Description. True if software is DPI aware. DPI in X direction. DPI Factor in X direction. DPI in Y direction. DPI Factor in Y direction. Rendering engine name. Rendering engine name (short). True if your graphics adapter supports fast vertex format. Fast vertices are not available for old graphics adapters. If false, the rendering performance is not optimal, since slower vertex formats must be used. Getting a new graphics adapter is strongly recommended, ensure it is at least DirectX 10 level, for best performance. True if your graphics adapter supports vertex processing in hardware (GPU). If false, the vertex calculation has to be done in software (computer CPU), and the performance is not optimal. Maximum index buffer size. True if 32-bit index buffers are supported. If only 16-index buffers are supported, returns false. In this case the 3D surfaces may be limited into smaller sizes. Anti Alias Level. Memory on the graphics card (if information is available). True if optimal pure device mode is supported. Current renderer device type. Current renderer device type. True if shader model 3 is supported. Both vertex and pixel shaders are format 3 or greater. Maximum texture height. Maximum texture width. Limited support for textures which size is not power of two. Convert structure contents into string. Structure contents as a string. GPU chip manufacturer ID. Rendering device type. Automatic order suggested by LightningChart, which, in general, should produce the best results. Value can change based on current status of different engines. Automatic order, preferring DX9 over DX11. Automatic order, preferring DX11 over DX9. DX11 looks better and is faster than DX9 on many occasions. Force hardware rendering for D9 device. Force software rendering for D9 device. Force hardware rendering for D11 device. Force software rendering for D11 device. Defines that no engine is used or not to be used. This can be used to fully disable rendering on LightningChart, and thus save (free) resources required by the rendering system. After setting this as DeviceType, it might be useful to call GC.Collect() on some occasions. Rendering settings, that can be given as chart constructor parameter to set the creation time parameters. Speeds up creating of the chart, if non-default values are given, preventing the chart rendering engine to be re-created several times. Note that the values are only read once after the chart is created, and changing them later has no effect. To change values after chart has been created, use Charts ChartRenderOptions property on WPF, or RenderOptions property on WinForms, both of type This object can be shared between multiple charts. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Anti-aliasing factor. 1 = no anti-aliasing. The larger the value, the smoother the image will be, but at steep cost of performance on some display adapters. Only objects having AntiAlias property will be anti-aliased, if it's set to 'Normal'. Delegate to register to the ChartMessage event. Initialized this way the chart error event is launched even before the object has been fully constructed. Intended primarily as debug measure for cases when LC crashes on constructor and we need more information on why it happens. Temporary debug setting for disabling D2D system and text rendering on DX11. Default rendering device engine to use. Defaults to Auto. Identifies that we do not actually have a graphical interface. This is true for instance for services or console applications. This can also be used if the chart is intended to run on background without an actual interface. Wait for next refresh, V-Sync. If the computer is fast enough, disabling this can give higher refresh rate than the screen refresh rate is. By disabling this, rendering does not wait next screen refresh turn. Enabling this may improve performance especially in slow computers. Right-to-left zoom action. Disabled. Rectangle zoom in, like from zooming left to right. Zoom out, by given factor. Right-to-left zoom action. Disabled. Zoom to show all data, does not take graph or labels into account. Zooming based on the default zoom and centering settings. Resets ZoomScale and ZoomCenter properties to default values. Zooming based on LabelsArea, showing the graph and the labels, ignores data outside the graph. Rectangle zoom in, like from zooming left to right. Zoom out, by given factor. Zoom to previous level. Right-to-left zoom action. Disabled. FitView. Rectangle zoom in, like from zooming left to right. Zoom out, by given factor. Reverts to specified axis Revert range values. Zoom to previous level. Round grid mark location in relation to circle. Tick mark is outside circle. Tick mark is inside circle. Sample data line series sample storage format. Single floating point number. Use this to save memory. Double floating point number. Use this for better accuracy. Settings for Volume Model Sampling Rate Manager. Constructor Constructor Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Enable sampling rate Inertness rate for the sampling rate Enable sampling rate Settings for minimal and maximal sampling rate of the volume model Target FPS of the Volume rendering visualisation Convert class description to string. String. Scale multiple flags. Allow values that are 2-based, like 2, 0.2, 0.02... Allow values that are 5-based, like 5, 0.5, 0.05... Axis scale type. Linear scale. Logarithmic scale. Vertical scroll bar. Values use unsigned 64-bit integer value range. Constructor for form editor list editor Constructor Parent. Background fill Border around the bar Button options Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Is scrollbar enabled or not Is mouse over item. mouse x-coordinate mouse y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if mouse is over item, false otherwise Is scrollbar listening to key presses or not Key control focus rectangle line style. Large change Maximum value Minimum value Offset from position set by Alignment property Repeat interval when user interactive device primary button is kept down, in milliseconds Occurs when the scroll bar thumb has been moved. Scroll box options Size. Small change Value Occurs when the Value property has been changed. User interactive device wheel change. Increment or decrement when wheel has scrolled over the scroll bar. Is scrollbar visible or not The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Scroll event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the Scroll event. Scroll bar scrolling type. Small decrement. Small increment. Large decrement. Large increment. Scroll box is dragged. Device wheel has been scrolled down. Device wheel has been scrolled up. Scroll button options Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ScrollButtonOptions.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ScrollBarBase) Automatically size the scroll buttons. Width and height are set to match bar height. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Arrow icons inside button. The definition applies to Right button. Left button icon is drawn rotated by 180 degrees. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Width Scroll bar button style. Rectangular shape. Oval shape Represents a class that provides arguments for the Scroll event. Creates and initializes a new instance of ScrollEventArgs class. The new value. The old value. Identifies what kind of scrolling occurred. Represents a scroll bar thumb. Default constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ScrollThumbOptions.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ScrollBarBase) Automatically size the scroll buttons. Height is set to match bar height. Border color Border width Color 1 Color 2 Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Gradient fill Height in pixels. Gradient direction OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Button style Line segment from A to B. Constructor. Point A, X value. Point A, Y value. Point B, X value. Point B, Y value. Constructor. Point A, X value. Point A, Y value. Point B, X value. Point B, Y value. Tag, freely assignable object. Point A, X value. Point A, Y value. Point B, X value. Point B, Y value. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. CSV file export separator. Use comma as value separator, and point as decimal separator. Use semicolon as value separator, and comma as decimal separator. Decimal separator is detected from system settings. If it's comma, a semicolon is used as value separator. Else a comma is used as value separator. Series point with error tolerance. Constructor, with error bar values set to 0. X value. Y value. Constructor. X value. Y value. Error bar X, to negative direction. Error bar X, to positive direction. Error bar Y, to negative direction. Error bar Y, to positive direction. Constructor. X value. Y value. Error bar X, to negative direction. Error bar X, to positive direction. Error bar Y, to negative direction. Error bar Y, to positive direction. Tag, freely assignable object. Constructor. X value. Y value. Error bar X, to negative direction. Error bar X, to positive direction. Error bar Y, to negative direction. Error bar Y, to positive direction. Tag, freely assignable object. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Constructor. X value. Y value Error bar X, to negative direction. Error bar X, to positive direction. Error bar Y, to negative direction. Error bar Y, to positive direction. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Constructor, with error bar values set to 0. X value. Y value. Tag, freely assignable object. Constructor, with error bar values set to 0. X value. Y value. Tag, freely assignable object. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Constructor, with error bar values set to 0. X value. Y value. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. X amount to X-axis reverse direction X amount to X-axis positive direction. Y amount to Y-axis reverse direction. Y amount to Y-axis positive direction. Color of the point. This is used only if the series PointStyles IndividiualPointColor is not set to Off. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. Series event marker horizontal position. Snap to nearest data point. Position at given X value (series value, not coordinate). Series event marker vertical position. Track the series. The Y value is solved from X value. You can use this only for series implementing ITrackable interface or with FreeformPointLineSeries. Not applicable in X-axis scrolling modes Scrolling, Stepping, Sweeping (monitoring modes). The resolver data is not valid for performance reasons. You should insert a marker as AtYValue in monitoring mode and convert it as TrackSeries when entering data review mode. Works only on series implementing ITrackable or with FreeformPointLineSeries. Position at given Y value (series value, not coordinate). Position at zero level. Position at Y-axis top. Position at Y-axis center. Position at Y-axis bottom. Point shape for XY series event markers. Hollow Basic Active. Hollow Basic. Hollow Harmonic. Active Sideband Cursor. Sideband Cursor. Hollow Tailed Active. Hollow Tailed. Rectangle. Triangle. Circle. Flag. Flag with lightning bolt. Cross. Aiming cross. Bitmap graphics. Hollow Y-axis shape with Cursor. Hollow active Y-axis shape with Cursor. Shape style for SeriesEventMarkers. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor Parent. Constructor Parent. Shape. Color 1. Color 2. Color 3 (not used in all shapes). Border color. Border width. Width. Height. Rotation angle in degrees. Thickness of the shape. Gradient fill type. Bitmap image. Linear gradient direction. Series point. Constructor. X value. Y value. Constructor. X value. Y value. Tag, freely assignable object. Constructor. X value. Y value. Tag, freely assignable object. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Constructor. X value. Y value. Color of the point. For more information see Color property. Color of the point. This is used only if the series PointStyles IndividiualPointColor is not set to Off. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. X value. Y value. PointLineSeries3D series point. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Color of the point. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Color of the point. Point size factor. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Color of the point. Point size factor. Object assigned to point. Color. Size factor. Tag. Freely assignable object. X value. Y value. Z value. PointLineSeries3D series point, compact format to save memory. Constructor. X value. Y value. Z value. X value. Y value. Z value. PointLineSeries3D series point with color, compact format to save memory. Constructor. X value. Y value. Z value. Color of the point. Color as integer. X value. Y value. Z value. Shade mode. Flat shading, lighting does not affect coloring. Gouraud shading, lighting does affect coloring. Shadow class shows a shadow behind it's master object Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor Parent. Color Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Shadow offset from the object OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Convert class description to string. String Is shadow visible or not Point shape. Hollow Basic Active. Hollow Basic. Hollow Harmonic. Active Sideband Cursor. Sideband Cursor. Hollow Tailed Active. Hollow Tailed. Rectangle. Triangle. Circle. Flag. Flag with lightning bolt. Cross. Aiming cross. Bitmap graphics. Shape type. Used with 3D PointLineSeries. Use 2D shapes. Use 3D shapes. Extensions methods. Converts an enum type value to string reading its description attribute. Value to be converted to string Generic type Description attribute of the enum value Shared FontStyle enumeration. Normal. Oblique, which is like Italic. Italic. Shared FontWeight enumeration. Weight is 100. Weight is 200. Weight is 200. Weight is 300. Weight is 350. Weight is 400. Weight is 400. Weight is 500. Weight is 600. Weight is 600. Weight is 700. Weight is 800. Weight is 800. Weight is 900. Weight is 900. Weight is 950. Weight is 950. 2D size. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Width. Height. Constructor. Width. Height. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Height Set width and height values. Width. Height. Convert class description to string. Class description as string. Width 3D size. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Width. Height. Depth. Constructor. Width. Height. Depth. Depth Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Height Set width and height values. Width. Height. Depth. Convert class description to string. Class description as string. Width Size, float format. Construct from SizeFloatXY type. Size. Constructor. Width. Height. Height. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Width. 2D size. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Width. Height. Constructor. Width. Height. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Height Set width and height values. Width. Height. Convert class description to string. Class description as string. Width 3D size. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Width. Height. Depth. Constructor. Width. Height. Depth. Depth Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Height Set width, height and depth values. Width. Height. Depth. Convert class description to string. Class description as string. Width Size, int format. Constructor. Width. Height. Height. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Width. Smith series point. Constructor. Real component. Imaginary component. Constructor. Real component. Imaginary component. Tag. Freely assignable object. Imaginary component of the smith coordinate. Real component of the smith coordinate. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Static X Grid Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. Is the grid behind or in front Division count (grid line count - 1) Convert class description to string. Class description as string. Stock series data for one day. Constructor. Open. Close. High. Low. Transaction. Volume. X axis value, date. Constructor. Open. Close. High. Low. Transaction. Volume. X axis value, date. Tag. Freely assignable object. Constructor. Year. Month. Day. Open. Close. High. Low. Volume. Transaction. Constructor. Year. Month. Day. Open. Close. High. Low. Volume. Transaction. Tag. Freely assignable object. Close. X value, date. Check if referenced object is equal to this one. param obj M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.StockSeriesData.Equals(System.Object) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.StockSeriesData.Equals(System.Object) High. Low. Open. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Transaction, sum of share prices paid. Volume, count of shares traded. StockSeries packing state. Packing is enabled. Packing is disabled. Stock style. CandleStick. Optimized CandleStick, only solid or left-to-right linear fill available. Bars. Surface series fill style. No fill. Coloring is made from surface data point array colors. Single color tone applied over base color. Paletted by Y (height), various colors set by the palette, applied over base color. Paletted by Value field, various colors set by the palette. Fill with bitmap. 3D surface legend box title position. Left. Top. 3D Surface performance optimization. Optimize surface to give better performance with data changing frequently. Optimize surface to give better performance with data that is not changed frequently. 3D Surface series data point. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Value. Color of the point. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Value. Color of the point. Tag. Freely assignable object. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Color of the point. Constructor. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Color of the point. Tag. Freely assignable object. Color. Tag. Freely assignable object. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Value field. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Surface series rendering order. Render before PointLineSeries. Render after PointLineSeries. Surface series wireframe type. No wireframe. Wireframe mesh, solid color. Wireframe mesh, paletted color by Value. Source data point colored. Dots. Dots, paletted. Dots, source data point colored. Surface series 3D wireframe type. No wireframe. Wireframe mesh, solid color. Wireframe mesh, paletted color by Y. Source data point colored. Wireframe mesh, paletted color by Value. Dots. Dots, paletted by Y. Dots, source data point colored. Dots, paletted by Value. Contains information about the users system. Available ram in the system. System local culture information. GC Finalization Survivors. Gathers gargabe collector statistics. Gathers system information. Sets whether GC information is collected. Collection is really slow, can take even seconds, so shouldn't be collected on exceptions! GC Gen 0 Heap Size. GC Gen 1 Heap Size. GC Gen 2 Heap Size. Is current system 64 bit. .NET Framework version of the application Current operating system. Returns struct values as a string. Struct values as a string. Amount of ram used by the process. 3D annotation target crosshair style. Show/hide automatically. Show always. Don't show. Target image format. Windows bitmap, raster format. Portable network graphics, raster format. JPG, JPEG, raster format. Tagged image format file, raster format. Graphic interchange format, raster format. Enhanced metafile, vector format. Scalable vector grapics, vector format. Windows metafile, vector format. TextShadow class shows a shadow behind it's master text. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. High-contrast shadow color Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Color Drop-shadow offset from the object OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Text shadow style Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Text shadow style. No shadow. Drop shadow with offset control. High-contrast shading all around the text. Texture wrapping. Descriptions copied from MSDN: Tiles the texture at every integer junction. For example, for u values between 0 and 3, the texture is repeated three times. No mirroring is performed. Similar to Wrap, except that the texture is flipped at every integer junction. For u values between 0 and 1, for example, the texture is addressed normally; between 1 and 2, the texture is flipped (mirrored); between 2 and 3, the texture is normal again, and so on. Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the texture color at 0.0 or 1.0, respectively. Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the border color. Similar to Mirror and Clamp. Takes the absolute value of the texture coordinate (thus, mirroring around 0), and then clamps to the maximum value. The most common usage is for volume textures, where support for the full MirrorOnce texture-addressing mode is not necessary, but the data is symmetrical around the one axis. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TotalChartCountChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TotalChartCountChangedEventArgs class. The new total count of chart instances. Triggered oscilloscope view options Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor X axis Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Triggering edge Seek the trig position param triggeredXPosition M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Triggering.SeekToTrigger(System.Double@) True if seek position was found and X axis was shifted Major grid options for static X major grid Major grid options for static X minor grid Convert class description to string String Is triggering active The triggering position has been changed. Percents of graph width where the triggered position is drawn Trigger level in units of Y axis of triggering line series Index of series used for triggering. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it. Thrown if series index is invalid. Triggering series type. Delegate for event OnTrigPosChanged True if trigged, else false. Triggered x position Triggering level that was used. Chart who raised the event Triggering series Triggering edge direction. Raising edge. Falling edge. Triggering series type. A PointLineSeries is used for triggering. A SampleDataSeries is used for triggering. A SampleDataBlockSeries is used for triggering. A LiteLineSeries is used for triggering. A DigitalLineSeries is used for triggering. Base class for UI Settings. LC users see these objects as the usable objects handled in the LC. In effect these only store the settings for the actually drawed objects, that inherit IBGListener interface and cache the drawing information. This is part of a test to remove object sharing limitations from LC. constructor Disposes object. Internal dispose. Override this if you have anything to dispose or settings to reset. Remember to call the base classes implementation. true if called from Dispose, False if called from Finalizer. If false, do NOT touch any managed objects. Friendly scale calculation conditions. Find nearest bigger Find nearest Find nearest smaller Button related to user action. E.g. with mouse. Pen could have many buttons, touch not, which would be using None or Primary. Event would describe the action in touch case. No button related to event. Primary button. Usually left with mouse. Secondary button. Usually right with mouse. Tertiary button, not handled in chart so far, but could be given out. Some other button, not handled in chart so far, but could be given out. Some other button, not handled in chart so far, but could be given out. Barrel button (from pen/stylys). Button was not recognized. Should not happen. UserInteractiveObject action related to device button. No action. Pan. Zoom. UserInteractiveObject action related to device button, for 3D view. No action. Pan. Rotate. Pans the PrimaryX and PrimaryZ axis ranges. Pans the PrimaryX and PrimaryY axis ranges. Pans the PrimaryY and PrimaryZ axis ranges. Zoom on XY plane. Zoom on XZ plane. Zoom on YZ plane. Zoom on X-axis. Zoom on Y-axis. Zoom on Z-axis. UserInteractiveObject action related to device button, for 3D Pie. No action. Pan. Rotate. State related to user interactive device button. Button was/is pressed down. Button was/is released. Mouse/Pointer/Touch/Pen/input device related event arguments. Position is pixels. Constructor. param buttonsState M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Double,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.UInt32,System.Boolean) param position M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Double,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.UInt32,System.Boolean) param delta M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Double,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.UInt32,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Double,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.UInt32,System.Boolean) param pointerId M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Double,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.UInt32,System.Boolean) param handled M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Double,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.UInt32,System.Boolean) Constructor. param button M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButton,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Int32,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType) param state M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButton,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Int32,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType) param point M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButton,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Int32,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType) param delta M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButton,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Int32,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButton,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceButtonState,Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY,System.Int32,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType) Buttons with states. Buttons are enumerated as flagged. Wheel related value. Event type. Event handled status. Check if given button is pressed. Button to check. True, if is pressed, false otherwise. Check if given button is released. Button to check. True, if is released, false otherwise. Pointer Id. Mainly used with UWP. Position in pixel coordinates. Return button state and event type as string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs.ToString User interactive device event types. Button has been pressed down. Device has been moved. Button has been released. Button has been pressed down and released. Button has been clicked twice. Wheel was scrolled. User interaction base class, handles basic user interactions on some chart object. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Gets or sets whether allow user interaction. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Handle event when not over. Handle when over. Invoke ButtonClick event. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject.InvokeButtonClickEvent Invoke ButtonDoubleClick event. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject.InvokeButtonDoubleClickEvent Invoke ButtonDown event. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject.InvokeButtonDownEvent Invoke ButtonUp event. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject.InvokeButtonUpEvent Invoke OverOff event. true if event was delivered. See LightningChart.RaiseEvent method for more information. Return value of that is used. Invoke OverOn event. true if event was delivered. See LightningChart.RaiseEvent method for more information. Return value of that is used. Defines if position is over an item. x-coordinate. y-coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. true if position is over item, false otherwise Last mouse x-coordinate. Last mouse y-coordinate. Current mouse x-coordinate as PX. Current mouse y-coordinate as PX. User interactive device event type. Mouse button has been clicked. Mouse button has been doubleclicked. Mouse button has been pressed down. Mouse has been moved outside of object. Mouse has been moved over object. Mouse button has been released. Set chart cursor. Cursor Item center position when dragging starts. Set proper drag cursor. Default is hand. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject.ToString Interaction state. No action. No action, user interactive device is over. Primary user interactive device button down. Clicked once with primary user interactive device button. Clicked twice with primary user interactive device button. Selecting (primary user interactive device button down) and then moving enough. Secondary user interactive device button down. Secondary user interactive device button clicked. Secondary user interactive device button double clicked. Secondary user interactive device button up. Clicked on border or like. Released primary interactive device button. Rotate item. Other user interactive device button down. Other user interactive device button clicked. Other user interactive device button double clicked. Other user interactive device button up. UserInteractiveObjectInt contains interactive item. Internal use only. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Tag. Freely assignable object. Grid bands in between major grid lines. None. X. Y. Both. Grid bands in between major grid lines. None. X. Z. Both. Grid bands in between major grid lines. None. Y. Z. Both. Wall type. Left wall. Right wall. Back wall. Front wall. Top wall. Bottom wall. Value range palette. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Owner series Create steps. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.ValueRangePalette.CreateDefaultSteps Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Format PaletteStep Value text event. Calculate color corresponding the given value, with the value-range palette defined. Value. Color. Color by value. Step minimum value. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Show palette step minimum label. Palette steps Convert class description to string String Palette coloring type. Delegate for FormatStepValueText event. Event sender. Step value. Waterfall series contour line type. No contour line. Performance optimized thin zone at palette step edge. Performance optimized thin zone at palette step edge, various colors set by the palette. Waterfall series wireframe type. No wireframe. Wireframe mesh, solid color. Wireframe, source data point colored. Wireframe mesh, paletted color by Y. Wireframe mesh, paletted color by Value. Vertical direction. Up. Center (no direction). Down. Represents a vertical scroll bar control. Values use unsigned 64-bit integer value range. Creates and initializes a new instance of VerticalScrollBar class. Creates and initializes a new instance of VerticalScrollBar class. The chart that owns this scroll bar. Alignment. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Vertical scroll bar alignment. No alignment. Scrollbar is vertically aligned to the right of the graph area. Left edge is positioned to graph left edge, and right edge is positioned to graph right edge. Scrollbar is vertically aligned to the center of the graph area. Left edge is positioned to graph left edge, and right edge is positioned to graph right edge. Scrollbar is vertically aligned to the left of the graph area. Left edge is positioned to graph left edge, and right edge is positioned to graph right edge Wheel zooming. Wheel zoom is disabled Horizontal zoom only, applies X-axes. Vertical zoom only, applies Y-axes Zoom in horizontal and vertical direction, applies X and Y-axes Aspect ratio. Adjust axis range manually. Set aspect ratio manually. Calculate aspect ratio based on view center latitude. Applicable only, when map is used. Y-axis center point defines the latitude, proper XY aspect ratio is calculated based in it and X-axis width is modified accordingly. This simulates the projection so that width of objects in the center of the screen are approximately of correct aspect ratio. The estimation can produce bad output on large scale and large center latitude values. Work around warp class Constructor Work Around Warp Exception param info M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WorkAroundWarpException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) param context M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WorkAroundWarpException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) Work Around Warp Exception param message M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WorkAroundWarpException.#ctor(System.String) Work Around Warp Exception param message M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WorkAroundWarpException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception) param inner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WorkAroundWarpException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception) WPF font. Converts WPF font to WinForms font. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Constructor. param size M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WpfFont.#ctor(System.Double) Constructor. param font M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WpfFont.#ctor(System.Drawing.Font) Constructor. param family M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WpfFont.#ctor(System.Drawing.FontFamily,System.Double,System.Drawing.FontStyle) param emSize M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WpfFont.#ctor(System.Drawing.FontFamily,System.Double,System.Drawing.FontStyle) param fontStyle M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WpfFont.#ctor(System.Drawing.FontFamily,System.Double,System.Drawing.FontStyle) Constructor. param fontFamily M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WpfFont.#ctor(System.String) Constructor. Font family Size as wpf units Constructor. Font family Size as wpf units Bold Italics Constructor. Font family Size as wpf units Size string to be saved in serialization Bold Italics Gets or sets bold. This is a dependency property. Identifies the Bold dependency property. Create members. Create instance. Instance as Freezable Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Gets or sets font family. This is a dependency property. Identifies the Family dependency property. Identifies the Height dependency property. Gets or sets italic. This is a dependency property. Identifies the Italic dependency property. Gets or sets font size in inch/96 units (DIP). This is a dependency property. Identifies the Size dependency property. Convert to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.WpfFont.ToString Capslock device enumerators Device driver version Device classification Horizontal size in millimeters Vertical size in millimeters Horizontal width in pixels Vertical height in pixels Number of bits per pixel Number of planes Number of brushes the device has Number of pens the device has Number of markers the device has Number of fonts the device has Number of colors the device supports Size required for device descriptor Curve capabilities Line capabilities Polygonal capabilities Text capabilities Clipping capabilities Bitblt capabilities Length of the X leg Length of the Y leg Length of the hypotenuse Shading and Blending caps Logical pixels inch in X Logical pixels inch in Y Number of entries in physical palette Number of reserved entries in palette Actual color resolution Physical Width in device units Physical Height in device units Physical Printable Area x margin Physical Printable Area y margin Scaling factor x Scaling factor y Current vertical refresh rate of the display device (for displays only) in Hz Vertical height of entire desktop in pixels Horizontal width of entire desktop in pixels Preferred blt alignment X-axis auto placement locations related to chart draw area. Use default location. All axis to bottom. All axis to top. First axis to bottom, next top, etc. First axis to top, next bottom, etc. Axis is put on top or bottom depending on axis ExplicitAutoPlacementSide value. X-axis explicit automatic location. Draw axis on the top of graph. Draw axis on the bottom of graph. Scrolling types. X-axis is not automatically scrolled. X-axis will be scrolled when scroll position approaches end of the graph. Steps the view with Step when scroll position reaches end of the graph. Previous trace will be left in the background and new trace will be swept over it. The X-axis minimum and maximum are set by detected level trigging position. Horizontal alignment of X-axis title. Align left. Align center. Align right. Center to axis value. Vertical alignment of X-axis title. Align top. Align center. Align bottom. Grid bands in between major grid lines None. X. Y. Both. Y-axis arrangement mode, when there's several Y-axes defined. Stack Y-axes. Layered Y axes. Segmented Y axes. Y-axis auto placement locations related to chart draw area. Use default location. All axis to left. All axis to right. First axis to left, next right, etc. First axis to right next left, etc. Axis is put on left or right depending on axis ExplicitAutoPlacementSide value. Y-axis explicit automatic location. Draw axis on the left side of graph. Draw axis on the right side of graph. Y-axis position. Left. Right. Horizontal alignment of Y-axis title. Align left. Align center. Align right. Vertical alignment of Y-axis title. Align top. Align center. Align bottom. Center to axis value. Zoom area options for View3D and ViewPie3D Zoom to fit all data and LabelsArea (the graph) to area limited by margins and . Zoom area options for polar and smith charts. Zoom to show all data, does not take graph or labels into account. Zooming based on LabelsArea, showing the graph and the labels, ignores data outside the graph. Zooming based on the default zoom and centering settings, returns the initial zoom level. Represents a class that provides arguments for the AnchorAdjustedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of AnchorAdjustedByUserEventArgs class. The annotation whose anchor was adjusted by user interactive device. If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. New anchor. Old anchor. Annotation for 3D views. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. X-axis binding. Y-axis binding. Z-axis binding. Adjust location axis value when user moved. sweep page index Apply wheel change on target point. Dispose Annotation3D. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Annotations.Annotation3D Handle over resize nib. User interactive device wheel state changed. Update Z of target. wheel change event type Location as axis values. Location axis value coordinates have been changed by user. Move target by user. User device X coordinate User device Y coordinate Rendering location on device button down. Not used in 3D. Owner view. Reset wheel value. Updated axes from owner view. X-axis binding. Y-axis binding. Z-axis binding. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Provides data for the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Annotation base class for 3D views. Adjust target Z-value. Change value in world coordinates. Apply wheel change on target point. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Handle over resize nib. Handle over target nib. Move value location by user. User interactive device x coordinate User interactive device y coordinate render location on button down OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Annotation has been resized by user. Show target location crosshair. Annotation sizing type. Target as axis values. Target has been changed by user. Define target crosshair line style. Wheel change step. