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1089 lines
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using Arction.Wpf.ChartingMVVM.Maps;
using Arction.Wpf.ChartingMVVM.Views.ViewPolar;
using Arction.Wpf.ChartingMVVM;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using OxyPlot.Annotations;
using OxyPlot.Axes;
using OxyPlot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Txgy.Microseismic.BaseLib.Models;
using Prism.Mvvm;
using Txgy.EWS.Client.FocalMechanism.Core;
using Txgy.EWS.Client.FocalMechanism.Model;
using Txgy.EWS.Client.Common;
using FmGrid = Txgy.EWS.Client.FocalMechanism.Model.FmGrid;
using FMStation = Txgy.EWS.Client.FocalMechanism.Model.FMStation;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using Prism.Events;
using Txgy.EWS.Client.IBLL;
using Unity;
using Txgy.EWS.Client.Common.MessageEvents;
using Txgy.EWS.Client.Entity;
namespace Txgy.EWS.Client.PageModule.ViewModels
public class FocalMechanismViewModel : BindableBase
Dispatcher _dispatcher;
IFreeSql fsqlTencent = FreeSqlTencent.tencentRemoteMySQL;
private readonly IEventAggregator _ea;
private readonly ISearchMsEventBLL searchMsEventBLL;
IFreeSql fsqlSqLite = FreeSqlLocalSqLite.freeLocalSqLite;
private string pageName= "震源机制页面";
public string PageName
get { return pageName; }
SetProperty(ref pageName, value);
private double _stationSize = 20;
public double StationSize
get { return _stationSize; }
SetProperty(ref _stationSize, value);
private System.Drawing.Color _stationColor;
public System.Drawing.Color StationColor
get { return _stationColor; }
SetProperty(ref _stationColor, value);
public OxyRect n1105Rect = new OxyRect(38398835.72, 4030097, 305.4, 2168);
public OxyRect n1100Rect = new OxyRect(38397556.72, 4029613, 328, 1397);
public OxyRect n1103Rect = new OxyRect(38398539.02, 4029605, 307, 1567);
private double _eAxisMin;
public double EAxisMin
get { return _eAxisMin; }
SetProperty(ref _eAxisMin, value);
private double _eAxisMax;
public double EAxisMax
get { return _eAxisMax; }
SetProperty(ref _eAxisMax, value);
private double _nAxisMin;
public double NAxisMin
get { return _nAxisMin; }
SetProperty(ref _nAxisMin, value);
private double _nAxisMax;
public double NAxisMax
get { return _nAxisMax; }
SetProperty(ref _nAxisMax, value);
public ProcessCore pCore { get; set; }
public Factory factory { get; set; }
public FMMap fmMap { get; set; }
public PlotModel PlotModel { get; set; }
public const int NumberOfItems = 10;
public int fontSize = 16;
private int _amplitudePointCount = 361;
public int AplitudePointCount
get { return _amplitudePointCount; }
set { _amplitudePointCount = value; }
private AxisPolarCollection _axisPolar;
public AxisPolarCollection AxisPolar
get { return _axisPolar; }
SetProperty(ref _axisPolar, value);
public FocalMechanismViewModel(IUnityContainer unityContainer, IEventAggregator ea, ISearchMsEventBLL searchMsEventBLL)
_dispatcher = unityContainer.Resolve<Dispatcher>();
this._ea = ea;
this.searchMsEventBLL = searchMsEventBLL;
EAxisMin = GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.WorkArea.EMin;
EAxisMax = GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.WorkArea.EMax;
NAxisMin = GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.WorkArea.NMin;
NAxisMax = GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.WorkArea.NMax;
this.PlotModel = new PlotModel();
this.PlotModel.Title = "震源机制";
var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis();
linearAxis1.Minimum = 0;
linearAxis1.Maximum = EAxisMax - EAxisMin;
//linearAxis1.Minimum = -(EAxisMax - EAxisMin)/2;
//linearAxis1.Maximum = (EAxisMax - EAxisMin)/2;
linearAxis1.MajorGridlineColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(40, 0, 0, 139);
linearAxis1.MajorGridlineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Solid;
linearAxis1.MinorGridlineColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(20, 0, 0, 139);
linearAxis1.MinorGridlineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Solid;
linearAxis1.Position = AxisPosition.Bottom;
linearAxis1.Title = "X-axis";
var linearAxis2 = new LinearAxis();
linearAxis2.Minimum = 0;
linearAxis2.Maximum = (NAxisMax - NAxisMin);
linearAxis2.MajorGridlineColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(40, 0, 0, 139);
linearAxis2.MajorGridlineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Solid;
linearAxis2.MinorGridlineColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(20, 0, 0, 139);
