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276 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using Txgy.EWS.Client.FocalMechanism.Model;
using Txgy.Microseismic.BaseLib.Models;
using FmGrid = Txgy.EWS.Client.FocalMechanism.Model.FmGrid;
namespace Txgy.EWS.Client.FocalMechanism.Core
public class ProcessCore
public Model.FmGrid grid { get; set; }
public delegate void dshowProgress(int current, int total);
public event dshowProgress OnShowProgress;
public ProcessCore(FmGrid g)
grid = g;
//canvas = new CanvasFactory(grid);
public ComputationResult ComputeResult(FMMap map)
//check null point
for (int j = 0; j < map.posStation.Count; j++)
int fj = grid.StationList.ToList<Model.FMStation>().FindIndex(fi => fi.Name==map.posStation[j]);
if (fj == -1)
for (int j = 0; j < map.negStation.Count; j++)
int fj = grid.StationList.ToList<Model.FMStation>().FindIndex(fi => fi.Name == map.negStation[j]);
if (fj == -1)
if (map.posStation.Count != 0 || map.negStation.Count != 0)
LineFactory lf = new LineFactory(this.grid);
ComputationResult l = lf.generateResult(map);
if (l != null)
return l;
CrossLineFactory cf = new CrossLineFactory(this.grid);
ComputationResult c = cf.generateResult(map);
if (c != null)
return c;
PolygonFactory pf = new PolygonFactory(this.grid);
ComputationResult poly = pf.generateResult(map);
if (poly != null)
return poly;
ComputationResult polyUnknown = new ComputationResult();
polyUnknown.Direction = 0;
polyUnknown.FocalType = FocalMechanismType.unknown;
map.T = FocalMechanismType.unknown;
return polyUnknown;
public BatchOutputResult BatchOutputForTxt(string path, string prefix, int start, int end, List<FMMap> maps)
//ExcelEdit editor = new ExcelEdit();
BatchOutputResult re = new BatchOutputResult();
//Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ws = null;
//Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet wsUnhandled = null;
StreamWriter sw;
string waveTypeStr = "";
sw = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + prefix + "震源机制数据.txt", false, Encoding.Default);
//path = path + "\\" + prefix;
//if (!Directory.Exists(path))
// Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
//ws = editor.GetSheet("Sheet1");
//wsUnhandled = editor.AddSheet("Final Result");
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 1, "序号");
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 2, "裂缝性质");
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 3, "裂缝走向");
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 4, "倾滑方向");
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 5, "X");
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 6, "Y");
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 7, "R");
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
if (i==28)
ComputationResult r = this.ComputeResult(maps[i]);
//r.bmp.Save(path + "\\" + prefix + "_" + (i + 1) + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 1, i + 1);
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 5, maps[i].X);
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 6, maps[i].Y);
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 7, maps[i].R);
switch (r.FocalType)
case FocalMechanismType.dipSlip:
waveTypeStr = "倾滑";
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 2, "倾滑");
//if (r.angle < 90) editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 4, "NW" + r.angle);
//else editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 4, "NE" + (180 - r.angle));
case FocalMechanismType.strikeSlip:
waveTypeStr = "走滑";
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 2, "走滑");
case FocalMechanismType.tensile:
waveTypeStr = "张性";
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 2, "张性");
waveTypeStr = "无法识别";
//editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 2, "张性");
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 4 + re.unknownCount, 1, i+1);
//if (r.angle < 90) editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 3, "NE" + (90 - r.angle));
//else editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 3, "NW" + (r.angle - 90));
sw.WriteLine((i + 1).ToString() + "\t" + waveTypeStr + "\t" + ((int)r.FocalType).ToString() + "\t" + r.Direction.ToString());
if (OnShowProgress != null) this.OnShowProgress(i - start + 1, end - start + 1);
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 1, 1, "走滑");
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 1, 2, "倾滑");
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 1, 3, "张性");
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 1, 4, "未处理");
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 3, 1, "未处理:");
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 2, 1, re.strikeSlipCount);
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 2, 2, re.dipSlipCount);
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 2, 3, re.tensileCount);
//editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 2, 4, re.unknownCount);
//editor.SaveAs(path + "\\" + prefix + "_Final");
// //editor.Close();
return re;
/// <summary>
/// 导出到Excel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"></param>
/// <param name="prefix"></param>
/// <param name="start"></param>
/// <param name="end"></param>
/// <param name="maps"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public BatchOutputResult BatchOutputForExcel(string path, string prefix, int start, int end, List<FMMap> maps)
BatchOutputResult re = new BatchOutputResult();
//ExcelEdit editor = new ExcelEdit();
//Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ws = null;
//Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet wsUnhandled = null;
//StreamWriter sw;
//string waveTypeStr = "";
// sw = new StreamWriter(path + "\\" + prefix + "震源机制数据.txt", false, Encoding.Default);
// sw.WriteLine("序号\t裂缝性质\t裂缝走向");
// path = path + "\\" + prefix;
// if (!Directory.Exists(path))
// {
// Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
// }
// editor.Create();
// ws = editor.GetSheet("Sheet1");
// wsUnhandled = editor.AddSheet("Final Result");
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 1, "序号");
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 2, "裂缝性质");
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 3, "裂缝走向");
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 4, "倾滑方向");
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 5, "X");
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 6, "Y");
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, 1, 7, "R");
// for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
// {
// ComputationResult r = this.ComputeResult(maps[i]);
// r.bmp.Save(path + "\\" + prefix + "_" + (i + 1) + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 1, i + 1);
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 5, maps[i].X);
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 6, maps[i].Y);
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 7, maps[i].R);
// switch (r.type)
// {
// case WaveType.dipSlip:
// waveTypeStr = "倾滑";
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 2, "倾滑");
// re.dipSlipCount++;
// if (r.angle < 90) editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 4, "NW" + r.angle);
// else editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 4, "NE" + (180 - r.angle));
// break;
// case WaveType.strikeSlip:
// waveTypeStr = "走滑";
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 2, "走滑");
// re.strikeSlipCount++;
// break;
// case WaveType.tensile:
// waveTypeStr = "张性";
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 2, "张性");
// re.tensileCount++;
// break;
// default:
// waveTypeStr = "张性";
// editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 2, "张性");
// re.tensileCount++;
// //editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 4 + re.unknownCount, 1, i+1);
// //re.unknownCount++;
// continue;
// }
// if (r.angle < 90) editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 3, "NE" + (90 - r.angle));
// else editor.SetCellValue(ws, i - start + 2, 3, "NW" + (r.angle - 90));
// sw.WriteLine((i + 1).ToString() + "\t"+waveTypeStr+"\t" + r.angle.ToString());
// if(OnShowProgress!=null) this.OnShowProgress(i - start + 1, end - start + 1);
// }
// sw.Close();
// sw.Dispose();
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 1, 1, "走滑");
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 1, 2, "倾滑");
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 1, 3, "张性");
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 1, 4, "未处理");
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 3, 1, "未处理:");
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 2, 1, re.strikeSlipCount);
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 2, 2, re.dipSlipCount);
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 2, 3, re.tensileCount);
// editor.SetCellValue(wsUnhandled, 2, 4, re.unknownCount);
// editor.SaveAs(path + "\\" + prefix + "_Final");
// editor.Close();
return re;