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the ResizedByUser event. Provides data for the ResizedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the TargetChangedByUser event. Provides data for the TargetChangedByUser event. Annotation for 3DPie view. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. Apply wheel change on target point. Mouse wheel state changed. Update Z of target. wheel change value mouse event type Location coordinate system selection. Move target by user interactive device. x coordinate y coordinate render location on button down Owner view. Annotations base class. Constructor. Parent. Adjust location axis value when user interactive device moved. sweep page index Allow anchor move by user. Anchor is centerpoint of rotation and start point of arrow. Allow resizing by user. Allow rotation by user. Allow user to move target. Rotation uses this point as a center point. Tells where to place the anchored point within the control area. For X-dimension, value 0 represents left coordinate of the object and 1 right coordinate. For Y-dimension, value 0 represents top coordinate of the object and 1 bottom coordinate. To define anchor point outside the object area, define values outside range 0...1. Anchor has been adjusted by user. Arrow end aspect ratio (width / height). Arrow line style. Lead arrow style, in the beginning of line. Lead arrow style, in Target location. Padding between text and borders when automatic size is used. Border line style. Defines if border is visible. Change object position in list of annotations. Order change action. Corner rounding radius, in pixels. Detect sweep page at position. x coordinate returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Annotations.AnnotationBase.DetectPositionOverSweepPageIndex(System.Int32) Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Fill. Handle user over resize nib. Handle user over target nib. Wheel state changed. wheel change value event type Is position over Annotation. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Annotations.AnnotationBase.IsPositionOver(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Text is rendered on layers. Location coordinate system selection. Location offset in pixels, relative to location. Location relative screen coordinate offset has been changed by user. Location screen coordinates have been changed by user. Location as screen coordinates in pixels. Render box center for 1st sweep page. Render box center for 2nd sweep page. Move target by user. x coordinate y coordinate render location on button down Move value location by user. x coordinate y coordinate render location on button down Nib style. Appearance of the mouse-interactive nibs. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Reset wheel value. Rotation angle, in degrees. The rotation is done around the element's center of rotation. Annotation has been rotated by user. Defines if annotation is in 'Selected' state, allowing resizing, rotating and anchor adjustment. Set proper cursor. Default for dragging is hand and for resize SizeAll. Shadow beneath the object. Size as screen coordinates. Style selects the main layout of annotation. Target coordinate system selection. Target as screen coordinates. Target is the point that the arrow or call-out tip points to. Annotation text. Text style. Appearance of the text. Description of class. Description. Defines if annotation is visible. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the AnchorAdjustedByUser event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the AnchorAdjustedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the LocationRelativeOffsetChangedByUser event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the LocationRelativeOffsetChangedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the LocationScreenCoordinatesChangedByUser event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the LocationScreenCoordinatesChangedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the RotatedByUser event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the RotatedByUser event. Annotation nib style. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Nib color alpha. Nib color. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Size factor. Converts class description to string. Class description as a string. Annotation for ViewPolar. Constructor for property grid editor. Constructor. Parent. Polar axis you want to bind. Adjust location axis value when user interactive device moved. sweep page index Index of Polar axis assigned to this Annotation. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any Polar axis. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Handle mouse over resize nib. Location as axis values. Location axis values coordinates have been changed by user Move target by user. X coordinate X coordinate Rendering location on button down Move value location. X coordinate X coordinate Rendering location on button down Sets the annotation location to axis values that match the given screen coordinates. param Coords M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Annotations.AnnotationPolar.SetLocationFromAxisValues(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat) Target as axis values. Target has been changed by user The delegate to use for handlers that receive the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Provides data for the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the TargetChangedByUser event. Provides data for the TargetChangedByUser event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the AnnotationResizedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of AnnotationResizedByUser3DBaseEventArgs class. The annotation that was resized by user. Represents a class that provides arguments for the AnnotationResizedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of AnnotationResizedByUserEventArgs class. The angle of the left edge. Applies when the rotation angle is 0. The angle of the right edge. Applies when the rotation angle is 0. If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. The new size in screen coordinates. The old size in screen coordinates. The radius of the bottom edge. Applies when the rotation angle is 0. The radius of the top edge. Applies when the rotation angle is 0. Represents a class that provides arguments for the AnnotationResizedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of AnnotationResizedByUserRoundEventArgs class. The annotation that was resized by user. Represents a class that provides arguments for the AnnotationResizedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of AnnotationResizedByUserXYEventArgs class. The annotation that was resized by user. Annotation for round views (ViewPolar and ViewSmith). Constructor for property grid editor. Constructor. Parent. Annotation has been resized by user. Sets the annotation location to axis values that match the given screen coordinates. param Coords M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Annotations.AnnotationRound.SetLocationFromAxisValues(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat) Annotation sizing type. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the ResizedByUser event. Provides data for the ResizedByUser event. Annotation for ViewSmith. Constructor for property grid editor. Constructor. Parent. Smith axis you want to bind. Adjust location axis value when user interactive device moved. sweep page index Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Handle mouse over resize nib. Location as axis values. Location axis values coordinates have been changed by user Move target by user. mouse X coordinate mouse X coordinate Rendering location on button down Move value location by user. X coordinate X coordinate Rendering location on button down Sets the annotation location to axis values that match the given screen coordinates. param Coords M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Annotations.AnnotationSmith.SetLocationFromAxisValues(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat) Target as axis values. Target has been changed by user The delegate to use for handlers that receive the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Provides data for the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the TargetChangedByUser event. Provides data for the TargetChangedByUser event. Annotation text style. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. Color. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Title font. Horizontal alignment. Multi-line text horizontal alignment. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Shadow below the text. Converts class description to string. Class description as a string. Vertical alignment. Defines if text is visible or not. Annotation for ViewXY. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Parent. Adjust location axis value when user interactive device moved. sweep page index Index of X-axis assigned to this series. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any X-axis. Index of Y-axis assigned to this series. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any Y-axis. Main box boundaries in axis values. Annotation is drawn behind series or marker if enabled. If set, limits the annotation in graph area. Note that ClipOnScaleBreak affects the clipping as well. Defines if annotation is clipped at X-axis breaks. Note that when true, the annotation is clipped at the start/end X-axis even if there are not breaks defined. The annotation doesn’t show up in the sweeping gap area when enabled. Applies only when X-axis ScrollMode is Sweeping. Detect sweep page at position. x coordinate returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Annotations.AnnotationXY.DetectPositionOverSweepPageIndex(System.Int32) Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Handle mouse over resize nib. Handle mouse over target nib. Keep annotation always visible, inside graph area. Location as axis values. Location axis values coordinates have been changed by user Move target by user. x coordinate y coordinate render location on button down Move value location by user. x coordinate y coordinate render location on user interactive device button down Render annotation behind X-axes. Annotation has been resized by user. Annotation sizing type. Target as axis values. Target is the point that the arrow or call-out tip points to. Target has been changed by user Converts class description to string. Class description as a string. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Provides data for the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the ResizedByUser event. Provides data for the AnnotationResizedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the TargetChangedByUser event. Provides data for the TargetChangedByUser event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser3DEventArgs class. Represents a class that provides arguments for the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of LocationAxisValuesChangedByUserPolarEventArgs class. Represents a class that provides arguments for the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of LocationAxisValuesChangedByUserSmithEventArgs class. Represents a class that provides arguments for the LocationAxisValuesChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of LocationAxisValuesChangedByUserXYEventArgs class. Represents a class that provides arguments for the LocationRelativeOffsetChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of LocationRelativeOffsetChangedByUserEventArgs class. The annotation whose location relative offset was changed by user interactive device. If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. X-value. Y-value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the LocationScreenCoordinatesChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of LocationScreenCoordinatesChangedByUserEventArgs class. Represents a class that provides arguments for the RotatedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of RotatedByUserEventArgs class. The annotation that was rotated by user interactive device. If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. New angle of the annotation. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TargetChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TargetChangedByUser3DEventArgs class. The annotation whose target was changed by user. X-value. Y-value. Z-value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TargetChangedByUser event. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Annotations.TargetChangedByUserEventArgs If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TargetChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TargetChangedByUserPolarEventArgs class. Angle value. The annotation whose target was changed by user. Radius value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TargetChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TargetChangedByUserPolarEventArgs class. The annotation whose target was changed by user interactive device. Imaginary value. RealValue value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TargetChangedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TargetChangedByUserXYEventArgs class. The annotation whose target was changed by user interactive device. X-value. Y-value. Delivers information of rendered angle. Angle Changed EventArgs. Rendered Angle value in degrees. Axis, sender of the event. 3D axis base class. Axis min and max values adjust by user. Draws scale nibs in the ends of the axis. Axis scrolling by user. Drag from axis line. Initialize members. Alignment in the corner of 3D chart space. Create drag nib. Create major grid. Create major grid style. Create minor grid. Create minor tick style. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Axis scrolling or scaling snaps to divisions. Get list of walls where grid is drawn using this axis. List of walls. Get major tick values. Array of major tick values. Is mouse over a series. Mouse X-coordinate. Mouse Y-coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. True if mouse is over a series. Otherwise false. Gap between labels and ticks. Value is in pixels. Axis material. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Owner view. Set true if you want to have low values higher and the high values lower on the graph. Scale nib appearance. Set proper drag cursor. Default is hand. Axis title. Axis units. Convert axis value into respective coordinate in 3D world space. Takes View.Dimensions into account. Value to convert. 3D world coordinate. If view or dimensions can't be solved, returns NaN. Convert 3D world coordinate into respective axis value. Takes View.Dimensions into account. 3D world coordinate. Axis values. If view or dimensions can't be solved, returns NaN. Base class for X- and Y-axes. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Labels gap in percents of their height when AutoDivSpacing is enabled. Automatic division spacing. Automatically determines number of decimals or time format. Axis line color. Thickness of the axis line. Converts axis value to DateTime. The returned value uses value origin set by DateOrigin properties. Axis value in seconds. DateTime object. Calculates user friendly scale range. Fits the decimals so that they got values of 1, 2 and 5. Range. Value format. Condition. Flags. User friendly scale range. Minimum value range (maximum - minimum). Initialize members. Create labels font. Create major grid. Create major grid style. Create minor grid. Create minor grid style. Custom axis ticks. Allows uneven major division spacing and label text setting. Note that to see the ticks you must set CustomAxisTicksEnabled property to true. Custom ticks on/off. Uses the ticks defined in CustomTicks property. If this is enabled, only major ticks are drawn, not minor. Date origin day. Keep this as close as possible to your actual first date. Applies when using DateTime formatted axis. Date origin month. Keep this as close as possible to your actual first date. Applies when using DateTime formatted axis. Date origin year. Keep this as close as possible to your actual first date. Applies when using DateTime formatted axis. Gets or sets the string presentation of axis range. This property effects when ValueType is DateTime. Converts a DateTime object to value on this axis. The returned value uses value origin set by DateOrigin properties. DateTime object to convert. Value in seconds. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Reduce divisions when Automatic division spacing is not set, and divisions get too close to each other. Format axis value to string. Value. Format string, applied when axis type is time. Format string, applied when axis type is number or map coordinates. When axis is typed as Log10Exponential or LogE_MultiplesOfNeper and base is accordingly, this flag will allow value to be formatted with "E" style. Formatted axis value as string. Event to format axis tick value to custom string. Get last used label format string. "E" is for 10 base log. "e" is for Neper base log. "" is for custom label format (unknown for chart). Consider using String.Format(returned format string) to format values. Format string for labels. Sets new custom ticks to take effect instantly. Call this after you have added the ticks in code. When true, keeps division count instead of division magnitude, when axis min or max is changed. When false, keeps division magnitude instead of count. Labels rotation angle, in degrees. Labels color. Labels font. Labels number format, used when ValueType is 'Number'. Labels number format, used when ValueType is 'Time'. Defines if labels are visible or not. Logarithmic base. Applies only when ScaleType is set to Logarithmic. Logarithmic axis labels special formatting type. Values below this limit will get this limit value when logarithmic presentation is used. This is needed to handle 0 and values below that. Double variable inaccuracy tolerance. Major tick interval (units / division). Major division count. Major division ticks style. Grid at major divisions. Maximum axis value. Maximum axis value. Use this property when axis' ValueType is DateTime. Minimum axis value. Minimum axis value. Use this property when X axis' ValueType is DateTime. Minor division count. The count of divisions inside a major division. Minor division ticks style. Grid at minor divisions. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context Range has changed (Minimum and/or Maximum value). Axis scale type. Set DateOriginYear, DateOriginMonth and DateOriginDay all at same time. Date. Set date time range. This effects when ValueType is DateTime. Minimum. Maximum. Internal setter of the maximum property. For bindables calls the SetCurrentValue and thus affects the value changed callback, on non-bindable calls the property setter. Does not call the setter for bindables as that would cause breaking of the binding as it calls SetValue. Value to set as maximum. Internal setter the minimum property. For bindables calls the SetCurrentValue and thus affects the value changed callback, on non-bindable calls the property setter. Does not call the setter for bindables as that would cause breaking of the binding as it calls SetValue. Value to set as minimum. Set axis range. Minimum axis value. Maximum axis value. Converts time value to string by given format. Handles also negative values and formats having more than three second fractions. Time format string. Value in seconds. Formatted string. Value type: time, numeric or coordinates. Defines if axis is visible or not. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the event. Provides data for the FormatValueLabel event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the RangeChanged event. Provides data for the RangeChanged event. Axis drag nib represents a dragging area on the end of X or Y axis. The range of axis is modified by dragging the nib. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Nib color Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Nib move reversed. Nib size Convert class description to string. String. Axis drag nib represents a dragging area on the both ends of axis. The range of axis is modified by dragging the nib. Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor Parent. Nib color Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Nib move reversed. Nib size Convert class description to string String Polar axis (angle) class. Constructor for properties editor Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar) Base class for polar axes. Constructor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolarBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase) Allow axis scrolling by user. Drag from axis line. Amplitude axis angle. Amplitude axis placement angle decider (with respect to mathematical origin i.e, absolute or user defined origin i.e, relative). Show amplitude axis. Offset of the axis labels angle in degrees. Amplitude labels visible. Amplitude Axis direction is reversed. If false, amplitudes increase from center to edge, if true, they increase from edge to center. Does not affect the angular axis in any way. Axis' angle offset from original estimate. Multiple polar axes added equally spaced on a circle starting from East direction. Axis angle direction is reversed. If false, angles increase counter clockwise, if true, they increase towards clockwise direction. Does not affect the amplitude axis in any way. Defines if the angular axis ticks are shown or not. Create members. Coordinate to value converter. Screen coordinate to convert into polar value Flag useDip Polar value matching the given screen coordinates. Coordinate to value. x-coordinate y-coordinate Angle as degrees. Value as axis units. Flag useDip Create font for labels Create major grid Create minor grid Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Axis scrolling or scaling snaps to divisions. Inner circle radius as percentage of full circle. When true, keeps division count instead of division magnitude, when axis min or max is changed. When false, keeps division magnitude instead of count. Defines if the angular ticks should be rendered or not. drag start angle origin angle at drag start The View this axis is connected to. Major tick interval (units / div). Major division count. Major division ticks style. Grid at major divisions. Inner margin between this and the next axis (the one inside this one). Note that this does nothing if there is no axis inside this one. Maximum axis amplitude value. Minimum axis amplitude value. Minor division count. The count of divisions inside a major division. Minor division ticks style. Grid at minor divisions. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Range has changed (Minimum or Maximum value) Set proper cursor. Set axis range. Minimum axis value Maximum value Event to format amplitude as a custom string. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolarBase.ToString Defines if the axis shares the same space with the previous axis in the view's axis collection. If the OuterMargin, font size, TickMark location and other angular axis position affecting settings are the same as with the previous axis, the axis lines are aligned. Value to coordinates. Polar axis values to convert into screen coordinates. Angle in the point is in relation to normal 0 angle, not the current axis drawing angle. Flag useDip Screen coordinates matching the requested polar axis values. Value to coordinates. param Point M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolarBase.ValueToCoord(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IPointRound,System.Boolean) Flag useDip returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolarBase.ValueToCoord(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IPointRound,System.Boolean) Convert value to string. Arguments The delegate to use for handlers that receive the RangeChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the RangeChanged event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomAmplitudeString event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SupplyCustomAmplitudeString event. Base class for round axes. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisRoundBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase) Axis min and max values adjust by user. Draws scale nibs in the ends of the axis. Event that reports that the amplitude axis angle has changed. Angle in degrees the amplitude axis line is drawn at. Convert angle to string. Arguments Event that reports that the angular axis angle has changed. If false considers AngularAxisMajorDivCount, if true calculates number of grid lines on angular axis. Angular axis circle visible. Specifies the number of major grid lines on angular axis if auto div spacing is set to false. Angle in degrees the angular axis circle is drawn at. Angular label visible. Displayed angular unit. Default is degrees. Anti-aliased draw. Drawing anti-aliased draws the axis with smooth edges, but will increase CPU/GPU overhead. Automatically format labels. Axis line color. Thickness of the axis line. Minimum value range (max - min) Create members. Create new angular grid options. Create labels' font. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Angular grid options. Defines if the grid should be drawn behind or top of series information and axes. Check if mouse is over item. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisRoundBase.IsPositionOver(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Labels font Gap between labels and ticks in pixels. Axis dragging cursor. Circumference dragging cursor. Scale dragging cursor. A length of original vector. Center point in pixels. Measured rectangle for text. Values in PX. Outer margin around this axis. Distance from the outmost axis item to the edge of the background. The item is either the axis line or label, depending on TickMarkLocation property. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Rebuilds angular grid, ticks and labels Scale nib appearance. Set proper cursor. Event to format angle as a custom string. Tick mark location. Axis title. Axis units. Converts given point to screen coordinates. Value of the given view. Actual interpretation depends on view type. Defines if the produced coordinates are to be in DIPs (Device independent pixels) or in actual pixels Screen coordinates of the given point. Defines if axis is visible or not. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the AmplitudeAxisAngleChanged event. Sender of the event. Arguments describing the angle change. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomAngleString event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SupplyCustomAngleString event. Smith axis class. Constructor for properties editor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmith.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase) Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Base class for smith axes. Constructor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmithBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase) Convert the normalized imaginary value to absolute scale. Normed imaginary axis value to convert back to absolute values. Absolute Imaginary axis value. Convert the normalized real value to absolute scale. >Normed RealValue axis value to convert back to absolute value. Absolute RealValue-axis value. Converts absolute smith view value to normed value. Normed value 1 is at the center of the chart. Normed value 1 matches the given absolute reference value. Smith values imaginary or real part to convert. Normed smith value. Angular ticks style. Convert angle to string. Dummy Arguments Convert value to string. Dummy Arguments Defines if the gridline is visible outside the chart circle. Create members. Converts Screen Coordinates to absolute Real/Imaginary value pair. param coord M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmithBase.CoordToValue(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,System.Boolean) param useDIP M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmithBase.CoordToValue(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmithBase.CoordToValue(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloat,System.Boolean) Screen Coordinate to absolute RealValue,Imaginary value pair. X-coordinate in the chart area. Y-coordinate in the chart area. Values grow downwards. Value of the RealValue axis corresponding to the given coordinate pair. Value of the Imaginary axis corresponding to the given coordinate pair. Values grow upwards. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Create angular grid options Create imaginary grid options Create real grid options Create labels' font Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Number of gridlines in the view. Used only if GridType is GridTypeSmith.DivCount Approximate distance between gridlines in pixels. Used only if GridType is GridTypeSmith.Distance. Gridline options for the real-part grid. Gridline options for the real-part grid. Defines how the grid is defined. If the value is Distance, GridDivSpacing property will affect the positioning and amount of gridlines. Otherwise GridDivCount will be used in calculations. Defines if the gridline is visible outside the chart circle. Determines if the axis shows absolute or normalized values. Reference resistance value at the center of the unit circle. Used in value scaling. Normalize the absolute imaginary axis value. Means z(d) => r+jx, where ImgR(z(d)) = j(X/Z0). Absolute imaginary axis value to normalize to -1..1 range. Normalized imaginary axis value, in range -1..1. Values can be larger, of course, but then they reside outside the unit circle. Normalize the absolute real axis value. Means z(d) => r+jx, where RealR(z(d)) = R/Z0. Absolute real axis value to normalize. Normalized real axis value. Normalized to range 0..1. Values outside this range do not fit in the Unit circle. Converts normed smith view value to absolute value. Normed value 1 matches the given absolute reference value. Smith values imaginary or real part to convert. Absolute smith value. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context Range has changed (Minimum or Maximum value). Show Real axis. Reference value (maximum) of the real Axis. Determines if the axis shows absolute or normalized values. Event to format imaginary value as a custom string. Event to format real value as a custom string. Item to string. String. Converts given smith value to screen coordinates. Smith value to convert. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Screen coordinates matching the given parameter. Converts smith value to screen coordinates. Smith value to convert. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Unrounded screen coordinates. Converts smith value to screen coordinates. Value of the RealValue axis. Value of the Imaginary axis. Positive values upwards. X-coordinate in the chart area. Y-coordinate in the chart area. Values grow downwards. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Value to Unit Circle (UC) value. param point M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmithBase.ValueToUCValue(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IPointSmith) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmithBase.ValueToUCValue(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IPointSmith) The delegate to use for handlers that receive the RangeChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the RangeChanged event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomImgString event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SupplyCustomImgString event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomRealString event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SupplyCustomRealString event. Axis tick style class. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. Tick alignment. Line color. Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Line length. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Convert class description to string . String. Defines if division ticks are visible or not. Axis tick style class for round views. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. Tick mark width. X axis class Constructor for Form designer's list editor Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY) Axis min and max values adjust by user. Initialize members. Convert X screen coordinates to values on X axis. X values X screen coordinates If true, xCoords is interpreted as coordinates in DIPs, otherwise in PX. True if the coordinate was successfully converted. Throws exception if x coordinate is not over graph area. Convert X screen coordinate (in DIPs or PX) to value on X axis. X screen coordinate X value Limits coordinate in visible graph range. Does not validate sweeping gap either. Defines if the xCoord parameter is interpreted as DIP's or PX. True if the coordinate was successfully converted. Returns false if the coordinate range validation failed. graph area or it's over a sweeping gap. Throws exception if x coordinate is not over graph area. Create major grid style. Create minor tick style. Create scale nib. Create title. Create units. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Axis automatic location, when XAxisAutoPlacement is Explicit. Modifies the axis ranges so that all the data fits into the view. Defines if the scale was actually changed due to this operation. Forces recalculation of the Min / Max values, instead of using cached values. GridSegmentIndex. Clip grid inside segment of the index. If this set to -1, no grid cliping occurs of the X-axis. If index is greater than zero, clip the grid of the certain segment. Labels position. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context X-axis placement as percents of the graph height. 0 sets the axis in top edge, 50 in the middle and 100 in bottom edge. ScaleBreaks list. Used to not display defined axis value ranges. Scrolling gap, percents of graph width. Used when ScrollType is set to Scrolling. If this set to 0, scrolling occurs when scroll position reaches end of the X-axis. Valid range is 0...90 % Scroll mode. In real-time monitoring, set 'Scrolling', 'Sweeping' or 'Stepping', and give current monitoring position via ScrollPosition property. If not real-time monitoring, but displaying data normally, you should set this to 'None' (default). Current real-time scrolling position, in X axis values. This is intended to be updated by the real-time monitoring process. Stepping interval. Used when ScrollType is set to Stepping. Current scrolling position, in number values (ValueType = Number) or seconds (ValueType = Time). Sweeping gap, percents of graph width. Used when ScrollType is set to Sweeping. Valid range is 0...20 % Axis title. Converts object to string representation Object as string. Triggering options. Used when ScrollMode is 'Triggered'. Axis units. Converts X value to screen coordinates X values If true return values are in DIPs, otherwise in PX. X screen coordinates Converts X value to screen coordinate X value Defines if the return value is in DIP's or PX. X screen coordinate Converts X value to screen coordinate. Version that returns double instead of float. X value Defines if the return value is in DIP's or PX. X screen coordinate Axis alignment from its calculated position. 3D X-axis. Constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Is this axis primary. If not primary, it's secondary. Manually set location. This selection is ignored when AutoLocation is used. Orientation plane of the axis bar and ticks. XY view axis base class. Axis min and max values adjust by user. Draws scale nibs in the ends of the axis. Axis scrolling by user. Drag from axis line. Allow series adding to this axis by dragging it from other axis of this chart or from another chart's axis. Once the drag drop operation is complete, the series is removed from the axis/chart where the drag begun and the series is assigned for the target axis. Initialize members. Implementation differs with WPF slightly. Create scale nib. Dispose. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisXYBase Axis scrolling or scaling snaps to divisions. Defines if labels are shown at minimum and maximum axis values. summary P:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisXYBase.EndPointMajorTickThreshold Get active axis area (in PX). Axis active rectangle with absolute coordinates [PX]. Get major ticks for current axis range. Major tick positions, in ascending order. Grid strip color. Views AxisLayout.AxisGridStrips property must define the strips to be used in order for this color to have any effect. Defines if mouse is over an item. Mouse X-coordinate. Mouse Y-coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. True if mouse is over item, false otherwise. Gap between labels and ticks. Value is in pixels. Axis scrolling cursor Scale dragging cursor OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Owner view. Panning is enabled. Defines if end point labels should be always visible, and nearby major tick labels should be hidden instead of the axis end point labels. Range revert enabled. Disable this if you don't want the RangeRevert operation to effect this axis. Range revert maximum. Sets axis Maximum to this value when Range revert operation is applied with mouse, or called by code. Range revert minimum. Sets axis Minimum to this value when Range revert operation is applied with mouse, or called by code. Set true if you want to have low values higher and the high values lower on the graph. Scale nib appearance. Set proper cursor. Default for dragging is hand and for resize SizeAll. Store Revert values, minimum and maximum at same time. Minimum Maximum Zooming is enabled. Gets or sets zoom origin. Y-axis class. Constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY) Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,System.Boolean) param attachToView M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,System.Boolean) Axis alignment from its calculated position. Allow automatic Y fitting. Initialize members. Convert screen coordinates to values. Screen coordinates Output values If true, coordsY is interpreted as coordinates in DIPs, otherwise in PX. param useDIP M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY.CoordsToValues(System.Single[],System.Double[]@,System.Boolean) True if OK. Convert screen coordinate to value. Y screen coordinate. Output value. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. True if OK. Create scale nib. Create title. Create units. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Axis automatic location, when YAxisAutoPlacement is Explicit. Fit axis minimum and maxium to show all series values. Note that first argument's value type defines Margin's units (Pixels or Percents). Margin to leave between axis minimum or maximum and series values, in percents of minimum...maximum range. Method sets this true if Y-axis minimum or maximum has changed. If true, all series points are searched, resulting to better accuracy, but with a cost raised CPU load. Ignore zeros values from logarithmic axis fitting. Fit axis minimum and maximum to show all series values, while keeping the range withing given limits. Note that first argument's value type defines Margin's units (Pixels or Percents). Margin to leave between axis minimum or maximum and series values, in percents of minimum...maximum range. Method sets this true if Y-axis minimum or maximum has changed. If true, all series points are searched, resulting to better accuracy, but with a cost raised CPU load. Ignore zeros values from logarithmic axis fitting. Minimum limit. If detected minimum is below limit minimum, the limit applies. Maximum limit. If detected minimum is below limit minimum, the limit applies. Fit axis minimum and maxium to show all series values. Note that first argument's value type defines Margin's units (Pixels or Percents). Margin to leave between data and segment boundaries, in pixels of minimum...maximum range. Method sets this true if Y-axis minimum or maximum has changed. If true, all series points are searched, resulting to better accuracy, but with a cost raised CPU load. Ignore zeros values from logarithmic axis fitting. Fit axis minimum and maximum to show all series values, while keeping the range withing given limits. Note that first argument's value type defines Margin's units (Pixels or Percents). Margin to leave between data and segment boundaries, in pixels of minimum...maximum range. Method sets this true if Y-axis minimum or maximum has changed. If true, all series points are searched, resulting to better accuracy, but with a cost raised CPU load. Ignore zeros values from logarithmic axis fitting. Minimum limit. If detected minimum is below limit minimum, the limit applies. Maximum limit. If detected minimum is below limit minimum, the limit applies. Get bar series minimum and maximum value, bound to this Y axis. If stacked bar view is used, returns the highest stack sum. Total minimum. Total maximum. Ignore zeros. True if successfully got. Gets the axis graph segment top and height in pixels. Segment top in pixels. Segment height in pixels. True on successful result, else false. Get minimum and maximum of all series that are using this axis. Maximum. Minimum. True if success. False if no data found. Miniature scale symbol. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Palette is retrieved from this series for Y value range. Y-axis placement as percents of the graph width. 0 sets the axis in left edge, 50 in the middle and 100 in right edge. Position offset shifts the axis by pixel count set. It allows placing the axis for example outside the graph area, handy feature when you have many Y axis and you don't want them to overlap series data. Axis segment index. Axis title. Converts object to string representation. Object as string. Axis units. Use palette from referenced series for Y-axis coloring. Convert values to Y-coordinates. Axis values. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Coordinates. Convert value to Y-coordinate. Axis value. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Coordinate. 3D Y-axis. Constructor for Form designer's list editor Constructor. Parent. Is this axis primary. If not primary, it's secondary. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Manually set location. This selection is ignored when AutoLocation is used. Orientation plane of the axis bar and ticks. 3D Z-axis. Constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Is this axis primary. If not primary, it's secondary. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Manually set location. This selection is ignored when AutoLocation is used. Orientation plane of the axis bar and ticks. Custom axis tick. Constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Constructor. Parent. Value on axis. Label text. Constructor. Parent. Value on axis. Color. Tick length in pixels. Visibility. Style, is grid or tick visible, or both. Label text. Value at axis. Used to set Line color. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Used to set Label text. Used to set Tick Length. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context Used to set Custom Tick And Grid Style. Convert class description to string. String. Used to define visibility. Represents a class that provides arguments for the event. Creates and initializes a new instance of FormatValueLabelEventArgs class. Axis object. Axis tick value. Represents a base class for RangeChanged event argument classes. Creates and initializes a new instance of RangeChangedBaseEventArgs class. Set 'true' to prevent flickering if you update the chart in the event handler. X value, new maximum value. Y value, new minimum value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the RangeChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of RangeChangedEventArgs class. Axis object. Represents a class that provides arguments for the RangeChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of RangeChangedPolarEventArgs class. Axis object. Represents a class that provides arguments for the RangeChanged event. Axis object. Set 'true' to prevent flickering if you update the chart in the event handler. New reference value of the axis. Exclude range for excluding defined values from axis values. Also contains Gap, which tells in DIPs, how large the range will be on window. The gap can be rendered by diagonal line or fill or just remain empty. Constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Constructor. Owner axis. Begin value. End value. Gap in DIPs. Range begin value. IComparison implementation based on Begin value. If Begin values are same, order is determined by End values. Other instance to compare to. -1 if this is before other, 0 if equal (Begins are same), 1 of this is after other. Gap of lines in pixels. Applied, if fill style is line. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Enabled. Range end value. Gap Fill. Applicable if Style is set to Fill. Gap of range in pixels. Gap line style, if style is diagonal line. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context Tells if another ScaleBreaks overlaps this. Compared ScaleBreaks. True, if overlaps, false otherwise. Gap style. Convert class description to string. String. Represents a class that provides arguments for the SupplyCustomAmplitudeString event. Creates and initializes a new instance of SupplyCustomAmplitudeStringEventArgs class. Value. Value as string. Represents a class that provides arguments for the SupplyCustomAngleString event. Creates and initializes a new instance of SupplyCustomAngleStringEventArgs class. Angle. Angle as string. Angle the label text is drawn at. Modify this to change the angle. Imaginary value event arguments class. Constructor. Imaginary value. Axis. Imaginary value. Imaginary value as string. Axis value event arguments class. Constructor. Real value. Axis. Real value. Real value as string. Chart manager handles charts co-operation. Creates and initializes a new instance of this class. Creates and initializes a new instance of this class. The component container. List of charts to be coordinated. Don't add items with form designer. Instead, use ChartManager property for each chart to assign the manager. Use separate thread for forced garbage collection. Increases data drawing smoothness, but causes some extra CPU overhead. Recommended to be used with multi-core processors. Name of the component Series dragging has finished on a chart, over an Y-axis. Series dragging has started on a chart Convert class description to string String Delegate for SeriesDragFinished event Chart where the dragging has been finished Chart where the dragging has been started Series being dragged Y-axis where the dragging has been finished Delegate for SeriesDragStarted event. Chart where the dragging has been started. Series being dragged. Cylindrical / 3D cartesian coordinates converter class. XZ plane is the reference plane (polar coordinates plane). Convert cylindrical point to cartesian XYZ point. Cylindrical point. Cartesian point. Convert cylindrical point array to a surface point array. Fills X, Y and Z fields of SurfacePoints. Cylindrical points. Surface point array. Convert cylindrical point array to a series point array. Fills X, Y and Z fields of SeriesPoints3D. Cylindrical points. Series point array. Convert a cartesian XYZ point into cylindrical point. Cartesian point. Cylindrical point. Cylindrical point. Heading angle. Also called as azimuth and absolute bearing. Distance along XZ plane. Y value. Spherical to 3D cartesian coordinates converter class. Assumes spherical data point to be defined in azimuth / elevation system coordinates. For elevation, the XZ plane is the reference plane. (e.g. equatorial plane). Elevation is angle measured from that plane. To apply values from polar inclination system, use formula Elevation = 90 - Inclination. Convert spherical point to cartesian XYZ point. Spherical point. Cartesian point. Convert spherical point array to a surface point array. Fills X, Y and Z fields of SurfacePoints Spherical points Surface point array Convert spherical point array to a series point array. Fills X, Y and Z fields of SeriesPoints3D. Spherical points. Series point array. Convert a cartesian XYZ point into spherical point. Cartesian point. Spherical point. Spherical point. Distance from origin (0, 0, 0). Elevation angle. Also called as Elevation or Altitude, measured from XZ plane. ElevationAngle is 90 degrees - Inclination angle. Heading angle. Also called as azimuth and absolute bearing. Interaction logic for HalfDonut HalfDonut User control made by LightningChart Polar view Add a slice. SliceValue must be non negative. If negative, won't be added. Value of Slice Slice indicator AKA tag,name... Slice color. HSVA Alpha 0-1. Angle origin in degrees. Valid range is 0-360. When updating multiple properties at once, use BeginUpdate before and EndUpdate after property changes to reduce the number of rendered frames. Change slice color. Index of the slice New color returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.HalfDonut.ChangeSliceColor(System.Int32,System.Windows.Media.Color) Color steps between slices. Used when ColorScale is set to HSV or HSVA. Custom hover text. Custom left side text. Custom marker text. Custom needle text. Custom right side text. Digit count shown in texts. Disposes the HalfDonut. End and start point text. Sector end angle. Value must be between StartAngle (exclusive) and 360 (inclusive). When updating multiple properties at once, use BeginUpdate before and EndUpdate after property changes to reduce the number of rendered frames. Gets the internal LightningChart component. LightningChart object Gets the left side text AnnotationPolar. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.HalfDonut.GetLeftSideText Gets the marker as a Sector. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.HalfDonut.GetMarker Gets the needle object as AnnotationPolar. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.HalfDonut.GetNeedle Gets the right side text as AnnotationPolar. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.HalfDonut.GetRightSideText Background color. Font of texts. Hides or shows a slice. slice index Boolean to show or hide a slice If successful End indicator text. Start indicator text. InitializeComponent Inner circle color. Marker color. Marker value radial offset percentage. Value of indicator marker. Marker width. Middle annotation text. Middle text location in PointPolar values. Needle color. Needle target value. Needle value type. Overlay annotation. Removes the slice at given index. param i M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.HalfDonut.RemoveSlice(System.Int32) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.HalfDonut.RemoveSlice(System.Int32) HSVA Saturation 0-1. Selected color palette. Show legend box. Show needle indicator. Show tool tips above Donut sectors. Slice click functionality. Returns total slice count. Slice count Sector start angle. Value must be between 0 (inclusive) and EndAngle (exclusive). Starting color value. Should be between 0 and 360. Half donut title. HSVA value 0-1. Color scale. Use Hue, Saturation, Value Colors static colors. Use Hue, Saturation, Value, Alpha Colors. Set alpha through Alpha. Saturation through Saturation. Value through Value. Use Colors defined in individual slices. End and StartPoint text selection. Show default text in end and start point Custom text Hover annotation text. Shows default hover annotation texts (indicator and value). Update CustomHoverText string to show it in an annotation. Needle value type. PercentualAndOverall is default. Show procentual value between marker and needle and overall value of half donut. Show Custom Texts Slice click function. Disable Click functionality Removes the slice when clicked Hides the slice when clicked Interaction logic for HalfDonutControlPanel.xaml This Control panel can control multiple HalfDonuts at once. List of HalfDonuts InitializeComponent Selected Theme of HalfDonut Control panel. Half donut theme Themes. Dark theme for light Background. Light theme for dark Background. Series type to invalidate. Invalidate all Pointlineseries Invalidate all AreaSeries Invalidate All HighlowSeries Invalidate All FreeformPointlineSeries Invalidate All ChartEventMarkers Invalidate All LineCollections Invalidate SampleDataBlockSeries Invalidate SampleDataSeries Invalidate DigitalLineSeries Invalidate StockSeries Invalidate BarSeries Invalidate IntensityGridSeries Invalidate IntensityMeshSeries Invalidate PolygonSeries Invalidate LiteFreeFormLineSeries Invalidate LiteLineSeries Invalidate AllSeries Series property to change Lines of series Points of Series Fill of series Show Y axis range indicator AutoFit Interaction logic for ViolinPlot.xaml ViolinPlot Custom Control. Depicts distributions of numeric data for one or more groups using density curves. Adds a Violin (e.g. KDE) with whiskers. Whiskers show the range from minimum to maximum. Minimum value Maximum value X-value the Violin is centered to Width as X-axis range Caption text Fill color X-axis label text KDE profile Begin updating. Disables control repaints when a property is changed. Dispose End updating. Enables control repainting and refreshes the control. Gets inner LightningChart object. LightningChart object InitializeComponent Sets X-axis title Axis title Sets Y-axis title Axis title Empty space left on top and bottom of the chart. Empty space in axis units ZoomBar UserControl ZoomBar user control can be used to get an overview of the whole dataset and to zoom the referenced LightningCahrt instance to specific areas ZoomBar user control can be used to get an overview of the whole dataset and to zoom the referenced LightningCahrt instance to specific areas Reference of LightningChart instance ZoomBar user control can be used to get an overview of the whole dataset and to zoom the referenced LightningCahrt instance to specific areas Reference of LightningChart instance ZoomBarOptions Updates AreaSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the Area Series Area series data array Updates BarSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the BarSeries X-value for the bar Y-value for the bar Label text for the bar Updates ChartEventMarkers in a real-time chart. Chart event marker to be added Updates DigitalLineSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the DigitalLineSeries Data array Updates FreeformPointLineSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the FreeformPointLineSeries Data point X-value array Data point Y-value array Updates HighLowSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the HighLowSeries HighLow data array Updates Line Collections with new line segments in a real-time chart. Index of the LineCollection Segment line to be added Updates LiteFreeformLineSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the LiteFreeformLineSeries Data array Updates LiteLineSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the LiteLineSeries Data point array Updates PointLineSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the PointLineSeries Data point array Updates SampleDataBlockSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the SampleDataBlockSeries Sample data array Updates SampleDataSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the SampleDataSeries Data samples as double array Updates SampleDataSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the SampleDataSeries Data samples as float array Updates StockSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the StockSeries Stock series data array BeginUpdate for real-time ZoomBar. Disables updating control when a property has been changed. Disposes the control. Automatically adjusts the axis ranges to fit all the data on the chart. EndUpdate for real-time ZoomBar. Enables updating control. Gets the inner LightningChart object. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.ZoomBar.GetInnerChart InitializeComponent Invalidates specific series types. Series type to update. Invalidates the Zoom bar's Y-axes. Updates SampleDataSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the SampleDataSeries Data samples as double array First index where to insert data Updates SampleDataSeries with new data points in a real-time chart. Index of the SampleDataSeries Data samples as float array First index where to insert data Updates which LightningChart instance is being referenced. LightningChart instance Updates which LightningChart instance is being referenced. LightningChart instance Zoom bar options Options to control the Zoom bar's behaviour. Zoom Bar options Default constructor Automatically fits Zoom bar to show all data. Fits Zoom bar automatically when new data is added. Raise PropertyChanged param e M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.ZoomBarOptions.OnPropertyChanged(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.ZoomBarOptions.PropertyChangedInOptions) Series to be used in the Zoom bar. Fits Zoom bar vertically to show all data. Mouse wheel zoom level Series to be shown in the Zoom bar. What series is activated for ZoomBar AreaSeries BarSeries ChartEventMarkers DigitalLineSeries FreeformPointlineSeries HighlowSeries IntensityGridSeries IntensityMeshSeries LineCollections LiteFreeFormPointLineSeries LiteLineSeries PointLinesSeries PolygonSeries SampleDataBlockSeries SampleDataSeries StockSeries For AreaSeries based series Constructor Points visibility Line visibility Raise PropertyChanged param e M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.ZoomBarOptions.AreaSeriesBased.OnPropertyChanged(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.ZoomBarOptions.AreaSeriesBased.PropertyChangedInOptions) Points visibility Error message event class For PointLine based series Constructor Line visibility Raise PropertyChanged param e M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.ZoomBarOptions.PointsAndLines.OnPropertyChanged(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CustomControls.ZoomBarOptions.PointsAndLines.PropertyChangedInOptions) Points visibility Error message event class Error message event class DataCursor shows information about the closest data value to the mouse cursor. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Label font. Line style. Increases performance in real-time applications by updating the cursor less frequently. Customization options for the result table. Show Color indicator above the result table. Show haircross lines. Show axis labels. Show result table. Show Tag indicator in the result table. Show tracking point. Automatically snaps to the nearest point in any direction. Tag field name in the result table if ShowTag is enabled. Convert class description to string String Tracking point style. DataCursor Visible state. ResultTable showing information about the closest data value. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Result table background fill. Border options for the result table. Data row font. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Padding is the empty space between the border and internal visuals. Rotation angle in degrees. The rotation is done around the element's closest corner point. Text color. Used for both series title and data labels and values. Title text font. Convert class description to string String Use series title color instead of TextColor property in the texts. Chart event marker class. You can mark some interesting event with a marker, which can be a of great value later on. Constructor. Chart event marker constructor. X value. Label. If true, set X-axis value with xValue. X-axis to bind. Otherwise the marker is only positioned using Offset coordinates. Offset. ViewXY that owns this object. Symbol options. Vertical position. param axisX M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.ChartEventMarker.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointShapeStyle,Arction.Wpf.Charting.ChartEventMarkerVerticalPosition,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX,System.Double,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.EventMarkerTitle,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointInt) Index of X-axis assigned to this series. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any X-axis. Defines if the marker is bound to X-axis by XValue. Clip inside X-axis range. Create symbol. Event marker X or Y value has been changed Set item drag end position as axis values. param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.ChartEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param y M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.ChartEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param FinalPosition M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.ChartEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Item center position when dragging starts. Item to string. String. Event marker vertical position. X value of event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the PositionChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the PositionChanged event. Event marker common base class for XY and polar chart. typeparam SYMBOL T:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.EventMarkerCommonBase`1 Constructor for Form editor. Constructor. Parent. Marker is clipped inside graph area. Create label. Create offset. Create symbol. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Defines if mouse is over an item. Mouse X-coordinate. Mouse Y-coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. True if mouse is over item, false otherwise. Event marker title label. Cursor under dragging. Override this if needed Symbol offset from it's designated position. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Set item drag end position as axis values. param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.EventMarkerCommonBase`1.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param y M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.EventMarkerCommonBase`1.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param FinalPosition M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.EventMarkerCommonBase`1.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Item center position when dragging starts. Marker symbol. Defines if event marker is visible or not. Fill class that can be applied to a rectangle. Constructor for Form editor. Constructor. Parent. Bitmap fill options. Fill color. Create members. Create bitmap fill. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Gradient color. Gradient direction. Gradient type. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Fill style. Polar event marker class. You can mark some interesting event with a marker, which can be a of great value later on. Constructor for Form editor. Polar event marker constructor. Parent. Axis to connect to. Symbol options. Angle value. Amplitude. Label. Offset. Amplitude of event. Angle value of event. Index of polar axis assigned to this series. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any axis. Defines how the marker should be clipped at the center of the graph. Occurs when position is changed. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.PolarEventMarker.EmitPositionChanged Occurs when the X-axis position of the event marker has changed. Set item drag end position. param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.PolarEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param y M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.PolarEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param FinalPosition M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.PolarEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Convert class description to string. String. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the PositionChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the CheckBoxStateChanged event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the PositionChanged event. Polar Position Changed EventArgs. Represents a class that provides arguments for the PositionChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of PositionChangedEventArgs class. Marker. X value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the PositionChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of PositionChangedSeriesEventMarkerEventArgs class. Set 'true' to prevent flickering if you update the chart in the event handler. Marker. X value. Y value. Polar event marker base class. Constructor. Parent. Create symbol. Occurs when position is changed. True if CancelRendering was set to true. Getter of the series for the marker to snap to. Current series the snapping is enabled to, if set. Null if none is set. Setter of the series for the marker to snap to. param snapSeries M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.RoundEventMarkerBase.SetSnapSeries(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound) Snapping series selector. The selected series is snapped to, if the SnapMode is set to Selected. Otherwise this has no meaning. The Series must be of this view. Snapping mode. Defines how the marker should behave when dragged. Convert class description to string String Marker snap type. Marker does not snap to any series points. Snapping disabled. This is usually the default and the fastest option. Marker snaps to the closest point of a selected series. Selected series can be set by using SetSnappingSeries method. Marker snaps to the closest point of any active and visible series. Represents a class that provides arguments for the PositionChanged event. typeparam P T:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.RoundPositionChangedEventArgs`2 typeparam M T:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.RoundPositionChangedEventArgs`2 Creates and initializes a new instance of PositionChangedEventArgs class. If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. Marker. New position of the marker. Event marker that can be attached to a series. Constructor for Form editor. Series event marker constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.SeriesEventMarker.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SeriesBaseXY) Series event marker constructor. Parent. Symbol. Vertical position. X value. Y value. Label. Create symbol. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get the series who owns this marker. Owner series. Horizontal position. Is mouse over item. Mouse X-coordinate Mouse Y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. True if mouse is over item, false otherwise. Event marker X or Y value has been changed. Set item drag end position as axis values. param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.SeriesEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param y M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.SeriesEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param FinalPosition M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.SeriesEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Item to string. String. Vertical position. X value of marker. Y value of marker. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the PositionChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the PositionChanged event. Polar event marker class. You can mark some interesting event with a marker, which can be a of great value later on. Constructor for Form editor. Polar event marker constructor Parent. Axis to connect to. Symbol options. Real value. Imaginary value. Label. Offset. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Occurs when position is changed returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.SmithEventMarker.EmitPositionChanged Imaginary value of event. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context Occurs when the position of the event marker has changed. Real value of event. Set item drag end position. X-coordinate Y-coordinate param finalPosition M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.EventMarkers.SmithEventMarker.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Convert class description to string. String. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the PositionChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the CheckBoxStateChanged event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the PositionChanged event. Smith Position Changed EventArgs. New position of the marker. Public extensions methods. Convert given angle in degrees to radians. Angle in degrees Corresponding angle in radians. Convert given angle in degrees to radians. Angle in degrees Corresponding angle in radians. Converts given coordinates defined in DIP (Device Independent Pixels) to PX (Screen pixels) values using system DPI settings. Coordinates to convert, defined in DIPs. Converted coordinates in PX. Converts given rectangle size and position defined in DIP (Device Independent Pixels) to PX (Screen pixels) values using system DPI settings. Rectangle to convert, defined in DIPs. Converted rectangle in PX. Converts given DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values to PX (Screen pixels) using system DPI settings. Value to convert in DIPs If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in PX. Converts given DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values to PX (Screen pixels) using system DPI settings. Value to convert in DIPs If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in PX. Convert GetLastEngineInitResults to string to help reporting of it's contents. param list M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Extensions.Extensions.ItemsToString(System.Collections.IList) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Extensions.Extensions.ItemsToString(System.Collections.IList) Converts given coordinates defined in PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Coordinates to convert, defined in pixels. Converted coordinates in DPIs. Converts given PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Value to convert in pixels. If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in DPIs. Converts given rectangle size and position defined in PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Rectangle to convert, defined in pixels. Converted rectangle in DPIs. Converts given PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Value to convert in pixels. If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in DPIs. Converts given PX (Screen pixels) to DIP (Device Independent Pixels) values using system DPI settings. Value to convert in pixels. If true, the screen width direction DPI factor is used. Height direction otherwise Converted value in DPIs. Convert given angle in radians to degrees. Angle in radians Corresponding angle in degrees. Convert given angle in radians to degrees. Angle in radians Corresponding angle in degrees. Tile disk cache. Cache is located at given path. Default is temp folder. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Map license key. Button click on map item event arguments. Constructor. Map item. Layer. Layer. Map item. City. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.City.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer) Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.City.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,System.Int32) param id M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.City.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,System.Int32) Country name. Location. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Population. City options. Constructor. Constructor. param mapData M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.CityOptions.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map) Create default population categories. List of PopulationCategories. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Major city population. City is considered major if its population is same or exceeds this value. Population categories. Show cities. Convert class description to string. String. Cities type. Determines which kind of cities are shown. Cities are not shown. Major cities. All cities. Represents a class that provides arguments for the ConversionStateChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of ConversionStateChangedEventArgs class. Conversion counter. Conversion progress indicator. Status message. Line. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Line.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType) param lType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Line.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType) Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Line.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) param lType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Line.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) param id M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Line.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) Construct members. Overridden dispose method. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Line Line style. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context LineLayer. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.LineLayer.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map) Automatically adjust line width. Construct initialized members. Line draw style. Determine how line is drawn. Line width coefficient. Adjust line width. Line options. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.LineOptions.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map) Create members. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Label style. Line style. Convert class description to string. String. Represents a class that provides arguments for the LoadError event. Creates and initializes a new instance of LoadErrorEventArgs class. Provides a detailed error description. Map name. Provides a short error description. Map data container. Constructor. Constructor. X-axis to bind the map to. Y-axis to bind the map to. Parent. Allow user interaction. Map backgrounds. Occurs when a button is pressed down while the user interactive device is on the map item. Center on map item. Map item. Center on coordinates. Longitude. Latitude. City draw options. Clears tile cache folder. Map description. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Map file name. Use with Path value to indicate map file. Show whole map. Fit map item to view. Map item. Fit to given rectangle. param xMin M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map.Fit(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) param yMin M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map.Fit(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) param xMax M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map.Fit(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) param yMax M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map.Fit(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) Get visible map items per layer. List of visible map items per layer. Highlight map item when user interactive device over. Import new layer from shp data and insert it into map on given layer. Other layers are moved if necessary. Shp file name. Target layer index. Success status. Import new layer from shp data and insert it into map on given layer. Other layers are moved if necessary. Shp file name. Target layer index. Configuration file name. Success status. Import new layer from shp data and replace data on given layer. Shp file name. Target layer index. Success status. Import new layer from shp data and replace data on given layer. Shp file name. Target layer index. Configuration file name. Success status. Lake draw options. Land draw options. Map layers. Occurs when a map loading error occurs. Occurs when the map changes. Internal area name list. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Rendering optimization. Other map type draw options. Show all labels, even if they overlap each other. Occurs when the user interactive device is moved out over the map item. Occurs when the user interactive device is moved in over the map item. Map folder. Refresh map name list. Map names are available at Names property. Layer index before intensity series will be drawn. Use -1 to draw intensity series after all map layers. River options. Road options. Simple highlight map item color when user interactive device is over. Tile cache folder. Map tile layers. Convert class description to string. String. Map type. Layer index of item on which user interactive device is. Index of X axis related to map. Index of Y axis related to map. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the ButtonDownOnMapItem event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the ButtonDownOnMapItem event. Draw style. No draw. Options specific draw. Individual draw style. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the LoadError event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the LoadError event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the MapChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the MapChanged event. Map type. Map is not shown. Australia mid resolution map. Canada and USA states/provinces mid resolution map. Europe low resolution map. Europe mid resolution map. Europe high resolution map. Other map type (used, when users own map is shown). USA mid resolution map with lakes and rivers. USA high resolution map with lakes and rivers. USA mid resolution map with states, lakes and rivers. USA high resolution map with states, lakes and rivers. USA mid resolution map with states, lakes, rivers and roads. World low resolution map. World middle resolution map. World in high resolution. World low resolution map with lakes and rivers. World middle resolution map with lakes and rivers. North America low resolution map. North America middle resolution map. North America high resolution map. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OverOffMapItem event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OverOffMapItem event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OverOnMapItem event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OverOnMapItem event. Rendering optimization. No optimization. All map layers are rendered in same cached back buffer image. This will give significantly better performance when the map contents and visible X and Y range remain same. Map background. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Constructor Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Image object. Image alpha. 0 is transparent, 255 fully visible (opaque). Maximum latitude. Minimum latitude. Maximum longitude. Minimum longitude. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Convert class description to string. String. Defines if visible. Represents a class that provides arguments for the MapChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of MapChangedEventArgs class. The new map name. The old map name. Map data container. Constructor. Wait conversion to end. Occurs when the state of the map conversion changes. Convert shp file by xml configuration. Shp file name. Configuration file name. Stream to mapdata file. Get converted map. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapConverter.GetConvertedMap Select shp files for conversion and convert them. True: Conversion started, false: conversion not started. Map conversion progress indication. Map conversion is running. Map conversion is done. Map conversion canceled. Map conversion is aborted. See Status field in the event for more details. Map conversion result. OK Canceled by user from wizard. Invalid layer index. SHP file not found. XML configuration file not found. SHP file empty. SHP file content and XML configuration file does not match. Unauthorized access. Access limited to file. User has not selected any files from file selection dialog. Map file not compatible with this version of control. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the ConversionStateChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the ConversionStateChanged event. Map header. Constructor. Map description. Map file name. Map name. Map item. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapItem.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType) param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapItem.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType) Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapItem.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapItem.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) param id M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapItem.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get values. Values. Name. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Represents a class that provides arguments for the MapItemAction event. Creates and initializes a new instance of MapItemActionEventArgs class. Layer. Map Item. Map items. Constructor. Map layers (areas, lines, points). City title. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapItemTitle.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Title text. Layer. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Construct initialized members. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Frees all the draw data. Called at least at MapLayer dispose. Layer items. Name of layer. Priority. Layers with zero are drawn on top. Convert class description to string. String. Layer type. Defines if visible. Layer type. City. Land. Lake. Road. River. Other. May contain lines or regions. Property change notification implementation. Use this as base class for any class which need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.NotifyPropertyChanges Method to be called on property change. Name of changed property. Event to be called on property change. PointLayer. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.PointLayer.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map) Main color. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Convert class description to string. String. Population category. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.PopulationCategory.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.CityOptions) Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.PopulationCategory.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.CityOptions,System.UInt32) param uiMinPopulation M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.PopulationCategory.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.CityOptions,System.UInt32) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Defines label style. Defines minimum population. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Defines point draw style. Convert class description to string. String. Region. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Region.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType) param lType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Region.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType) Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Region.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) param lType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Region.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) param id M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Region.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.MapLayer.LayerType,System.Int32) Area border line style. Center point of largest area. Create members. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Max X draw coordinate. Max Y draw coordinate. Min X draw coordinate. Min Y draw coordinate. Defines Fill. Hole indexes. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Points of border lines of all areas. Read border points. Reader. Border count. Bytes in float. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Region.ReadBorderPoints(System.IO.BinaryReader,System.Int32,System.Int32) Read header. Reader Border count. Hole count. Item count. Read hole indexes. Reader Hole count Read triangle points. Reader Region count. Bytes in float. RegionLayer. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.RegionLayer.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map) Border draw style. Determine how border is drawn. Region draw style. Determine which property is used to draw area if any. Region options. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.RegionOptions.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.Map) Anti-alias fill. Create members. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Defines Fill. Defines if Fill is visible. Defines label style. Defines line style. Defines if the line is visible. Convert class description to string. String. Stencil area used to mask in/out areas when drawing data. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Add data to stencil area from map layer. Map layer. Add polygon described by points. Polygon points. Add polygon described by points. Polygon points. Add polygons described by array of arrays. Polygon points. Add polygons described by array of arrays. Polygon points. Clear data. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Ignore holes in the area. Map layer indexes. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Convert class description to string. String. Class to write certain map area and zoom levels to file system folder. Constructor. cache folder location OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Occurs during tile fetching. Start writing from given map area to cache folder. Supports only Street and Satellite layers. Minimum longitude. Maximum longitude. Minimum latitude. Maximum latitude. Start zoom level. End zoom level. Layer type, only Street and Satellite supported. True, if started successfully. Otherwise (layer type not valid) false. Stop cache writing. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Progress event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the TileFetchProgress event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TileFetchFailed event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TileFetchFailedEventArgs class. HTTP status of the failed map tile fetch operation. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TileFetchProgress event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TileFetchProgressEventArgs class. Should the fetching be canceled. The progress percentage. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TileFormatValue event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TileFormatValueEventArgs class. The tile layer whose value is to be formatted. The actual value. A user-formatted string of the actual value. Map tile layer. Get image to front or back of map. Constructor. Constructor. owner (map) Is layer drawn above or below map. Default is above (true). Tile layer alpha level. Valid range is 0..255. Cache fetch count. Use to enhance your cache usage. Cache images to a file folder. Speeds up the tile fetching when using same zoom levels and regions. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get zoom level. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.TileLayer.GetZoomLevel ApiKey from Here. Use production server of map provider. Enable this when releasing application customer. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context. Used for refreshing tile data. Remove tiles (minus some at the edges), which are not currently visible. Used for getting server call count. Occurs when a map tile fetch operation fails. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Maps.TileLayer.ToString Defines layer type. Defines if property is visible. Layer type. Street. Images from satellite or airplane. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the TileFetchFailed event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the TileFetchFailed event. Overlay element base class. Overlay elements are UI controls on front of the chart. Constructor for form editor list editor. Constructor . Parent. Rotation uses this point as a center point. Location tells where to place the anchored point on the control area. For X dimension, value 0 represents left coordinate of the object and 1 right coordinate. For Y dimension, value 0 represents top coordinate of the object and 1 bottom coordinate. To define anchor point outside the object area, define values outside range 0...1. Border around the object Constructor. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Fill. If set, limits the element graph margins area. Location where the anchor point is placed. Element rotation angle, in degrees. The rotation is done around the element's center of rotation. Shadow beneath the object Defines Size. Convert class description to string. String. Is element visible. Overlay label shows text with background and border. Constructor for form editor list editor. Constructor. Parent. Constructor Dispose Arction.Wpf.Charting.OverlayElements.OverlayLabel Text. Text style. 3D Bar series. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Z-axis you want to bind. Add value to end of Values array. X value. Y value. Z value. Refresh chart after value adding. Text. New value index. Add values to end of series. Values. Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Value count after adding. Bar depth. Bar width. Base level. Points initial size Clear series. Corner percentage on rounded cylinder and beveled styles. Detail level on some draw styles. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get info of bar over which the user interactive device is over. Bar value index. Bar X value. Bar Y value. Bar Z value. True if info found, false otherwise. Get Text by given index. Value index. Text value. If invalid index is given, returns "". Get X value by given index. Value index. X value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Y value by given index. Value index. Y value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Z value by given index. Value index. Z value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Saves series data into CSV file. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition. True if export is successful. Bar shape. The event for formatting a value to a custom string. Series title. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.BarSeries3D.ToString Value count stored in the Values array. Series value text display properties. Values array. Event callback caller. param sender M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.BarSeries3D.ValueToString(System.Object,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SupplyCustomValueStringEventArgs) Event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SupplyCustomValueString event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SupplyCustomValueString event. 3D Point line series. Allows drawing a line with points, or just line, or just points. Constructor mainly for visual designer. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Z-axis you want to bind. Add SeriesPoint3D points to end of series. Points. Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Count of points in the Points array. Add SeriesPointCompact3D points to end of series. Points. param invalidateChart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.PointLineSeries3D.AddPoints(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPointCompact3D[],System.Boolean) Count of points in the PointsCompact array. Add SeriesPointCompactColored3D points to end of series. param points M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.PointLineSeries3D.AddPoints(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPointCompactColored3D[],System.Boolean) param invalidateChart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.PointLineSeries3D.AddPoints(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPointCompactColored3D[],System.Boolean) Count of points in PointsCompactColored array. Points initial size Clear all points Connects end and start point by drawing line between them. Data breaking options. Defines, if gaps are enabled on series data and by which value. Default state is disabled and default gap value is Double.NaN; Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Each point can have different color. Each point can have different size. Additional method to check if position is over, solves also index of the nearest point or line segment if it hits it. X screen coordinate. Y screen coordinate. Index of nearest point or line segment. Is the mouse over line. Is the mouse over a point. Use DIP instead of pixels for coordinates. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.PointLineSeries3D.IsPositionOver(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) Get last data index at hit coordinates. Return -1 if did not hit. Line style Is line visible or not Loads series data from a CSV file. Note that this loads only points with set point type (PointsType property). CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Draw lines with color gradients between points. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Point count stored in the Points array Points array. Compact points array. Colored compact points array. Point rendering optimization. Point style settings Series points type Are points visible or not Saves series data into CSV file. Note that this saves only points with set point type (PointsType property). Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition. True if export is successful. Series title Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.PointLineSeries3D.ToString Base class for all 3D series Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SeriesBase3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding) param xAxis M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SeriesBase3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding) param yAxis M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SeriesBase3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding) param zAxis M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SeriesBase3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding) Clear the series Create material. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get series minimum and maximum data values. Minimum data values Maximum data values true if data exists, false otherwise Get X axis object to which this series is bound to Axis Get Y axis object to which this series is bound to Axis Get Z axis object to which this series is bound to Axis Include in autofit. Series data has been modified directly by it's array. Use this method to notify chart that this series needs a refresh Is position over series. X-coordinate Y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters True if position is over series. Else false. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Min/max values for series are calculated. Series material OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Get item as LegendBoxMouseObject. related object returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SeriesBase3D.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SeriesBase3D)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxObject Owner view Saves series data into CSV file Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if export is successful Enlists the series title text in Legend box of the chart Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SeriesBase3D.ToString Is the series visible X axis binding Y axis binding Z axis binding Represents a class that provides arguments for the SupplyCustomValueString event. Creates and initializes a new instance of SupplyCustomValueStringEventArgs class. Series. Value. Value as string. Surface grid series. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Z-axis you want to bind. Surface Bitmap fill style fill. Contour line type Contour line width Create new data array. X size. Z size. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. If set, draws wireframe through the filled surface, making it always visible from above the surface and below it. Alternatively, you may prefer setting this false and using WireframeOffset to shift the wireframe slightly up or down, making it visible only on the other side of the filled surface. Surface fill Get series minimum and maximum data values. Minimum data values. Maximum data values. True if data exists, false otherwise. Insert new column on the back and drop the first column of data off. This is a performance optimized method for adding one column periodically in real-time, like in FFT spectrum monitor. Refreshes chart. New column Y values. X maximum of the series, after scrolling. X minimum of the series, after scrolling. X-axis maximum, after scrolling. X-axis minimum, after scrolling. Return value. Insert new data row on the back and drop the first row of data off. This is a performance optimized method for adding one row periodically in real-time, like in FFT spectrum monitor. Refreshes chart. New row Y values. Z maximum of the series, after scrolling. Z minimum of the series, after scrolling. Z-axis maximum, after scrolling. Z-axis minimum, after scrolling. Return value. Surface side which is being lit. Maximum X range value Maximum Z range value Minimum X range value Minimum Z range value Sets X and Z range at same time. Very CPU efficient way compared to separately setting RangeMinX, RangeMaxX, RangeMinZ and RangeMaxZ properties. Minimum X. Maximum X. Minimum Z. Maximum Z. Use smooth shading. Otherwise the surface is drawn with sharp triangles. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SurfaceGridSeries3D.ToString Wireframe type Surface grid row or column insertion return value. Successfully done. No data to scroll Contour lines are in use. Use FastContourZones or FastPalettedZones instead Can't use wireframe. Present the series without it. Surface mesh series. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Z-axis you want to bind. Surface Bitmap fill style fill. Contour line style Contour line width Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. If set, draws wireframe through the filled surface, making it always visible from above the surface and below it. Alternatively, you may prefer setting this false and using WireframeOffset to shift the wireframe slightly up or down, making it visible only on the other side of the filled surface. Surface fill. Insert new column on the back and drop the first column of data off. Refreshes chart. New column points. True if successful, false if series data array doesn't exist. Insert new row on the back and drop the first row of data off. Refreshes chart. New row points. True if successful, false if series data array doesn't exist. Surface side which is being lit. Use smooth shading. Otherwise the surface is drawn with sharp triangles. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SurfaceMeshSeries3D.ToString Wireframe type Surface series base. Constructor Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. You can give null if X axis binding is used. Z-axis you want to bind. Allow tracing of the surface cell when user interactive device is over. Base color for filling. Check if the given surface size can be used with the GPU. GPU index buffer capacity is verified. X size. Z size. True if index buffer size on the GPU is sufficient, else false. Clears the series by setting Data Y values to InitialValues. Sets the data point colors to BaseColor. Surface fill color saturation. High value gives brighter colors. Contour line color. Color palette for Y value information. Create material. Create new data array. X size. Z size. Create palette. Create title. Create wireframe offset. Series 3D point data. Disable depth buffer test. Disabling this improves performance, but may cause erroneous painting order of objects. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Free all vertex and index buffer data param disposeVertexBuffers M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SurfaceSeries3DBase.DisposeStaticBuffers(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param disposeIndexBuffers M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SurfaceSeries3DBase.DisposeStaticBuffers(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param disposeSurfaceCache M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SurfaceSeries3DBase.DisposeStaticBuffers(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) Fade away surface/waterfall towards back (higher data row numbers), with given percent. Valid range is from 0(no fadeaway) to 100 (full fadeaway). Height (Y-axis value range) for fast contour zones. The fast contour zone is a contour line equivalent. Get color from Data array value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Color. If invalid index is given, returns Color.Black. Get color from Data array value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Color. True, if indexes at valid range, otherwise false and outputs Color.Black. Get value from Data array value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Z value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get value from Data array value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Data value at position. Zero, in case of failure. True, if indexes at valid range, otherwise false. Get Data array X value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. X value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Data array X value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. X-value at position. Zero, in case of failure. True, if indexes at valid range, otherwise false. Get Data array Y value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Y value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Data array Y value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Y-value at position. Zero, in case of failure. True, if indexes at valid range, otherwise false. Get Data array Z value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Z value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Data array Z value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Z-value at position. Zero, in case of failure. True, if indexes at valid range, otherwise false. General handler for mouse over event. Check also mouse hit columns. Initial value for data Y. Clears the series. It is applied when creating or resizing Data array. Detect if position is over the series. Also solves the column and row index where position is over of. Screen X coordinate Screen Y coordinate Column index. If failed, contains -1 Row index. If failed, contains -1 Use DIPs instead of pixels True if position is over the series Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Lock object for data array modification and reading OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Rebuilds rendering data. Expert's method for allowing multi-threaded application to pre-build rendering data before rendering stage. Rendering stage must always be synchronized to main thread, but this call can be called parallel for every series of this type. Drawing order related to PointLineSeries. Saves series data into CSV file. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition. True if export is successful. Set data values from X, Y, Z and color. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. X value. Y value. Z value. Value. Color. Effects only if Fill is set to SourcePointColoring. False if invalid index. Otherwise true. Create data based on bitmap file contents. Data array will have dimensions of the bitmap Width X Height. Use options to reduce resolution and smooth it if needed. Height data of is calculated for each pixel from R, G, and B sum. 0 (black) will have the minimum value, and maximum value is obtained from 3*255 (white). If bitmap has alpha value of 0, the data is set to -INF, and the value is not drawn. Minimum X. Maximum X. Minimum Y. Maximum Y. Minimum Z. Maximum Z. Input bitmap. Bitmap resolution decrement and smoothing options. Give null to use pure bitmap data only. Sets NegativeInfinity when bitmap pixel has alpha = 0. True if data was successfully filled, else false. Set grid size, both X and Z at same time. If you already have a large existing data, using this method is faster than setting SizeX and SizeZ separately. X size. Z size. Grid size in X dimension (Data array columns). Grid size in Z dimension (Data array rows). Solve nearest data point to given screen coordinate [input in DIP]. Takes the data point distance from camera into account. Only solves the point when coordinate is over the surface. X screen coordinate as DIP Y screen coordinate as DIP Nearest point solved Column index in Data array Row index in Data array True if solved, else false. Suppress all light calculations on this surface series. Series title Solid fill tone color Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.SurfaceSeries3DBase.ToString Occurs when the user interactive device has been moved over to a different surface series cell. Wireframe line style. Wireframe shift amount from fill. Keep some amount of shift, to avoid 3D render engine Z buffer fighting. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the TraceCellChangedEvent event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the TraceCellChangedEvent event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TraceCellChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of TraceCellChangedEventArgs class. The new column index (X-dimension). The new row index (Z-dimension). The series that raised the event. Waterfall series. Shows multiple waterfall areas stacked Z direction. As a specialty, the strips can be freely bent, in X and Z directions. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Z-axis you want to bind. Base level (Y value) Contour line type Create palette. Create title. Create wireframe offset. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Surface fill Surface side which is being lit correctly. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Series3D.WaterfallSeries3D.ToString Wireframe style Area series for polar chart. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. Polar axis you want to bind. Initialize members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Area fill color. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.AreaSeriesPolar.ToString Represents a class that provides arguments for the CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event. Creates and initializes a new instance of CustomLinePointColoringAndShapingPolarEventArgs class. The series to which this event is associated. Point line series for polar chart. You can define the line style and point style. Add points with AddPoints method. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. Polar axis you want to bind. Determines whether series is drawn as polygon instead of polyline, i.e. line is drawn from last point to first. Custom line coloring and line coordinates event. Event handler must give color for each data point received in the handler. The coordinates can be adjusted as well and new line points can be inserted. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Method to update colors and coordinates with the one if user sets those param coords M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.PointLineSeriesPolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) param canModifyCoords M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.PointLineSeriesPolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) param canModifyColors M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.PointLineSeriesPolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) param dataPointIndices M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.PointLineSeriesPolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.PointLineSeriesPolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) Check if the event CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping is subscribed returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.PointLineSeriesPolar.IsCustomLinePointColorsAndShapingSubscribedTo Palette value LegendBox format string. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.PointLineSeriesPolar.ToString Palette value units texts. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event. Sector class. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. Polar axis you want to bind. Index of polar axis assigned to this series. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any axis. Sector begin angle. Is the sector behind series or on front of it. Borderline style. Border location relative to sector edge. Defines how the sector should be clipped at the center of the graph. Does nothing on this series type Defines if the sector is drawn outside the main chart circle. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Sector end angle. Fill. Is position over item. x-coordinate in PX y-coordinate in PX Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over item, false otherwise Sector max amplitude. Sector min amplitude. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Get item as LegendBoxMouseObject. related object returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.Sector.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.Sector)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxObject Owner view. Set proper dragging cursor, or mouse-over cursor. Enlists the series title text in Legend box of the chart Sector title Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.Sector.ToString Is the series visible Edge style. Border is not drawn. Border is drawn out of area. Border is drawn in center of edge. Border is container in the sector draw area. Base class for all polar series. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.SeriesBasePolar.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar) param axisPolar M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.SeriesBasePolar.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar) Add points to end of series Points Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after adding List of assignable axes. Index of polar axis assigned to this series. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any axis. Defines how the series should be clipped at the center of the graph. Clear all points Method to update colors and coordinates with the one if user sets those This is only applicable if event CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping is subscribed param coords M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.SeriesBasePolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) param canModifyCoords M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.SeriesBasePolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) param canModifyColors M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.SeriesBasePolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) param dataPointIndices M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.SeriesBasePolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.SeriesBasePolar.GetCustomLinePointColorsAndShaping(Arction.RenderingDefinitions.PointFloat[]@,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32[]@) Get minimum and maximum amplitude values within given angle range Minimum amplitude value Maximum amplitude value Angle range start Angle range end True if values were successfully detected Get min and max amplitude value withing given angle range [Obsolete. Using GetMinMaxFromAngleRange instead recommended] Minimum amplitude value Maximum amplitude value Angle range start Angle range end True if values were successfully detected Check if the event CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping is subscribed returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesPolar.SeriesBasePolar.IsCustomLinePointColorsAndShapingSubscribedTo Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Series points Saves series data into CSV file Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if export is successful Tries to find the closest point of the series to the given coordinates [input in PX]. X screen coordinate (as PX) to find the nearest series point from. Y screen coordinate (as PX) to find the nearest series point from. Angle value of the found point. Amplitude value of the found point. True if nearest point was found, false otherwise. Base class for all polar series. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase) Defines if the series can be snapped to by markers. Note that the snapping must be properly enabled on the marker as well. This allows use of hidden series that can be snapped to. Points initial size Defines if the series is drawn outside the main chart circle. Turn on coloring by Value Create members Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get minimum and maximum Y-coordinate on certain range. param yMin M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.GetMinMaxFromXRange(System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Double,System.Double) param yMax M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.GetMinMaxFromXRange(System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Double,System.Double) param xRangeMin M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.GetMinMaxFromXRange(System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Double,System.Double) param xRangeMax M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.GetMinMaxFromXRange(System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Double,System.Double) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.GetMinMaxFromXRange(System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Double,System.Double) Defines if the series affects ZoomToFit operations. If false, the series is ignored on ZoomToFit. Series data has been modified directly by it's array. Use this method to notify chart that this series needs a refresh Is position over series. X coordinate Y coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Line style Is line visible or not Lock object for points array modification and reading View OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Get item as LegendBoxMouseObject. related object returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxObject Owner view Parse value from string to double param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.ParseDouble(System.String) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesRound.SeriesBaseRound.ParseDouble(System.String) Point count stored in the Points array Point style Are points visible or not Enlists the series title text in Legend box of the chart Series title Palette for color by Value Is the series visible. Point line series for smith chart. You can define the line style and point style. Add points with AddPoints method. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. Smith axis this point liner series belongs to. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesSmith.PointLineSeriesSmith.ToString Base class for all polar series. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesSmith.SeriesBaseSmith.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmith) param axisSmith M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesSmith.SeriesBaseSmith.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisSmith) Add points to end of series Points Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after adding Clear all points Get min and max amplitude value withing given angle range Minimum amplitude value Maximum amplitude value Angle range start Angle range end True if values were successfully detected Series points Tries to find the closest point of the series to the given coordinates. X screen coordinate to find the nearest series point from. X screen coordinate to find the nearest series point from. Angle value of the found point. Amplitude value of the found point. True if nearest point was found, false otherwise. Area series. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. Y axis you want to bind. X axis you want to bind. Add values. Values array. Total point count after adding. Base value Clear all data. Create members. Create high point style. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get point by given index. Index of point to get. Point. False if invalid index is given, otherwise true. Get point by given index. Index of point to get. X value. Y value. False if invalid index is given, otherwise true. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Area series points array, to store data at once. Points style. Points visible. Saves series data into CSV file Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Band series is X or Y axis bound vertical or horizontal rectangular area, which ranges from graph bottom to top (X bound) or left to right (Y bound) from left to right having full width of the graph. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Allows moving the band by user. Move the band by dragging the band anywhere but not from its edge. Allows resizing the band by user. Resize the band by dragging the band from its edge. Is the band behind line series or on front of it. Is the band bound to X or Y axis Border color Border width Does nothing on this series type. Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Moved by user. Fill Invoke dragged by user event. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.Band.InvokeDraggedByUserEvent Invoke resized by user event. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.Band.InvokeResizedByUserEvent Check if position is over border. y-coordinate x-coordinate Edge on which user interactive device is Is position over band. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over item, false otherwise Mouse moving pixel distance after which state is changed to Drag. This is also in MouseMoveItem, but that's not inherited, but SeriesBaseXY instead. Maximum value for ValueBegin or ValueEnd Minimum value for ValueBegin or ValueEnd OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Band resize border width. Band has been resized by user. Set proper dragging cursor, or over cursor. Set begin and end values. Begin value. End value. Series title Description of class. description Limit the ValueBegin and ValueEnd inside the MinLimit...MaxLimit range, if enabled. Band begin value Band end value Band begin and/or end value have been changed. User interactive device over border status. No edge. Right. Top. Left. Bottom. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the ResizedByUser event. Provides data for the ResizedByUser event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the ValuesChanged event. Provides data for the ValuesChanged event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the ResizedByUser event. Creates and initializes a new instance of BandResizedByUserEventArgs class. Band. Set 'true' to prevent flickering if you update the chart in the event handler. Begin value. End value. Bar series. Bars series present the data as vertical column(s). Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Add value to end of Values array X value Y value Refresh chart after value adding Text New value index Bar width in pixels Base level value. Border color Border width Clear all points Create members. Cursor tracking enabled. Delete a value by given index. Index of value to be deleted. Refresh chart after value deleting. False if invalid index is given, otherwise true. Delete values having smaller X value than given value. X value. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Fill Get rendered bar rectangles of all data items of this series. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.BarSeries.GetBarRectangles Get Text by given index. Value index. Text value. If invalid index is given, returns "". Get X value by given index. Value index. X value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Y value by given index. Value index. Y value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Notify series that data has been changed and refresh is required. Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters True if is over item, false otherwise Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Index of value the position is over of Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters True if position is over item, false otherwise Bar labels style Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Lock object for values array modification and reading Occurs when old data points have been dropped. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Saves series data into CSV file. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Set value by given index Index of value to be set X value Y value Refresh chart after value setting Text False if invalid index is given, else true Shadow below the bar Sort data values ascending or descending. Makes big values to be drawn closest to axis zero if sort by ascending. If true, sort ascending else descending. Series title Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.BarSeries.ToString Series values Values count stored in the Values array. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforeSeriesRendering event. Creates and initializes a new instance of BeforeSeriesRenderingEventArgs class. If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. The series that is about to be rendered. Base class for block series. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.BlockSeriesBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY) param axisX M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.BlockSeriesBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY) param axisY M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.BlockSeriesBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY) Clear all data. Gets and sets line color. Create members. Create title. DataCursor tracking enabled. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get minimum and maximum Y value withing given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values X minimum. X maximum. True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully. Series data has been modified directly by it's array. Use this method to notify chart that this series needs a refresh. Is position over series. X coordinate. Y coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Offset y value. This is added to each data value when rendering. Tells how often the source data is cleared when using X axis scroll mode. Valid range is 1...100. 1 frees the source data after every 1/10 scroll page. Use this when there's not much memory available. 100 frees the source data after every 100/10 = 10 pages. One need to set ViewXY.DropOldSeriesData to true to enable this functionality. Series event markers. Solve nearest sample to given X and Y screen coordinate. X screen coordinate. Y screen coordinate. Nearest sample X. Nearest sample Y. Nearest sample index in the SampleSingle or SamplesDouble array. True if successfully solved. Solve nearest sample to given X and Y value. X value. Y value. Nearest sample X. Nearest sample Y. Nearest sample index in the SampleSingle or SamplesDouble array. True if successfully solved. Solve y value at x value. Data x value. Solve result. Series title Gets and sets width of line. Typed base class for block series. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor Parent. Y-axis you want to bind. X-axis you want to bind. Actual point count in series. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.BlockSeriesBase`1.ActualPointCount Initial size Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Constant line is a horizontal line attached to a Y-axis value. It is drawn from left to right having full width of the graph. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Allows moving the constant line by user. Is the constant line behind lineseries or on front of it. Does nothing on this series type. Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over item, false otherwise Line style OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Item center position when dragging starts. Set proper cursor. Series title Constant line value Value has been changed. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the ValueChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the ValueChanged event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event. Creates and initializes a new instance of CustomLinePointColoringAndShapingEventArgs class. The series to which this event is associated. Represents a class that provides arguments for the CustomStockDataAppearance event. Creates and initializes a new instance of CustomStockDataAppearanceEventArgs class. Bar color (down). Bar color (up). Candle fill colors (down). Candle fill gradient colors (down). Candle fill colors (down). Candle fill gradient colors (up). Stock series data. Item widths. Digital line series. Uses arrays of uints as input data: uint[], where each value corresponds to 32 bit of data. Can be only used with Linear axis and DirectX11 engine. Constructor. Constructor. Series swner. Attached x-axis. Attached y-axis. Add bits to end of series. Each input value correspond to 32 bit values. Data array. Update chart after adding data. Updating will raise CPU load, which is why usage of this method is not recommended with every call if points are added many times per second. Series bit count after adding. Added bit count. summary M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.DigitalLineSeries.Clear Construct some properties. Delete points having smaller X value than given value. X value. Compact memory. Digital High value. Digital Low value. Series bools. Each uint contains 32 bits corresponding to bool. First sample time stamp, usually 1/SamplingFrequency. Get minimum and maximum Y value withing given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. Get sample at index. Index to sample. Sample at index. Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values X minimum. X maximum. True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully. Is position over series. X coordinate. Y coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Get value at index. Index to data. Data value at index. Occurs when old data samples have been dropped. Sampling frequency, in Hz. (sample interval is 1/SamplingFrequency). Detect triggering position from series data. Output triggered X position. Trigger level Y value. Minimum X value that is investigated. Maximum X value that is investigated. Triggering edge. True if trigger position was detected, otherwise false. Find nearest series point of given X-coordinate and get corresponding Y-coordinate. X-coordinate in pixels or DIP. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Solve result. Solve Y value on given X value. Returned value will be interpolated, if X is between sequential points X values. X value. Solve status. NearestX will be double.NaN if point is not in the data range. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Freeform point line series. You can define the line and points style. Add points with AddPoints method. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Add points with error tolerance to end of series. Points. Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after adding. Add points to end of series. Points. Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after adding. Add points to end of series. X values. Y values. Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after adding. Points initial size Clear all points Create members. Cursor tracking enabled. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Error bars. Gets last (newest) point. Last point. Get min and max Y value within given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. This is similar to GetMinMaxFromXRange, but tailored for Series with DataBreaking. Get min and max Y value within given X range, but Ignore some values (gap defining value). Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Gap defining value. True if values were successfully detected. Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values. X minimum. X maximum. True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully. Get X values array. X values array. Get Y values array. Y values array. Selects how to use the individual point colors. Sets which PointStyle color is replaced with PointColor. Invalidate data array. Statistics and draw data are recalculated. Loads series data from a CSV file. Note that this loads points according to value. So if you need to load both, change PointsType accordingly between two calls to this method. CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Gets the index of oldest point in Points array. When PointCountLimitEnabled is true, the Points array is used as an circular point buffer. This is 0 always when PointCountLimitEnabled is false. To read Points, when OldestPointIndex is 0: Read from index 0 till PointCount-1. To read Points, when OldestPointIndex is > 0: First read from OldestPointIndex till PointCountLimit-1. Then read from index 0 till OldestPointIndex-1. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Point count limit. If you add points more than limited count, first points are automatically removed. The limiter only applies if PointCountLimitEnabled is true. If PointCountLimitEnabled is true, the array of corresponding size will be create in memory. Limit point count by dropping oldest points. The point count is limited to PointCountLimit. Series points Points type Series points with error tolerance indicators Saves series data into CSV file. Note that this save points according to value. So if you need to save both, change PointsType accordingly between two calls to this method. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Set X value of Points array item. Point index in Points array. X value. Set Y value of Points array item. Point index in Points array. Y value. Solve nearest data point to given X and Y screen coordinate [input in DIP]. X screen coordinate as DIP. Y screen coordinate as DIP. Nearest data point X. Nearest data point Y. Nearest data point index in the Points or PointsWithErrors array. True if successfully solved. Solve nearest data point to given X and Y value. X value. Y value. Nearest data point X. Nearest data point Y. Nearest data point index in the Points or PointsWithErrors array. True if successfully solved. Find all instances of FreeformPointLineSeries’ intersection with vertical line going through the given X-coordinate. The intersection point is described by segment of line (pair of LineSeries’ points) it is found. Each intersection point is returned as structure, and method returns the list of those structures. Note that you might be interested in using for some of the use cases. X-coordinate in pixels or DIP.Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters.Iterable list of solve results. param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.FreeformPointLineSeries.SolveYCoordsAtXCoord(System.Single,System.Boolean) param useDIP M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.FreeformPointLineSeries.SolveYCoordsAtXCoord(System.Single,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.FreeformPointLineSeries.SolveYCoordsAtXCoord(System.Single,System.Boolean) Find all instances of FreeformPointLineSeries’ intersection with vertical line going through the given X-value. The intersection point is described by segment of line (pair of LineSeries’ points) it is found. Each intersection point is returned as structure, and method returns the list of those structures. Note that you might be interested in using for some of the use cases. X-value.Iterable list of solve results. param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.FreeformPointLineSeries.SolveYValuesAtXValue(System.Double) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.FreeformPointLineSeries.SolveYValuesAtXValue(System.Double) HighLow series. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Add values. Values array. Total point count after adding. Clear all data. Create members. Create low line style. Create high point style. Create low point style. Create title. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get point by given index. Index of point to get. Point. False if invalid index is given, otherwise true. Line style for high edge. Line style for low edge. High line visible. Low line visible. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Points array Point style high Point style low High points visible. Low points visible. Reverse fill. Saves series data into CSV file. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful HighLow series. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. You can give null if X-axis binding is used. Anti-alias area draw. Points initial size Clear all draw data. Create members. Draws a connecting area over ExcludeRange gap, if this flag is set. Create fill. Create line style. Create reverse fill. Create title. Cursor tracking enabled. Deceed fill. Deceed limit (value "of below"). Delete points having smaller X value than given value param xValue M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.HighLowSeriesBase.DeletePointsBeforeX(System.Double) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Exceed fill. Exceed limit. Normal fill. Get min and max Y value within given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values X min X max True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully Selects how to use the individual point colors. Sets which PointStyle color is replaced with PointColor. Invalidate data array. Statistics and draw data are recalculated. Is position over series. X coordinate Y coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Occurs when old data points have been dropped. Stabilize scrolling mode by rounding shifting to nearest integer pixel position. Reduces wobbling of the scrolling waveform, but may show as slight X-dimensional distortion. Only applies when XAxis ScrollMode = Scrolling. Tells how often the draw data is cleared when using X-axis scroll mode. Valid range is 1...100 1 frees the draw data and the reconstructs the draw data after every 1/10 scroll page. Use this when there's not much memory available. 100 frees the draw data and the reconstructs the draw data after every 100/10 = 10 pages. Use this when smooth scroll with high FPS is important. Reserves some extra memory. Seek visible range first series point index (actually one point before that) Start x value Sweep page index Start point index. If unable to find start point, returns -1 Simple highlight color when user interactive device is over. Find nearest series point of given X-coordinate and get corresponding Y-coordinate. X-coordinate in pixels or DIP. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Solve result. Solve y-value or range on given x-value. x-value Solve status. Use limits. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Interface for triggering X axis position from series values The triggering can be done from raising and falling edge. Detect triggering position from series data. Output triggered X position Trigger level Y value Minimum X value that is investigated Maximum X value that is investigated Triggering edge True if trigger position was detected, else false. Intensity grid series. Evenly spaced intensity value series. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Create members. Create new data array. X-size Y-size Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get minimums and maximums of Series X, Y and data Values. Minimum X. Maximum X. Minimum Y. Maximum Y. Minimum data value. Maximum data value. True if data could be analyzed and output values are valid, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Render as non-interpolated bitmap, data point in the middle of each cell Maximum X range value. Maximum Y range value Minimum X range value Minimum Y range value Sets X and Y range at same time. Very CPU efficient way compared to separately setting RangeMinX, RangeMaxX, RangeMinY and RangeMaxY properties. Minimum X. Maximum X. Minimum Y. Maximum Y. Intensity mesh series. Nodes can be freely located in X-Y space. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Create members. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get minimums and maximums of Series X, Y and data Values. Minimum X. Maximum X. Minimum Y. Maximum Y. Minimum data value. Maximum data value. True if data could be analyzed and output values are valid, otherwise false. Base class for intensity series classes. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Check if the given surface size can be used with the GPU. GPU index buffer capacity is verified. X size. Z size. True if index buffer size on the GPU is sufficient, else false. Clears the series. Initializes Data with InitialValues. Sets the data point colors to BaseColor. Create members. Contour Line Label's properties. Property tree: if enabled; format, font and color of text. Default state is disabled; Line style. Contour line style. Create new data array. X size. Y size. Enable DataCursor tracking. Intensity point data. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Free all vertex and index buffer data param sweepPageIndex M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.DisposeStaticBuffers(System.Int32) Data value range for fast contour zones. The fast contour zone is a contour line equivalent. Fill. Render with full interpolation. If only half interpolation is used, it can give performance increment with large intensity series. Get Contour to the List of levels, which is List of polylines/routes. The contour lines are rebuild with current palette steps' value and color. The List of list of polylines for each contour step value. The list of contour's step values. The list of contour's step colors. Get Data array color Column index of Data array Row index of Data array Color. If invalid index is given, returns Color.Black. Get Data array color. Column index of Data array Row index of Data array Color. True, if valid indexes. If invalid index is given, false and returns Color.Black. Get Data array value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Z value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Data array value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Y value. In case of error, 0. True, if valid indexes, false otherwise. Get Data array X value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. X value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Data array X value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. X value. In case of error, 0. True, if valid indexes, false otherwise. Get Data array Y value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Y value. If invalid index is given, returns 0. Get Data array Y value. Column index of Data array. Row index of Data array. Y value. In case of error, 0. True, if valid indexes, false otherwise. Get minimums and maximums of Series X, Y and data Values. Minimum X. Maximum X. Minimum Y. Maximum Y. Minimum data value. Maximum data value. True if data could be analyzed and output values are valid, otherwise false. Initial value for data Y. Clears the series. It is applied when creating or resizing Data array. Invalidate colors only. Use this together with Optimization = DynamicValuesData. Does not update the geometry to the GPU when not needed, allowing significantly faster rendering. Series data has been modified directly by its array. Use this method to notify chart that this series needs a refresh. Invalidate stencil data. Invalidate values data only. Use this together with Optimization = DynamicValuesData. Does not update the geometry to the GPU when not needed, allowing significantly faster rendering. Check if coordinate is over cell in the series. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Returned column index. Returned row index. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. True, if coordinate is over some cell, false otherwise. Is position over series. X coordinate Y coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Intensity series units, shown in legend box. Use this for intensity data units, not Y-axis units. Numeric format for showing legend box value labels. Value type: time, numeric or coordinates. Affects legend box value formatting. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Lock object for data array modification and reading OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Optimization selection for the series usage. Use StaticData if data does not changed frequently, allowing faster updates when other objects in the chart are updating. DynamicData selection is better when the data is changed many times / second. Rebuilds rendering data. Expert's method for allowing multi-threaded application to pre-build rendering data before rendering stage. Rendering stage must always be synchronized to main thread, but this call can be called parallel for every series of this type. X-axis minimum. X-axis maximum. X-axis sweeping page index (set 0 if sweeping is not used). Graph segment top. Graph segment height. Saves series data into a CSV file. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Sets colors. Doesn't update the Data array contents itself. Very handy to make the chart render fast when the colors are being changed frequently, especially with IntensityGridSeries' PixelRendering mode enabled. Data. The alignment must be M x N, all rows must be of equal length. Jagged array order dimensions order. Is first array dimension columns and second dimension rows, or vice versa. Success status. summary M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.SetDataValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Media.Color) param columnIndex M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.SetDataValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Media.Color) param rowIndex M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.SetDataValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Media.Color) param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.SetDataValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Media.Color) param y M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.SetDataValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Media.Color) param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.SetDataValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Media.Color) param color M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.SetDataValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Media.Color) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase.SetDataValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Media.Color) Create data based on bitmap file contents. Data array will have dimensions of the bitmap Width X Height. Use options to reduce resolution and smooth it if needed. Height data of is calculated for each pixel from R, G, and B sum. 0 (black) will have the minimum value, and maximum value is obtained from 3*255 (white). If bitmap has alpha value of 0, the data is set to -INF, and the value is not drawn. Minimum X. Maximum X. Minimum Y. Maximum Y. Minimum intensity. Maximum intensity. Input bitmap. Bitmap resolution decrement and smoothing options. Give null to use pure bitmap data only. True if data was successfully filled, else false. Set grid size, both X and Y at same time. If you already have a large existing data, using this method is faster than setting SizeX and SizeY separately. X size. Y size. Sets values. Doesn't update the Data array contents itself. Very handy to make the chart render fast when the data is being changed frequently, especially with IntensityGridSeries' PixelRendering mode enabled. Data. The alignment must be M x N, all rows must be of equal length. Jagged array order dimensions order. Is first array dimension columns and second dimension rows, or vice versa. Success status. Sets values. Doesn't update the Data array contents itself. Very handy to make the chart render fast when the data is being changed frequently, especially with IntensityGridSeries' PixelRendering mode enabled. Data. The alignment must be M x N, all rows must be of equal length. Jagged array order dimensions order. Is first array dimension columns and second dimension rows, or vice versa. Success status. Show nodes. Grid size in X dimension (Data array columns). Grid size in Y dimension (Data array rows). Stencil. Series title. Surface tone color. Tracing the surface cell is enabled. Tracing has been moved to over different intensity series cell. Color palette for Y value information. Wireframe line style. Wireframe type. Determine DataCursor ResultTable visible data. Delegate for TraceCellChanged event Sender X coordinate Y coordinate Nearest data column index at coordinate Nearest data row index at coordinate New column index (X dimension) New row index (Y dimension) Nearest intensity point, in corner of the cell. Not available when PixelRendering is enabled. Screen X coordinate of nearest data column to mouse coordinate. Not available when PixelRendering is enabled. Screen Y coordinate of nearest data column to mouse coordinate. Not available when PixelRendering is enabled. IntensitySeries stencil. Use to mask drawable regions in/out. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesStencil.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.IntensitySeriesBase) Additive stencil areas. Used like positive mask. Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Subtractive stencil areas. Used like negative mask. Convert class description to string String Interface flag for series that can be - Shifted in real-time, by using incremental rendering data construction, with XAxis.ScrollMode == Scrolling/Sweeping/Stepping, and setting XAxis.ScrollPosition periodically. These series implementing this interface are very powerful in rendering of data that is appended in real-time. Interface for series which return only single LineSeriesSolveResult. Find nearest series point of given X-coordinate and get corresponding Y-coordinate. X-coordinate in pixels or DIP. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Solve result. Find nearest series point of given X-value and get corresponding Y-value. X-value. Solve result. Interface flag for series that can be - Tracked with LineSeriesCursor - SeriesEventMarkers can be set to SeriesEventMarkerVerticalPosition can be set to TrackSeries Line collection. Just a bunch of lines, going from point A to B. This is not a polyline. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. LineCollection will be drawn behind bars. Clear all data. Create members. Cursor tracking enabled. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get segment indexes for segments under point. x-coordinate. y-coordinate. Use dips instead of pixels. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LineCollection.GetSegmentsAtPoint(System.Double,System.Double,System.Boolean) Series data has been modified directly by it's array. Use this method to notify chart that this series needs a refresh. If this is not called after data has been changed the lines are not drawn correctly. Is position over series. X coordinate. Y coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Array of line segments. Note that you need to call InvalidateData method if you modify the array's items directly for the changes to affect the drawing. Calling InvalidateData is not necessary if the whole array is set. Line style. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Saves series data into CSV file. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Statistics of the series Series title Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LineCollection.ToString Lite freeform line series. Uses arrays of points as input data: double[N,2]. Can be only used with Linear axis and DirectX11 engine. Constructor. Constructor. Series swner. Attached x-axis. Attached y-axis. Add points to end of series, [N,2] format, where [i,0] is x and [i,1] is y. Data array. Update chart after adding data. Updating will raise CPU load, which is why usage of this method is not recommended with every call if points are added many times per second. Series point count after adding. Construct some properties. Get minimum and maximum Y value withing given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. Get point at index. Index to point. Point at index. Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values X minimum. X maximum. True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully. Is position over series. X coordinate. Y coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Get point at index. Index to point. Point at index. Line rendering limit on y-axis. Occurs when old data samples have been dropped. Added point count. Point count limit. Series will contain at least this amount of points, but will limit to higher count based on data blocks. Enable/disable point count limiter. See Series points. summary M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LiteFreeformLineSeries.SolveNearestSampleByValue(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Int32@) param xValue M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LiteFreeformLineSeries.SolveNearestSampleByValue(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Int32@) param yValue M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LiteFreeformLineSeries.SolveNearestSampleByValue(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Int32@) param nearestSampleXValue M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LiteFreeformLineSeries.SolveNearestSampleByValue(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Int32@) param nearestSampleYValue M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LiteFreeformLineSeries.SolveNearestSampleByValue(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Int32@) param nearestIndex M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LiteFreeformLineSeries.SolveNearestSampleByValue(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Int32@) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.LiteFreeformLineSeries.SolveNearestSampleByValue(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Int32@) Find nearest series point of given X-coordinate and get corresponding Y-coordinate. X-coordinate in pixels or DIP. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Solve result. Solve Y value on given X value. Returned value will be interpolated, if X is between sequential points X values. X value. Solve status. NearestX will be double.NaN if point is not in the data range. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Lite line series. Uses arrays of points as input data: double[N,2]. Can be only used with Linear axis and DirectX11 engine. Constructor. Constructor. Series swner. Attached x-axis. Attached y-axis. Add points to end of series, [N,2] format, where [i,0] is x and [i,1] is y. Data array. Update chart after adding data. Updating will raise CPU load, which is why usage of this method is not recommended with every call if points are added many times per second. Series sample count after adding. Construct some properties. Delete points having smaller X value than given value. X value. Compact memory. Get minimum and maximum Y value withing given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. Get point at index. Index to point. Point at index. Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values X minimum. X maximum. True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully. Get point at index. Index to point. Point at index. Line rendering limit on y-axis. Occurs when old data samples have been dropped. Added point count. Series points. Detect triggering position from series data. Output triggered X position. Trigger level Y value. Minimum X value that is investigated. Maximum X value that is investigated. Triggering edge. True if trigger position was detected, otherwise false. Find nearest series point of given X-coordinate and get corresponding Y-coordinate. X-coordinate in pixels or DIP. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Solve result. Solve Y value on given X value. Returned value will be interpolated, if X is between sequential points X values. X value. Solve status. NearestX will be double.NaN if point is not in the data range. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedBarSeriesEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedDigitalLineSeriesEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Represents an abstract base class for event arguments classes that provide arguments for OldDataDropped events. Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.OldDataDroppedEventArgs The dropping limit, upper end. The minimum data point X that was dropped. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedHighLowSeriesBaseEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedLiteFreeFormLineSeriesEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedLiteLineSeriesEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedPointLineSeriesEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedSampleDataSeriesEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedSampleDataSeriesEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Represents a class that provides arguments for the OldDataDropped event. Creates and initializes a new instance of OldDataDroppedSampleDataSeriesEventArgs class. The series whose old data was dropped. Point line series. You can define the line style and point style. Add points with AddPoints method. Constructor for Form designer list editor Constructor Owner view Y axis you want to bind X axis you want to bind Add points with error tolerance to end of series Points Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after adding Add points to end of series Points Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after AddPoints method call. Add points to end of series X values array Y values array Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after adding Check that rule X[i+1] >= X[i] is followed True if rule followed, or less than 2 points in the series. Else false. Points initial size Clear all points Create members. Draws a connecting line over ExcludeRange gap, if this flag is set. Cursor tracking enabled. Delete points having smaller X value than given value param xValue M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.PointLineSeries.DeletePointsBeforeX(System.Double) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Error bars. Get min and max Y value within given X range Minimum Y value Maximum Y value X range start X range end Ignore zeros True if values were successfully detected This is similar to GetMinMaxFromXRange, but tailored for Series wth DataBreaking. Get min and max Y value within given X range, but Ignore some values (gap defining value) Minimum Y value Maximum Y value X range start X range end Gap defining value True if values were successfully detected Get the factors that are used in regression line plotting Factors, length = polynomial order+1. For example, when having order 2, you can plot line with equation: Y = factors[0] + factors[1]*X + factors[2]*X^2 Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values X min X max True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully Get X values array. X values array Get Y values array. Y values array Selects how to use the individual point colors. Sets which PointStyle color is replaced with PointColor. Invalidate data array. Statistics and draw data are recalculated. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Occurs when old data points have been dropped. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Series points. Points type. Series points with error tolerance indicators. Regression fitting to data points. Polynomial regression order. Saves series data into CSV file Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Stabilize scrolling mode by rounding shifting to nearest integer pixel position. Reduces wobbling of the scrolling waveform, but may show as slight X-dimensional distortion. Only applies when XAxis ScrollMode = Scrolling. Tells how often the draw data is cleared when using X-axis scroll mode. Valid range is 1...100 1 frees the draw data and the reconstructs the draw data after every 1/10 scroll page. Use this when there's not much memory available. 100 frees the draw data and the reconstructs the draw data after every 100/10 = 10 pages. Use this when smooth scroll with high FPS is important. Reserves some extra memory. Detect triggering position from series data Output triggered X position Trigger level Y value Minimum X value that is investigated Maximum X value that is investigated Triggering edge True if trigger position was detected, else false. Seek visible range first series point index (actually one point before that) Start x value Current start point index Start point index. If unable to find start point, returns -1 Fill Points array from X and Y values X values array Y values array Set X value of Points array item. Point index in Points array X value Set Y value of Points array item. Point index in Points array Y value Solve nearest data point to given X and Y screen coordinate [input in DIP]. X screen coordinate as DIP Y screen coordinate as DIP Nearest data point X Nearest data point Y Nearest data point index in the Points or PointsWithErrors array True if successfully solved Solve nearest data point to given X and Y value. X value Y value Nearest data point X Nearest data point Y Nearest data point index in the Points or PointsWithErrors array. True if successfully solved Solve y-value or range on given x-value. x-value Solve status. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Base class for point line series. Creates and initializes a new instance of this class. Creates and initializes a new instance of this class. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.PointLineSeriesBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY) Clear the series data Create members. Create line style. Create title. Custom line coloring and line coordinates event. Event handler must give color for each data point received in the handler. The coordinates can be adjusted as well and new line points can be inserted. Data breaking options. Defines, if gaps are enabled on series data and by which value. Default state is disabled and default gap value is Double.NaN; Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get minimum and maximum Y value within given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. This is similar to GetMinMaxFromXRange, but tailored for Series with DataBreaking. Get minimum and maximum Y value within given X range, but Ignore some values (gap defining value). Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Gap defining. True if values were successfully detected. Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values X minimum. X maximum. True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully. Is position over series X coordinate. Y coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Render chart if item list changed. param sender M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.PointLineSeriesBase.ItemListChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs) param e M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.PointLineSeriesBase.ItemListChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs) Line style Is line visible or not Lock object for cursor y-value resolver data OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Point count stored in the Points array Points rendering optimization Point style Are points visible or not Series event markers Set proper drag cursor. Default is hand. Statistics of the series Series title Use palette for line coloring. Color palette for Y value range. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the CustomLinePointColoringAndShaping event. Polygon series. Points must be in clockwise order. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. X-axis you want to bind. Y-axis you want to bind. Antialias area draw. Draw behind series. Border style. Show border. Clear all data. Create members. Cursor tracking enabled. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Polygon fill. Get minimum and maximum X and Y values. X minimum. X maximum. Y minimum. Y maximum. True if point count is greater than 0 Intersections of polygon lines is allowed. Series data has been modified directly by it's array. Use this method to notify chart that this series needs a refresh Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over item, false otherwise Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Series points. Saves series data into CSV file Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Simple highlight color when user interactive device is over. Statistics of the line series Series title. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.PolygonSeries.ToString Triangulation conversion progress indication. Conversion is running. Conversion is done. Base class for single line series which are progressive by X-value. Creates and initializes a new instance of this class. Creates and initializes a new instance of this class. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.ProgressiveSingleLineSeriesBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY) Find nearest series point of given X-coordinate and get corresponding Y-coordinate. X-coordinate in pixels or DIP. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Solve result. Find nearest series point of given X-value and get corresponding Y-value. X-value. Solve result. Block sample data series class. Can be only used with Linear axis and DirectX11 engine. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SampleDataBlockSeries.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY) param axisX M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SampleDataBlockSeries.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY) param axisY M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SampleDataBlockSeries.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisY) Add samples to end of series, float format. Samples array. Update chart after adding samples. Updating will raise CPU load, which is why usage of this method is not recommended with every call if points are added many times per second. Series sample count after adding. Create members. Delete samples having smaller X value than given value. X value. Compact memory. First sample time stamp, usually 1/SamplingFrequency. Get minimum and maximum Y value withing given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. This is similar to GetMinMaxFromXRange, but tailored for Series with DataBreaking. Get minimum and maximum Y value within given X range, but Ignore some values (gap defining value). Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Gap defining value. True if values were successfully detected. Get sample at index. Sample index for whole data. Y-value at index Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values. X minimum. X maximum. True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully. Get point at index. Index to data. Data point at index. Line rendering limit on y-axis. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Occurs when old data samples have been dropped. Added sample count. Series samples. Sampling frequency, in Hz. (sample interval is 1/SamplingFrequency). Saves sample data into CSV file. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Detect triggering position from series data. Output triggered X position. Trigger level Y value. Minimum X value that is investigated. Maximum X value that is investigated. Triggering edge. True if trigger position was detected, otherwise false. Solve nearest sample to given X and Y value. X value. Y value. Nearest sample X. Nearest sample Y. Nearest sample index in the SampleSingle or SamplesDouble array. True if successfully solved. Find nearest series point of given X-coordinate and get corresponding Y-coordinate. X-coordinate in pixels or DIP. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. Solve result. Solve Y value on given X value. Returned value will be interpolated, if X is between sequential points X values. X value. Solve status. NearestX will be double.NaN if point is not in the data range. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Sample data series class. Constructor for Form designer list editor. Constructor Parent. Y-axis you want to bind. X-axis you want to bind. Adds offset to all samples (Increments all samples by given value). Offset. Add samples to end of series, double format. Samples array Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, which is why usage of this method is not recommended with every call if points are added many times per second. Series sample count after adding. Add samples to end of series, float format. Samples array. Update chart after adding samples. Updating will raise CPU load, which is why usage of this method is not recommended with every call if points are added many times per second. Series sample count after adding. Initial size Clear all samples. Create members. Cursor tracking enabled. Delete samples having smaller X value than given value. X value. Compact memory. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. First sample time stamp, usually 1/SamplingFrequency Get minimum and maximum Y value withing given X range. Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Ignore zeros. True if values were successfully detected. This is similar to GetMinMaxFromXRange, but tailored for Series with DataBreaking. Get minimum and maximum Y value within given X range, but Ignore some values (gap defining value). Minimum Y value. Maximum Y value. X range start. X range end. Gap defining value. True if values were successfully detected. Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values. X minimum. X maximum. True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file name. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Multiplies the samples in the samples array with given factor. Factor. Occurs when old data samples have been dropped. Sample format Series samples, Double format Thrown when trying to set samples that are not compatible with chosen SampleFormat. Series samples, Single format Thrown when trying to set samples that are not compatible with chosen SampleFormat. Sampling frequency, in Hz. (sample interval is 1/SamplingFrequency) Saves sample data into CSV file. Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Stabilize scrolling mode by rounding shifting to nearest integer pixel position. Reduces wobbling of the scrolling waveform, but may show as slight X-dimensional distortion. Only applies when XAxis ScrollMode = Scrolling Tells how often the draw data is cleared when using X axis scroll mode. Valid range is 1...100 1 frees the draw data and the reconstructs the draw data after every 1/10 scroll page. Use this when there's not much memory available. 100 frees the draw data and the reconstructs the draw data after every 100/10 = 10 pages. Use this when smooth scroll with high FPS is important. Reserves some extra memory. Detect triggering position from series data. Output triggered X position. Trigger level Y value. Minimum X value that is investigated. Maximum X value that is investigated. Triggering edge. True if trigger position was detected, otherwise false. Seek visible range first series point index (actually one point before that) Start x value Start point index. If unable to find start point, returns -1 Solve nearest sample to given X and Y screen coordinate. X screen coordinate. Y screen coordinate. Nearest sample X. Nearest sample Y. Nearest sample index in the SampleSingle or SamplesDouble array. True if successfully solved. Solve nearest sample to given X and Y value. X value. Y value. Nearest sample X. Nearest sample Y. Nearest sample index in the SampleSingle or SamplesDouble array. True if successfully solved. Solve Y value on given X value. Returned value will be interpolated, if X is between sequential points X values. X value. Solve status. NearestX will be double.NaN if point is not in the data range. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Base class for all series Constructor Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SeriesBaseXY.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Allow series reacting to user interaction device movement. Device hit testing with objects cause CPU overhead when the device is moved. If user interaction is not absolute necessary directly within chart and if you want to maximize the performance, set this false. List of assignable X axes List of assignable Y axes Index of X axis assigned to this series. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any X axis. Index of Y axis assigned to this series. Give -1 when you don't want to assign it yet to any Y axis. Occurs just before the rendering of the series takes place. Clear the series Create members. Disable dragging from Y axis to another Y axis or from chart to another chart. Set this true if you want to zoom in the series area, and keep other user interactive device interactivity features available. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get clipping areas. Array reference to ClipAreas. If you modify the array, notify the chart with SetClipAreas method. Include series values in automatic fit. Series data has been modified directly by it's array. Use this method to notify chart that this series needs a refresh Is mouse over item. mouse x-coordinate mouse y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters false if mouse is not inside graph, true otherwise Legendbox index. Limit Y draw range to segment area when y-axes are stacked. Loads series data from a CSV file. Full path to the CSV file. Value separator that is used in the CSV file. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SeriesBaseXY.LoadFromCSV(System.String,Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeparatorCSV) OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Get item as LegendBoxMouseObject. related object returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SeriesBaseXY.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SeriesBaseXY)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxObject Owner view. Saves series data into CSV file Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if export is successful Set clipping areas. Give null to disable all clip areas. param clipAreas M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SeriesBaseXY.SetClipAreas(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ClipArea[]) Enlists the series title text in Legend box of the chart Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.SeriesBaseXY.ToString Is the series visible The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforeSeriesRendering event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the BeforeSeriesRendering event. CandleStick series Constructor Constructor Parent. Y axis you want to bind X axis you want to bind Add points to end of series Series points Update chart after adding. Updating will raise CPU load, so you maybe don't want to use this with every call if points are added many times per second. Point count after adding StockSeries is drawn behind line series. Points initial size Clear all points Stick color when series Close value less than Open. Stick color when series Close value greater than Open. Create members. Cursor tracking enabled. Stock data appearance coloring delegate. Series data count. Series data points Delete Points having smaller X value than given value. X value. x axis what to check Compact memory. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Fill border. Fill when series Close value less than Open. Fill when series Close value greater than Open. Get item which the user interactive device is over. Item on user interactive device location True if info found, false otherwise. Get min and max Y value withing given X range Minimum Y value Maximum Y value X range start X range end Ignore zeros True if values were successfully detected Get minimum X and maximum X of series X values X min X max True if minimum X and maximum X was obtained successfully Is position over series. Y coordinate X coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if is over series. Else false. Item width. Loads series data from a CSV file. CSV file. If file does not exist, LoadFromCSV returns false. Value and floating point number separator. True if import succeeds. Otherwise false. Name of series. Occurs when old data points have been dropped. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Packing state. If packing is On, several data values will be packed to a single rendered item. Saves series data into CSV file Target file. If file already exists, it will be overwritten. Value and floating point number separator definition True if save is successful Tells how often the draw data is cleared when using X-axis scroll mode. Valid range is 1...100 1 frees the draw data and the reconstructs the draw data after every 1/10 scroll page. Use this when there's not much memory available. 100 frees the draw data and the reconstructs the draw data after every 100/10 = 10 pages. Use this when smooth scroll with high FPS is important. Reserves some extra memory. Series event markers Statistics of the series. Stick width. Stock style. Series title The delegate to use for handlers that receive the CustomStockDataAppearance event. Provides data for the CustomStockDataAppearance event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the OldDataDropped event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the OldDataDropped event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the ValueChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of ConstantLineValueChangedEventArgs class. If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. The ConstantLine object whose value was changed. New value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the ValuesChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of BandValuesChangedEventArgs class. Sender. Set 'true' to prevent flickering if you update the chart in the event handler. New begin value. New end value. Axis title. Shows title text for axis. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Alignment value. Title distance from axis line. Value is ignored, if AxisTitleAutoPlacement is enabled. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Item to string. Item as a string. 3D axis title. Shows title text for axis. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constuctor. Parent. Vertical alignment Moving of title not supported in 3D view. Allow title to be upside down. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Title distance from axis line, in 3D world space Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over item, false otherwise Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.AxisTitle3D.ToString X-axis title. Shows title text for X-axis. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment. Value is ignored, if XAxisTitleAutoPlacement is enabled. Y-axis title. Shows title text for Y-axis. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Horizontal alignment. Value is ignored, if YAxisTitleAutoPlacement is enabled. Vertical alignment Bar series bars title style Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.BarLabelsStyle.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Create font. Create shadow. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Label distance from bar edge Horizontal alignment Label shift from it's align origin Set true if you want to draw text outside the bar / graph segment Title text Vertical alignment Bordered, filled title. Used for creating titles with borders and fill. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Border around the object Create border. Create fill. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Fill OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Item center position when dragging starts. Chart title. Shows title text for the chart. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Vertical alignment Create font. Create shadow. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Title shift from it's align origin Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Event marker title. Shows text near an event marker. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Constructor. Parent. Text. Horizontal alignment. Vertical alignment. Font. Color. RotateAngle in degrees. Distance from symbol. Shadow. Create shadow. Text distance from symbol Horizontal alignment Vertical alignment LegendBox item title. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Color Create members. Create font. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Title font OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Title text Mini scale title. Shows text near mini scale axes. Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.MiniScaleTitle.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Alignment Create shadow. Label distance from dimension line Overlay elements title style Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.OverlayElementTextStyle.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Create font. Create shadow. Is the text clipped on element edges Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Text distance from element edge, if aligned to edge Horizontal alignment Text shift from it's align origin Vertical alignment Polar sector title. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Offset Radial offset of title as percentage. 0 = axis begin, 100 = axis end. Polygon series title class. Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.PolygonSeriesTitle.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Place title automatically on chart near the series data. Create font. Create shadow. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Horizontal alignment within X axis If set, limits text inside graph margins area Lock title position to current X and Y data values. Prevent automatic title placement routine from relocating the title. Title offset of its aligned position OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Vertical alignment within Y axis Round axes title. Shows title text for axis. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Title distance from axis line Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. True if position is over item, false otherwise. Radial offset of title as percentage. 0 = axis begin, 100 = axis end. this affects first, then RadialOffsetPixels. Radial offset of title as pixels. 0 = axis begin, 100 = axis end. RadialOffsetPercentage affects first, then this. Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.RoundAxisTitle.ToString Vertical alignment Round series title. Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Offset Series title class. It's a base class for most of series titles Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.SeriesTitle.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Place title automatically on chart near the series data. Create shadow. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Horizontal alignment within X axis If set, limits text inside graph margins area Lock title position to current X and Y data values. Prevent automatic title placement routine from relocating the title. Title offset of its aligned position OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Set item drag end position param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.SeriesTitle.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param y M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.SeriesTitle.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param FinalPosition M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.SeriesTitle.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Item to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.SeriesTitle.ToString Vertical alignment within Y axis Series3D title base class. Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.SeriesTitle3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Offset as world values. Series3DBar title. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Offset as world values. Series3D title base class. It's a base class for all 3D-series titles Constructor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Titles.SeriesTitle3DBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Allow user to move title. Base class for titles. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Text rotation angle, in degrees. The rotation is applied around text center point. Color Create font. Create shadow. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Title draw rectangle (read only). Note, accurate only for Angle=0. Otherwise, reliable only Width, Height and central point. Title font Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over item, false otherwise OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Item center position when dragging starts. Shadow below the text Title text. Is title visible or not 3DBar value title. Constructor, for serialization purposes. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Title text. Not applicable with value title! Offset as world values. General type converter. Arction.Wpf.Charting.TypeConverters.GeneralTypeConverter Determines if conversion is possible. If special byte[] serialization is enabled, this reports it possible to convert byte[] to LC types. Context. Source type. True, if conversion can be done. Determines if conversions to requested type can happen. If special byte[] serialization is enabled, this reports it possible to convert LC types to byte[]. Context. Destination type. True, if conversion can be done. Converts given object to the type of this converter. Context. Culture. Value. Deserialized object, if it was successful. Converts object to the requested type. Conversion to byte[] is handled by TreeBinarySerializer by calling ConvertToBytes. Context. Culture. Value. Destination type. Object converted to the requested type, if supported. Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter, using the specified context and attributes. Attributes. Value. Context. Property descriptors. Returns whether this object supports properties, using the specified context. Context. Are properties supported. Represents a class that provides arguments for the CheckBoxStateChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of CheckBoxStateChangedEventArgs class. Is the check box checked. The series whose check box state was changed. LegendBox shows the series names and line/point styles in a box. Constructor. Parent. Allow resize by user interactive device. Automatic sizing based on contents. Border color. Border width. Checkbox color. LegendBox checkbox size in DPI. Occurs when the state of a series title check box has changed. Checkbox mark color. Create offset. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Fill. Get rendered rectangle. Rendered rectangle. Height. Applies when AutoSize is not used. Highlight series, if user interactive device is over it or title on legend box. Highlighted series title color on legend box. Is mouse over item. Mouse X-coordinate. Units depend on useDIP parameter value. Mouse Y-coordinate. Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters. True if mouse is over item, false otherwise. LegendBox layout. Check if LegendBox series title highlight state can be updated. Used in user interactive device event. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase.LegendBoxTitleStateUpdateEnabled Allow LegendBox moving from series title, which prevents sending messages from the series title clicks. Offset from location calculated by Position property. LegendBox scroll bar visibility setting. Series title color. Series title font. Series title mouse click event handler. Occurs when a user interactive device button is clicked on a series title. Series title mouse double click event handler. Occurs when a mouse button is double-clicked on a series title. Series title mouse down event handler. Occurs when a user interactive device is pressed down on a series title. Series title mouse up event handler. Occurs when a user interactive device button is released over a series title. Set item drag end position param x M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param y M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) param FinalPosition M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase.SetItemDragPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Item draw position when dragging starts. Set cursor. Shadow beneath the LegendBox. Show checkboxes for selecting visibility of series. Show icons. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Units text color. Units text font. Use series title color. If false, uses Items color. Series value label color. Series value text font. Width. Applies when AutoSize is not used. Is LegendBox visible. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the CheckBoxStateChanged event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the CheckBoxStateChanged event. Scroll Bar visibility. No scroll bars. Horizontal bar. Vertical bar. Both scroll bars. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseAction event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseAction event. LegendBox object. Actually checkbox and title region area container to handle user interactive device events. Dispose Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context LegendBox shows the series names and drawing styles in a box. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. param legendBox M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxSurfaces.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Scale border color. Scale border width. Scale size in pixels, primary dimension Scale size in pixels, secondary dimension Scale grid size in pixels. Scale title position. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Show/hide scale. Represents a class that provides arguments for the Margins changed event for views. Creates and initializes a new instance of MarginsChangedEventArgs class. Bottom margin new value. Left margin new value. Right margin new value. Top margin new value. Bottom margin old value. Left margin old value. Right margin old value. Top margin old value. View rendering options. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.RenderOptionsCommon.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Anti-aliasing factor. 0 and 1 = No anti-aliasing. The larger the value, the smoother the image will be, but at steep cost of performance on some display adapters. Only objects having will be anti-aliased. Note that with DX11 thicker (triangle) lines cannot be rendered without anti-aliasing unless this property's value is set to be lower than 1. Determines if the D2D system is used or not. Text rendering does not work on DX11 without D2D. This is intended only as Debug measure at this time, and the property will be removed later. Rendering device type to use, or selection logic for the engine to be used. Note that reading this value does not provide information of the current device, just the requested one. More information on remarks. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Fonts rendering quality. Force device create on control resize. Some virtual machine environment require this to be set to true. Maximum frames to present in second. Gets or sets GPU preference setting. This is a dependency property. Defines if the LightningChart expects to have a graphical interface or not. This allows the LC to be used in the background, without connections to interface. This has effect on multiple different things. For instance device type selection will cause the engine to change instantly on selection, not when LC is connected to visual tree. Use thread safe updates to force the control draw itself though Invoke. Enabling this may cause slower updates, and should not be used in applications running without auxiliary threads updating the chart data or properties. Alternatively, you can use Invoke method of your parent form or control. You should always update the chart data from by Invoking in application side. Anti-aliasing type of single pixel width anti-aliased lines. Applicable only on DX11 and when AntiAliasLevel is above 1. Lines thicker than 1 pixel are rendered using triangles, and use triangle drawing AA system. ALAA option produces generally best looking line and is faster than QLAA. There is some problems with ALAA with Warp though. Note that on DX11, the usage of alpha-line anti-aliasing can be also controlled through Anti-aliasing type of single pixel width anti-aliased lines. Applicable only on DX11 and when AntiAliasLevel is above 1. Lines thicker than 1 pixel are rendered using triangles, and use triangle drawing AA system. ALAA option produces generally best looking line and is faster than QLAA. There is some problems with ALAA with Warp though. Note that on DX11, the usage of quadrilateral-line anti-aliasing can be also controlled through Debug Line offset of the DX11 line drawing. LightningChart internally uses coordinate system where the coordinate points to the center of the pixel. Meaning that screen coordinate (0,0) is at the center of the top-left pixel. In DX9 this is the same. In DX11 the point (0,0) is at the top-left corner of the top-left pixel, and the center of the pixel is at point (0.5, 0.5). The points are moved by this offset in DX11 engine, so that the chart can use the same coordinate system with all engines. The default value of (0.5, 0.5) is the "correct" one, but it can be modified by this property. RemoteDeskTop graphics card ID. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Update chart always when resizing control. Update chart after this interval (ms) after resizing ends, if UpdateAlwaysOnResize is false. Defines how / when chart is updated and new frames are rendered. Wait for next refresh, V-Sync. If the computer is fast enough, disabling this can give higher refresh rate than the screen refresh rate is. By disabling this, rendering does not wait next screen refresh turn. Rendering options for ViewXY. Represents a class that provides arguments for the SeriesTitleMouseAction event. Creates and initializes a new instance of SeriesTitleMouseActionEventArgs class. The series that was manipulated with a user. General stucture for UserEventArguments. Border rendered around graph area Constructor for Form editor/xaml. Constructor View owner param Visible M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ThinBorder.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,System.Boolean) Color Of Border Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Override ToString returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ThinBorder.ToString Boolean for showing border XY graph view. Allows super-fast drawing of lines and bars. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Create zoom pan options Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Free Zoom data Gets a rectangle defining the area inside margins in DIPs. param useDIP M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.GetMarginsRect(System.Boolean) Surrounding rectangle. Graph background fill Graph background filling param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.SetGraphBackground(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Fill) Object types. Type of Axis. Type of Series. Type of LegendBox. Type of Sectors. View base class. Protected constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Handler of margin / size based items. Should be called after either size or margins changes. Should update all values that depend on those. Paddings user interactive device button has been clicked. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) User interactive device button has been double clicked. For double click the behaviour is almost similar to single click, only raised event differs. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonDoubleClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonDoubleClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonDoubleClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonDoubleClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) User interactive device button has been pressed down. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) User interactive device button has been released. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Getter of the ZoomPadding, supported by Round and 3D Views ZoomPanOptions. ZoomPadding of the given view, if supported. Occurs when a user interactive device button is clicked over the legend box scroll bars param legendBox M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonClickedOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonClickedOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonClickedOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonClickedOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonClickedOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) Handle user interactive device button down. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param item M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Occurs when a user interactive device button is down on the legend box scroll bars param legendBox M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) Handle user interactive device button up event. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param interactedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bExit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param item M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Occurs when a user interactive device button is up over the legend box scroll bars. param legendBox M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param mousedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param exit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) Handle user interactive device move. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceMoveAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceMoveAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param item M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceMoveAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceMoveAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Occurs when a user interactive device is moved over the legend box scroll bars param legendBox M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceMoveOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceMoveOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceMoveOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleDeviceMoveOnLegendBoxScrollBars(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean) Handle ScrollBar user interactive device button clicked event. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) Handle ScrollBar user interactive device button down event. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) Handle horizontal scroll bars interactive device button up event. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param mousedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param exit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) Handle ScrollBar user interactive device move on different views. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceMove(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceMove(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param mibHandled M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceMove(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleHorizontalScrollBarsDeviceMove(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Handle margins changed Occurs when vertical scroll bars were clicked by device button. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) Handle ScrollBar user interactive device button down event. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean) Handle vertical scroll bars user interactive device button up event. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param mousedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) param exit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@) Handle vertical scroll bar user interactive device move on different views. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceMove(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceMove(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param mibHandled M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceMove(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.HandleVerticalScrollBarsDeviceMove(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Render chart if item list changed. param sender M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.ItemListChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs) param e M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.ItemListChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs) User interactive device over graph. Precalculated center of the margin area in PX, not DIPs. Margins between control's edges and for example graph area borders in DIPs. If using ViewXY AxisLayout.AutoAdjustMargins must be disabled this to apply. Margins changed. Don't deal with mouse move if the coordinate has not changed. It causes massive CPU load when having lots of data and effect timer is running. param iMouseX M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.MoveOnSameCoordinate(System.Int32,System.Int32) param iMouseY M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.MoveOnSameCoordinate(System.Int32,System.Int32) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.MoveOnSameCoordinate(System.Int32,System.Int32) OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Gets Owner chart of the view. Check is position is over graph. param coord M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.PositionOverGraph(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.PositionOverGraph(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY) Reset interactive object state to idle. param mib M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.SetInteractiveObjectToIdle(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) User interactive device has been moved. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Mouse wheel has been scrolled. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Margins changed event. Provides data for the Margins changed event. Zoom, pan and auto-fitting options base for ViewXY. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. User interactive device primary button action. User interactive device secondary button action. User interactive device tertiary button action. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. User interactive device panning threshold in pixels. Pan occurs only when device button is pressed down and the device movement equals the given pixel value or is more. Gets or sets rectangle zooming threshold. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Zoom factor. It's used when zooming in with a user interactive device button click combined with Shift and/or Ctrl key. Shift key makes zooming in X dimension, Ctrl in Y dimension. Device primary button zooms in, secondary buttom zooms out. Zoom out rectangle fill. Gets or sets zoom out rectangle line style. Zoom rectangle fill. Zoom rectangle line style Bar view options Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.BarViewOptions3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Space between bars in same group as world values. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Space between bar groups as world values, when grouping is fitted. Space between edge and nearest groups as world values, when grouping is fitted. Stack sum. The series values amongst different series are stacked and stretched to make this sum. Convert class description to string String Grouping series to view. Bitmap fill for 3D surface mesh. Default constructor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.BitmapFill3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Antialias. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Image object Image alpha. 0 is transparent, 255 fully visible Flip image horizontally Mirror bitmap vertically. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Convert object to string. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.BitmapFill3D.ToString Camera in 3D view. Defines how and from what direction the world is seen from. Constructor. Constructor. Camera owner view. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Converts view distance value into a orthographic view area. Used for building projection matrix. param distance M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Camera3D.DistanceToOrthographicViewArea(System.Double) Orthographic view area. Field of view, that is, perspective angle. Getter of the far clipping distance for the 3D projection. This is an advanced setting that is not supported in normal use and should not be modified. Current far clipping distance. Gets camera location in 3D world space. Camera location. Getter of the near clipping distance for the 3D projection. This is an advanced setting that is not supported in normal use and should not be modified. Current near clipping distance. Locks user pointer device (mouse etc) based rotation to use current camera orientation settings for rotation axis. This affects the way horizontal rotation behaves on certain values. This has no effect when is . This method is intended mostly as internal operation of LC. It's run when , or properties are changed, causing horizontal rotation axis to be locked based on the current rotation settings. The method has been left as public for special cases, where users need to make the same operation without modifying the rotation parameters. Minimum View distance. Limits the adjust range of ViewDistance. In some cases, you don't want to let the user set the camera too near. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Type of orientation angle definition used in camera orientation. This affects how on the orientation angles (, and ) are interpreted and how do they affect the camera orientation / position. See for more detailed description of options. Converts orthographic view's area into a view distance value. param ViewArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Camera3D.OrthographicViewAreaToDistance(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SizeFloat) Orthographic view's area as view distance. Converts orthographic view's area into a view distance value. Orthographic view area. Aspect ratio. Field of view, in radians. Orthographic view's area as view distance. Gets or sets camera projection type. Part of defining camera orientation and position, by setting its looking direction rotation around X-axis (pitch, elevation) in degrees. Selected Orientation mode () defines how the value affects camera orientation and position. See enumeration for more information. and needs to be set as well for defining camera orientation. The rotation values are taken into account on a specific order, NOT on the order they are set. In some orientation modes setting this value causes user device horizontal rotation axis to be set. Maximum allowed value of property. This can be used to limit camera orientation / location to some specific area. Minimum allowed value of property. This can be used to limit camera orientation / location to some specific area. Part of defining camera orientation and position, by setting its looking direction rotation around Y-axis (Yaw, Heading, Bearing) in degrees. Selected Orientation mode () defines how the value affects camera orientation and position. See enumeration for more information. and needs to be set as well for defining camera orientation. The rotation values are taken into account on a specific order, NOT on the order they are set. In some orientation modes setting this value causes user device horizontal rotation axis to be set. Maximum allowed value of property. This can be used to limit camera orientation / location to some specific area. Minimum allowed value of property. This can be used to limit camera orientation / location to some specific area. Part of defining camera orientation and position, by setting its looking direction rotation around Z-axis (pitch, elevation) in degrees. This property has highly different effects on different orientation modes. Selected Orientation mode () defines how the value affects camera orientation and position. See enumeration for more information. and needs to be set as well for defining camera orientation. The rotation values are taken into account on a specific order, NOT on the order they are set. In some orientation modes setting this value causes user device horizontal rotation axis to be set. Maximum allowed value of property. This can be used to limit camera orientation / location to some specific area. Minimum allowed value of property. This can be used to limit camera orientation / location to some specific area. Same as setting RotationX, RotationY and RotationZ properties separately. Allows easier setting of the properties and is faster than separate setting of the properties. param X M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Camera3D.SetEulerAngles(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) param Y M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Camera3D.SetEulerAngles(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) param Z M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Camera3D.SetEulerAngles(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double) Setter of the far clipping distance for the 3D projection. This is an advanced setting that is not supported in normal use and should not be modified. New far clipping distance. Setter of the near clipping distance for the 3D projection. This is an advanced setting that is not supported in normal use and should not be modified. New near clipping distance. Sets camera orientation angles to values based given predefined orientation setting. Predefined camera orientation setting to be used. Target 3D world coordinate. Camera is targeted towards this coordinate. Use (0,0,0) to center in the 3D view. View distance is calculated from this target. Convert class description to string String View distance. You should use values in range 10...1000. Distance is calculated from Target. On View3D a certain area is selected that axes are shown around. In effect the axes form a cube that the axes are drawn on three edges of. The area is further specified by drawing walls on some of it's faces. The area can also be visualized by drawing a framebox around it. The FrameBox consists of lines drawn along the edges of the cube. Constructor Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Color of the FrameBox line color. Style that defines how the FrameBox is presented. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Style to present the framebox with. Framemebox is not shown. Framebox is shown on all of the edges of the cube. Represents a class that provides arguments for the GeometryConstructed event. Creates and initializes a new instance of GeometryConstructedEventArgs class. MeshModel object. X-coordinate array. Y-coordinate array. Z-coordinate array. Legend box for 3D series. Constructor. Constructor Parent. Categorization. Category title color Category font Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Occurs when the mouse pointer moves out over the series title. Occurs when the mouse pointer moves in over the series title. Surface scales. Convert class description to string String The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event. Base class for 3D view LegendBox. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Position of the legend box in relation to rest of the chart. Light in 3D. Constructor. Don't use from code. Constructor Parent. Ambient color of the light Lighting attenuation, constant. Atten = 1 / (att0 + att1 * d + att2 * d2) Lighting attenuation, linear factor. Atten = 1 / (att0 + att1 * d + att2 * d2) Lighting attenuation, quadratic factor. Atten = 1 / (att0 + att1 * d + att2 * d2) Diffuse color of the light Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Is the light switched on Light location Use the view camera location as the location of the light. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Specular color of the light Target coordinates. Applies to Directional light and Spotlight types. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Palette coloring type Material for 3D objects Constructor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Material3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Ambient color Material main color Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Emissive color OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Specular color Specular power Convert class description to string String Mesh model. Constructor. Constructor. Use primary axis for axis binding. Parent. Constructor. Parent. X-axis binding. Y-axis binding. Z-axis binding. Construct object. Create a mesh model from positions, texture coordinates, bitmap and optional indices. Vertex array. Texture coordinate array. Bitmap. Texture wrapping mode. Optional index array. Success code. Create a mesh model from positions, normals, texture coordinates, bitmap and optional indices. Vertex array. Vertex normals array. Texture coordinate array. Bitmap. Texture wrapping mode. Optional index array. Success code. Create a mesh model from positions and optionally colors. Vertex array. Color array, optional. Success code. Create a mesh model from positions, colors, normals and optional indices. Vertex array. Color array. Vertex normals array. Optional index array. Success code. Create a mesh model from positions and colors. Positions must be triplets of triangle points and each color in input is color of each triangle. Triangle position array. Color per triangle (array of Int32). Optional normal array. Success code. Create a mesh model from positions and colors. Positions must be triplets of triangle points and each color in input is color of each triangle. Triangle position array. Color per triangle (array of Color). Optional normal array. Success code. Face culling determines which faces are not rendered based on their winding order. If model show wrong faces, culling may be an issue. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Render as filled. Geometry has been constructed. Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters True if position is over item, false otherwise Load from obj format file (.obj). Filename. Load from obj format resource. Resource name. Load from obj file stream (.obj). Source stream (obj file formatted). Model file name. Position (offset) in axis values. Sets MeshModel's rendering order in relation to other series. Rotating angles, in degrees MeshModel shading mode. Scaling factor. Convert class description to string String Enable sending events of model face tracking. User has traced a triangle of mesh with user interactive device. Update mesh bitmap, without reconstructing the geometry. Bitmap image. Update mesh colors. The color order must be identical with event vertex array. Array of colors. Update mesh wireframe colors. The color order must be identical with event vertex array. Array of colors. Render as wireframe. Wireframe color. Visible. X axis binding Y axis binding Z axis binding Return value of various Create() methods. Success. No vertexes. Normal count does not match vertex count. Texture coordinate count does not match vertex count. Color count does not match vertex count. No colors. Normal and color count do not match. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the GeometryConstructed event. Provides data for the GeometryConstructed event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the TriangleTraced event. Provides data for the TriangleTraced event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the TriangleTracedEventArgs event. Creates and initializes a new instance of MouseTraceTriangleChanged class. Axis values of traced triangle intersection point. MeshModel object. Model spaced coordinates of traced triangle. Index to nearest coordinate of traced triangle. Value is in range 0..2. World spaced coordinates of traced triangle. Position, sizing and rotation affect this value. Orientation Arrows 3D Options Constructor, for serialization purposes Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.OrientationArrowsOptions3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Orientation Arrow's length in screen pixels, maximum projection. Orientation Arrow's width in screen pixels. Color of X-axis Orientation Arrow. Default 'Red' Color of Y-axis Orientation Arrow. Default 'Green' Color of Z-axis Orientation Arrow. Default 'Blue' Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Convert class description to string String Is Orientation Arrows visible or not. Point style in 3D Constructor Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.PointStyle3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Detail level effecting some shape styles Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Rotating angles of 3D shape, in degrees Shape type for 2D type. Shape Shape type. Point size, 3D shape Convert class description to string String Polygon in 3D. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Polygon3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D) Constructor. Parent. X-axis binding. Y-axis binding. Z-axis binding. Clears the Points array. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Is position over polygon. X coordinate Y coordinate param useDIP M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Polygon3D.IsPositionOver(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Polygon3D.IsPositionOver(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) Material. Series points Rotation of polygon. Object as string. Object as a string. Visible. X axis binding Y axis binding YMax YMin Z axis binding Rectangle in 3D. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Rectangle3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D) Constructor. Parent. X-axis binding. Y-axis binding. Z-axis binding. Center of rectangle. Create member. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Rectangle fill. Free DrawData. Is Mouse Over. Mouse X-coordinate. Mouse Y-coordinate. Use DIP. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.Rectangle3D.IsPositionOver(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean) OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Rotation of rectangle. Rectangle size. Object as string. Object as a string. Visible. X axis binding Y axis binding Z axis binding Rectangle3D visual properties. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Create material. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Image object Image alpha. 0 is transparent, 255 fully visible (opaque). Fill layout Series material Tile count on height dimension Tile count on width dimension. Convert class description to string Class description as a string. Use Image when drawing. Represents a class that provides arguments for the SeriesTitleUserInteractiveDeviceMoved event. Creates and initializes a new instance of SeriesTitleUserInteractiveDeviceMoved class. SeriesTitleMoved The series over which the user interactive device was moved in or out. User interaction based rotation snapping options for View3D and especially Camera3D. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Disposes the object Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.UserInteractionRotateSnappingOptions Snap enabled Snap Tolerance Snap angle OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Defines if the snapping is enabled or not. Angle as degrees that the view direction can be away from the defined snap angle for the snapping to happen. Snap to vertical plane of angle 0. Snap to vertical plane of angle 45. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Enum of possible angles to control through interface. These can be converted to angles using GetAngle() method. No angle Zero angle 45 degree angle Wall base class. Constructor. Constructor Owner of wall Wall type Hides the wall if it gets between the camera and chart contents Create members. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Full transparent wall except grid lines Get grid strip color for first dimension Grid strip color Get grid strip color for second dimension Grid strip color Get wall type Wall type Is position over wall. X coordinate Y coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over series. Else false. Major grid shift towards camera. Minor grid shift towards camera. Wall material OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Set grid strip color for first dimension Color Set grid strip color for second dimension Color Thickness of the wall Convert class description to string String Update Custom Tick param aCatDimIndex M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.WallBase.UpdateCustomTickIndex(System.Int32[],System.Int32@,System.Double,System.Collections.Generic.IList{Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.CustomAxisTick}) param catIndex M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.WallBase.UpdateCustomTickIndex(System.Int32[],System.Int32@,System.Double,System.Collections.Generic.IList{Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.CustomAxisTick}) param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.WallBase.UpdateCustomTickIndex(System.Int32[],System.Int32@,System.Double,System.Collections.Generic.IList{Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.CustomAxisTick}) param list M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.WallBase.UpdateCustomTickIndex(System.Int32[],System.Int32@,System.Double,System.Collections.Generic.IList{Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.CustomAxisTick}) Is the wall visible or not XY plane wall. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Wall type. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Grid strip color for X dimension Grid strip color for Y dimension Grid color strips Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Source axis for X grid Source axis for Y grid XZ plane wall. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Wall type. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Grid strip color for X dimension Grid strip color for Z dimension Grid color strips Convert class description to string String Source axis for X grid Source axis for Z grid YZ plane wall Constructor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.WallYZ.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,Arction.Wpf.Charting.WallType) param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.WallYZ.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode,Arction.Wpf.Charting.WallType) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Grid strip color for Y dimension Grid strip color for Z dimension Grid color strips Convert class description to string String Source axis for Y grid Source axis for Z grid Code related to DataCursor at View3D. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. List of 3D annotations. 3D bar series list. Bar view options 3D. Camera viewpoint has changed. Clip series and Mesh model inside space limited axis ranges. Convert 3D world coordinates into screen coordinates. 3D world coordinates. Screen coordinates. Converts 3D world space coordinate to series value, using the axes bound to the series. Series X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Series value Converts series points to 3D world space coordinates, using the axes bound to the series. Series. Points to convert. 3D world space coordinate. Converts series points to 3D world space coordinates, using the axes bound to the series. Series. Array of SeriesPointCompact3D to convert. 3D world space coordinate. Converts series points to 3D world space coordinates, using the axes bound to the series. Series. Array of SeriesPointCompactColored3D to convert. 3D world space coordinate. Converts series points to screen coordinates, using the axes bound to the series. 3D series. Array of SeriesPoint3D to convert. Array of screen coordinates. Converts compact series points to screen coordinates, using the axes bound to the series. 3D series. Array of SeriesPointCompact3D to convert. Array of screen coordinates. Converts compact colored series points to screen coordinates, using the axes bound to the series. 3D series. Array of SeriesPointCompactColored3D to convert. Array of screen coordinates. Converts series value range to 3D world space range, using the axes bound to the series. Series. X-range. Y-range. Z-range. 3D world space ranges. Converts series value to 3D world space coordinate, using the axes bound to the series. Series. X-value. Y-value. Z-value. 3D world space coordinate. Converts series value to screen coordinate, using the axes bound to the series. Series. X-value. Y-value. Z-value. Screen coordinate. Data cursor shows series data value at or near mouse position. User interactive device button has been clicked. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Mouse button has been clicked down. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Mouse button has been released. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) 3D world dimensions have changed. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Framebox that shows the graph area, in extension to walls. Get list of series having this axis bound as X-, Y- or Z-axis, primary or secondary. 3D axis. List of series. Get all 3D series. List of 3D series. Get all 3D surface series. List of 3D surface series. Get all 3D but surface series. List of all 3D but surface series. Get list of axes. List of axes. Get list of walls. List of walls. Handle mouse down. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param item M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Handler gets Graph segment information Finds out if the given position is over graph area. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Use DIP for input point. True if is over Legend box for 3D view. Generates DrawData for axis aligned framebox of a given 3D rectangle (somebody would call it box or cube). Rectangle to draw the box of. Color to use with the lines. DrawData of the edges of the box drawn using given color and AntiAliased hairline. Mesh model list. Move 3D point to screen coordinate on directions based on the basis. Tell which axises to use for moving: Primary or Secondary. Point with axis values. Point in screen coordinates to which direction startPoint will be moved. Tells dimension on which to move the point. Use DIPs as coordinates. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.MovePoint(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axis3DBinding,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointDouble3D,Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointFloatXY,Arction.Wpf.Charting.MovementDimension,System.Boolean) OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Orientation arrows options. 3D point line series list. List of 3D polygons. Position over Graph. Position returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.PositionOverGraph(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY) Raise camera view changed event. Raise dimension changed event. Rectangle3D list. Virtual method that is called when walls sorting becomes dirty. Before this the sorting dirtiness was kept (and still is) using m_bSortingDirty. We need to know when the sorting becomes dirty so that we can mark the FrameBox dirty, as there is little point doing the check on every frame. Surface grid series list. Surface mesh series list. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. User interactive device has been moved. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Back wall. Bottom wall (floor). Front wall. Left wall. Right wall. Top wall (ceiling). Waterfall series list. Wheel scrolled. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3D.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Volume model list. Primary X-axis for 3D view. Secondary X-axis for 3D view. Primary Y-axis for 3D view. Secondary Y-axis for 3D view. Primary Z-axis for 3D view. Secondary Z-axis for 3D view. Zoom, pan and rotation options. Delegate for CameraViewChanged event. New camera view point. View containing the camera. Chart where the error occurred. Delegate for DimensionsChanged event. New width. New height. New depth. View3D containing the camera. Chart where the error occurred. 3D view base class. Constructor Constructor. Parent. Adjust selected annotation target z value. z change Automatically size margins based on LegendBox position and size. Border Options for View re-calculates the margin area and drawcenter, marks all affected to dirty. Camera (point of view). Convert a 3D point to screen coordinate. X-coordinate. Y-coordinate. Z-coordinate. Point in screen coordinates. Create camera. Create default lights. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.CreateDefaultLights Create dimensions. User interactive device button has been double clicked. For double click the behavior is almost similar to single click, only raised event differs. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.DeviceButtonDoubleClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.DeviceButtonDoubleClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.DeviceButtonDoubleClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.DeviceButtonDoubleClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Dimensions (size) of the 3D chart view Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get Pan Sensitivity returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.GetPanSensitivity Get Rotation Sensitivity set as public property. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.GetRotationSensitivity Getter of the ZoomPadding, supported by Round and 3D Views ZoomPanOptions. ZoomPadding of the given view, if supported. List of lights Lights list changed param sender M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.LightsListChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs) param e M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.LightsListChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs) Camera rotation on X axis. Camera rotation on Y axis. Camera rotation on Z axis. Panning and zooming start camera location. Panning and zooming start camera target. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Convert 3D point coordinates to world coordinates. X-value. Y-value. Z-value. X-axis. Y-axis. Z-axis. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.Point3DToCoordW(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.Axis3DBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.Axis3DBase,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.Axis3DBase) Check is position is over graph. Position returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.PositionOverGraph(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY) Raise camera view changed event. Raise dimension changed event. Set a predefined lighting scheme. Lighting scheme. Set predefined lighting scheme without refresh. param scheme M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.SetPredefinedLightingSchemeWithoutRefresh(Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightingScheme) Sorting Dirty User interactive device has been moved. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Mouse wheel scrolled. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Zooms the view so that the data is visible at maximum possible size. Area is either the full drawing area inside or area which is further limited by , depending on case. For more information, see options at . param area M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.View3DBase.ZoomToFit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ZoomArea3D) Volume model. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Constructor. Parent. Texture map. Texture map width. Texture map height. Amount of slices. Constructor. Parent. Path to the folder with slices. Constructor. Parent. Path to the texture map. Amount of slices on texture map. Constructor. Parent. Texture map. Amount of slices on texture map. Constructor. Parent. An array of slices. Constructor. Use primary axis for axis binding. Parent. Constructor. Parent. X-axis binding. Y-axis binding. Z-axis binding. Constructor. Path to the folder with slices. Constructor. Path to the texture map. Amount of slices on texture map. Brightness option of the transfer function skip color for volume model not to draw Clip color range of VolumeModel where color component values between 0.0-1, inclusive. Construct object. Darkness option of the transfer function Model bitmap data. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Sampling rate for empty space skipping settings. Low level increases performance, but can reveal some artifacts. Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate true if position is over item, false otherwise Receive a texture map as byte array and assigns it to the volume data. Slice map data. Slice map width. Slice map height. Amount of slices in the slice map. Receive a texture map and set assigns it to the volume data. Path to the texture map. Amount of slices per side. Receive a texture map and assigns it to the volume data. Texture map. Amount of slices on texture map. Receive an array of slices and assign it to the volume data. Path to the folder with slices. Receive an array of slices and assign it to the volume data. An array of slices. True, if can load data, false otherwise. Opacity for semi-transparent volume rendering functions Position. Enum specifies Ray Function, which is used to render the model. Rotating angles, in degrees Set of setting for Sampling Rate Manager Set Chart. param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View3D.VolumeModel.SetChart(Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Point size Slice Range settings per every dimension Smoothness factor for Iso-Surface rendering Threshold settings, to cut away unaccepted part of the model Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Visible. X axis binding Y axis binding Z axis binding Zoom, pan and rotation options for View3D. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Auto fit axis ranges to added series data values. Device wheel action on axis. Draw cross at zoom box front face when zooming out. Zoom out factor. Used when box-zooming out. User interactive device primary button action. User interactive device secondary button action. User interactive device tertiary button action. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get Auto-Fit range, two opposite corner points of drawing region as axis values. Minimum axis coordinates. Maximum axis coordinates. True, if range could be fetched, false otherwise. Limit box zooming inside graph. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Gets or sets rectangle zooming threshold. Right-to-left zoom action. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Wheel reactive axis thickness. Zoom box color. Zoom box edge line style when box-zooming in. Zoom box edge line style when box-zooming out. Zoom, pan and rotation options for 3D Views Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor View owner Allow zoom in / out with user interactive device wheel. User interactive device primary button double click action. Determines what zoom / pan operation to do at double click of device primary button. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Enable multitouch panning. Enable multitouch zooming. Pan sensitivity. 1 = normal sensitivity. Rotation sensitivity. 1 = normal sensitivity. Zoom factor. It's used when zooming (moving camera closer to 3D model center) in or out by user interactive device wheel. Padding affecting zooming operations. The empty space left between the zoom area and the margins. LegendBox for 3D pie. Constructor for editor. Constructor. Parent. Occurs when the mouse pointer moves out over the series title. Occurs when the mouse pointer moves in over the series title. Item to string. Item as a string. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event. Material for 3D pie objects Constructor. Constructor param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.MaterialPie3D.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Ambient color Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Emissive color OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Specular color Specular power Convert class description to string String Pie slice. Constructor. Constructor. Value of the pie slice. Add to owner view's Values list. Color. Parent. Title text. Blinks the series color when user interactive device is over it. If this is false, only simple highlight will be shown. Pie slice color. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Expand slice a bit further from center. Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over item, false otherwise OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Get item as LegendBoxMouseObject. related object returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.PieSlice.op_Implicit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.PieSlice)~Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.LegendBoxObject Enlists the series title text in Legend box of the chart Pie slice title. Name alignment. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Pie slice value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the SeriesTitleDeviceMoved event. Creates and initializes a new instance of SeriesTitleDeviceMovedEventArgs class. The series over which the mouse pointer was moved in or out. 3D pie view class Constructor. Constructor Parent. List of annotations. Camera viewpoint has changed Create camera. Create dimensions. User interactive device button clicked. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) User interactive device button down. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) User interactive device button up. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Dimensions (size) of the 3D chart view 3D world dimensions have changed Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Donut inner diameter, in percents. Explode percent. Handler gets Graph segment information Pie legend box. Lighting scheme. Pie material. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Raise camera view changed event. Raise dimension changed event. Edge rounding percentage. Set pie size. Size. Default is 150 Pie first item start angle. 3D pie draw style. Pie thickness. Number formatting string used when a numeric titles style is selected Titles style Convert class description to string String User interactive device has been moved. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Pie slice values. User interactive device wheel scrolled. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPie3D.ViewPie3D.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Zoom, pan and rotation options. Delegate for CameraViewChanged event New camera view point View containing the camera Chart where the error occurred Delegate for DimensionsChanged event New width New height New depth View3D containing the camera Chart where the error occurred Zoom, pan and rotation options for View3D Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor Parent. Device primary button action. Device secondary button action. Device tertiary button action. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Get Auto-Fit range, two opposite corner points of drawing region as axis values. Minimum axis coordinates. Maximum axis coordinates. True, if range could be fetched. Otherwise false. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. LegendBox for polar series. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Categorization. Category title color Category font Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Palatte scales. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. ViewPolar class inherits ViewPolarBase. Constructs new ViewPolar. Constructs new ViewPolar. Parent. Polar axis list. Placement of Amplitude Axis is done automatically. If false, it will consider start angle as 0. Calculates radius in pixels for given zoom factor. Radius in pixels. Common construct method, called from the base class. Create Polar Axes. Default Polar Axes. Check if user interactive device button was clicked param Type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param Front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) Check if user interactive device button is down. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) Check if user interactive device button is up. param Type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bMousedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bExit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param Front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Free markers. param creatingDeviceOrDisposing M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.FreeMarkersDrawData(System.Boolean) Getter of the current views top-left and bottom-right corner axis values for the given axis. Axis index to get the view values of. Views top-left corner axis values. Views bottom-right corner axis values. Getter of the current views top-left, bottom-left, top-right and bottom-right corner axis values. Index of the axis to get the corner values in relation to. Views top-left corner axis values. Views top-right corner axis values. Views bottom-right corner axis values. Views bottom-left corner axis values. Occurs when user interactive device is moved. param Type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param mibHandled M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param Front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) Handler gets Graph segment information Virtual method that is called when zoom or panning properties have changed. The Chart update cycle has not been ended yet. Implement to react to the event. Number of axes on last SetSubnodeOwners call. To be called as beginingn of user interactive device move and click checks / handling to cleanup states. Mouse wheel has been scrolled. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolar.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Zooms the view to given rectangle, defined by the axis values of the diagonal corners of the rectangle. If the rectangle is of wrong aspect ratio, center point of the given rectangle is followed. Index of the axis to set the corner values in relation to. One corner axis values. One corner axis values. Visible views center as unit circle coordinates. Polar chart view's base class. Annotations list. Polar area series list. re-calculates the margin area and drawcenter, marks all affected to dirty. Call base constructor Creates the legend box. Create new Zoom Pan Options for Polar Check if mouse was clicked param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) Virtual method to override if the class wants to handle user interactive device down event of axis on proper time. Type of an object Event Check if device is outside or inside the Graph area param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) True if the event was consumed. Checks if the user interactive device up event applies to the given item. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param interactedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bExit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Free DD of the zoom system. Rects etc. Get Data Bounds in PX. rect defining the rectangle that fully encompasses all of the visible (non clipped) datapoints. Rect is defined in actual pixels. Getter of the ZoomPadding, supported by Round and 3D Views ZoomPanOptions. Returns empty (default) value if ZoomPanOptions is not set. ZoomPadding of the given view, if supported. Handle user interactive device button down. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param item M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonDownAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Handle user interactive device up event. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bMousedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bExit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param item M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Occurs when the mouse is moved param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param mibHandled M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) Legend box. Shows description of series. ZoomPanOptions, that contains settings for Zooming and panning and similar operations. Controlled through Can be internally requested at base classes through Polar markers. Polar point line series list. Sector list. Set zoom pan options for Polar param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.SetZoomPanOptions(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ZoomPanOptionsPolar) Convert class description to string String Pan of user interactive device wheel on Axis. param zoomIn M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.WheelPanOnAxis(System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar) param axis M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.WheelPanOnAxis(System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar) Zoom on Axis using user interactive device wheel. param zoomIn M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.WheelZoomOnAxis(System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar,System.Int32,System.Int32) param axis M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.WheelZoomOnAxis(System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar,System.Int32,System.Int32) param iCoordX M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.WheelZoomOnAxis(System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar,System.Int32,System.Int32) param iCoordY M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewPolar.ViewPolarBase.WheelZoomOnAxis(System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisPolar,System.Int32,System.Int32) Zoom, pan and auto-fit options. Zoom, pan and auto-fitting options for Polar view. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor Parent. Device wheel action on amplitude axis. Affects the circumference axis line rotation so that if the value is none, the rotation is disabled. Device wheel action on circumference. Represents a class that provides arguments for the AfterPropChanged event for round view. typeparam T T:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.AfterPropChangeEventArgs`1 Cancel rendering after the property change event has been handled. New value of the property. Old value of the property. Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforePanning event for round view. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.BeforePanningRoundEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforePropChange event for round view. typeparam T T:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.BeforePropChangeEventArgs`1 Cancel property modification. New value. Old value. Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforeZooming event for round view. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.BeforeZoomingRoundEventArgs LegendBox for round views. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Position of the legend box in relation to rest of the chart. Occurs when the mouse pointer moves out over the series title. Occurs when the mouse pointer moves in over the series title. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Units text color Units text font. Series value label color. Series value label font. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the Panned event for round view. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.PannedRoundEventArgs Represents a class that provides arguments for the SeriesTitleDeviceMoved event. Creates and initializes a new instance of SeriesTitleDeviceMovedEventArgs class. The series over which the user interactive device pointer was moved in or out. Base class for all round views. These are Smith -and Polar views. Automatically size margins based on LegendBox position and size. Panning is about to start. Zooming is about to start. Border Options for View. re-calculates the margin area and drawcenter, marks all affected to dirty. Calculates radius in pixels for given zoom factor. Radius in pixels. Calculates radius in pixels for given zoom factor. Radius in pixels. Virtual construction / initialization method. Called by all constructors. Convert absolute screen coordinates to relative unit circle coordinates. Coords in screen space. Use DIPs instead of pixels as parameters. Given coordinates in relative unit circle space, with origo at the center of the circle. Convert absolute screen coordinates to relative unit circle coordinates. The given pointfloat is modified. Coordinates in screen space on entry. On exit contains matching unit circle coordinates. Use DIPs instead of pixels as parameters. Required method that creates proper legend box and sets the m_LegendBox property Create Border User interactive device click handler for given object types. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) User interactive device button has been clicked. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Mouse button has been clicked down. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Virtual method to override if the class wants to handle mouse down event of axis on proper time. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) Determines if the object is considered being in front or in back. Actual meaning differs between ObjectTypes True if the event was consumed. Mouse button has been released. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Checks if the user interactive device up event applies to the given item. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param interactedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bExit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Event launcher for zoom scale changes. Called after the zooming. Suits like this for polar, override for smith Old zoom scale True if rendering frame should be stopped. Event launcher for zoom center changes. Suits like this for polar, override for smith New zoom center as UC True if zoom was successful. False if canceled. Event launcher for zoom scale changes. Called before the zooming. Suits like this for polar, override for smith New zoom scale True if value change is ok, false if zoom should not happen. Event launcher for zoom center changes. Called after the pan. Suits like this for polar, override for smith Old center as UC True if rendering should be canceled. Fixes aspect ratio to match the view aspect ratio. Keeps X,Y coords if Center property is false (default), negative sizes allowed (suggested in some cases). Does not reduce the rect size, only increases it. If true, keep the rect center in place. Otherwise the X/Y is kept in place (which is not necessarily the left/top) Increases the size same amount on both directions. Free marker draw data. param creatingDeviceOrDisposing M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.FreeMarkersDrawData(System.Boolean) Free DD of the zoom system. Rects etc. Get Smith or Polar charts outer diameter and center point in screen coordinates. Diameter (2 * radius). Center point X. Center point Y. True if successfully resolved. Getter of the bounds of the data in screen pixels (zoomed) for determination of the correct scale and center offset for the zooming so that all data is fit to view. Bounding box of the data in screen coordinates. Handle user interactive device up event. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bMousedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param bExit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) param item M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceButtonUpAction(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject) Handles user interactive device move events of the given type. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param mibHandled M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) Virtual method that is called when zoom or panning properties have changed or engine changed or margins changed or ... The Chart update cycle has not been ended yet. Marks if the content mask is dirty. Marks if the view contains changed content and if it should be re-rendered. (m_OuterDiameter/2)^2 for calculations optimizations Unscaled / natural diameter of the view in PX. Updated on view size changes. Center of the view in UnitCircle coordinates in relation to the circle center. User controlled property that the user can use to position the view. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Panning has ended. Check if position is over circular graph area. Meaning if it's inside the radius of the chart. Position returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.PositionOverGraph(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY) Set LegendBox param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.SetLegendBox(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.LegendBoxRound) Setter of the Zoom center in UC coords. Emits corresponding zoom events if allowed. New center of the view in UC coords. If true, emits events that the user can use to cancel rendering or prevent the zoom operation. True if zoom center changed Setter of the m_ZoomFactor. Emits corresponding zoom events if allowed. New Zoom scale to be set. If true, emits events that the user can use to cancel rendering or prevent the zoom operation. True if Zoom scale changed Convert class description to string String Convert relative unit circle coordinates to absolute screen coordinates. Unit circle coordinates to convert. Use DIPs instead of pixels as parameters. Absolute screen coordinates matching the given parameter. Convert relative unit circle coordinates to absolute screen coordinates. The given pointfloat is modified. Screen coordinates to convert into unit circle coordinates. Use DIPs instead of pixels as parameters. Convert relative unit circle coordinates to absolute screen coordinates. Unit circle coordinates to convert. Use DIPs instead of pixels as parameters. Absolute screen coordinates matching the given parameter. To be called as beginning of mouse move and mouse click checks / handling to cleanup states. User interactive device has been moved. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Mouse wheel has been scrolled. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Zoom the chart in or out. If stop point X is greater than start point X, zooms in. If stop point X is less than start point X action follows RightToLeftZoom property. Zoom start point X. Zoom start point Y. Zoom stop point X. Zoom stop point Y. Zoom by given factor and around given view center as DIP or screen coordinates. Screen coordinates of the new center point [default input in DIPs] Factor to modify the zoom scale by. Defines if the input value is in DIP or PX Reacts to changes in ZoomCenter property, updates drawing center quietly from zoom center. Zooming has ended. Current zooming scale. 1 is the default zoom that shows the circle at it's maximum size so that it just fills the view area reduced by the margins. Zooms the view so that the data is visible at maximum possible size. Area is either the full drawing area inside or are further limited by , depending on case. For more information, see options at . param zoomArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ViewRoundBase.ZoomToFit(Arction.Wpf.Charting.ZoomAreaRound) Zooms the round view so that labels area is fitted to area inside . Publicly accessible via method and . The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforePanning event. Provides data for the BeforePanning event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforeZooming event. Provides data for the BeforeZooming event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Panned event. Provides data for the Panned event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Zoomed event. Provides data for the Zoomed event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the Zoomed event for round view. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewRound.ZoomedRoundEventArgs Zoom, pan and auto-fitting options for Smith -and Polar views Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Zooms around zooming rectangle center point. Right-to-left zoom action. Device wheel zooming is allowed or not. Padding affecting zooming operations. The empty space left between the zoom area and the margins. Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforePanning event for round view. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.BeforePanningSmithEventArgs LegendBox for smith series. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Represents a class that provides arguments for the Panned event for round view. Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.PannedSmithEventArgs ViewSmith Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Smith axis. Panning is about to start. Calculates radius in pixels for given zoom factor. Radius in pixels. One time initialization method, called from all constructors. Check if user interactive device button was clicked. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param Front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) Virtual method to override if the class wants to handle user interactive device button down event of axis on proper time. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) True if the event was consumed. Checks if the user interactive device button up event applies to the given item. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bMousedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bExit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Event launcher for zoom events. param newCenter M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.FireBeforePanningEvent(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointUnitCircle) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.FireBeforePanningEvent(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointUnitCircle) Called after successful panning. Launches the after event. param oldCenter M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.FirePannedEvent(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointUnitCircle) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.FirePannedEvent(Arction.Wpf.Charting.PointUnitCircle) Getter of the bounding box for the series data in PX. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.GetDataBounds Getter of the current views top-left and bottom-right corner axis values. Views top-left corner axis values. Views bottom-right corner axis values. Getter of the current views top-left, bottom-left, top-right and bottom-right corner axis values. Views top-left corner axis values. Views top-right corner axis values. Views bottom-right corner axis values. Views bottom-left corner axis values. Handler for the user interactive device movements. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param mibHandled M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmith.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) Handler gets Graph segment information Virtual method that is called when zoom or panning properties have changed. The Chart update cycle has not been ended yet. Implement to react to the event. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Panning has ended. User interactive device has been moved. Zooms the view to given rectangle, defined by the axis values of the diagonal corners of the rectangle. If the rectangle is of wrong aspect ratio, center point of the given rectangle is followed. One corner axis values. One corner axis values. View center coordinates. Reacts to changes in the base ZoomCenter (UC) property, updates local Smith zoom center. To be called each time the ZoomCenter is modified or modification is detected in the base class. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforePanning event. Provides data for the BeforePanning event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Panned event. Provides data for the Panned event. Smith chart view's base class. Annotations list. re-calculates the margin area and drawcenter, marks all affected to dirty. Constructor calls base constructor Create new Legend Box form Smith Chart Create new Zoom Pan Options Check if user interactive device button was clicked. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonClickCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) Virtual method to override if the class wants to handle user interactive device button down event of axis on proper time. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonDownCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) True if the event was consumed. Checks if the user interactive device button up event applies to the given item. param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bMousedObjectFirst M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param bExit M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.DeviceButtonUpCheck(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Free DD of the zoom system. Rects etc. Getter of the ZoomPadding, supported by Round and 3D Views ZoomPanOptions. Returns empty (default) value if ZoomPanOptions is not set. ZoomPadding of the given view, if supported. Occurs when the mouse is moved param type M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param bIsOutsideGraphArea M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param mibHandled M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) param front M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.HandleDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.View2D.ObjectType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,System.Boolean,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveObject,System.Boolean) Legend box. Shows description of series ZoomPanOptions, that contains settings for Zooming and panning and similar operations. Controlled through Can be internally requested at base classes through Smith markers Smith point line series. Set zoom pan options for smith param value M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase.SetZoomPanOptions(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ZoomPanOptionsSmith) Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Zoom, pan and auto-fit options Zoom, pan and auto-fitting options for Smith view Zoom Pan Options for Smith Zoom Pan Options for Smith param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ZoomPanOptionsSmith.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewSmith.ViewSmithBase) Aspect ratio options for ViewXY. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Aspect ratio. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Manual aspect ratio, width / height. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Aspect ratio x-axis index. Aspect ratio y-axis index. Automatic titles placement. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Calculate title locations. Enable auto location with maximum distance calculation. If not applied, speeds things up a bit. Enable checking of label overlap with series data. Disabling this increases performance, but decreases quality. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Enable automatic series title placement. Maximum number of candidate locations for title. Reducing this would result faster location calculation. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized. Context Reset autolabeling. Enable crossing point search. Disabling this increases performance, but decreases quality, if data seems to overlap visually. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Use series title locations as shown on form. May cause minor overlapping. Auto Y scale fit options class. Constructor for Form editor. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Is automatic Y fitting enabled Margin in percents of min...max range. Using some margin leaves a gap between series and axis minimum and maximum values. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context If this is set, auto Y fit is done for all Y axes. If this is not set, auto Y fit targets only Y axes having AllowAutoYFit true. By using thorough detect method, all series point in visible X range are searched, resulting to accurate fitting, but with cost of extra CPU load. If the detection is not thorough, fitting is not always accurate in real-time monitoring usage. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Auto Y scale update interval in milliseconds Axis layout. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Auto adjust axis gap. Calculate margins automatically. Automatically shrink segments gap so that all segments can fit in graph. Axis grid strip. Dispose Layout Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.AxisLayout Grid visibility order. Note each axis has individual controls for major and minor grid visibility, color, line style etc. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Y-axis segment list. Used, when axis layout is segmented. When stacked or segmented view is defined and there's more than one Y-axis defined, this is the gap in pixels between graph segments. Converts object to string representation. Object as a string. X-axes auto placement. Place X-axis title automatically. If enabled overwrites X-axis' Title and Units two properties: VerticalAlign and DistanceToAxis. X-grid strip fill axis index. Y-axis mode, when there's several Y-axes defined Y-axes auto placement. Place Y-axis title automatically. If enabled overwrites Y-axis' Title and Units two properties: HorizontalAlign and DistanceToAxis. Y-grid fill strip axis index. Only applies when YAxesLayout is 'Layered'. In 'Stacked', each axis has an own vertical space and strips applied to that space only. Bar view options. Constructor for Form editor. Constructor. Parent. Space between bars in same group, in pixels Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Grouping of the bars Distance from bar group to bar group in pixels. Distance from bar edge to graph edge in pixels. It is used on left and right sides. Keep base level in axis minimum. Gets or sets the orientation of bars (horizontal or vertical). Stacking of bars of different series, that have same index or X value. Stack sum. The series values amongst different series are stacked and stretched to make this sum. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforePanning event for XY view. Creates and initializes a new instance of BeforePanningXYEventArgs class. Cancel zooming. X-axis range change information. Y-axis range change information. Represents a class that provides arguments for the BeforeZooming event for XY view. Creates and initializes a new instance of BeforeZoomingXYEventArgs class. Zooming is done by mouse wheel. Cancel zooming. X-axis range change information. Y-axis range change information. Error bar settings. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ErrorBarSettings.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.IChartNode) Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. End length Show X error. Show Y error. Convert class description to string String X color X thickness Y color Y thickness LegendBox shows the series names and line/point styles in a box. Constructor for Form editor. Constructor. Parent. LegendBox alignment between Segments. LegendBox vertical alignment. Align LegendBoxes rendered on top by given edge. Items categorization Category title color Category font Create offset. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Intensity scales. Position LegendBox Segment index. Tells in which Segment the LegendBox should be drawn. Occurs when the mouse pointer moves out over the series title. Occurs when the mouse pointer moves in over the series title. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOff event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event. The object that raised the event. Provides data for the SeriesTitleMouseMoveOverOn event. Line series cursor allows tracking and evaluating line series values Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. x-axis Index of X-axis assigned to this cursor. Is cursor behind series or front. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Full cursor height. If true, the cursor height will be the height of the control. If false, the cursor is vertically painted in the graph area only. Grab padding is used to widen the active area. The area is widened on both sides the specified amount. Use cursor and dataseries colors or just cursor color for haircross. When Cursor style is set to 'TrackSeries', and multiple series values hit on same cursor X position, adjusts series tracking horizontal line height to match the minimum and maximum value on current cursor position. Is position over item. x-coordinate y-coordinate Use DIP instead of pixels as parameters true if position is over item, false otherwise Line style. OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Owner view Cursor position on X-axis has changed. Set proper cursor. Default for dragging is VSplit. When moving the cursor, jumps the cursor to nearest series point. Override LineSeriesCursor's Y-value solving/tracking method. Func (predefined generic) delegate type can be used with an anonymous method or lambda expression. Input parameter is series, which implements ITrackable interface. Output parameter is LineSeriesCoordinateSolveResult struct. Cursor style. Draw haircross horizontal line as 1px width, otherwise as wide as vertical. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Predicate to determine if the cursor should draw/resolve TrackPoint for a series implementing ITrackable interface. Tracking point style. Applies only when Style is set to PointTrack. X-value. Is cursor visible or not The delegate to use for handlers that receive the PositionChanged event. Provides data for the PositionChanged event. Miniscale represents a miniature axes equivalent. Miniscales can't be used with logarithmic scales. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Color Y line direction Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Horizontal alignment X dimension label style Y dimension label style Offset from position set by HorizontalAlign and VerticalAlign Preferred size. The control tries to adjust its size near to this, while displaying user friendly dimension values. Show X dimension Show Y dimension Dimension lines thickness Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Vertical alignment Is miniscale visible or not Represents a class that provides arguments for the Panned event for XY view. Creates and initializes a new instance of PannedXYEventArgs class. X-axis range information. Y-axis range information. Persistent series rendering intensity layer. Like PersistentSeriesRenderingLayer, but with palette coloring by hit count. Constructor Owner view X axis, whose series will be used in this layer Clears the rendering layer and sets all intensity values to 0. Create palette. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Current layer data intensity factor. Typically, keep 0.5 to 1.0 LegendBox value format. Value type: time, numeric or coordinates. Affects legend box value formatting. New trace intensity. Follows scale defined in ValueRangePalette OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Renders list of given series into the layer, in one batch. List of series to render returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.PersistentSeriesRenderingIntensityLayer.RenderSeries(System.Collections.Generic.List{Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.PointLineSeriesBase}) Show text in legend box. Layer title. Units text. Color palette for value information Persistent series rendering layer. Series can be rendered in a bitmap layer and the actual series freed. Saves a lot of memory, CPU and GPU resources, especially when rendering hundreds or thousands of series. The layer itself is rendered in the chart just before line series objects. Constructor Owner view X axis, whose series will be used in this layer Clears the rendering layer and sets the size to size of the chart control. Sets all data transparent (ARGB=0,255,255,255). Clears the rendering layer. Sets all data to given color. Color Allows decaying or bringing the layer more visible. Multiply factor Renders list of given series into the layer, in one batch. Faster than calling RenderSeries many times. List of series to render returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.PersistentSeriesRenderingLayer.RenderSeries(System.Collections.Generic.List{Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.PointLineSeriesBase}) Base class for persistent series rendering layers. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Owner view. X-axis, whose series will be used in this layer. Anti-aliasing. Works also if the GPU doesn't support anti-aliasing in hardware. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Clears the rendering layer. Sets all data to given color. Color OnDeserialized is called just after the object has been deserialized Context Renders the given series into the layer. Series to render. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.PersistentSeriesRenderingLayerBase.RenderSeries(Arction.Wpf.Charting.SeriesXY.PointLineSeriesBase) Represents a class that provides arguments for the PositionChanged event. Creates and initializes a new instance of PositionChangedEventArgs class. If you update the chart in the event handler, set to true to prevent flickering. Cursor. New value on X-axis. View rendering options. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Clean up any resources being used. True if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Compress GDI line series data. Line series enhanced anti-aliasing. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Represents a class that provides arguments for the SeriesTitleDeviceMoved event. Creates and initializes a new instance of SeriesTitleDeviceMovedEventArgs class. The series over which the mouse pointer was moved in or out. Border rendered around graph area Constructor for Form editor/xaml Constructor View owner Boolean for viewXY if border renders behind axes (true) XY graph view. Allows super-fast drawing of lines and bars. Constructor. Constructor. param owner M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.#ctor(Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) Annotations Area series list Determine if graph margins or space between Segments is automatically calculated due LegendBoxes. Axis layout Band list Bar series list Bar view options for Bar series Panning is about to start. Zooming is about to start. Border Options for ViewXY Calculate minimum and maximum cordinates from user interactive device location. Zoom start mouse position X coordinate. Zoom stop mouse position X coordinate. Zoom start mouse position Y coordinate. Zoom stop mouse position Y coordinate. X-minimum coordinate based on zoom mode. X-maximum coordinate based on zoom mode. Y-minimum coordinate based on zoom mode. Y-maximum coordinate based on zoom mode. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.CalculateMinMaxCoordinatesFromUserInteractiveDeviceLocation(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@) Cancel rectangle zooming. Chart event markers Clear zoom stack. Constant line list Create default LegendBox and add to list of LegendBoxes. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.CreateDefaultLegendBoxes Create default X-Axis and add to list of X-axes. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.CreateDefaultXAxes Create default Y-Axis and add to list of Y-axes. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.CreateDefaultYAxes Create new Zoom pan options Data cursor shows series data value at or near mouse position. Mouse button has been clicked. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonClicked(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) User interactive device button has been clicked down. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonDown(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) User interactive device button has been released. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.DeviceButtonUp(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) DigitalLineSeries line series list. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Automatically deletes chart event markers and series event markers, whose x value is less than X-axis minimum. By setting this true, the performance is much better in real-time monitoring applications. Automatically deletes series data, whose x value is less than X-axis minimum. By setting this true, the performance is much better in real-time monitoring applications. Enable parallel computation for SampleDataBlockSeries. Performance varies depending on hardware and sample count. Prefer parallelization, when series point count is high and there are multiple series. Enable or disable parallelization. FreeformPointLine series list Free all zoom draw data Gets list of all series added into SampleDataSeries, PointLineSeries, FreeformPointLineSeries, AreaSeries and HighLowSeries. List of series Get Enumerator of 2D Series. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.Get2DSeriesEnumerator Gets all series List of series Get list of all highlow series. List of highlow series Get list of all intensity series List of series Gets list of all series added into LineCollection. List of series Gets list of all series added into SampleDataSeries, PointLineSeries and FreeformPointLineSeries List of series Gets list of all triggable series. List of series Gets graph segment info. Useful when multiple Y-axes are defined and you need to know where the graph segment boundaries are. Graph segment info. Get list of highlow series belonging to given X axis param axisX M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.GetHighLowSeriesOfAxisX(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX) List of highlow series Get list of all intensity series bound to given axis X axis List of series Gets list of series added into SampleDataSeries, PointLineSeries and FreeformPointLineSeries, belonging to given X axis. param axisX M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.GetLineSeriesOfAxisX(Arction.Wpf.Charting.Axes.AxisX) List of series Get persistent series rendering layers and its descendant objects list. List of persistent series rendering layers. Get list of series having the given X-axis assigned. X-axis. List of series. Get list of series having the given Y-axis assigned. Y-axis. List of series. Determine the direction of zooming. returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.GetValidZoomDirection Get list of Y-axes which are in segment index given. Segment index. List of Y-axes. Getter of the ZoomPadding, supported by Round and 3D Views ZoomPanOptions. As does not support ZoomPadding, this method always returns empty (default) padding. ZoomPadding of the given view, if supported. Handler gets Graph segment information High-low series list List of evenly spaced intensity grid series List of intensity mesh series Finds out if the given position is over graph area. X coordinate Y coordinate True if is over ViewXY LegendBoxes. Line segment collection list LineSeriesCursors LiteFreeformLineSeries line series list. LiteLineSeries line series list. Maps. Measure text with given font. Text. Font. Dimensions in a point structure. If unable to measure, returns (0,0). Pan the view. Mouse X delta. Mouse Y delta. Panning has ended. PointLine series list Polygon series list Check is position over graph. Position returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.PositionOverGraph(Arction.Wpf.Charting.CoordXY) SampleDataBlockSeries line series list. Sampled data point line series list Stock data series list Automatic title placement settings. Convert class description to string. Class description as a string. Use multithreading for block series types. User interactive device has been moved. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param eventType M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.UserInteractiveDeviceMoved(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventType,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) User interactive device wheel has been been scrolled. param eventArguments M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) param chart M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) returns M:Arction.Wpf.Charting.Views.ViewXY.ViewXY.WheelScrolled(Arction.Wpf.Charting.UserInteractiveDeviceEventArgs,Arction.Wpf.Charting.LightningChart) X Axes list Y Axes list Occurs when the y-axis gap is reduced to zero, if y-axes do not fit with applied gap to graph area. Zoom the chart in or out. The input parameters in screen coordinates (pixels). If stop point X is greater than start point X, zooms in. If stop point X is less than start point X, fits the view. Zoom start point X, in pixels. Zoom start point Y, in pixels. Zoom stop point X, in pixels. Zoom stop point Y, in pixels. Zooms in by factor. Zoom center coordinate, default input in DIPs, zooming is made around it. Coordinate must hit the graph area (area between graph margins). Zoom factor over 1 zooms in, factor in range 0...1 zooms out. Apply zoom in X-dimension. Apply zoom in Y-dimension. Use DIPs instead of pixels as parameters. Zooming has ended. Zoom out from stack. Zoom, pan and auto-fit options View autoscale. Fits all axes so that all series data is shown. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforePanning event. Provides data for the BeforePanning event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the BeforeZooming event. Provides data for the BeforeZooming event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Panned event. Provides data for the Panned event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the YAxisGapChanged event. Provides data for the YAxisGapChanged event. The delegate to use for handlers that receive the Zoomed event. Provides data for the Zoomed event. Represents a class that provides arguments for the YAxisGapChangedEventArgs event. Creates and initializes a new instance of YAxisGapChangedEventArgs class. The averaged height for y-axis when gap is reduced to zero. Y-axis segment. Constructor. Constructor. Parent. Segment relative space. Represents a class that provides arguments for the Zoomed event for XY view. Creates and initializes a new instance of ZoomedXYEventArgs class. Cancel rendering after the Zoomed event has been handled. X-axis range information. Y-axis range information. Zoom, pan and auto-fitting options for ViewXY. Simple constructor for Form designer's list editor. Constructor. Parent. Alt-key enabled. Aspect ratio options. Auto Y fit options. User interactive device wheel action on axis. Ctrl-key enabled. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed, otherwise false. Ignore zero Y-values in auto-fitting, when using logarithmic Y-axis. Enable multi-touch panning. Gets or sets touch sensitivity. Multi-touch zoom direction. Enable multi-touch zooming. Pan direction. Limit rectangle zoom inside graph. Zoom mode. Link zooming if possible based on Units texts. Right-to-left zoom action. Shift-key enabled. Device wheel zooming. View fitting margin in pixels, gap left into top and bottom of Y-axes. Using some margin leaves a gap between series and axis minimum and maximum values.