linearAxis2.MinorGridlineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Solid;
linearAxis2.Title = "Y-axis";
SetFacotry(EAxisMax - EAxisMin, NAxisMax - NAxisMin, GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.StationDic);
//this._ea.GetEvent<ShowWavesEvent>().Subscribe(u =>
// MmEvent me;
// var lre = fsqlSqLite.Select<LocalRealtimeResultEntity>().Where(re => re.EventTime == u).First();
// if (lre == null)
// {
// //string courseSql = @"select * from " + GlobalConfig.UseResultTable + " where " + GlobalConfig.EventIDColName + "==@eid";
// var rre = this.searchMsEventBLL.GetEvent(u);
// if (rre != null)
// {
// me = new MmEvent();
// me.EventID = rre.EventID;
// me.EventTimeStr = rre.EventTimeStr;
// me.EventTime = rre.EventTime;
// me.X = rre.X;
// me.Y = rre.Y;
// me.Z = rre.Z;
// me.ML = rre.ML;
// me.LocSta = rre.LocSta;
// me.MLSta = rre.MLSta;
// me.Energy = rre.Energy;
// ShowEventFocalMechanism(me);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// me = new MmEvent();
// me.EventID = lre.RTEventID;
// me.EventTimeStr = lre.EventTime;
// me.EventTime = DateTime.Parse(lre.EventTime);
// me.X = lre.Y;
// me.Y = lre.X;
// me.Z = lre.Z;
// me.ML = lre.ML;
// me.LocSta = lre.LocSta;
// me.MLSta = lre.MLSta;
// me.SetEnergy();
// ShowEventFocalMechanism(me);
// }
public void SetFacotry(double XMax, double YMax, Dictionary<string, StationModel> StationDic)
FmGrid fmGrid = new FmGrid();
fmGrid.xmin = 0;
fmGrid.xmax = XMax;
fmGrid.ymin = 0;
fmGrid.ymax = YMax;
fmGrid.StationCount = StationDic.Count;
fmGrid.StationList = new List<FocalMechanism.Model.FMStation>();
int sc = 0;
foreach (var item in StationDic)
fmGrid.StationList.Add(new FMStation(sc, item.Key, XMax, YMax));
pCore = new ProcessCore(fmGrid);
factory = new Factory(fmGrid);
private void ConverterData(object obj)
//AmplitudeSeries = _amplitudeModel.GenerateAmplitudeSeries(AplitudePointCount);
//OpenFileDialog ofd=new OpenFileDialog();
//ofd.Filter = "Mseed文件|*.mseed";
//if (ofd.ShowDialog()==true)
// string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(ofd.FileName);
// string[] mseedFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.mseed");
// string ascPath = path + "\\txt";
// if (!Directory.Exists(ascPath))
// {
// Directory.CreateDirectory(ascPath);
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < mseedFiles.Length; i++)
// {
// string saveFn=Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mseedFiles[i]) +".txt";
// Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
// PublicConfig.MSeed2Asc(mseedFiles[i], ascPath + "\\" + saveFn);
// });
// Thread.Sleep(100);
// Console.WriteLine(i);
// }
// Dialog.Show(new TextDialog() { ShowText = "转换完成!" });
private void CheckEventShowWave(MmEvent mmEvent)
string downLoadStr = mmEvent.EventTimeStr;
string datePath = downLoadStr.Substring(0, 4) + downLoadStr.Substring(5, 2) + downLoadStr.Substring(8, 2);
string mseedStr = "HA." + downLoadStr.Substring(0, 4) + downLoadStr.Substring(5, 2)
+ downLoadStr.Substring(8, 2) + downLoadStr.Substring(10, 3)
+ downLoadStr.Substring(14, 2) + downLoadStr.Substring(17, 2) + ".01" + GlobalConfig.DataTypeString;
string mseedPath = GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.MseedFilePath + "\\" + datePath + "\\";
string savePath = GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.TxtFilePath + "\\" + datePath + "\\" + mseedStr + ".txt";
if (!File.Exists(mseedPath + mseedStr + ".mseed"))
if (!Directory.Exists(mseedPath))
this.searchMsEventBLL.DownLoadWavedata(downLoadStr, mseedPath, mseedStr, GlobalConfig.UseWaveDataTable);
if (!File.Exists(savePath))
if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(savePath)))
//MSeed2Asc(mseedPath + mseedStr + ".mseed", savePath);
//Dialog.Show(new TextDialog() { ShowText = mseedPath + mseedStr + ".mseed" + "下载完成!" });
//if (!File.Exists(savePath))
// if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(savePath)))
// {
// Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(savePath));
// }
// MSeed2Asc(mseedPath + mseedStr + ".mseed", savePath);
//Dialog.Show(new TextDialog() { ShowText = mseedPath + mseedStr + ".mseed" + "已存在!" });
private void ShowEventFocalMechanism(object obj)
double lineLen = 50;
double lineStep = 10;
FracturePoint r1 = new FracturePoint(0, 0);
FracturePoint r2 = new FracturePoint(0, 0);
MmEvent CurMmEvent = (MmEvent)obj;
//fmMap = CreateFM(CurMmEvent);
switch (CurMmEvent.FocalType)
