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using Arction.Wpf.ChartingMVVM;
using Arction.Wpf.ChartingMVVM.Axes;
using Arction.Wpf.ChartingMVVM.SeriesPolar;
using Arction.Wpf.ChartingMVVM.Views.ViewPolar;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Txgy.Microseismic.BaseLib
public class AmplitudeModel
public PolarSeriesPoint[] GenerateAmplitudeSeries(int pointCounter)
PolarSeriesPoint[] points = new PolarSeriesPoint[pointCounter];
Random rand = new Random();
double amplitude;
for (int i = 0; i < pointCounter; i++)
amplitude = 45 + 30.0 * Math.Sin(5.0 * 2.0 * Math.PI * i / 360.0) + rand.NextDouble() * 10.0;
if (amplitude < 0)
amplitude = 0;
// points.Add(new PolarSeriesPoint(i, amplitude));
points[i].Amplitude = amplitude;
points[i].Angle = i;
return points;
public PolarSeriesPoint[] GenerateAmplitudeSeries(List<WaveDataModel> showWaveDataList)
PolarSeriesPoint[] points = new PolarSeriesPoint[361];
double avrDist = showWaveDataList.Average(awd => awd.waveHeader.ToEventDist);
double amplitude;
for (int i = 0; i < 361; i++)
var amp = showWaveDataList.Find(swd => swd.waveHeader.ToEventAngle == i);
if (amp != null)
amplitude = (amp.waveHeader.MaxAmp * amp.waveHeader.ToEventDist / avrDist) * 100000;
amplitude = 0;
// points.Add(new PolarSeriesPoint(i, amplitude));
points[i].Amplitude = amplitude;
points[i].Angle = i;
return points;
public PointLineSeriesPolarCollection GenerateData(List<WaveDataModel> showWaveDataList)
PointLineSeriesPolarCollection polarCollection1 = new PointLineSeriesPolarCollection();
PointLineSeriesPolar lineSeriesGradient = new PointLineSeriesPolar();
lineSeriesGradient.LineStyle.Width = 2;
lineSeriesGradient.PointsVisible = false;
lineSeriesGradient.Title.Visible = false;
Comparison<WaveDataModel> MyComparison = WaveDataModelComparison;
showWaveDataList.Sort((s1, s2) =>
if (s1.waveHeader.ToEventAngle != s2.waveHeader.ToEventAngle)
return s2.waveHeader.ToEventAngle.CompareTo(s1.waveHeader.ToEventAngle);
else return 0;
double avrDist = showWaveDataList.Average(awd => awd.waveHeader.ToEventDist);
lineSeriesGradient.Points = new PolarSeriesPoint[showWaveDataList.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < showWaveDataList.Count; i++)
//double fx = showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.MaxAmp * (showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.ToEventDist / avrDist);
double fx = CalValue(showWaveDataList[i], avrDist);
lineSeriesGradient.Points[i] = new PolarSeriesPoint(showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.ToEventAngle,
(fx) * 100000);
Console.WriteLine(showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.StationName + "\t" + Math.Round(showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.MaxAmp, 5) +
"\t" + showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.ToEventDist);
//Console.WriteLine("台站=" + showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.StationName + "\t振幅=" + Math.Round(showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.MaxAmp, 5) +
// "\t到事件点的距离=" + showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.ToEventDist + "\tRn/R0=" + Math.Round(showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.ToEventDist / avrDist, 3));
//Console.WriteLine("台站=" + showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.StationName + "\t振幅=" + Math.Round(showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.MaxAmp, 5) +
// "\t到事件点的距离=" + Math.Round(showWaveDataList[i].waveHeader.ToEventDist/avrDist, 3));
lineSeriesGradient.ClosedLine = true;
//// Create a series, which will have solid color transitions, from point-to-point
//PointLineSeriesPolar lineSeriesSolid = new PointLineSeriesPolar();
//lineSeriesSolid.LineStyle.Width = 5;
//lineSeriesSolid.PointsVisible = false;
////Create data for series
//lineSeriesSolid.Points = new PolarSeriesPoint[]
// new PolarSeriesPoint(210, 20, Colors.Red),
// new PolarSeriesPoint(240, 15, Colors.Yellow),
// new PolarSeriesPoint(270, 25, Colors.Lime),
// new PolarSeriesPoint(300, 18, Colors.Turquoise),
// new PolarSeriesPoint(330, 13, Colors.Purple),
return polarCollection1;
public double CalValue(WaveDataModel wdm,double r0)
double result = 0;
double vn = wdm.waveHeader.MaxAmp;
double rn = wdm.waveHeader.ToEventDist;
double h = wdm.mmEvent.Z;
double rup = vn * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(2.5 * h, 2) + rn * rn);
double rdown = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(2.5 * h, 2) + r0 * r0);
result = rup / rdown;
return result;
public AxisPolarCollection GenerateAxes()
AxisPolarCollection axisPolars = new AxisPolarCollection();
AxisPolar axis = new AxisPolar();
axis.MinorGrid.Visible = false;
axis.Title.Visible = false;
axis.AmplitudeAxisLineVisible = false;
axis.AmplitudeLabelsVisible = true;
axis.TickMarkLocation = RoundGridTickmarkLocation.Outside;
//axis.InnerCircleRadiusPercentage = 5;
//axis.MinAmplitude = 100;
axis.MaxAmplitude = 200;
axis.AngleOrigin = 270;
axis.Reversed = true;
axis.MajorDivCount = 6;
axis.Units.RadialOffsetPercentage = 100;
//axis.AmplitudeAxisAngle = 90;
axis.AngularAxisAutoDivSpacing = false;
//axis.AmplitudeLabelsAngle = 90;
axis.AngularAxisMajorDivCount = 16;
axis.AutoFormatLabels = false;
axis.Units.Visible = false;
axis.SupplyCustomAngleString += this.AngleAsString;
//axis.SupplyCustomAmplitudeString += axis1_SupplyCustomAmplitudeString;
return axisPolars;
public static int WaveDataModelComparison(WaveDataModel p1, WaveDataModel p2)
if (p1.waveHeader.ToEventAngle != p2.waveHeader.ToEventAngle)
return p1.waveHeader.ToEventAngle.CompareTo(p2.waveHeader.ToEventAngle);
else return 0;
private void axis1_SupplyCustomAmplitudeString(object sender, SupplyCustomAmplitudeStringEventArgs e)
e.ValueAsString = e.Value.ToString("F0") + " m/s";
/// <summary>
/// Axis angle value as string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">Sender.</param>
/// <param name="e">Arguments for axis angle event.</param>
private void AngleAsString(object sender, SupplyCustomAngleStringEventArgs e)
int degrees = (int)Math.Round(180f * e.Angle / Math.PI);
switch (degrees)
case 0:
e.AngleAsString = "NORTH";
case 90:
e.AngleAsString = "EAST";
case 45:
e.AngleAsString = "NE";
case 360:
e.AngleAsString = "NORTH";
case 315:
e.AngleAsString = "NW";
case 270:
e.AngleAsString = "WEST";
case 225:
e.AngleAsString = "SW";
case 180:
e.AngleAsString = "SOUTH";
case 135:
e.AngleAsString = "SE";
e.AngleAsString = "";