case FocalMechanismType.strikeSlip:
FractureLine strikeSlipLine1 = new FractureLine();
strikeSlipLine1.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin + lineStep), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - lineLen - NAxisMin));
strikeSlipLine1.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin + lineStep), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y + lineLen - NAxisMin));
r1 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), strikeSlipLine1.p1, CurMmEvent.Direction);
r2 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), strikeSlipLine1.p2, CurMmEvent.Direction);
strikeSlipLine1.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)(r1.X), (float)(r1.Y));
strikeSlipLine1.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)(r2.X), (float)(r2.Y));
FractureLine strikeSlipLine2 = new FractureLine();
strikeSlipLine2.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin - lineStep), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - lineLen - NAxisMin));
strikeSlipLine2.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin - lineStep), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y + lineLen - NAxisMin));
r1 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), strikeSlipLine2.p1, CurMmEvent.Direction);
r2 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), strikeSlipLine2.p2, CurMmEvent.Direction);
strikeSlipLine2.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)(r1.X), (float)(r1.Y));
strikeSlipLine2.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)(r2.X), (float)(r2.Y));
case FocalMechanismType.dipSlip:
FractureLine dipSlipLine = new FractureLine();
dipSlipLine.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - lineLen - NAxisMin));
dipSlipLine.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y + lineLen - NAxisMin));
r1 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), dipSlipLine.p1, CurMmEvent.Direction);
r2 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), dipSlipLine.p2, CurMmEvent.Direction);
dipSlipLine.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)(r1.X), (float)(r1.Y));
dipSlipLine.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)(r2.X), (float)(r2.Y));
case FocalMechanismType.tensile:
this.PlotModel.Annotations.Add(CreateTensileModel(CurMmEvent, EAxisMin, NAxisMin));
FractureLine tensileLine = new FractureLine();
tensileLine.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - lineLen - NAxisMin));
tensileLine.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y + lineLen - NAxisMin));
r1 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), tensileLine.p1, CurMmEvent.Direction);
r2 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), tensileLine.p2, CurMmEvent.Direction);
tensileLine.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)(r1.X), (float)(r1.Y));
tensileLine.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)(r2.X), (float)(r2.Y));
case FocalMechanismType.unknown:
strikeSlipLine1 = new FractureLine();
strikeSlipLine1.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin + lineStep), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - lineLen - NAxisMin));
strikeSlipLine1.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin + lineStep), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y + lineLen - NAxisMin));
r1 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), strikeSlipLine1.p1, CurMmEvent.Direction);
r2 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), strikeSlipLine1.p2, CurMmEvent.Direction);
strikeSlipLine1.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)(r1.X), (float)(r1.Y));
strikeSlipLine1.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)(r2.X), (float)(r2.Y));
strikeSlipLine2 = new FractureLine();
strikeSlipLine2.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin - lineStep), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - lineLen - NAxisMin));
strikeSlipLine2.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin - lineStep), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y + lineLen - NAxisMin));
r1 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), strikeSlipLine2.p1, CurMmEvent.Direction);
r2 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin)), strikeSlipLine2.p2, CurMmEvent.Direction);
strikeSlipLine2.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)(r1.X), (float)(r1.Y));
strikeSlipLine2.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)(r2.X), (float)(r2.Y));
//Console.WriteLine(r1.X.ToString() + "\t" + r1.Y.ToString() + "\t" + CurMmEvent.Direction.ToString());
//Console.WriteLine(r2.X.ToString() + "\t" + r2.Y.ToString() + "\t" + CurMmEvent.Direction.ToString());
public void ShowEventInfo()
//AllWaveDataList = PublicConfig.CreateWaveModelFromText(CurMmEvent.AsciiFile);
//AmplitudeSeries = _amplitudeModel.GenerateAmplitudeSeries(showWaveDataList);
//AxisPolar = _amplitudeModel.GenerateAxes();
////Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(cm.DominantFreq, 3).ToString());
//PointLineSeries = _amplitudeModel.GenerateData(showWaveDataList);
//if (CurMmEvent == null)
// System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("没有符合条件的数据");
// return;
//var arrowAnnotation1 = new ArrowAnnotation();
//arrowAnnotation1.Color = OxyColors.Green;
//arrowAnnotation1.StartPoint = new DataPoint(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin, CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin);
//arrowAnnotation1.EndPoint = new DataPoint(CurMmEvent.X - EAxisMin + 10, CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMin + 10);
//arrowAnnotation1.Text = "StartPoint and EndPoint";
//var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis();
//linearAxis1.Maximum = CurMmEvent.X-EAxisMin;
//linearAxis1.Minimum = CurMmEvent.Y - NAxisMax;
//linearAxis1.Position = AxisPosition.Bottom;
//fmMap = CreateFM(CurMmEvent);
/// <summary>
/// 以中心点旋转Angle角度
/// </summary>
/// <param name="origin">中心点</param>
/// <param name="reRotate">待旋转的点</param>
/// <param name="angle">旋转角度, 逆时针</param>
private PointF PointRotate(PointF origin, PointF rePoint, double angle)
float x = (float)((rePoint.X - origin.X) * Math.Cos(angle) - (rePoint.Y - origin.Y) * Math.Sin(angle) + origin.X);
float y = (float)((rePoint.X - origin.X) * Math.Sin(angle) + (rePoint.Y - origin.Y) * Math.Cos(angle) + origin.Y);
return new PointF(x, y);
private FracturePoint PointRotate(FracturePoint origin, FracturePoint rePoint, double angle)
FracturePoint rotatePoint = new FracturePoint();
double arc = angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
double x = (rePoint.X - origin.X) * Math.Cos(-arc) - (rePoint.Y - origin.Y) * Math.Sin(-arc) + origin.X;
double y = (rePoint.X - origin.X) * Math.Sin(-arc) + (rePoint.Y - origin.Y) * Math.Cos(-arc) + origin.Y;
rotatePoint.X = (float)x;
rotatePoint.Y = (float)y;
return rotatePoint;
public ComputationResult MmEventCalFocalMechanism(MmEvent mmEvent, double BaseX, double BaseY)
FMMap fmMap = new FMMap();
fmMap.X = mmEvent.X - BaseX;
fmMap.Y = mmEvent.Y - BaseY;
fmMap.R = mmEvent.RMS;
foreach (var item in mmEvent.Phases)
if (item.Value == -1)
//ComputationResult cr = pCore.ComputeResult(fmMap);
//if (cr == null)
// return null;
//return cr;
//mmEvent.FocalType = cr.FocalType;
//mmEvent.Direction = cr.Direction;
return null;
public void SetShowWaveModelFromSqLite(MmEvent cm)
//foreach (var item in cm.Phases)
// WaveDataModel wdm = AllWaveDataList.Where(awd => awd.waveHeader.StationName
// == stationName && awd.waveHeader.Channel == "Z").First();
// DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(phaseArr[i]["atime"].ToString());
// wdm.waveHeader.MaxValueIndex = PublicConfig.GetWaveMaxAmpIndex(wdm, dt);
// wdm.waveHeader.MaxValue = Math.Abs(wdm.Points[wdm.waveHeader.MaxValueIndex]);
// wdm.waveHeader.MaxAmp = WaveHeader.CalAmp(wdm.waveHeader.MaxValue, 4);
// wdm.waveHeader.ToEventDist = WaveHeader.CalDist(cm, stationName);
// wdm.mmEvent = cm;
// StationModel sm = PublicConfig.ProjectConfig.StationDic.First(sd => sd.Key == stationName).Value;
// PointF p1 = new PointF((float)cm.X, (float)cm.Y);
// PointF p2 = new PointF((float)sm.E, (float)sm.N);
// double angleOfLine = WaveHeader.PointsAngleTool(p1, p2);
// double realAngle = 0;
// if (angleOfLine > 0 && angleOfLine <= 90)//右
// {
// realAngle = 90 - angleOfLine;
// }
// else if (angleOfLine > 90 && angleOfLine <= 180)//左
// {
// realAngle = 450 - angleOfLine;
// }
// else if (angleOfLine >= -180 && angleOfLine <= 0)//上
// {
// realAngle = 90 - angleOfLine;
// }
// wdm.waveHeader.ToEventAngle = (int)realAngle;
// //Console.WriteLine(wdm.waveHeader.ToEventAngle);
// showWaveDataList.Add(wdm);
public void SetShowWaveModel(MmEvent cm)
//using (StreamReader sr = System.IO.File.OpenText(cm.JsonFile))
// JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(sr);
// JArray jArray = (JArray)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
// JObject jobj = (JObject)jArray[0];
// JArray phaseArr = JArray.FromObject(jobj["phases"]);
// showWaveDataList = new List<WaveDataModel>();
// for (int i = 0; i < phaseArr.Count; i++)
// {
// if (phaseArr[i]["first_motion_direct"] != null)
// {
// string stationName = phaseArr[i]["id"].ToString().Substring(3, 3);
// WaveDataModel wdm = AllWaveDataList.Where(awd => awd.waveHeader.StationName
// == stationName && awd.waveHeader.Channel == "Z").First();
// DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(phaseArr[i]["atime"].ToString());
// wdm.waveHeader.MaxValueIndex = PublicConfig.GetWaveMaxAmpIndex(wdm, dt);
// wdm.waveHeader.MaxValue = Math.Abs(wdm.Points[wdm.waveHeader.MaxValueIndex]);
// wdm.waveHeader.MaxAmp = WaveHeader.CalAmp(wdm.waveHeader.MaxValue, 4);
// wdm.waveHeader.ToEventDist = WaveHeader.CalDist(cm, stationName);
// wdm.mmEvent = cm;
// StationModel sm = PublicConfig.ProjectConfig.StationDic.First(sd => sd.Key == stationName).Value;
// PointF p1 = new PointF((float)cm.X, (float)cm.Y);
// PointF p2 = new PointF((float)sm.E, (float)sm.N);
// double angleOfLine = WaveHeader.PointsAngleTool(p1, p2);
// double realAngle = 0;
// if (angleOfLine > 0 && angleOfLine <= 90)//右
// {
// realAngle = 90 - angleOfLine;
// }
// else if (angleOfLine > 90 && angleOfLine <= 180)//左
// {
// realAngle = 450 - angleOfLine;
// }
// else if (angleOfLine >= -180 && angleOfLine <= 0)//上
// {
// realAngle = 90 - angleOfLine;
// }
// wdm.waveHeader.ToEventAngle = (int)realAngle;
// //Console.WriteLine(wdm.waveHeader.ToEventAngle);
// showWaveDataList.Add(wdm);
// }
// }
public void CreateStationOxy(MmEvent cm)
#region oxyplot
RectangleAnnotation fra1100 = new RectangleAnnotation();
fra1100.MinimumX = n1100Rect.Left - EAxisMin;
fra1100.MaximumX = n1100Rect.Right - EAxisMin;
fra1100.MinimumY = n1100Rect.Bottom - NAxisMin;
fra1100.MaximumY = n1100Rect.Top - NAxisMin;
fra1100.Fill = OxyColor.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
//zra.Fill = OxyColor.FromArgb(99, 0, 0, 255);
fra1100.StrokeThickness = 2;
fra1100.Stroke = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 255);
fra1100.Text = "N1100";
//zra.TextRotation = 10;
RectangleAnnotation fra1103 = new RectangleAnnotation();
fra1103.MinimumX = n1103Rect.Left - EAxisMin;
fra1103.MaximumX = n1103Rect.Right - EAxisMin;
fra1103.MinimumY = n1103Rect.Bottom - NAxisMin;
fra1103.MaximumY = n1103Rect.Top - NAxisMin;
fra1103.Fill = OxyColor.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
//zra.Fill = OxyColor.FromArgb(99, 0, 0, 255);
fra1103.StrokeThickness = 2;
fra1103.Stroke = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 255);
fra1103.Text = "N1103";
//zra.TextRotation = 10;
foreach (var item in cm.Phases)
StationModel sm;
var stationDic = GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.StationDic.Where(sd => sd.Key == item.Key.ToUpper());
if (stationDic.Count() > 0)
sm = stationDic.First().Value;
if (item.Value > 0)
this.PlotModel.Annotations.Add(CreatePolygon(sm.Name, sm.E - EAxisMin, sm.N - NAxisMin, StationSize, OxyColors.Red));
this.PlotModel.Annotations.Add(CreatePolygon(sm.Name, sm.E - EAxisMin, sm.N - NAxisMin, StationSize, OxyColors.Transparent));
public void CreateStationLv(MmEvent cm)
#region livechart
/// <summary>
/// LiveCharts
/// </summary>
/// <param name="o"></param>
public void ShowStationLv(object o)
public EllipseAnnotation CreateEventModelOxy(MmEvent mm)
var ellipseAnnotation1 = new EllipseAnnotation();
ellipseAnnotation1.X = mm.X - EAxisMin;
ellipseAnnotation1.Y = mm.Y - NAxisMin;
ellipseAnnotation1.Width = StationSize;
ellipseAnnotation1.Height = StationSize;
ellipseAnnotation1.Fill = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 0, 128, 0);
return ellipseAnnotation1;
public PolygonAnnotation CreatePolygon(string text, double x, double y, double size, OxyColor color)
PolygonAnnotation pa = new PolygonAnnotation();
pa.Text = text.Substring(1);
pa.TextPosition = new DataPoint(x, y);
pa.TextHorizontalAlignment = OxyPlot.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
pa.TextVerticalAlignment = OxyPlot.VerticalAlignment.Middle;
pa.FontSize = size * 0.7;
pa.Font = "Arail";
pa.Fill = color;
pa.StrokeThickness = 2;
pa.Stroke = OxyColors.Black;
pa.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x - size, y - size));
pa.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x + size, y - size));
pa.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x + size, y + size));
pa.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x - size, y + size));
return pa;
public PolygonAnnotation AddFocalMechaismModel(MmEvent mmEvent)
double x = mmEvent.X - EAxisMin;
double y = mmEvent.Y - NAxisMin;
double angle = mmEvent.Direction;
double major = 50;
double minor = 30;
return GeneratePolygonAsEllipse(x, y, angle, major, minor);
private PolygonAnnotation GeneratePolygonAsEllipse(double xCenter, double yCenter, double AngleOfRotation, double MajorAxisLength, double MinorAxisLength)
PolygonAnnotation polygonAnnotation = new PolygonAnnotation();
polygonAnnotation.Fill = OxyColor.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
polygonAnnotation.Stroke = OxyColors.Blue;
polygonAnnotation.StrokeThickness = 2;
double step = 2 * Math.PI / 200;
var h = xCenter;
var k = yCenter;
var rotation = AngleOfRotation;
var a = MajorAxisLength;
var b = MinorAxisLength;
for (double theta = 0; theta < 2 * Math.PI; theta += step)
var x = a * Math.Cos(rotation) * Math.Cos(theta) + b * Math.Sin(rotation) * Math.Sin(theta) + h;
var y = b * Math.Cos(rotation) * Math.Sin(theta) + a * Math.Sin(rotation) * Math.Cos(theta) + k;
polygonAnnotation.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x, y));
return polygonAnnotation;
public void DrawStrikeSlip(MmEvent CurMmEvent)
FractureLine strikeSlipLine1 = new FractureLine();
strikeSlipLine1.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X + 2), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - 10));
strikeSlipLine1.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X + 2), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y + 10));
FracturePoint r1 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y)), strikeSlipLine1.p1, CurMmEvent.Direction);
FracturePoint r2 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y)), strikeSlipLine1.p2, CurMmEvent.Direction);
strikeSlipLine1.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)(r1.X), (float)(r1.Y));
strikeSlipLine1.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)(r2.X), (float)(r2.Y));
FractureLine strikeSlipLine2 = new FractureLine();
strikeSlipLine2.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - 2), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y - 10));
strikeSlipLine2.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)((float)CurMmEvent.X - 2), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y + 10));
r1 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y)), strikeSlipLine2.p1, CurMmEvent.Direction);
r2 = PointRotate(new FracturePoint((float)(CurMmEvent.X), (float)(CurMmEvent.Y)), strikeSlipLine2.p2, CurMmEvent.Direction);
strikeSlipLine2.p1 = new FracturePoint((float)(r1.X), (float)(r1.Y));
strikeSlipLine2.p2 = new FracturePoint((float)(r2.X), (float)(r2.Y));
/// <summary>
/// 绘制走滑模型,黑色双线
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public LineAnnotation CreateStrikeSlipModel(FractureLine fractureLine)
double slope = (fractureLine.p2.Y - fractureLine.p1.Y) / (fractureLine.p2.X - fractureLine.p1.X);
if (slope == 0)
slope = 0.5;
double intercept = fractureLine.p2.Y - slope * fractureLine.p2.X;
LineAnnotation lineAnnotation = new LineAnnotation();
var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis();
lineAnnotation.Intercept = intercept;
lineAnnotation.Slope = slope;
lineAnnotation.Color = OxyColors.Black;
lineAnnotation.MaximumX = fractureLine.p2.X;
lineAnnotation.MinimumX = fractureLine.p1.X;
lineAnnotation.LineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Solid;
lineAnnotation.StrokeThickness = 2;
//lineAnnotation.Text = "Second";
return lineAnnotation;
public LineAnnotation CreateDipSlipModel(FractureLine fractureLine)
double slope = (fractureLine.p2.Y - fractureLine.p1.Y) / (fractureLine.p2.X - fractureLine.p1.X);
if (slope == 0)
slope = 0.5;
double intercept = fractureLine.p2.Y - slope * fractureLine.p2.X;
LineAnnotation lineAnnotation = new LineAnnotation();
var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis();
lineAnnotation.Intercept = intercept;
lineAnnotation.Slope = slope;
lineAnnotation.Color = OxyColors.Blue;
lineAnnotation.MaximumX = fractureLine.p2.X;
lineAnnotation.MinimumX = fractureLine.p1.X;
lineAnnotation.LineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Solid;
lineAnnotation.StrokeThickness = 2;
//lineAnnotation.Text = "Second";
return lineAnnotation;
public EllipseAnnotation CreateTensileModel(MmEvent mmEvent, double baseX, double baseY)
EllipseAnnotation ellipseAnnotation = new EllipseAnnotation();
ellipseAnnotation.X = mmEvent.X - baseX;
ellipseAnnotation.Y = mmEvent.Y - baseY;
ellipseAnnotation.StrokeThickness = 2;
ellipseAnnotation.Stroke = OxyColors.Red;
ellipseAnnotation.Fill = OxyColor.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
ellipseAnnotation.Width = 10;
ellipseAnnotation.Height = 10;
return ellipseAnnotation;
private LineAnnotation CreateLineModel(FractureLine fractureLine)
double slope = (fractureLine.p2.Y - fractureLine.p1.Y) / (fractureLine.p2.X - fractureLine.p1.X);
if (slope == 0)
slope = 0.5;
double intercept = fractureLine.p2.Y - slope * fractureLine.p2.X;
LineAnnotation lineAnnotation = new LineAnnotation();
var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis();
lineAnnotation.Intercept = intercept;
lineAnnotation.Slope = slope;
lineAnnotation.Color = OxyColors.Red;
lineAnnotation.MaximumX = fractureLine.p2.X;
lineAnnotation.MinimumX = fractureLine.p1.X;
lineAnnotation.LineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Solid;
lineAnnotation.StrokeThickness = 2;
//lineAnnotation.Text = "Second";
return lineAnnotation;
public void SetEventPhases(MmEvent mmEvent)
string downLoadStr = mmEvent.EventTimeStr;
string datePath = downLoadStr.Substring(0, 4) + downLoadStr.Substring(5, 2) + downLoadStr.Substring(8, 2);
string jsonStr = "HA." + downLoadStr.Substring(0, 4) + downLoadStr.Substring(5, 2)
+ downLoadStr.Substring(8, 2) + downLoadStr.Substring(10, 3)
+ downLoadStr.Substring(14, 2) + downLoadStr.Substring(17, 2) + ".01"+GlobalConfig.DataTypeString+".json";
string jsonFilePath = GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.MseedFilePath + "\\" + datePath + "\\" + jsonStr;
if (File.Exists(jsonFilePath))
using (StreamReader sr = System.IO.File.OpenText(jsonFilePath))
mmEvent.JsonFile = jsonFilePath;
JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(sr);
JArray jArray = (JArray)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
JObject jobj = (JObject)jArray[0];
mmEvent.DominantFreq = 15;
mmEvent.Phases = new Dictionary<string, int>();
List<double> DominantFreqlist = new List<double>();
JArray phaseArr = JArray.FromObject(jobj["phases"]);
List<double> DominantFreqList = new List<double>();
for (int i = 0; i < phaseArr.Count; i++)
if (phaseArr[i]["first_motion_direct"] != null)
mmEvent.Phases.Add(phaseArr[i]["id"].ToString().Substring(3, 3),
if (phaseArr[i]["fmd_semi_period"] != null)
if (DominantFreqlist.Count > 0)
if (DominantFreqlist.Count > 3)
double min = DominantFreqlist.Min();
double max = DominantFreqlist.Max();
mmEvent.DominantFreq = DominantFreqlist.Sum() / (double)DominantFreqlist.Count;
mmEvent.DominantFreq = 0;
public MmEvent Json2MmEvent(string jsonFile)
using (StreamReader sr = System.IO.File.OpenText(jsonFile))
MmEvent mmEvent = new MmEvent();
mmEvent.JsonFile = jsonFile;
string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(jsonFile);
string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(jsonFile).TrimEnd('B').TrimEnd('A');
string ascName = filePath + "\\" + fileName + ".txt";
mmEvent.AsciiFile = ascName;
JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(sr);
JArray jArray = (JArray)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
JObject jobj = (JObject)jArray[0];
string dateStr = jobj["otime"].ToString();
mmEvent.EventTime = DateTime.Parse(dateStr);
mmEvent.EventTimeStr = dateStr;
mmEvent.X = double.Parse(jobj["lon"].ToString());
mmEvent.Y = double.Parse(jobj["lat"].ToString());
mmEvent.Z = double.Parse(jobj["depth"].ToString());
mmEvent.ML = double.Parse(jobj["ml"].ToString());
mmEvent.RMS = double.Parse(jobj["rms"].ToString());
mmEvent.DominantFreq = 15;
mmEvent.Phases = new Dictionary<string, int>();
List<double> DominantFreqlist = new List<double>();
JArray phaseArr = JArray.FromObject(jobj["phases"]);
List<double> DominantFreqList = new List<double>();
for (int i = 0; i < phaseArr.Count; i++)
if (phaseArr[i]["first_motion_direct"] != null)
mmEvent.Phases.Add(phaseArr[i]["id"].ToString().Substring(3, 3),
if (phaseArr[i]["fmd_semi_period"] != null)
if (DominantFreqlist.Count > 0)
if (DominantFreqlist.Count > 3)
double min = DominantFreqlist.Min();
double max = DominantFreqlist.Max();
mmEvent.DominantFreq = DominantFreqlist.Sum() / (double)DominantFreqlist.Count;
mmEvent.DominantFreq = 0;
return mmEvent;
//return null;
public MmEvent Json2MmEventWithPara(string jsonFile)
using (StreamReader sr = System.IO.File.OpenText(jsonFile))
MmEvent mmEvent = new MmEvent();
mmEvent.JsonFile = jsonFile;
string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(jsonFile);
string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(jsonFile).TrimEnd('B').TrimEnd('A');
string ascName = filePath + "\\" + fileName + ".txt";
mmEvent.AsciiFile = ascName;
JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(sr);
JArray jArray = (JArray)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
JObject jobj = (JObject)jArray[0];
string dateStr = jobj["otime"].ToString();
//LocalSqLiteServerAccess localSqLiteServerAccess = new LocalSqLiteServerAccess();
//int selectResult = localSqLiteServerAccess.SelectWithTime(dateStr);
int selectResult = 1;
if (selectResult < 1)
return null;
mmEvent.Phases = new Dictionary<string, int>();
List<double> Semiperiodlist = new List<double>();
JArray phaseArr = JArray.FromObject(jobj["phases"]);
List<double> DominantFreqList = new List<double>();
for (int i = 0; i < phaseArr.Count; i++)
if (phaseArr[i]["first_motion_direct"] != null)
mmEvent.Phases.Add(phaseArr[i]["id"].ToString().Substring(3, 3),
if (phaseArr[i]["fmd_semi_period"] != null)
if (Semiperiodlist.Count > 0)
if (Semiperiodlist.Count > 3)
double min = Semiperiodlist.Min();
double max = Semiperiodlist.Max();
mmEvent.DominantFreq = Semiperiodlist.Sum() / (double)Semiperiodlist.Count;
mmEvent.DominantFreq = 0;
JArray ampsArr = JArray.FromObject(jobj["amps"]);
List<float> ampsArrList = new List<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < ampsArr.Count; i++)
if (ampsArr[i]["amp"] != null)
return mmEvent;
public FMMap CreateFM(MmEvent mmEvent, double BaseX, double BaseY)
FMMap fmMap = new FMMap();
fmMap.X = mmEvent.X - BaseX;
fmMap.Y = mmEvent.Y - BaseY;
fmMap.R = mmEvent.RMS;
foreach (var item in mmEvent.Phases)
if (item.Value == -1)
return fmMap;
public PolygonAnnotation CreateStationModel(StationModel sm)
PolygonAnnotation pa = new PolygonAnnotation();
OxyColor oxyColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(StationColor.A, StationColor.R,
StationColor.G, StationColor.B);
pa.Text = sm.Name;
pa.TextPosition = new DataPoint(sm.E, sm.N);
pa.TextHorizontalAlignment = OxyPlot.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
pa.TextVerticalAlignment = OxyPlot.VerticalAlignment.Middle;
pa.FontSize = StationSize * 1.5;
pa.Font = "Arail";
pa.Fill = oxyColor;
pa.StrokeThickness = 2;
pa.Stroke = OxyColors.Black;
pa.Points.Add(new DataPoint(sm.E - StationSize, sm.N - StationSize));
pa.Points.Add(new DataPoint(sm.E + StationSize, sm.N - StationSize));
pa.Points.Add(new DataPoint(sm.E + StationSize, sm.N + StationSize));
pa.Points.Add(new DataPoint(sm.E - StationSize, sm.N + StationSize));
return pa;
public void ComputeFM(MmEvent mmEvent)
//fmMap = CreateFM(mmEvent, GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.WorkArea.EMin, GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.WorkArea.NMin);
//ComputationResult cr = pCore.ComputeResult(fmMap);
//if (cr == null)
// return;
//mmEvent.FocalType = cr.FocalType;
//mmEvent.Direction = cr.Direction;
//public ComputationResult MmEventCalFocalMechanism(MmEvent mmEvent)
// FMMap fmMap = new FMMap();
// fmMap.X = mmEvent.X;
// fmMap.Y = mmEvent.Y;
// fmMap.R = mmEvent.RMS;
// foreach (var item in mmEvent.Phases)
// {
// if (item.Value == -1)
// {
// fmMap.negStation.Add(item.Key);
// }
// else
// {
// fmMap.posStation.Add(item.Key);
// }
// }
// ComputationResult cr = pCore.ComputeResult(fmMap);
// if (cr == null)
// return null;
// return cr;
// //mmEvent.FocalType = cr.FocalType;
// //mmEvent.Direction = cr.Direction;
public void UpdateFocalMechanismWithSourceParaDirection(object o)
//if (ShowEvents != null)
// int cnt = 0;
// foreach (var item in ShowEvents)
// {
// ComputationResult cr = MmEventCalFocalMechanism(item, GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.WorkArea.EMin
// , GlobalConfig.ProjectConfig.WorkArea.NMin);
// if (cr != null)
// {
// item.FocalType = cr.FocalType;
// item.Direction = cr.Direction;
// //localSqLiteServerAccess.UpdataFocalMechanism(item);
// Console.WriteLine($"{++cnt}/{ShowEvents.Count}");
// }
// }
// System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("完成!");
// System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("没有数据!");